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_ - <br />~ I---t~U473~' <br />_ MA~NT~i~c~ c~~ r~c~x-rwrt.r.ti~~: sr~ttctvu~:s. a~~.t~crs ntFrf ri~i~~s~5 <br />~, #tA,TI~FT~.giAi#CF Oy NiiK-i)i~i,LlNC; S1ktiC'i°~i1Ft;5 - F,vcry foundation wsll, roof, <br />v€n~dosr,"dour:. hatchw~~y and evc±ry other entryway of every ncn-dwelling <br />ati`essGtsre shall be esa maintained as Ca prevent the structure fro~a bN~° <br />coming A"hCtriiorsge=for'rgdents, veriein and inaeete and shall be kept-in <br />a-rttia[e alb maintenance and repair, <br />~~ p~pp~~lp~{_pp ~g~r,~I~K yip gliltA'AGf:S -Ali exterior wood surfaces of" <br />al3 non-dweliin$ struceurea shall F>e properly pratrcted Eram the elements <br />aga~xst decay and' rot by lead-free paint ar other approved protective <br />coating. <br />g, ~(AjHTAAT_A?t~tr, pg FBFiCTS_ - - gverlr fssnce shall be kept in a stets of waist- <br />- sasses and repair or shall. be removed. hood materials which are nai <br />decay- resistant-shall be prate¢ted against decay by use of lead-fray <br />paixtt a€ by other preservative material. <br />Ef a £eace is to he removed and replaced, said ittetallation shall ba <br />in conformance with`sll local requirements. <br />;, GRADZI~ AND DRAINAGE OF PRLitISES -Every premises aha11 be graded sad <br />maintained sa no stagnant water will accumulate oc stand on the premises <br />ar within or around any building or structure located on the premises• <br />Ground areas around buildings shall be eloped away frog walls to <br />allssiaata low areas where standing wafer may calleet. <br />g., Mt-INTBNANCL° OF RHTAINING 4IALLS SIDEWALKS DAZVBWAYS AND 1'ATI05 - All <br />reta£ning walls sha11 be kept in a state of a¢aintananeo and repair. A11 <br />aid~r.'ua, aeiviee walks, drlvestsgs and patios shall ba kept in a state <br />of ea#:ntenance and repair, free from obstructions, de€ecte and uneven, <br />jaiatr. <br />6, 4lAIANGis OF pAENI38S -All areas and all parts of the premises-upon <br />Y4tictc any dwel;fgg ar dwelling units are located and all areas ad~acmt <br />tiserato and a part of the premises shall be maintained and-kept in a <br />clean and-sanitary condition. This shall include, but not be limited to <br />the carting of grass and weeds; removal of dead trees and brush; raaaral <br />of abaadoned and ~unkad automobiles; uutamobile bodies, chassis and <br />parts, trailers; removal of inoperable machines and appliances; luwl+et' <br />piles and building matnriula nit being usod in actael~conatruction; tics <br />rasa; brakes glass, broken furniture, boxes, crates and other debris, <br />rabbiah, dunk and gr~xbage. <br />T. 4iA'iSs~ R S11P~Y - t~2iAi8GT TtT ttA2'isR Ali -Avery owner of a dwa111~ <br />situated on propesC.y w3:icls abuts Kay atrest er allay in a water <br />. #~ lid, shall c~ciaaa tbs water aarviee ayatee o€ his ds~s11~ <br />bs ~QSSaected to suds wails. <br />-- - = <br />$. AHiiDtNt~AN~ CLS'!'~ - ArerY rntssex o~ a dwaa sir e#3ltr <br />a~`~"`a~iata3oned well ac cistern o+s the premises, shah class sad fill thrw <br />fa ~ prapez manss~z. <br />*ay6l~ <br />tk~tr l4nd~auaa Staadarde for Light, Ventilation and Haatissg, 1ie~t S -- Haatiag <br />1~l.litlea; Itaas 7 - Screana Required; hens 8 ' Screens Ear- ~t aad <br />-13- <br />;~, <br />3.:_ .. - - <br /> <br /> '. <br />,,y-- <br />l <br />