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~~ ~~a <br />i t } error;, prior to its dt;e :.ale i,~~ ariuai ma=<gg~. insst~:.x pratrtiur:t ir. cede=* to prow=xe ss~eh l:oi~±•>r <br />tYit'.i'1 frtnx3 iia ~ttri p€s-ai~iuisr t --a `- _ `•# a~,~t, !.`rb ;:. ;s~`~"i`^- ~„- "',.4~., .. ~...~ <br />laatittraal Elsrusing Act, as anocnded, and applicable ~egulati~ns t, ereut}der: or <br />~?l; if ~:d s« Iota as s'sid Hole i;i even elate and ?his instri:rsxnt are held b;~ the ~ereta: f a£ :irsusing and <br />LSrba» i~cgiont, a montitEy charge F rr; lfett rrj ¢ iito~gstgc• iF73ia, ura ~ li-rcr-Tt:;",i j ;Hhich shat; ; e i;-t an <br />atrtt;ttnt equal to one-iweltth (1,;21 c,f +me-lratf {I('i per cantum crf tree avzrage :SUtstanding balance <br />due on the note ctxnputed cvitiiout taking torsi account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />fb) ~ sum etltsat to i~.e ~rstrnd esters, if any, next due, pigs the premiums Flsat will next aeco;tse due an t payable on <br />iuilieies a€ €ire and other }raised insurance covering the mnrtga:zed prof>~Ry. plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the nter:t~ged property (ail as esttrtrated by the 39ortgttgecl less ail sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />rrttmber of months io zlapse lxfore one mantle pri«r to the date when such ground rents, premiums, tatter and <br />:ss° ~°tttenfs tatll ix=cs.m~ del~nge~n*, etch sestets to be hQt+3 by Rlcirtgagee in ttnst~o pea .aid grcrtrd rents, pre- <br />miums- tars and special attsments; and <br />%ci :~i paysnni; „reriticn€d a ; the rye preeedsng ~ah~stiors of ±2tis parer aph and a31 paytttenis tt, i?e ;reds under <br />i~h, notz s~cuted lterrhy shall lz addeC t,igztise:. and the a~.regate amount €hercof sha11 be Hard bhy thz Mnrtgagix <br />«h niont?? in a ~ng!e payment to `,~ ~applted by the R#ortgagee to the following hems to the order set forth: <br />(l) przrnium eltarges undzt rite ~,rt.traet or tnstrr;sntiti earth tltc gzcretary' of ilausing and Urban D<^velapntent, <br />«: monthly charge ; rr: itcxr , rj nrr;rtr;nste irsurrtrt:'t' Itrt•retium), as the case nt:ry be; <br />Ill) grswnd tents. taxes. assessments. fur sad either hsrard tnsurarsce prtmiutns: <br />Ella) interest on that: note .Secured hereby, and <br />(C:j) ansorti~ation «Fihe principal tttsaid ssote. <br />Arty defi><iency in the amount of any` such aggregate mtmthlr ptynrrnt shall. unless nsadz good by the Riort- <br />gagor prior to else due date of the next stu:h payment. a t+nstitute an event ut defruit under this mcutgage. The <br />yiortgttger may ca:ilect a "late :barge" n«t t« exceed tixtr .cots i=t;t) i«r each d«Eiar {$11 r+# each payment more <br />than fift~n t! ^I i da; s art arrears to crsvet tltz extra rxpenx invnlvcai iu Irardling dzlinquent payments. <br />:3. Thstt'if t9tc3 arts! cif else gaytnrnts made br the iiatrittagor under t`•i n# parttttraph '? preceding Khali exceed <br />the tttnutmt of puyrurttt~ ac•wnily smtsde by the ilongaKr:• feu ±inwnd ester;-, !axe; trod or in~urancr: pre- <br />tni6m.. as the ca-e mss ire, .such excess, t# the Iazrtt as current, .tt the c,fititur of the 99ortgagvr, shall he credited tiv <br />.>~ Ars.ea,....>m ,,., ....t.;u.r~r~ait n mF,i,a_s w ba, made, b. the i~on,Fa,!«r. ur refunded t« the \lort!~artor. if, however, the <br />munthh• paysrc=ttt ..mule in' the titxttmgtu unskr s':i u# patat;r<apls . prert•rlinf{ shall not hc• rut#icia:nt to pay Krtwnd <br />rrrt4 ttoscee seed ~4>se~.:imtxnt.~: ur in,~urwtrr premium,, as the ru.•.r mac' Ue, when the same -hall betYemr due and pay- <br />g, ~.n ~ }~•~ ~$tl ~v car t~v ilt3rtt~rtrtrNxi :ore arttount nrcr~~ttn' f« make up the de€icienry, on or before <br />the date x~3ren prymrttt «f ruth >rtrrund runt-. tax:». t~=e-4tnamt~ or tn..ur:urer pn=mium -hall tee due- if at any <br />time. rite iiortgagur :hail tender to the ifctnga~e, in acr«rdRare wish she pr«vi~ions « f the Hoer .secured hen+by. <br />full paymttttt of tftr entire indebttidness tepee.=tried tlsrta>ba. ihs= ik.rtt;aga4• :heel, in computing the amtrunt «€ ssich <br />indrbtss~tess, cretilit to rho :irccxtnt .rl the 19aettgtir ail p:tvmrms :trait urxler the pnivtsiurrs of r:r: of paragraph <br />ittvcuf watlci~ 'she iprtl[aECe lea- Ijtit fx>vorrir «biit;ttted t« ]Say t« th€• 4jc:cla:; ;Sf iirtu~€ng .;stl l rh es i?evrlti{~t_'tst <br />seed mtv balanrr remaining in she fund; accumulated under the pnrtt,sun- «#: ;,; «f prirat!raph '? hr,rt•tif, if thtvr <br />sail hex a dr#uult under :toy «± ten= prervi=ion «f tfti~ monyagt n•-uitiny, let a public -alt «f the pr€•ntisr.- coa:•r:=tl <br />hereby, ur if rite itortgrtgee ar•aluitri: the property «therNi-r after default, the ii«rt~ar+rt• ~huii apple. at the= tint:, «f <br />rat c r; rt>=A:tt ;r€ -~rfs priraere.t3inF~, ss ±? ch*_, error, the pr•upertt i~ ushrrwt~e actluin•tl, she balance then rematn- <br />iati in the futtd~ accumulrtc•d under nt=pur:egraptt ~ pees e>din,~, a~ :s reedit attain-t th+• tarnaunt +rf pritrcipai then <br />:d _,~~ ~ _v a. ___ _a.3ts =- mil= _.~t . - ;>t:s s-_vt€stnt~ e+tr;, r, shalt ha4r trt•t,tr made, urtder .. . <br />~F .s..4.~.