L#stttacssna i..rs~anaeass. Horrowtr and I.cndtr cavcnant stud egret as Eatlaves: ~ ~ t.~ ~f `'f ~ ~ c
<br />i. edf !ft!#es~t. Brtrreswtr shall promp€ly pay when dote tP.c prtracupal aI and irrttrts[ un the
<br />iihtss tv~.,I try the ~3aste. ~.oytt~~rst sad 9att charges as pravittaad m f?ae Na€c, sled §ht pcinr-tpal t7f ant_I inttr~t
<br />an an}• Ftetisrm Adwanres secit~red by obis t2eed ttf Trust.
<br />Z., ~ "~alsaa 3uihject to apptpt:atsle law car to a writttm waiver tsy f.endtr,; Borrrrwtr shell pay
<br />to l.cnrttr an aht day mtmthty ins€atttttents rt: prtnciyaal snit tart-rest are payable under the islote, until tlrt curate is paid in fu3l,
<br />a sum ihercin "Futais"1 tqusl to atte-twelfth [+f the yt:rly texts and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />C~rrd of 7'rtsst, find grautd3 rents an the Prapcrty, if any, plus one-lwtlfeh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurer-~°-
<br />~ cute-twelfth of yearly premium installments fur rrwngage insurance, tf any, all as reasanabty estimated initially and from,
<br />tint w titrre ley i.ttt~3er on the basis of assessments and bdtx and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The € shat! be ttttd in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fetkral ae
<br />.rate agency (including P.tnd9P if Lender is .rich an institutitn#. Lender shall apply the Fursds to pay said taxes. assessments,
<br />iteEtrratke prcmirsrts and ground-rents. I.etxkr may trot charge far sa hotdimg and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />ar verifying and cutYtrut' ~ing said asataxsfnents and hills, unless [.ender pays t3armwer interest an the Funds and applicable law
<br />pertttits Tender to make such a ctrargt. Borrnwtr and t.eridtr may agree in writing at the time of cxccutirm of this
<br />Lard of 7rtas8 that intera'<tt an the F+ands shell he peed to Borrower, and unless such agretmcnt is made or applicable law
<br />rtgitires such intere~ to be paid. f.tader shall tent rte rtywrcd eta pay Harrower any interest or earnings nn the Funds. tender
<br />shall {ia~ to Borrower, wit@miti charge, an annual accormttng c>f the Funds shavstng credits and dtbrts to the Funds and the
<br />purpexa for' wteiish eaele debit to aht Funds was made. 7-he Funds arc pledged as additxanal security for ttie sums secesred
<br />by this Txetf of 'i`rttat.
<br />tf flee amwrnt of the FumSs hchi by t.rr:dct, tagtthtr wish the future month#y instaHmerets of Funds payable prior tea
<br />the dire [fates of taxes, asstsartttnts, !nsuranct premiums and gnwnd rtntx, shall txcced the atttaunt rcquitrd to pay said taxes,
<br />ata~ntcrrts, iaewrarit:e pttsntums araf gnaund rents as they tall dete, Such exc!:as sha#I tae, at Borrower's npttan, eitlrcr
<br />promtuty repaid €o Borrower ex credited to Hearmwer un monthly nastailments of Ftentis. If the amount of the Funds
<br />treed by Lender shat[ not Ile sutfieeenr ua pay taxes, assessments. snstuanee prcminrns and ftrotsnd rents as they faU due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to ftenfcr any amottrtt rurtssarv ro make up [ht de:3cicney wrthtn 3!? days from the dare notice a mailed
<br />by t.aaRier to Barra+rer trp9u¢*t+ttg WYrteznt there.
<br />Upatt paymtrtt in ttzll rat all aunts vtct,rd h} able lletd or frost, t ender +hall promptly refund to Harrower any Ftrnds
<br />held by f.ertder- if teseAer paragra I8 hertnt +he Property ,< ,uid :+r Stn prrxpert} ra utttctwtse acywrcd by I ender. I..tndCr
<br />shall apply. no fatty than tm steiy prior to the vale .,t thr !ampertY ur its acyuisueon by laendtr, any Funds held by
<br />t.~dxr at the ttrne o#icatien as a crtxtri attatnxr the sums steuttd by thu Uetd ra€ Trust-
<br />]. App>frafbsb [ ~nitsx applnablt !au trrnvtdt~+ :>thtrwcse, alt payments recttvrd by t.enaier under the
<br />Nib aml paragraphs I a~na1 d tray-cut shall tar apryal~ ha I rru#€r $r3t to payment of amartnts payahlt to L.ent~r try Botrowtr
<br />utadar partigraph .. hereof, than to rnecrnt pavrlclc on Stu N„tc, ikon to the prtrnepal of [let Platt. and thin to interest and
<br />Imrsntx! sere any Future Advancta.
