~~~~~ ~Mj
<br />LeeGdrr's arridtcn ;ugprtaettt err acaf~ :a~~v- fbrrvvaez slsaSi psu he amrstrta of ;sil nserl~gagc i~rrsi;r- prtsniumu int +i•~
<br />°.-~tr frtctvi ts~ paerap&t ~ istf.
<br />;~ e*sras s~saad by It~td~ ptsnaarsa tar thh pzuragraph ', vrth i€rt'zt~st tlFa.~reor~. stall Ysarotnt aal~!fitwtt
<br />in of I3amsa saeattsd by this Mortgage. tints: Btxrawer and 1_ertcler a$r'ffi as oslter rzt rns of payrtxM. stseh
<br />~ ~ ~ ~ .".__~__ `t_... f~€~s tj ~~~ r~s~stir~g paytta~'na t?vt-~rf. a:~ s1~1 ter 'cnt fr9tu a4x
<br />dip5t of ~ t7st rata ~ frost time io tuna an outstatrding pritteittaf :ststter test NaEe t_~ttt~s payesettt of
<br />at tustt r aetsedd ire ceuttras3r m appiicab~ Isw. itt vrhich evens such arnt•trttts ~ bear iruerest at she hSg}srst *a~
<br />un~r appli^•.abk Taw. Notating ~tttaitfed in this paragraph 3 shaft require Lender as ittctrr am expen3G or taiCe
<br />as°fr mcfitsa ham.
<br />E, ~pectlaet, ftndar may trsake or cater to tx made reasonable entries upon and ittspectiares of the Property. pravidad
<br />that f.tndar shall glue $atraxrer notice prior to any stteh itupertian specifying mastvtaltk cause thtrzfor related to Lender`s
<br />€trtarss! itt tfse ?tfy.
<br />i. Ilse proceeds of any award ar claim for damages. direct or cansegtrtrttiaf, in connactimt with arty
<br />t~raation ar ether takirtg of tF'.e property, or part thereof. or fur convepattce in lieu of eonttemnatinn. arc htreby assigned
<br />atxl shaft ba paid to fender.
<br />fn flea event of a tarsi tak%ng of the Praptny. the prorxcds sltaii be applied to the soma secured by this Mtxtgage.
<br />with Else excess, if any, paid to Bortower. to the event of a partial taking of the prapexty. ttnkaz 9arrower sled fender
<br />otherwfsa agree in writing, tftere shat( be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such propcxtian of ttz i;rocetds
<br />x is tta{~ m that prapartion which the amount of tht sumt secured by this Nongage immediately Astor to the date of
<br />ta$itsg bears to the fair marttet yeller of ttx Prtrpem immediately prier to the dart of tatting, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if the Y is afiartdoned by Borrower, nr if, after notscca by (.ender to Batrower that the condannor oiler[ to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fait- to rtspottd to 1_ender within ?0 days after the date such notice is
<br />tstaik~. Lender is ~ to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restorstitm or tt~ir of the
<br />property or ns the stems secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Urtieas isrrder and Borrower athcrwise agree in writirrg, arty such spplication of proceeds to prirtslpai shaft not exttmd
<br />or goatpona tht ilex date of The tttortthly irestailtrtents referred to in paragraphs 1 acrd 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such iratallrrrtsMS.
<br />li. leerAawr tYat ld Extension of the time far payment nr modifkation o£ amortization of the sums secured
<br />by title lk4ortgage gtsntzd 6y Leader to any sttccessstr in imetest of Borrower shat) not operate to release. in any manner,
<br />the iiabiPtty of the original Borravvrr and tfarrower's successors in interne. Linder shalt not be required to ctmtmtsntx
<br />agairtet such ~ or refuse to extend time far payment or attterv:ist modih amottizatitnt of the sutne
<br />_..., ow..,.n,__•. .,,.~.,..~
<br />aECUr v tip c~aa ,'seonY=~ : ic~c,.. o. -~iry' d a..., o..s :~ .r.c ,,. g..,a. a....,..z. a...= .,..,..,,.~.. ~ .,...._...~..,., 3n .,..... _..,.
