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s <br />r <br />C3t°+ ~j~.i~ f a~~ <br />' b. 13osiness <br />i <br />Convenience shoaping facilities such as grocery and drug stores and <br />professianai offices. 'i°he building `calk will be governed by a Fioor <br />Area ±tatio (FAR}~ of 2.2. <br />c. Manufacturing <br />lndustriai oriented uses including offices, pubiic utilities and ser- <br />vice uses; <br />3peci.fically excluded +,.buid be sale barns, rendering plan>ts, residential <br />dwellings, hotels or motels, and public and semi-pubiic institutions. <br />T}te building bulk gill be governed by a Fioor Area Ratio {FAR}* o£ 5,0, <br />3. Planning criteria and standards <br />a. Type, Intensity and Location of Other Usea Ferndtted or Required in <br />Predominant land Use Categories <br />The major land use of this plan is residential with all others required to <br />supgort it er complement it. Ail supporting uses will be required to can- <br />tribute c.a the creation of an environment Chat is safe, healthful, econ- <br />omicsily viable, sad desirable for residential habitation. A critical <br />review of aIL non-residential development that is oroposed to be developed <br />throw provisions of this plan will be csade by the Communitq Development <br />Advisory Hoard, Project Area Coamittee, Regional Plamsing Caamissioa <br />andfor an appointed review board before such develop~t is pex~itted to <br />take glade. Additional requiresients that proposed supgorting land urea <br />must asset before approval for redevelopment will be sec out in disposition <br />supplements to this pica. <br />b. `mopes Location, and ether c*saracteristics or Reyuirtrents of the Internal <br />Circulation aYSte~e <br />Although she platting of the local streets in the project area is adequate <br />to serve proposed rehabiiitatlon and redevelopment activities, in ssowe <br />iastancea certain streets :gaq be ~adiiiad during rho life sf the progi to <br />imvroue internal circulation and itrnvide alts __re~_~tiu~ rnr~tw~ fr,r ~~.r~enrsr <br />aquiput w#sich must serve the ores. <br />Ali streets to be built or imi*='-~-d s#iii b$ hard surfaced, .3uatleaa, a <br />tvu~fe=m ~~* cn~ ~aa~ig~ s~~P+~i'd5 ~~ ati i i$e@ rer tl?w City S5 ~ 1=. <br />.. -Y 4 cssv -~_ _"__ <br />-• - - -_ __ - -- - - ~~~-~,~~as.a vs Iii i'n a v~~ <br />-- - __- _- ~' -__.._~a~" <br />arnd Facilities ltot id~antifistd on the t'rogoa~ed ;.,and Use Ma~+ <br />Ths need, type, Location, and other eharaeteristics of pubiic ia~grovesHants <br />and facilities net identifit3ci ust the Proposed Land Use Map shall ba of a~ <br />nature which will contribute Co the creation of a seund and desirable <br />residential neighborhood. The pubiic i:agrovemants to iw upgrrsded or added <br />still include but not be solely lissited to; neighborhac~d perks, greenways, <br />('buffers}, provisions for adequate surface drain:sge, sanitary sewers, <br />atatexiines, and public utilities. 'CTse standards used through the coaaswtity <br />as a whole will Bove ns the scandards of those or ocher project i>aprov~enta. <br />'Cho k'S^loor Art Ratio" iv defined ai the ratio of total floor area of a building <br />€v c t atRS of tna nice, elus3ing $rea5 devoted exsiusivaiq to gskiKin~: <br />~. ~ €ir ~E":l^,s~i:.=1 ~S~iC~ u~@s-, <br />- i- <br />