<br />f. t;"[pat;tdt I.iteea. ffatrnwtr .teal! l,av :tfl tavtv..+vzcsamems anc[ ulher .harltts. tints earl tmpasrtaans attributable to
<br />[ire y v+h6ch t~sY attsr~n a tarrarrtY laver ,h;s C3red tat Trust. and #¢aselttttd payments car ~raumd resits, rf arty. is 1d1e
<br />matter ptmvided ands pttrapaph Z #screcat .v. rt net pard !n acs;h rnantxr, hY Bcarmvver makrns payment, whet[ dot. dereetly
<br />.1 :~ .-~
<br />tsT t".i ~l~r~.'!. R'.~trrLraxY+t' s#!_?i pr~pnyr.fy iyrn!4h to I.Cn9er ail nPi4ccs aai p~rirtt:+`~ da.~ iim`rr +n aiagrrp... a.... ,...*w
<br />oagft r ttbat! make paytixnr vfir~tt}. Barmwrr shalt pxtrntptiy furnish to Clatter rccetptx cvtaknctnR sex:h payments.
<br />Borrotwer sAatl ptttrsiptiy dex:hargc ratY Ittn .cht.h has prranty uvor tktev i]etd of Trust; provided, that 8arrawer shall not be
<br />raqutteeti to tfiaciurgaz ally .w:h lira w IEu?g ax Brxnawar ,hall egret rn cvritrng to the puymrnt of the tatelrgauon enured by
<br />Butch Ittn sn a tr~nastr acc~€ptn0fe n, I cmcfer. ,rr <ttall ,n gncri #seth contest rrran l+en M, .~r ,ttftrui tn#orecttuent of stye h ittn tn.
<br />lagrt »hn:h arp69afC to prevent shy ent..rccrntnt .at she luen tar fortcrturc of the Ptop,eny or any put tttetrnf-
<br />Mtossmat+o. Burrower shalt keep the +mprovrmrras new ostst+ng w hereafter crtcwM nn the Prcaperty tnsurtKl
<br />ag:se~ t~ try ywa. hteaar~s rrsetiidsxi wrthtrt rlar term "ethert~d c;avtra~ and .!ah rather hazards as l.e[tt~r may rtsytnrt
<br />sari to stscl+ ttasrntrtts astd for such peractdt as l vraier mar rrttiuut: pruvedtd. that i_ender shall nut re;gwrt that flat amount at
<br />tttr~9 tf¢+e ettctketd that a~mtiot in ,.oweragt rtyurttd ro pry ehc seems se~uroii by thrs Decd tti Tent
<br />Tire igewrsrece earner prtivraiimyt t?1r tnsurar+at shall tso ~heasen t+r Nrtrrtawer xttblttt to approval by t;.na~r Ixav:ded.
<br />tf~ t al t~tl ttr9t l+r +wr~u~raahlr :!rsthhrid All Isretntuttve ixt ,tasu:anc[ pcalte;tn shell tae paid to the +ttttmsar
<br />~p . tternof at, :f std petrel ,n stab cnaneser. hr l3vurttwer +naktrtg psymtMU, anc~n disc. dires:tlr to the
<br />+ttasersarae Ctife9ee
<br />,Alt taartrsr-e pr~ntea earl renewals therev+t stusti t*e ,n lorrn uvtWable t.+ l.ratdet and shat! nnfudt a statafanl ntartgaae
<br />.!erase to fsa+txt of sad era ttzrrn a+.ve~-ar?K !ta fttrJer t rtaier =teal! ha++t the r+ght to hat+'s the paatntes ,oral ramtwafs thetesat
<br />+Att Star-ra+vast ptaanptty tutnadr +„ t eraser .;.t +xr+e~ai sxsta:te arnl all roitrpts .+t sad prtmaurrts. !n ttfa esetrt :,f Ivrv.