<br />Lt. B tby t t11at a ~atrer. Am~fortxaranre by~t_ender in exercising any•right or remedy hemmder, or
<br />n~ferv-iae aifordad by appiica6le law, shad not be a waiver of nr preclude the exercix of any stash right or remedy.
<br />T!w pmcurssnent td ir~yrance or the payment of taxes ar other liens ar charges by i ender shall net be a waiver of t.etttier`s
<br />rigid to accekratn the t~urity of the int~htedttess secured by this Mongage.
<br />iS. Miweetiiaer Cttastateli~e Ali rernediea provided in this Mortgage arc distinct and cumutativt to any other right or
<br />remedy uttdee thin Mongage or aBotded by taw or equity. and may tx exercised coreeurrendy, independantty at sttccessivaly.
<br />i3. lsreetpaaaes ai A~rigas tfits~ dtttiet soil 3erarai f.iahi•tyt CgtNam. The covenants and a$reementa ttatein
<br />srontainad shad bit:sl. and the rights hetcutrttcr shall inure to, the ttspeetive successars and assigns of tender and Borrower,
<br />stdrjsct tit the fxtrvisiot-s aF paragraph i'r hereof. Aii revenants and agretntents of Borrower 'shall be joint and several.
<br />'tbe captitms and headings of the paragraphs of shin Mongage are for convertienct c~nty and are not to he used to
<br />intarptM or tletloe the provisions hereof.
<br />fi. tYaaSea. Except far any notice required under appiicabk lea to be given in another manner, ta? any notice to
<br />Borrower providttvf for in the Maetgttge shah ix given by manias sttctt notice by crnifitd mail atfdrtased to Borrower at
<br />the propenY Addsxa ar as such ether address as Bortvwer may designate by notice to Leader as provided herein, and
<br />fbl any notice to fender shall be given hp cenifkd matt, rdum recztpt requt;atai, to bender's address stated herein or to
<br />such otifac adt,rs+ ~ as E.entitr may dtesignata by natiea to Sorrowet as pravidad herein. Any notice pravided for in this
<br />Moriga~ shad be deenroad to Nava ISEatt given to t3trrower ar Leger where given in the tnannar dmsignattsd ltetairt.
<br />13, t~otdfaarm ~; Gevsroing fowl Sevesrt~ity, 'Phis form cif marigage combines uniform covenarNs for nationa3
<br />'~ swat w:~u _ . fm - ~~s t%Fwa_ _3 -
<br />,,.._ _,.._ ^~,~5=...V w._... _!ts_ vafia~t•gt`< by ;~~riw,rttor_ to =tetute a sntferttt s~urtty in*trutrunt co+earittg
<br />~Y "f M~~ fah ~ ~vart~ fey t taw ,` tits iuri_fdictian in 4vhi~lt ttte ptxt~ny is Iocatast. to tl~
<br />_: 'fin ....a ..: t ~.. .tom.
<br />Q~tt~t arty p~*iiaeon ur c`iaurs Gt tnt8 mazsi~ru§B Gi ErR ~:'ig = ~~nii~~e -.+ith apgiic~ ia.i, ~ ...., ,.a.. :wt a
<br />eeet.~. evtxvialma n_f rt.;s 7_e[isrtseaw_ cu t_t~ Nnte aehitlt can he ~m.ven ~$rct wirh~ut the c~eAictirlT peovisinn, sled to •thh
<br />and the provgEwta of the Mort and the Note ane declared to lee severabit.
<br />Zb. --a dopy. ~tt;~x~r sttslt !xa ftsrnistted a confotntas! espy of the *dtMt ate of this 4(astgsge at te>g ti3ua
<br />of ettectHiort or otter t+erortiadota ?rereof.
