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r-- <br />t <br />~1-°ui~~i'~`' <br />1.7rha e..ea..a ~ a as fatless: <br />g, gm trill promptly pae~ the iadebtedsteas erideseed by pid promirory note at the titaies sad is the <br />&. IIe will pat' all tatres, asees~ta, water ntea, sad ether gavernmestal or rttt:sieipal eharRtu~ fioeav or <br />impwleisas, fsr ahfeh peovfsdos has trot hee~s taa~ 6ereiabrsfoee, cad will peoml.tly defiver tlb ofieiai eeeeipea <br />therof~ wa the saiuf _. <br />c. }le will pay such expenses and tees as may br incurred in the proteetian and mainirnance of said <br />property, including the fern of any attorney emplovrd by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the iadebtedneaa hereby secured, or for forerioanre by mortgagep'+ sale, or court proceedings, or is any otter <br />litigation or proceeding aRcrting raid premises. Attorneys fees reasonably incurred in any other way shall be <br />paid 6y the mortgagor. <br />d. For better trcevritr of the indcbtedasas hercbv secured, upon the twgtteet of the mortgagee, its sue. <br />c+eaaora or asaigtu, he shall e:ecutr and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any additions. <br />improvettsottta, ar betterments made to the property hercinabavr dexribrd :nd al! property acquired br <br />it after the. date beroof i all in form astisfartorv to mortgagor I. Furthrrmort, should mortgagor fail to cure <br />say detach is the payment of a prior or inferior rnr+tmbrancr on the property dexribrd by this irtstrament, <br />attertgagae hereby agrem to prt•rrtit mortgagee to rare such default, bet mortgagee is oat obligated to do w: <br />and melt advanrrs shall brromr part of the indebtedness srrurcd by this instevmrnt, subject to the same <br />tenets and caetditiotu. <br />r. 1°tte righb created by thu ronvrraner. vhall remain in full force at+d effect during any partpoaemeni <br />..F rtv. rime of uayment of the indrbtrdnrss evidenced by said prnmissarv note or any part thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />J. He will continwrusfy maintain hazard inaurancr, of such type or types and in such amounts as the <br />mortf{sgre may {corn time to time require an the imprnvrments new or herraftee an said property, smi <br />rill pay Peomptiy when drte say premiums therofor. All inarraooe shall be carried in +~paeies aeoeptebie <br />~ e sad the Pa~*r and rettewaL thereof .ball be Geld by enorltpRee pfd have attached theeato <br />lap pryablds clatter is favor of and is tone aosepuble to the miutgaRne. is erect of bas. moetRtRer rridl Riot <br />i[ raotiea is writitaR ea srertRegae. aml ~ easy make Proof of lap if rest treads pieppth by <br />paelReesr, tted each iowrraes+a Damper) eoaaeased is hereby autbariaed ate directed to testa far attt~ <br />lent ditraetiy w tteeatpRt+e ioNead of to arart6ttttm seal mortgagees latody. red tba ioaaraatee proceeds. ~ asy <br />poet tltasaef. may ba applied M teartgagee at iu optics either to the redustim of the iedebtetbsess hereby <br />assessed w M fir trrtorstia4 ar repaiv of the pzoperty date^ged ar daauoyed. la stet of fettsleeate of tftis <br />saetgsRe, oe ether traaafer of title trs said property in eseiaguiahmeat of rite iadebtedaer securod beehy. ail <br />riglq, tidn. sad itttseast of the tettrtRay~ae is atsd w say iawraaee policies thw is (sees shall pe~ie ie the <br />purchaser +u tuartgag+re or, at the option of the martgager. mar hr surrrudcrod far a re(uttd. <br />a. f'~e will : .!1 ild and artlitr impruvrtt=rat. vn said pruperty in giwd repair and coaditim; <br />•rll ~aermi6 E~tirit, =ra viRer rFr v=im. imirmati2, ,f-~~r•3rati~ e,f and property ar anx part t: <br />is the Brent o7 (slitter of the mcirtgag*sr to ~,mp the Er;il=Yittp vn mil proms artd gage crcett'd a43 v <br />prasiaoa. or icu~vroy:tuiz nta t~reun. in gears repay. t m====gam' m-v .~••='~ `~~' ro,z.iro p ~ its d~~ -g~:m it <br />riay diem tse€arsary for t prsp€r Pr~rvraon t~ierMSf ~ -^~ t~ €u~ a ~a~3 0€ ~arh ~ ~. r <br />shall be diatafy due apd payrbk atad shall M secured by the lien of this teortRage. <br />k. He will sat valnetarily create ar perott to be rrsated agsiaat the property subject to thin mortgase <br />any flea or iirmr iaferirr or supe:ier to the lieu uI thin tttartgaae without the wrtttea rortsaat of tlta esort- <br />Ktttye: sad further, be will -eep and tnaietaio the artttp fray (rust flat Maim :rf al! pereenM aupplyiag l:boy nr <br />mrusriaMt for eaaatrrtation ref ear sad all buildintpt ar tmprorrnrprt4 now bring erppted or to 6r rrtrted on <br />arm ptseetisra. <br />firs wilt eaN twat or arreittn any part of the rent at said murtgagad pwprrty or denialNh, ar restrotre, <br />or wbataetialiy altar say building without the .. r+uru r+vtaent of the mortgagee. <br />All awar3a o€ dsrsasgfis io rritb any rortdemnatioea tae public uarc of ur injury to any o[ the <br />qty ~ t# t.iw r°arryta{~ rare hereby aasigtaed and shall bG paid t+t mertaa~a. wbo may apply the <br />saws to pattrpgtt rf the ~ 3ast dtr under raid sore. amt mwN.gag+t++ is hereby autbwriarad, is the <br />caters of the mror, to etwpute sad tislivet valid acqutttanpcs thrrreof sad to appeal (real any slosh sward. <br />if. "1'ha t~r~ tehall bare rhea rirtht to ittaptvct the tu+srtgaged prosainas at any raffia tip <br />7. flbfrttrit is say sd char eor~aats or cvtitriitiwdi of the ins/ruraMnt or of ih,e as:te or bun atirr+*~rnt r,rrtu~sfi <br />ties mrarlgaRtrr`s rt~Itt w poatmaaion, use, sad tn)oyment of the pnrprrty, at the option of the <br />ear his ~ {it batitg agreed that Ilse mortgor .haft haws such right anti{ drfavfti. i`pwt ant web <br />dafaYi4 the ausutgaRae shall beroars the, owner of •Il of the rests and pratits aerrwug afire default as arraritt <br />for 4he ~ tsxmreri hetobr, r,ttb the right trs eater dPatt wid property tar the purpose of calhrctiaX wpb <br />their aatd pratB,#, "i"hhis iastt'um>r+at shall as stn erai~artrnt of any rtsrtal. ort satd grupcrtv to that extent. <br />