<br />~ s#tdl Starr: l~~Lst +3~xs:~~ 's- rise =^raara%€ ass rtes a~ ! "+scir"r i en qtr mil rrtake ;,tee->••ri tai i~3+ !i n~:r a.ar~ ~rsi~
<br />~_ _ _
<br />t_t later ~ ~r :~atittvrr~ a~tre rn -~r+s.rg, .rrsrseaxa€ i~.+sa .hilt tae a{tg#tod t:s re~t..xatixixsn ur rtpatr :~f
<br />the larar~,erty tiatr+t~Yd• pruvtfsfisl .ew,:ir +tMitrarhrra .n :rr!arr =~ cvcrrrarnavai!a rcasrtatc a+ad €3tc saYa:trtt :'I tia+~ lya><.i of ; titer ,~
<br />; fi~ t ~~~. ff t~ tit~at~t ~-+t rz~w tv n.w eti>f!c~_erais r~l~ icasrr,a .s- - -- vc. ----- ;- `-- - - ... .--: ->«:1~:
<br />as ear. ins +rs"stiairG 4aims a iir~:. '~ ,~. -. , :~ ,i::rr~ ;~ - ~- r ~, ~, 3he:~ ><S- ~-~. ` [~~}. -~~3fi~s
<br />:;# fir. t! tt~ 13n,.Y.tY :3 33ita_ =~."~r ~~a~.,wfe, .t ii.rt.:n,~r .lei; ~ !n.~#pg to i ~n~r wunss it cuY9 2rara a?ae
<br />~.° ~ : ~.•. ~ t ~,. t ~ .-• ~;vF4-, t~ t.t ;_ ~_ ..rle~ _ a_~et~ ~ _k~m t.v -_.f._.g hetr~rs irt~t
<br />+s suttertrtaatsf to valkeci anel yFpIM' trite rwtwra~e ,xuenef-. -. sraisrr srutaruart cethrt eo .c~turlie~va +ar reprirr of tree larc+~anv
<br />x eta the stmss tests-ci tZd + £~tr! e+s T €rs~-
<br />tlakwa i a,atisr toot Nwnartrat :xttef+ne agrrre rn ..r,r:.~a...oa >,a~h appF+c.ar!,Kr :+t tucxe+xkU to prmi:rpasi :hall nut ertr:rn!
<br />~pnner the due dsso vet thtr rrscxdttir ,taN:siit3-crta rctarrtd !:a r:+ paragrai+lss i t+ad lrat°taat rs{ <han~ eha amcnant i=t
<br />tea. If +sn+4ttr per i N ~r~t the Ftuµcrtl s: +-4wrai ht € e+rtiar, alt :+{_ htllC scut +niertni cat l~~rruwct
<br />+n aswl to a+tY ttraarttnt:e palritm a~+rr read s++ the przwetds sh+rrrc+t rt+uioutt !run! tlana;r~ t., the Pruprrir C+rnar :t+ s#ee :are
<br />ur arytat,nttatt shad! twrtts tea l:enster w tttt _stctet .~l the au:trs wevurtvi ht .h,s tyeci3 ;+i l,ri?!t sennreJwiall pnur ::, saxh s>!it ,ar
<br />~~.
<br />i. lynasrrrratefeat a~ INltltttlreslrce ati tta~Yer+ty: l.tsaetsaMltsc t n,rtdrnsiaarrtrsat P'latwd t ail Ws~iepweals. l#urtvwst
<br /><tsald kteYp Eh;< trrtr;te3'e} !+! tlt4.ri r~t+yer ,;set -;tai: .. - .east ~ _, nest s+nl+r,aene++t ,:t J.~tct,.ei atta;et ,,r !tLe lert+taett}
<br />scat !kC#! cs~y wetly else peas racvass .+l ,eat !lF~sat v t+t+~ I y~ 7 .^t t r. +~ :+..}t+ a ,caaehaald It thrs f3~:tsi ,st T trrt,t e< t~;a d un+t sn a
<br />+.asndi3rtrenrurFr ,xr s plrrrt+~! sarrrt dtratcstwiattii. Hca•+r.=-..~r ha; i-,rv -:tar ... , t tta~trrv*wer c .+l+h~atsuas es nvtcr ttt+~ dettarat.,+n
<br />ur curt: rsitttt 4i'FrritriA e>r }v:arntnT< its; .dras,'smrrntrce„ ., - -;sue -,,.., t;.:ynr:c .:, . i=r-ta... .., .gar:tat..:Sao .-. •h.,
<br />:atstlrtsltl<nsWn +tr talraawd unrt des=nluptitcnt, asW ...+resrrtuca+, ttaKUnxr+r, ~ltc.., ;a,trdvwtttuunt :,, isletonrd ,s»,t ,itvrt.+ptrr~rn+
<br />ttd~rr >s c'rec'unal t+y 1lMrrrs*Wrer aWl ew?autdh,^af s,MaciNcr »ah +hr, Fla vi :,r t mist +hr alretw+us a,al aKittnexnty ,•s ,urh nd¢+
<br />aftisti era rtvc3risvsrssc! +ntrro arrw' s# artasnef as;*~.e- =.t~• =a=~=t3 ut this ~f~t .-= E ; as: „ t:.c r..~r
<br />+r~re s tssartE ttrart.
