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<br />S7l~FtLt{t*1 L~fi.$5 J~'1° ~l U "3 f > l) ~!+~Rs3R SR$ ~CiYOR g ~e4if'~ ~S'f3Fi. ~. $$$~!~
<br />~"}f~,S ~GREE~iENT, ltifatft and entered into this 27st day of -ugust ~q87
<br />by oar.' lsetweaa Mrs Gaargs Todsan
<br />~rzrty of the first part, aat#t ial~oyri Madar and :~ ;,odor
<br />pasty of the se{omY part, ttrlT~,rESSETH, Tkat the said party of eke first part has this day leased unto the party }
<br />tf~ fke se{and part tha fallowing described property, sitst2ted ~ the Co+tnty of Hall and State of j
<br />~shras#ta to-wit: 91~ ~ Sac. 35~12~10 r
<br />I
<br />Tk€ 9TS - guartar of section ~5 , in Township ~ ,Range 10 of the P, hl.,
<br />together zt+etk the buildi:igs and inrprv:,onients thereon and thrreto appertaixsing
<br />fa'onc the F31*4t day of March , rpd2 t~ tiie 28th day of p'etsuaryr , rg84
<br />and the said second party, in considsratian of the loosing of the aboue premises, hereby covenants and agrees -vith
<br />the said party of the firs! part to pay the said party of the first part as rent for the same as follows, to-wit:
<br />CASF€ ~.~+iT L~AS£:
<br />$7~Q March 1, 1J8~ ardi $~5~0 aetcaher 1, 182
<br />~75po March 1, 1y8~ and $7j00 October 1, 1983
<br />Party of the second part tnay lease the house to another party and shall
<br />~r~il~e to ~$ep the r~tr
<br />Party of first part shall repair ar rsplac_- if necessary, irrigation
<br />Put$ps and calls far the duration of this lease.
<br />~ rIND IT IS F1IRTHER EYPRESSLY AGREED Getw+:en the parties hereto that the said party of the first part
<br />dkoxld deers it n€eessarv may, at the' cyst and szpensE? of the party of the second port, employ tnrn and
<br />.I te~utiptwant to go ttpon said premises and cultivate tkr. crops and harvest them or to do anything that it ru•crssury to pry-
<br />~ :..mate their grtrmlrh ar .carne tk~a at any tints before they arc is tAe granaries, cite whole {spens€ of this same tav€ a
<br />~, ~ lden upa»-said seca»d party's share of said mops.
<br />=lfiii7 it 1:~ PiiR~'iiCr'i c ~~r:%aSLY AGRE;rD by the party of the s€rand part that xc~ill car€full} pro-
<br />~ r ~t ai' mss, 7€nces a»Ki :m~+rutr~-ats of nrery mad tl;at 3rrr not#r as suiu tzrr'murs or that y 1+e F=re{ied
<br />irg~e dui tk€ crr»ti»xauc,° ,^I t#.is less=; that w pr=pt1.• at the rrpiratioa of tks terms :sar€in gra»t€d yi€1d
<br />~~- t E[~ ~¢G,rRsw¢~gf s~lu ~~stru~es ruxrissztar noticr a?tso tie nr~rtir >te ftrst part, of as geud repair as tit~~ :tow ~r€ or
<br />r..: L~'Y. Fem. -3 ~'~. ` r~?J'~?t9 cH€ crrists#t~gs{{r- ¢r riF#lF t~E, f~~FF-` -Y :z,•;<gr ate {ass BY (ir'€ t',3{{gt€d, ]9i~ S{[€}~ i`tirtY
<br />t __ --T - - .- - - - -
<br />~ [_t~a a,.tlq~s'raly +~r.ss co :1aa1 sad s{act,:. aj•vr+ said load ray#tiurlj: is tk€ aiaalks of and
<br />u11 %~rrr'~+3 aFtr#tru1F«ti:d th~eur+ attd tt~i1 kvep t z~tr~~atrtl loads
<br />-.~ sat?-~~$-e%w€ trd;d •€a=s rtntl troy a.:r ;~€d:. .1€r ;y tPse f~nroa sad uba4tt all tk€ b#+ildings, ir=ladixg °:; i
<br />cvcklebu-s aw.i u~€cds on the ksgltu~at, udlcintny tks lastd sad slung the burdens of the fxatds hafvre they ripen their seeds, F
<br />that avi11 heap the suF1t, pump and xsrindmil! on said premses in gaud repair, e.iE«~ptiuruxl Ives by kcatry z#rnd or i
<br />,~+'+ cxcept~d.
