<br />xhilsit "B"
<br />pl$t'st't'ISb.I=' ;il„2Tft1`i -.:,....:t".!t_ss~ 3'x;1( ill.ii<;,tts.,3°niit?i:
<br />1$j~1l~tff3 5TA$f;~tlfi71ti t~t)t? iS1!SI~:~t;f~ttli'~fr:?s.f: A_';!} ;_i:t.ft.i'f;[f:S
<br />i. KT~tCllh":~fS - Every dvc~iiinl; unit shr.'12 Isave Y kitr.aen room or kitcfsena>tte
<br />equipped with the fnitc,wint;:
<br />a. itlts;het3 :tittk, It »:ttesl.l ,-ontzsfu :ssa ;~,E.r~~ve~i kitchen c~laak, pxaperly
<br />cannerrrd tn~hatl: hat ::nd ccld rurnlts;: wrtCer tines, under pressure,
<br />and maintained tss wcerrint; ardt,r.
<br />h, .Stove; tt ah:xil r°csnt:,in ;i :atrsve {gxss or electr9,cj, properly .
<br />ednnecced to the s<s±urce of l,erurr, sa:sintrained in working order, cold
<br />capabie a# auppiying Chc eervir.c far which it is inCettded.
<br />c. Refri etdtnr~ tt shrsil contain :s ra~friguratar„ properly connected
<br />to the source ai pcnra>r, rnuintainr_d in working order, and capable a€
<br />suppiyinit ttae servic.L for which it Ly intended.
<br />d. In rental prt,perties, i# tanantsx care required to furnish their o~rc1
<br />sppiiancra, the landiczrd shall furnish sufficient apses and all
<br />required aicctricxsl!gae hoc,kupa, Properly i.nstailad, to facilitate
<br />tha uses of :quid apl,iiancats.
<br />a. YR7ILET RUiOPf kk: @tjJiR~B •- i:vc~ry ziweitiny unit, except as ntherwiee permittsd
<br />-for raweis~g hausest, shalt cantsain a ror,m which is equipped with a fiurh
<br />voter ciorxet .sad ~, prap,:r2~; instrsiie<t l.,sv;,torv. Said iavatory ahaii ba
<br />properly connected to 13uth hot rand cord running water, wader preaaure,
<br />artd shalt he saaintai.nad in vorkl;sl, ords~r.
<br />Sa;$ flush voter :-losat shah b,s prolieriy eonnte:eted Lo the voter supply.
<br />uxu.#ar presattre» .sad shall t,e saaiutainesl in working order.
<br />3. Sl{ARED IQII:ET 1':iCFi~.Ttii:, - 'ila:;red toiiot roams shah he aqulgped wiCh a
<br />€latsh eater Lloyet :end ,. lavaatory !:{saxes and tslsalt be connected and
<br />aaintained as provided La Section Z .sbo~le. (n rooming house type
<br />siructurees, :xc t.:aat ~ toii,~t. ,u;d i i.,vr,tory t,astisi, properly connected as
<br />set forth rsb:,ve, shall acs srups+lirJ for r_se.s H t,ergoaaa or fractiorss thera-
<br />af raeiding u~thin a r€,onsink+, ta3,us,e, inciudiszg r~esabera or" she oper+rtar`a
<br />faaily vistncv~r it3iY s+ls,ate the: :sae 3s? ~~a1'~ iacl3itict~, provided that in
<br />raaoming ~s+xssev vh«=rc r-s„sn~n .; r.+ lee c:n1Y tea ~s~i«tt, fluyiu ur.insls xay ba
<br />~id9~fi€`. i:t£3d ivr ;-ec~t ~;?3•:-ti =Etdtit l~: ?ii €`h~ Fa'dUis`e~ TiFZ~(7€~ of ~c~}~.3~G~:
<br />A usTU aF[»t[lisn _ keens ~{u~.,lfe,n al ,. alas!, s.lw l.nt F.rul. :.~/nr
<br />1'atable eater supply l,iiaing, eater di.n,:hrrpe outlets, backftav prevcnticn!
<br />dr4vieee or ai.milar csii,ipnt shall start i3ti xea located as to soaks possible
<br />tkelr suha~rgeuec: to :vny cz~ntasain,lte,t i=r ;w2luteci ilquirl ~,r substance.
<br />Said 'aathtaab =:ssdl;2r s+ha,s+er ~y he Ln ttne :~aae races as the flush vatrr
<br />rles3tt raltd lavatory, :,r acid bgtlstuh lu,ljor :rhover tssay Le in a separate
<br />ra~oal.
<br />_l_
<br />a
<br />~ t
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