<br />7, ~ ai iaeu#se's 5essr If tts?~rrt+.sar tabs t s ;style*rm ;++c .~ur„asanis strut agtsrntints ..:aris+t~-d m rhn
<br />l~avii of T`rtest, w tf stay +caiwrr e+r prat;cesltng +:.,•sransrrn.cil wtwth ~nateru#iy atfix'ts # ertdcr v rruerttsi to the f'rteperrr.
<br />,n.fitrl~sgt, hw rstryt trtsauitf lu, eniruierci +tasart. ,sta.+tv;rrix c -:talc ctrrc*r4crFSene :~ arranrrartts ,.r pr.+atvfrars ,nv.:it=cna r
<br />`ter=~ ~ ,_ _ ,.__y_. .._-- ~ _ -- s- ~-a __ - _. _.,__ .~,.. - __
<br />_ ~~w
<br />'~ rz~'»H ai.tar:~ a z~~..+-. - e ! x":': e,~.~ -- rL~~ ='`~r' . ' ~ ._z. ==:!f ~t ~.~- _i 3f-.=.'~t.sr ,= a-,!
<br />act!uct'-rr teas a .t4 ._~~-;he T'rtcti! L- .,+a-~ -~+:-, tt l,c esdd.cr :r..luars~d <a,i,€t -=.stet.a+,. v- -
<br />cttn~iipe»i ttf ~ thsa krsst sesur+"ei lay thrtr Iknnl «f fsrr~t, ha+trca++er +ltalt aver the i~~rnsutrrs eeya.e~ f t:, „=at;+t~ .:kh
<br />+t'tEtaraiML'$ en rr`~iN"t i#t#eil G~kft 6iirett a6 [lee ttyGtixrtia'nl '+.+€ a,y.`h a+tY.itraMC +€t naanaiba in akiurdatne trseft that •>•w[, ~=aai
<br />i "s +rrrrtteri ~ c+rt aieyiiestttte tax Near rs+war shalt i*av ,ts~ ana+.aato ++f oil +nsxttts{e ,.rara'irn.'re i's~tr+.utaaz .., rfsr
<br />:atstsuet pns>*tde+rd tatuiw pA ~ lieeatrf.
<br />~?_ arareawit+r ierr~' sFeir i.fatfrr pwu+rarani €t+ thrn pasagrttph '- ,r+ttr :ni+rr~i ltMrr>ranr. ,rrrytr isrvts ~atc .+1~zst+:,rrri
<br />iaf f9earoaser 'strtid taY rhea lisp €+€ t rvxi ! rev ~Srrrtrseetr seed l tnttatr agree Ma tathtt ttr«rs .•! t+as+neraz =,wt,
<br />~te*catta tlsieli $tr psyst;rit + ra+rrt trite t.atasder tv Itfatrvawrer !eyu,esttns prylnexet ttaerevi, eyed shalt hear e+atcrast ++„m ehe
<br />sfn4P ±9# Mrlf!SII~UrASt qt r~l! raArt $reYa!tfM !trees ttaatR rcr icliaM .ut ur4+aarsdatg tar+nr t¢at welter the N."tc +;nlesa parrtsesat :,r nuH!Ftrt
<br />~ +Wulrt rats vastW a.~brar9 tea a~ter:atsia 'raw. !n altevfr cvrnr =ewh arreewraNx shell l+csr :,+rclcsr ,t +ht h+ahrar tart
<br />ettstfRt ~ taw. tvWttpaf vwa4terned :n lhi, t~irrgeranis atoll rrrttare 1cnaMr to ,+xur any tsptrwt ,+r tats
<br />-
<br />i. - i .,..s.e ,~ .+~_ .a . .~... li. >; =e+~ _,.a,~.,..,.w~ a..sr,~ ~,., ads , rs.ss~ ..r else. ~eae~.a>tir . _ r...s~._t
<br />t €--~ t ~ _ - - ~ r ~.. ~ ens ~,~ _~t ~, =~fvx_a~.. ~ ~r>3.. Fa~ts'r t.,:,~.T +~laf e:a i ~.~ ,
<br />iaaerata. rya i?kr PM~nirtanty
<br />