<br />_`• ~~NIJ 1~` 1S F11RT'HER AGREED by the party of the sec#rnd part that uwill nut sub-l,?t nor in arty
<br />~E
<br />~: r release stay part of tkz d€s{ribFd premises zvi!#ort tk€ c<ansent of party of the lust port. i
<br />I? 11" /S I~URTHEI~ :9GRGIsD that th>? party of tits first part sad ayrnts rt#ay go rspan s4id prentires
<br />'" tot aa~ tiz to i€~sp€{t tku ;stair' ur to sna~c itrprtrt+€rtts t,9€r€oa a#sd to plvet+ far futxr,= crops and to sEZt,.• amral!
<br />grrwt 4a carne and stsibble yiruua+t in th,r full t+ofara rhr <^spuatian of this 1{us4.
<br />I The covenaals karatin shall extend to and b€ binding upon the heir: exrcnturs and adntinistrutars u( tha purtilas
<br />it to thisr lease.
<br />- AX13 3S` 1~ $'iiA'Ct3iGtl Ys±Kl}~:5#,Y AUiEii:iit} EhaE ika aa£=#3u paeEr shah e4cara tiw purara,rR.o e.i Et1. for+.„ :bled ruuditio<.c. krt laa, t=as,a eu ;
<br />j
<br />t^~ er YtTtaY ro Eha tiro t+artr oa dauraotd a et,.,..,[ ~urteaiia utwa aii ~r r++r t~rF ~i sA,G .r.•W c+ua,sY r .atN.:aa .-~, =a.ii
<br />d 1t'agi+rM at4rixtl Ilald Fatm. Aud [! dd as«ud 8arjt aeatl a,t[,tt w rwttue to Ytve rash rGattal maeFt,j(a utWS l,uyay rr if ~
<br />{I ,hryD a{ awir' ata itta ar a1laaryt to ei*a ta, sr tta[+aat! oar lrurtuR ar Pax+uaa #a~~i~ a a iiaa ugtcat ,laid gaga tr aaY 8+ri F9+tnat. nF viuiaN W
<br />y at t-e wruf}lia¢. a! YtL catFt~F4 ihae 4hL huaa a8ati thera47 tarmiflata a4 toe a.ViCaa et tp~ drat PFkty._ sad iR ardar~ Fa .utasea a tartaihra tot
<br />- - - ~_~- rs ~ a.»~ €at iii +ii~ F~ F ~Fi
<br />-- :c n r INWAWi-N-at said grat9i±ea Rid a33~SF W tttaraaa sad Fha raid Ica 4Fxd pa[tr ~,tj En tilt ev~3 6~ hrll rl Iii at t l~v, ilap4tii 4a51
<br />= r-IC~..l.~1 ld tC3,@~b tai teal eamatFF ai Yy7ft a3iL gait: a_ad •~!_ i.e S+'-id trr k _~.st?a 5s t S7!^xd. kit~2 r=Hr _,,,r tlrli .-_,d £-..., e,mt Er '=~'
<br />4} I
<br />aa~itad tazm iat eaaly ~ CriTetta xale aar xE u~i[ua ~raveia raid rrap34 to i+e rarthar oaiuvatad ar Yethcrel sad
<br />- _ i_ M:~: i. W.va eterYN a, ~.ar aai 6i,_ oat is .ithar e7Fnt #ea_pracaada tha[w# scald La appttad: rink to iea iwra+ant v,# rap.uxrur ie~ i
<br />tr eutyQd 1.aa said iu U» raead,ea InCm{aia(( tea t4at at hr Sq oaaaacFiaa tea»wi#e Rataad. ;®
<br />fi tdSiT latvtat r YKty 3`e sMnt of ran£ aed a.~x 3
<br />_ ~r+ doe tir>?t 'Cltlyd. tAs alww[m>iaas ~ oar .s+ls zw wis to ti,a «tai p~s~ tx tuts wti.tutt.n rTr xr.lra+ iu ~iwltatt ,
<br />p; - -T ~T a~~i-#Lid ~g k~. ar a#ty rrshar itECga AtEa TFtaa kaF~tsad#v, ti is rrriaar f4C~ea2 ittaF i6t curTS.eie and utssawstt[d
<br />a=¢:.$$a~ :.~s F tsiLi°.,+;.::cr €; oar, air 3vrrgi ilr«viPva?aibd .airy .sd wtiwv ar G~...i wF i's#i ?ayiv, -
<br />'~- - ~~ Gf rf-~ r4 f\ /` ~~ r
<br />~ ~st ,,, ~ ~"d3R^iK's' of- ~'`.-. ~.,!"--t~ _131;r1I.) ;
<br />+ .-~._ ~ -
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