~eL •3 i <br />Th.., tlrr 4ic:teiai;•ar w t •tj~.iu r:-nt.. tEries. :ss\c~sstrt:<:•t+ ,;area est... ;+stcS :~itrt et•sernortttstal :.. nsunv-tpa? <br />h_r.?a, freers. e_Sr imtrasttrasn,, fur whi~it ntu.i,auq eta, nut tseett ensue -,.,. ~^hel ore. an,l to cirt,au?t tnzrza~i the <i «rtgagec niay <br />~_sairrr, a:aa; trt_t s1-Sr: 4#r, + ~~ ,,. ., .,. , ~::=a? .?ti:~ _ --' ens Ott r_~r <br />~- <br />_ _ .:+_. ~ r,•i. _ ..P_s,n f ~ - r~'t _Iit{ts.,t t;i ss: rs•ti estaie< 3'Sii at^t•:'st=- <br />mmnts,:itrtt it hr<tt>nray [sr {rtteu arse. fr rnt+ rnr•,:~Sgc .• c, ii.c ,cr:. .. ., ....r . Lt€::t :~ .. k-R.`i:.i- <br />ri3`LArii sr 9ei -4"~CC ..r 1 .~. a - _ `_` :. - , : e : __ , .,~ R,k~ ~a _ - • ~ <br />utkittg, au tf the 4ftxtguttor t+ praahiurtcu ht my ,zat na+u .n hereafter cti tn.g t.t•nt pxsin~ for ubaNr c,r -!tit n,srtx,« «f tttr ;t#«rr- <br />s;rhl iaat+,..u upon flee rentlcrirtg ,Sf .tot ,;curt detiree t`•tar#tit%tsnsg tree pasrvtetts h} thx \i%rs;~g«r ur arse ,ash taws,- tie at ,ars<h lr as <br />or drtiree prayvrales !Peat any amount ,:> peed t,y tree it«rtg:rg.rr ;h.til hr : redtteu,an the ns+rrtgsge deM, ttx iiortgagee shaii have <br />tlrg rrgltt tti gie~c ttinr[s days written rietti4 tar ten: utsnrr ut the rstotigagrd ptrtnasr,, rryuinrstt the patmesit of the ru,us~'agr <br />debt. if such rrEstii'e Inc given, the .alai deist sheet tieionte due, payable and i+sllcattblr at the zxp+eatxinn.i( .atJ nuet~ dal, <br />h. 'l`hnt slr«ukl hr fail tat pay :ura sun>. of keep any' ~er.en.s:et prutidcd tut in thi. 4iortMattr. then tier tii+rs6jttttre, at ate up- <br />tititt, Wray f+ag c:4 perform thk ssnie, ;anal al] extunal!ttsrzs ,,: trtadr >hall t,t added t« tree prnx'ipa] ,um oatmt: =rat the .3h<+ec Hula:, <br />.hail hr srtiuteuttarreby, acrd shaii hear tntcerz-t at tree titer art tan 'i t` itr ts.ttz, t, reel p.t:l <br />That F~ t>,rrait+y :assiKats. traristers anti art..i,,r, t, else it ,::;:i~~r. as P=r appttes] tu~;srd tt~ t'„ttatens ul tiu truer :+n;l rt?1 <br />ruins vcr urrd htrrbv m tiasc «i a alrfault to the trrrturnr:i ntir .,! .eny ++t the torn, arwt condihatn, +,t ihts iiurtgagr ••r tree ,sta3 <br />nra.+tt. art itYe rettls, r+rvrnurs and nscorstr t« her ak n, r+l !'rom rho ;scrt~,r grd prrnn ass tf aerate; .uih tune ,n thz murtgt~e ma3e[~tril- <br />ite6s xhatt retrain uarpaid: and the 1~ii+ttgt~;cr ,trnE! h,.r twat,:; t,• ..p},«rnt .rny .rgr-ni «r w~rnt. st tort ds,ttr, i+!t the pur{w:a ui <br />t - - -- i ~ .t tEsc• ;rt;ta• tr.rtsexs :seal acesuenc, ;Sod it reefs} [ki} .tut u# ,aril srt~ <br />~~i.~ .:,,[. _yn; ~ a.~ sic ten_'s~ s~ ~ - - <br />,tttnea ,t ext_~rt,~s «s r:f,atr i,aiai yrt~ta=r. =;>tt ~ ••~t , i,,,rstts.o.,, ..nd ti;xnte tt~.