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<br />9. Caadreetrri"tnn. The pscxeeds o€ any award ctr cixim for damages. direct nr .onseyuentiai, in conntetian with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, ar port thetxaf, or for conveyance in tear cf condemnation, are htreby assigned <br />sad strati be pa#d to Letx~r. <br />In the event of a tMal taking of rho Property, the proceeds shall Ix applied to the sums secured by this Detd of Trust. <br />tltd+th the txtarss. if any. paid to Borrowes. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />a5erise ogee in writing: there shai{ he applied to tree sums scoured by this f3eed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />ate ~swai to itsat proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this T)crd of Trust imirrediately prior Yo the date of <br />tattti9g bbeeaan to the €a;r market value of the Property immediately prior to the date tit taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid Ea Sorfovrer. <br />if the Ptzeperty is abandoned tsy Burrower, or if, after natter by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers 4o make <br />an award or settee a claim for darreages. Borrower fails to respnrsd to isnder within 30 days after the date such nonce is <br />mailed, Lender is authori-red to coHtct and apply the pmcreds, ai i citder'4 option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Vroperty or to thx sums secured try this [Seed of Ttust. <br />linkxs Lender and Brtrrnxer nihetvs^sr agree in writing. am Bach appiratiun n€ proceeds zo principal sha11 not extend <br />ar postpone the due date of the ntunthly insrallntems referred to in paragraphs i and '_ hereof or change the amount of <br />we insglimtnts. <br />!~. itortewer Not Reteaved. Extcasinn of the time for payment of mnciification of amortiratian of the sums secured <br />by this I)ted of Trusr granted 15y # ender to any succ~t~ccnr in rmerest of Barnwer shah nut operate in release, in any manner, <br />the liability of ihr original Burrower .end Barntwci's successors ir. interest fender :hall nut tit required to commert:.e <br />proceedings against ouch sttcce_csar or refuse rx extend lento for payment or otherwise rnndify amottiutlian of the sums <br />secured 6y this [ktt4 of "Crust by reason of any demand made by the :uiainal Borrower and Burmwer's successors in interest. <br />1 i. Far6enrarre by l.etider tint a Waives .Any forbearance by i.rnder ~r: s xrrcieing any nght ar remedy hereunder, or <br />athtrwise afforded by appiicat+te ;aw, shall not tip a waiver of ,v preciurir the exercise .+f arrV sucfi right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the i~ivment of taxes or .ether liens ur charges he "-ender iha{I nut ht a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity o€ the indchtrciorss >ecured by this f~cd r,t 1'nrst <br />12. Reaeadies Cretafttrre. Ail rrnicdies pruvisled ur thrs Deed of 'Tntst are distinct and cumulative to am other nght <br />or remedy under this eked at Trust nr ,Yarded by law or tquit}', :md may tx exercised concurrently, independently or <br />sutcessivetyy <br />iJ. 5ucceaeorc and A~tsa llouaA: Jo#rt artd Seurat i.irrbflky; 1'apiksrrs. The covenants and agreements herein <br />containrx# shah hmd, and the righu hereunder ,hall more ta, the icsprcuvr successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />sirbjeet [o the prnvisians of paragraph !' hrreut Aii envenoms .rod agreements at Harrower steal! he }Dint and several. <br />The captions anrd headings of the paragraphs of :hr, t}mi :,i Trtrst art for cutn'emence onh~ and are not to hr used to <br />iattrprtet or Mint the provisnans hereof. <br />tA, Nntire. Except for any notice required under apphrahle law to he gn'en in another manna, (aS any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Iaeed of Trust shah