<br />3. The arssrtga eevxttanta asel age w"rat if lee shall fail to pay indehtedmeas or amy Bart- ¢hcur~f wham
<br />dam, or shah tai# ter performs amy ceweeune or agrr°emrmt of otitis itaatrmnsegt or the promimory note eecureai 6trrrby,
<br />agRirEi indebtedateat hereby errure•d «hall imetrrdiatr#y Bec~aanr due. paya'ale. amd collectihie without notice, ae the
<br />of tie ~~r , , of ~:aturity, aril fire mortgagee or hid a~iRns may hrfore or after emtry
<br />said property mithoui appraiaeertrett ribs mori~aptor havinK waived and aesit¢merl to the mortgagee rli rights of
<br />arakentetet#
<br />t e} at ;ieial eak prarattant to the proviaiome of 28 U.S.i;, y001(a) : or
<br />(tt} ~ the aptiie®~ the . either by attctioa or by aolici¢ai&m of sealed 6ida,'for the hig}-est and
<br />i Iiid e~glgteg with ekx t tsf aria asd etataaer of paymnxmt sp~ciftad in ties gtttbliahed tust3ae of sale, fist
<br />itivimg roar weekr' notirr of the time, trrrns, and piaar. at such sale, hr advertiarttaent not ieae than otta.+e
<br />during each of acid fotar works im a aerwsgsprr puiaiishrr# or aiiatributed in thr county in which acid Property
<br />k aittratei, ell other ttatice bring htteby waived by the mortgagor (and said mortgagee, or any an
<br />b~aii of said eteore, way bid with the uwpaid indebtedmeaa evidenced by said note). Said eels aha11 be
<br />held aR or oo the praperiy to he or at floe Federal, caaraty, or city esattlhause for the eaamty in wb~ the
<br />prupeatty It located. Tirf a¢oortgagae is hetxtbr autlnanised to exrcatte for and on behalf of the mortgagor rrd to
<br />~ fire ~ at orals a at~eriwrart conveyamce of acid property, which conreyawx rhall ratnuin
<br />tetr#tala ar tw fire hapgeenittag oC the datfamrlt ttpars which the execution of the power of eels herein granted
<br />aka; tka acid hereby raatatitra~ amd app8imb the rmartgr}tea or amy agaot ar attert:ay of the
<br />the agas~ and attortter in fast of said mortgagor to make aatrlt roeitak and to a=+xuta aaad
<br />oatsvejata®a hereiPy +wv- aasd aim that the rrcitah sa made obeli be e~eetm:l to bar aii egarity or
<br />r} ad dower. and ail other cxemptiaraa of thr moriRrgar, ail at which are hereby
<br />y araived att.d cenveyrad ua that ~: or
<br />(trt) talcs raty odterr rpprzrpriate action pursuant to mate or Federrai Paiute either in state or Federal
<br />oaiart a~r ~ for t rd' the property.
<br />t,..t~ ~. gr a ~ .~ ~~~~~ ~_ . .o,,. _~,.~...~ Yeti .~,...,..~ ~.......m m,.d~. rt.., ~aa.~ .,
<br />theta bereeatae aiad be antis hcldi~t otnrr amd rho## forthwith dfliver gwseaaiaee to the purchaser at such ark ar be
<br />attamaaarilr dParparraautred, in ac-n+rdaner with th+r prorisi+ma of iaw applicablr to teeanu holdityt orr-r. The penrer
<br />read y h t~ are ~ i.sin en ixrtE amd wtw iar~reablr by math or vt~:wi.°rr:. and are
<br />oar ¢rsnse~ative to rise ~ for rtalLrrtiam of raid i~ pravi$ed hr law.
<br />9. '~ of easy aria of saw) preperey rm aocore#aerx rrrth the paemditt6 paraagrrrrplta obeli ba appbeel $reA
<br />~ -pay t~ e~ sad e3~i5Si7e97t od aa~ sales, iile easaa 9SCPk?i£~ ~ the ~ f~ a-ta~: ~ ~ ii~ sr
<br />tainimt, sand property, mad reaanarablr attorneys' fare; secumdiy, to pay the tmdebtroixtraa aerated #aarabm; and thirdly.
<br />tr pwv army aausgt.taa of rxerwa to the peraart ar prnrams }eigally eartithrd eharrta.
<br />S. ha tlrr even! aawil $eaprrty is said at a )+al fere~slaiure solo .~ pttrenarwt to the Poona of role itereiftabars
<br />and ciao i~ are aesi aft ter pay t6s ta3al i aaererod bT thin ~ sad ~ }+Y
<br />iar$ P'y ~. two eaart~agere viii lira aaKiiled w • detrtaetsey ltad;~cat tar rite atstarisi of ilr+a ~~ wriF~iaeai
<br />m' ,
<br />;.. ist "s.~ €a~.t t~ ,°;~a~a: e;,sa e;; ~~i ~x .'eta:, -.ae~, :~ ~.ee €ms ~rs~,:.::::e, tas:,o .;r::ss ::a e; ~e as ice,
<br />ashes ~-P~ ~: ~g~ :~€ ~:t~. z t=aaa~ as }-amy_ ~ws;r~ a= h~ f: ~ p:
<br />--
<br />~.- y s ea X38 t - + . _ : atr<a~ ~c a.+lalz3 ass airsf ~•~~ -,~•~• s jxaft ui ttic pr~ci~iai ~t•- ul t8~
<br />ovideaaoar# by acid ttutr_ rm}i~s€t is tiff ram raceme nail ramdi4i.sow if the ~ aftall gay aadf
<br />diarharge tiro iaslahte.dntss. fs idea.'cd bi wid prwur+wrv »~utrs, rmd .hail pay .wlr wrws rpd abra## diarharKe all trim
<br />sad kiwta and fir awtr, tam,, amd caprcwstta of eaaiiua, emt~rreimg, rod earawUm~ than ua.trt~a~n, t#wra thin
<br />~+tell lea ~ +rmd sus
<br />?. the .~c+taarantr herein aaaitaad atwtll bitsri ar~d t lsermafata aaul advaettatssir shall to rhea ris+tr sate-
<br />r std art dpr prrtiaa ,. °~`Bwaenf+rr aced. user stlar swwbur obeli irehiria the pbarel. tba mural thri
<br />. ttssi tiro tree aI wry t shall #awtltrdra ad
<br />~, ~' ~# y vt ~ tis~at ob$igsttiam reetirttd hereby e8all at amf tiatia tirarraafier he l
<br />a > $i rtbis tartaer baa+aof or w< sacra ~ Iretwby=
<br />ttit3t aaat~ 1~i.i (d I ft,.l.., ~~- of ? ~ 3~ ~!~
<br />=ittdT r#• th#r iart#rtreaws! hi w ~ rrr~d sad asfaursxd k acanee with afipliaahla IFr~wral iaw.
<br />~, ~, cedar. err ~rtant Isar any ptaviairarc ar partiao +~ thin ue,atntaaesat iwvrtlid ar ate
<br />t __ ~ ip-a~Y ata~ #r at t a€
<br />saw, w..ar at'r tr.-teat
<br />