~trcd sn rr•Set.ttg anti sttsirr;~anraF else <br />serene t ~ ctrl~ating rcrrtal>e tlterc#taint: Slsa #ial~tp:e re.'rsrrnirt,~, if an}, to bet appl~~,t loused the dts+:hatgr u[ :aril tttaari~r <br />irsdebt,xtltrcris. <br />?~_ 'IAat ttr< SF'iGi #et;p the itnprt vetsrents n+itt extstitrg ;u ttcrcattct rtetited «n fire mortgaged liraiperty, insurral .:, nt:ty hr <br />- -- - - - <br />~}~ -IF~iil ~[t<i-~ -TL `T :tic n=`s= >_' '.:r-: .-'i:m - ::_ "*- ,~; _-- <br />==s-=x=--~= ttir .ere e;,eritid~ a+tnav f~ r=iu:rstzd ray t~ ~irt~gse sent *~srt :=ay i,i , S,t>,t, , Hr~c, uic~, tit tYt:n..t°s, ; ., .:.:': <br />strsurttnts provision fist tittys:tsnt tt# ashstih Eras nail. ticcn tnatir Irt=retni+rlattr, pi's itttut3ncc +hs11 lsr cartirt] set . suttpattrr, ,tt+ <br />~orrrd by the ~>~~ its fi'g' # tcr~tvrals tharteuf shall a~ netairs'< :bz Riaxs~agcr .end ha+z setae lied therei.i iat,> <br />Cis rn asr 3d ~ €urm acs:"~` to t P~itatica. ]a Sttt<tit o€ !.?.+~ Mcu' i+ill gtvc imtsrtaltate ntrtsv4 lit <br />retell NS tde 14kuttrr, wl&3 tttay nutkr prtrtaf c*# ions i# tail treads t+t'ts+wp~ty try M<+rtgrgitr, erect eautlx ittsutattke s'attlpany ion- <br />teYat~a r"s f~r~2,y ..~tlu:~i~i a.~.'re~i~cl ~~ l ~strt tus sc~ lt -`-t~.~ d€rc-tidy tt= t~ ~c?rtg~ec Snst><atl of to ttir 'y4«tta+r <br />4h€ nyirigexat p,tjy, atEfte i#sctrarzce txranazus. ax snv pub titerctei. ~iiy ac aj:+t~liizl = y '~ R •: ~ ~ ?= it 3 , ; iit~.;; <br />to R rt~i~i~is~ t{kr its tatrbtr stt€+,i tx to ekes s;stcxatntn au re~ia aif the property do:Waged In cs crtt t?f tt,rrcl•_+ <br />vttlr ~sf tksis r«~ttr air tul~r urns€er of title to the nnirig~ird property m rxtirt~trtstutstttt aif the irtslshtedness se: urad h~crrh• . <br />alt rtdht, title a enters># of tlt€ Sionair in arltl ta, any trr_,s,ctarte:>< t,rilicirs than rn #a r:t retell pass au cite putahsarr r trwsttrc <br />~_ 'r'uler rs tadditirinrl atsl .tiEiiarrt;al secutits Pert the t+rvt6teni o'i tl~ truer descriitrd.:rnai 311 sums so t+etorssc ,tug. t,tselrt the, <br />- .-- <br />ttrc-stta, ft~ .4;t~ti~ ?re: t-h;: „sa~ss~ ii. €l~ ~ ~t~ag~a -~i1 t3-=,t!-t, r~s:~at~s. ruytiltizs. rt~lttt :.oral> ;s. s:rurn~ ta+ thz <br />viartttptr ^nder arts anti ail Grit assts has ca °z c~i ,.how uic : .39 yc6t u,nl t;:~:i~z r ~ t npla <br />' : ~~...~ia?-_c S3 ,a-.~.t t:~t~ t~`, i>= -.'~saT'.~~--.- iiRs it 4~_ alb _ a~ntd:~. a: <br />a _a ~. _ .~ ~_-~_~'~ r, ,.y,~ ~....t .~i.i~•?.~c: _r.~n e,a s~..f.~k, r- 3 - -at, Itti. as>-tatttttrnt tc tct t~rmutsete <br />-t ~ =t~rt~ teaiii :~~ _ - cep 3eir r~isa~s-+.t ;.~~ ..a,~ts <br />lit, Cl t3",t43Mt ttD R}S <br />