he given ley mailing such notice by certifitd mail addressed to Sorrnwtr at <br />the Property riddt'ess ur at such other atkiress vs Borrower may designate by natitt ht I.cndcr az provided herein, and <br />tb? any notice to Ltndtr shai) Fie given by certified mad, roturn rtreipt reyuesitd, to Lenders address stated herein or to <br />stub atfxr address :as Ltrtder may ~.:.,ignn:e h;~ notice to i3orrowrr as provided herein. .Any notice provided for in this <br />Ihttl of Trust shall ixe deemed to have been green tit Burrower or tender when given m the manner designated herein. <br />1S. tCltt#herm i)eed of Crtar, Gavtrnitstt; Sercrrtr8itr. Thn 6orm nt deed of trust cnmbmts uniform covenants for <br />national use and non-uniform covertards with limited variatwms t+y iurrsdiaion to constitute a uniform security irtsltUmtnt <br />covering eta! property. "This L?tt`:i ci Trust zhail he gnverncr7 h~ ttrc taw of ttte tunsdi~tion ,n which the Property is located. <br />to t dtt:ittat,3ny ovision ar r.l.tuse of this [lord .,t Trust ur he Note .ontYicts with appiicah!e law, such conflict shall <br />not r of titis~f <af Trtrst ur the Nate which can he goon etftct wuhuut the conflicting provision, <br />acid t etiif ilioYrjrest` ~c~sd 4t Trust amt the No4e are sieclarrd :o leer sevtrabit. <br />i. Udl'rf"~itrii err (urnrsited a conformed c upy of the i~we rend of this t)ecd of 7ntst at the time <br />of tc n liiirnf <br />i?. '1'tarafer e- tie Prepetly; Asaumptoa. tf ale or any pan ref the Property .,r alt intrrest thrrrrn rs wed ur transferred <br />by Borrower without Lendtr~ prior wntttn cunxnt, cxctrxirng ra,t iht ~rtanon of alien or encumbrance subordinalE to <br />this [)sect of Trtsst, t ht ttte crcntiun crt a purchase ntxtrrty -.esurrty intrrest cur hsxraehutd appiran4ta, t o i a transfer by devrat, <br />d+~cent or fiS' spsratiun et taw capon tits tkath tat a Ir*rnt ttnanE ur E d i the groat of any teauixiki inltrrst srf three }tars ar it3t <br />not containing an option iu purchase, l.endtr !flay', .it l.rtuler . ,rpwn,n. +Icclarr ,ill iht sumx securral by the: [)tote of Trust to lee <br />rmmediatriy dire and frayatrle. 4,etrc#er serail ?rave carved Bur ti optran to accc4eratr .i. pour to ;ere sate or trartsftr, l.tadar <br />and 1kt person to whrun the Pr:tprny is to err said or trnnsterrecl reach agreemtm in wnung that the credit cif Bitch person <br />is srtesfaete3ry ter Lcndttstul iha;4 ty~ raitrtst 1={y~l?ie •,ir text sstree. -~ur+~i by ,tw Iyx+ril .,t Irk +,ltrll k~ at :h rats as <br />Lerukr rhrit teyrat~L if t.eirdet itav wrived the uptesar iu ar<selcraYe pravrded per the. prragrap4t t?. atw# ;f Brtrrowtr•s sin's:Gtanr <br />in iatarar! leer nxrinitd a written assumpiicrn agr~rttcni aecrpttai .a wtttinlr t,y 4 crteirr, i,rnder ,hale rrfeax Borrower from <br />ail sates uttdrr tttir [3et~i .?f '! ~'tatr attd ehc ':stair <br />!f ca:e{c:rscs nixie s,tttrun t{? =~srie:_tr. !.c:sdt: ,text! '.. tfr?its=ever rx4i>;c .r4 e,.s_citratrurr :u accurdait4c write <br />piatr~ra~i f3 hereu4 =gin craws _,4aii v ,vtdt x ~rsGx# .rs.t - - `~., ors .43 ~~ay-s 4r4:m i +=arc ,hc +r=sitEt is rnaiitd within <br />..t~h Bev, __ _ r•vty sir. tttP. ?r?_ ..3~~i::z ~i .3..~c_ [f Gliu____` r?i:z •,_ __, _--'°-t` ;3 ,,. vu~:.__. thT ga.,vrrte£rr. ref sR.h Mme nod, <br />I,ti#iCr leis}, xrr.ittTit. rttttrrer rx;r~-t err .:e,ttarrd .u: tkrtr:rw i~~avcr#., aop :r;:te:#:s}per:r itrtd by paragraph ill hetveof. <br />ivitit+-gritcNaM (~-tvt Natrr+ [~trrruwcr and t crater further iurenanr acrd agree as foiiowa, <br />t8. Act>k#aa; R€aard#sz. iSticsgt as pru€ie'~d is F~Er t? israred, opera Aanaweds ftsesri rd any carariW er <br />e~1 at Oorrawsr #e iii !)asd ref 7'na~t, iacktditq eke eaveturatr to pyy wkew doe ary rittar rel'atd h" tkir Drat <br />d "lL+itlt. Ltidsr pier to mreslrrtt6irtt xi~rN etas ttWitt i0 llwwwa s pavliei it ptirit~r~it Ia kreaf rptsifytitRt ii1 tltr <br />irt`t11: l2} eke ar:itrt r^e~ttirsd to cure stub brarick, 13) a da1l, n01 !sr tlas Ja tla~s iri~trt tYs dolt tk! eatlte it rroNrd to <br />#iarwrstpr, p3 altiirlr aac6 kraasi anwt k erred; read f41 akat lateen h care arch knack oa w before tie daM <br />Yr Hre eadc+t rirar rerrdr #a rcreieraiiea of tie tttatr steered ley tik t-sed of 7rrM alt! oak d eke Ptra(tetty. 