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I <br />!".T_~_y_:Ji!flTti SiAPii!."iii}}:i !'()it t: •T!`.a 'r`T•:'i=1 's"~+:: ,+':fi }iY,.'.'t'TPi{; <br />1. %:itTT3liriT bt3P%.T'~TFA tti?iT;l: - };v::rr h;r}r}L.ts,i== r=,o,a, ;,resviJed ouch rontnx :trey <br />adequi-iraly li}~}.[Gd, sit, it .=.avtt at. }+::s,.t uix>n :sir xptu:e. 'Ihe mirtimtttta <br />tot3i witts}ov .tr..~.i, aaret*nr+cd ~rttta.•n ctc,t+:i, fur ,~vcry }tabitablo room <br />ahrel2 bt> ~ssilc'VS: <br />a. 1/I2 of L?xx^ .I:.r,r :tra.t ti ? ,.r more cteparxtc windnwa exist, ors <br />b. IZ10 oY r}t.~ fianr ur.~n ti .mt~i i btiste}nr t:xista; <br />c. A [ainiaat~ of ?: <tru:tnt lest of wine}=nr urt•u ie reglired in habitable <br />- - - rOWN:t usher -t}tsn i:.Ttc}ec:n.t; <br />d'. A ki:chett :rx;sy ;s,tata wttsx~,ttc a t+ln•ir,w :src=a, }=rovidi:d, there fs 4 <br />txechanic:xi taatnn;t ctt ,~=•, vu[int;uired in working order. <br />kh+mnever the only s:i::d~w Sn .: r~+~tm i:; .a ukyliRht type vindttw is the top <br />of ilia rooom, t.itz t,~;.ui- +:iuduta rsrt•:t .af ~:tt+:h sk+!1}ght shall be equal to <br />at least l:rX of Lh4 tc,t:t} ! tsxur ,trru n}" eauc}t roam. Skylight type <br />windows, if Ic:aA Chan LS:i of the rota?. Pdnar aretx shall be increased to <br />13Z of that total ;la•ar a:-ua, unictxza znnthcr wladnv to to bo ia>$talled <br />s+hich will prnuido ::dequute tight and ec:atttltttion. <br />2. /+}lti tFATt ~'i:A}Tii.rl'i'It}N }tH:t Tt } 4tr.D - Iivt•ry hah t t nt} le coam shall have at lea;eC <br />~.~.._______.._ _..: ___. __~.~....._V.._ <br />2 tal.ndow ar :,kyia};}tt w=}ti<:li can ensil-v he ~,peaed, or outer such device as <br />will adti+quately vdutilate tltc roost. <br />The total u;+~>nKtsl.e wriadov .treat, i^. ^verr habitable room. shall ise equal <br />• to at least .'sJ: o+` the minimum window meta sine or migimt[w skylight type <br />vriadow eizir ;ts rrquirc.d :thews, except where ehete is supplied some other <br />device affording laden+.taCt: ventilation. <br />a. 13e~esaettta rind Cf~ilars <br />{l} Cel}are .tttd iron-}tuisit:t}tle ureltt trf baet*ment$ shall be provided <br />vlndau area tit not leas chant 1l of the floor urea. <br />(2} Cruet Rprcey! attic: ;cg,tcntt s}s.tiI b.=. provided with v~t- <br />iiatini :xrca +:ot it~as Chan Ll~t7!} ,>t the floor area. <br />3. i.l(it}T Alei7 i`2}" }}„ATIf!\ Rta~U~}t.sf1='=":; }lilt. St.'t~i}t(T4=*~~ 1'QtLgT [i0(T}yS ANO <br />Y.IYC~g1i5 1!:x•ery trathr~~rsts, tuii.:t rUe:t4, kttr•hen .trod other similar room, <br />shall have s wit2dow errs •,i :!at ;CtnR s:;ware feet. Livery bathLOOSs <br />CttllaEt r =tail >ziCCiten ,:}!,al_1 ceaos?l~• svi tt, a he lir3ht ;tad veatilatiaa <br />re~etitu*,zte ~-__- h~hat 3~;= ,•c,;,au~ 'ottC~xiat.€t ,r4tovra: e~s~~+ftt that ttfl wii~n~F <br />ahrEli be r~,t}x't=•t ?n ,t,i.c,uatr}Y vrntiira.s•:! hxthr;sc*eut, toilet rooms or <br />kitchen ~uip;ttr;i a+itix <3 vt,•t*__ilatinn _irateae which will cot~letsly sheagt <br />the ai.r sv#r~_ 7 ~~=_stt-e ~:ttd wirier- a ~vpg !n ~-rxniuuctue opr><atiatt ~rh <br />occapied, <br />___.__-.-_ -_-..-___-_ -.Ti- -5!F14~~~i~-c ~L~T3ro ~~}_. iZ~£ ~-. ff~a~ .,-li_c~'~~-:-~-~~-`>~:.a~i~--. <br />electricity gvailnbie Craws pup}~Iy linen ahic~t arN nt~t orate Chan 300 feet <br />away feox H tiveiling. }nt~i.tuiinty :ail rxiatink dwvilirtg$ swat supplied with <br />electrical a~rvicrsa. every ;t:xbitabte rc+ttm within :tuck dwelling shall <br />eoatuia, ac a aim n ~,,,iwute. at least 2 rseparate and re~ate wall type elircCrie <br />- cottvcaieetiea .~uiiutt;. N:abttitl-ie t'nv~ ovrrr iTQ aquaru ftle?t. shall coatela. <br />ett aini. 1 separate and mots wall tyre elaetric coavenlettea out- <br />- lets. Tetaporary sti=ltig, eact<tr[gioa ur zip ~orda6 shall eat be need as <br />' pat[aaaat-t wiriat~. <br />-L- <br />. a r <br />` ~,.. <br />t <br />_, <br />