<br />1°-~~3~1~ ~`~
<br />rvs~, clear, and keep clear' trea~~, §usl~es, hedges, undergrowth, and other
<br />ob~tr+xtinn~a intQZfering s~ith the :surveying, coustruc.tioa, insp€ction, xaintenance,
<br />repair, r€placnt, etitenaien, reffioval, or operation of such utilities. ~.~'+o
<br />structures, buildings, fences, or other obstructions of any kind whatsoever,
<br />shall be allo~d in, upon, above, along, across, underneath, or through the
<br />eaa-.t herein grur=ted<
<br />Granter and Grantee a9rae that Grantor shall have the right to pave aver
<br />the easement area, and use the easement area. for parking and ingress and
<br />egreaa, pra~vided, if Grantee needs to canseruce, inspect, maintain, repair,
<br />replace, extend, remove, or operate anythinK within such easement, the cost of
<br />resaoval and repair of eny ,~aving placed over such eaae~nt shall be paid by
<br />the Grantor.
<br />Ali electric utility lines, cables, C.~erminals, tranc;foc~ers, surface
<br />..~., as t.. 9t,,,..e_
<br />mar~,e,ra. srd other aypc:rty^anea_ connectee tn.:F~ith, A~=.. ~. , u,:.,.^.. ____
<br />alartg, acrvaa, underneath, and through such easement shall reaein the property
<br />of the Grantee, an~+ may ba removed or raplacesi at auy time.
<br />'iT~e Granter. for itself. its heirs, successors, and assigns, hereby
<br />ec~+3enanta that tEse riy~hCS anti prSviiegeu herein ~tranted shall ru*s Frith the
<br />tttix to such _ract of ianr3 and s.hali be binding upon the C:raat:~r, 1[s t:€irs,
<br />succeasura, aa~d asatgns.
<br />--'•
<br />,•"~
<br />x~~~ z. c.xa~Qd~, Hua#swad.
<br />~.. `Series L.aaaoadee, Wife.
<br />~ ..
<br />