'flit wttfet <br />trlall farrier irferaa borrower d tie rcpt to nirtate tliar aceeleralitr itad lie rfpt to itdrtg r collet aedew to ,wet <br />tba air¢,eaiiMprac• erf r defar~ ar ary tttMtt rkftaac of bwrawrr ea res;ekraliar troll sale. If tie bseati i! teal aerett <br />asa or Itefw tit drk #e Eit nttfee, le+ritr r! t..eader's uptiew ~ decktre t~ aC tit rates stctieed ley tkie Dies <br />af"1`eaMt ~ lee krtmcdMcly ,MU arrd payaMir witiaW latrine #errtaetf aril rut,} kveit tit petsrt of role acrd ary salter rrrla~es <br />!M ~ a~iirrtriltr itw. i.ewdar rRstf it aMiNed to eotlrcr reel rsyttaaabitt eaeq red ettltewa irrrrreed is per! lit <br />-~ p~tri~ it rb:s pim"aq>s:fi•S l7, fs.-, Y.t aw Fi~Rt3 t0. r~ a3Crary'a :ar <br />N IAr pr of aa{r k ktvakti, TriteMa trltall rrta+ard a aWirit of deltrtdt it ease aaeafy is wild lire Iha«erty w ratrit <br />p1M Ak+neaC is h~icwd itral trirq aim caBku ai s~i rrdee it tie mrrrer prttacrNkrA a;~ Irw M itrraMer Mt1 4r /lee <br />e taraar il% taw. Afar ~ tai sre~ ifrrr as +afay in fry rpttiit Irw, 1'tritrrt > <br />e pet uabse d otter eta - fw erect k tie + :>~r iT - - true. 7`rar7aav wlthtrt irsntrrrl as <br />~rr rttMttk teN Ott ~ iR pti~e rarairra &r N~a iv~itarl Midtlar M tie fleet rrei lalars nwi aa$rr tlr /tratti ~ <br />la Bee ,rake of wk M arts ar ttattte card iw rrui or+fier as Teratst aiwy dsrerwiae. 7`rcwtre wry pratpenu ttrtlr a1 aM <br />W tom' pryretf of tlar tFrirpttrty ~ ~ 1~rt al cis ENwr awd Plrerr at arp' !w'iatrtiy seketliatrd srlr. latrirr sr <br />i~>Na ar at ttkt lrRUier slttsi dta#rer tr dr pasrkaser `t'tr+taMs's dried rartreyl~ fir It'aay <br />ice, 'i~ia I+s ~ ir~rd~ >r~ tot t tweet ~ Q: ti#.* trams a~ ~a s i itri~ee <br />alriM Ypt ~~taoacc ~ rdya .tde iir cis laflawiit ardsrt fay ~ aB raaesaahie t>tata arwd ra}errrtc of NEt wit. kisttttlMtr, ftlit <br />ittal rig,, `tx ~ at satire tirr~ ct~ z '~ rf Nta grate ads pr#FC. rsrtert~ak6t tdtrrtrry i fan rr~ roods of <br />+trTitl Nr rB reetrrat Itq~ Ntia at Trnati aad tc} rite eae.r, d rata. tiwt ells wrirwt ~ ptraaw ewRUttf <br />f~ r 1e>~. I*itHrvtiTtsi~?r fetitlar'a ~cskraiuut ref t#r vuttit s~urttf by th» Ikcd of Trust. <br />err chrii hive rho rg#tt rut leave ant ~ragt Megan try I.endsir to en€crrce char i7rrd of i rrwi. daCarriinti+wi at <br />any titan prtc;mr ter the ,artier to rrecur ni (+) eke &ftk day art the rwk of tits Progeny pururant to tttc power cif Bait cuntarreed <br />in tlru 'd of Ttyca ar err) etstry of a jttddayeat snftxccing This fat+eti ~ l'rtat rf: fa# Harrower pays t.errder alt streets whrch woidd <br />®e lltatS doer urtdar rttrii f74cef itf 't'riHt, ttti ?+ii,tto aril watts seti:trrrrry Fatale ~~dvances, rf any, had rtes acctkranem ocrurrtd: <br />(~ #I~rrt~taer Ktttiiv ltraawclwrs of any sxbwr caxv~raats or :agrterttenh of Borrxewvrt ccinta#irtd m then IAr°d of Term: <br />Itw} t7r+rirtawrr pays air rsasuiraieit tsper9es itwAirr~tri ray? Lttrtitr attd lruttts: in rnforc~ng tits cnvenatus and agrecmentt of <br />ct~trt€et,sd iw tkir t7actl rrt Circe atnte3 rn emfarciry t..eardrar a arir3 Trustt?t s rtrsreritts ax i±nctvirstid in ,paragraph s t+ <br />ttertaf, itittudiHg, teat na4 itntttt+i tu> reaseutatbir Whittery't tees., artd i~#) Ncsrruwei Cakes Broil a~irnsr as i ctn{tr titay rtaxtnahil <br />ttiru Yc asstcr€ titr.i tier try±t ,>f 4Fq lid .,.` t~rtl, t er:a#rr s ~nirre-s3 •n the- Pr,sEnsit ;,n+i Nr3rrr.wrr . rrlnltrjatic+ri to t+ay <br />