<br />1'f. 'Praor(w~ of tMa lrrp0ae0y; Afpnttglfaa, [f alt or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold ar eraattfarrad
<br />by grower withwtt LaaeMer's prior vrrittan ca~ent, exciting tai the creatsesn of a lien ar tutcumbraace subordinate to
<br />this 1i[txtgaga, {bt the creatias ~ a purchase tnonay s~ursty interass for housaltoid appliances, tcl a tramfer by ~viac,
<br />ni os by operai~s tsf law ttpmt the d+eacst of a joins enteral or {dl the grant of any taasetwki itttgtrat of ttuee years or ~
<br />not coutai®iog an optical W purci~tee, l.eadar may, at lender's opsian, declare al! the sums stxured by this Mortgage to be
<br />irntntatiatafy due aced payable. lender':httil have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the sale ar trttnafar, t.ertder
<br />slid the parson to wham the Property is to ha said or transferred ranch agtxaam;att in wtitittg that the credit of s»ch parson
<br />~ aatisf'acttary to Leruter sled that the inierui payable on the rums secttrcd by this Mortgage shalt be at atr,)t rate as Lettdsr
<br />~ tf Lta~uot `na'a sraiseti a~12 op"iisS5 to agate prov;dru ie this paragraph t7, and if Sorrawar's su :~aur sn
<br />statt~c! has atoacntad a writes asaimtptioo ttgraematt accepted in writing by lender. Lander shall release Borrower fttun aA
<br />oit~Attaoais under this MortE+-$e and t~ Nara.
<br />ff i.aa~t+rr ~ stt~ optia~ to acexferate, Ltnsitr shalt mail Borrower notice at accrltratian in accordance with
<br />pruttplragtt t4 tSeitsOf. Such notice shalt provi~ a ptir~i cd rxst terse titan 3tl days from rho data the notice is ntaiiasl within
<br />t liatrrosrer stay fray the scents tfeclattnt dsta, tf Bctrrotver fait to pay such stuns prime to the expiration of sttt:h period,
<br />t mag, without fu¢tfter tsotiee or damaasf on Borrower, invoke any rtntedres permuted by paragraph 1 g herasf.
<br />I~t-f, ptt€~laua C4ygrtaPtta. Barrtrtuer sled tentfar furtkec ~tve~nt a3x# egress as tot~ws:
<br />d alt t ~ ~rtt~>api f'r , tt~rr iRaFfVi ~ astg eeerr`Rattit ar
<br />t~bprtt,! d ~ fit ~ .~ L tiR ttp> M !eY saltdt lets arty arms aet:orad ~' ~ M+
<br />lf.tr !tom ge _ttis~ aril rotlea to tisr~rar os pravdiad ht t li Mis'aat ~c fi) tits brttsalst
<br />~tdte ttltiift~t,r4t1M[eat! li e~ttp rMOA _ {g? at leis. oat Ire(4itaR g! aq~tt Erect Na tisaa !ha '.Mice is w~ilad ~ *asrrwer.
<br />~__ paart_[4 &a+rct~ affil [+Q} Art tptrre tts trture +aseh #traads •st ar tMtthet tie t4iia tr tie ootiar
<br />ram to ~ of tfu h]' - ~ ! h# zed ~ t~ lrtp.
<br />' ttMbt 1tiBB t'atcAMtr Marra. ~r+a+tte+t at ebe riB1M ~ saiatfgN tt[Ir+r tttas aa1 ilea r8gllt to avert ~ tie tareeloatra
<br />sits ~ a/ a.~ ~ ug ttatittsaa a! iser,nratr s. acteiesaNaa a~ri ft~aciaed'a. B' lire trratcit
<br />kA tM! ttts~ titt.ma' itmdgce Ihr tta~ar sgrteti fa lira aotlee. I.asrlea M iatain'r apBaat osr,Y titacire d at Nee trwoes t+txvrrtsd iy
<br />fie ~ ~ afbi wigsaot its ttwsteatf ttttat ~7 tttaeidars try jr~iri ~t• i ~aetar
<br />t ttE [a a+Pl4sst hs tntt-t ~ ~ eskatrttgt ai garx#arrrr, taci~itbl, hex aw.t ~ Barb rate alaswpoxi~y
<br />..a wr
<br />s; "' _ ! isas ~ ~ u.>.wp~:.~ L:'# --- - ~F its z±tt~ z~-urad f' leis Mortgage,
<br />dsajl i ffie rftrit tea have '_ begun Scy t.endet .o enforce this Mortgage diwontintted at any tirr~
<br />