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<br /> q. E1m, H���►�i u��a enn�r E�ezaetl lasurwnce. Rorrower shall ins�rc nll impr��vcmcots a�► thc Pruperty, whctl�cr no�v ic�
<br /> cristcnce ar sub5crauently ercctcd, .�gainst iiti}+Ilft7i1ilt5. r.�su�dti�s, ;��,1 contin�eti�ics, 9►xle:tlin�lirc. �t�r witii�•h Isnder rr.yuires ,
<br /> in+uruncc. fi�i, insara►nr: si�al) F�c w:dntulf��u [n thc a,-�r.stu�t< <!nd fi�t' �11�' prria�dc �h:�t I.endcr rr�cfi�irr.v. [lorrowce siiall tolso
<br /> insurc all improvcntcnis un ilte Prt�Ex:riy. whetlter��ow in rxistcnre ur subscyucntly ercctccf.���;n�ns�i�„5 ay n«H�s<<,�n��x�on�
<br /> r+:yuire�l hy tlic Secrctary. All intiurance sbnll l�c carric�i with companics uppruvcd hy l.encicr. Thc insur:.�ncc policics und t►ny
<br /> rcnewuls�h.dl tx�held by I.c�xier und shull include loss payuble cluuses in fuvor of,nn.!in a�tpsm ucceptonlc to, Lendcr,
<br /> [n the event oP lass, Qorrowcr shnU 6i��q L.cnd�.r immeQiate notic�e by mail. I�;nder may i�r:k.prnof of luss if nut made
<br /> p�amptly by Burrmver. Each insurance company concemed is heret�y nuthnrizeci nnd directed to mnke paymcnt fur sttch luss
<br /> dit4zdY to Lcndcr, intituid of to Bareowcr and to I.endrr jqintly• All or u�i}�pa.rt of th�intiur:uicc prucccds may bc npplicd by
<br /> Lc�tAer, .it its option, either(u) to �he reduction of the indcfit�cincss under chY Notm cuv,f Ihis Security lnstn�ment, first to any
<br /> dclinyuent amounts appliui in thc order in pansraph 3,ancl th�n to prepayment af princlp�a, os,(bl.t��the mstoration or repair
<br /> of the damuged Praperty. Any applic�tion uf the proccecis to the principal shr.il m�t ext�ntl or pvst�ne the duc dute of the
<br /> monthly payments which are refcrred tn in pari+graph 2.,o�•change the umoum af.6ur3�puyments. Any excess insurance praceeds
<br /> ovcr an aniount required t�pay�all outstanding indebtalness undcr the Noto su�d thls Security Instrument shall bc paid to dse
<br /> entity icg�lly cntiticxf thereto.
<br /> In tlie uv.;ul of fo�eclosure of this Sccurity Instrumen: or oihar tt-tuisfer of title to the Property that extinguishes thc
<br /> indebtedness,a11�riBht,title and intcrost of Sano�ver in a�ici to insumi�ce��ficies in force shnll pass to the purchuser.
<br />!� S. Ocrupancy, P►•eservatton, Rf�sEnteaunce uud Protectlon of the P��aperSy; Borrower's I.� f�3nlPcution;
<br /> I,e,a�l�olds. @ottower shall occupy,esccGlis!i, and use tl►e Property�s Barrower's principal residence within siaty days nfter
<br /> the execution of this Sccurity Instrument ru�J,st�all cuntinuc to occupy the Property as Borrawcr's prerrioal residenc�for at lesist
<br /> one year aRer thc dntG of occupancy,unless the Secretnry determines this requirement wiU cause ur.�due hardship for Borrower,
<br /> ar unlcss extenuuting circuinst�ui:es exist whlch are beyand Borrower's contrul. Borrower sI�a11 notify Lender of Any
<br /> extenuuting circumstances. 8ornu�ver shall not commit waste or destroy,dunu�ge or su�h�tnntiapy chunge the Properiy or�llow
<br /> the Prop�rty to dcteriornte, reasonable weur und tcar cxceptecl. Lc�der may inspocl the Propeny if the Property is vacant ar
<br /> , abundoned or t}K: loan is in defuult. Lender may take reasonAble uct�on to protect and prestrve such vacaant or abaixloncd
<br /> ���;-rr. �c..�..�.shw:�sls��ir.s�^_f��! !f�n�r�wr�,�I�irino the l�ian at�Dltcflt[oll pioCCSS.�ave matcrially falsc or lnaccurato
<br /> � information or statements ro Lender(or fai7ed to provide l.cnder with aa�y mated�! information)in connection with the ioan
<br /> eci��nceA by the Note, including, but not limited !�, re�.resentntions concerning �+orrower's occupuncy of t�ze Prupeny as u
<br /> �rinrip�! residence. if this Ser�arity Instn�ment is on a leasetiold, Horrower shali cumply widi thr, provisions��f'd��e lP.ase. If
<br /> _ Bortower acquires fce tiNe to the Property,zhe leasehold and fce title shall not be maiPed unless L.�ndar agrces to the merger in
<br /> writing.
<br /> 6. Charges to Rorrowtr and Protcetlon ot I.ender's ltights in the Propady.���ower shnll pay all guv�mmcntal or
<br /> munioipal chargcs, fines and impositions that arc not included in par{graph 2. &,3.ro�v�r shall pay t6ese otrligations on tima
<br /> dinectly to the entity whlch is owed tl�e payn�etit. If fuilure to pay would adVersely nQ'f�ct I.ender's interest in tha Propes2y�upon
<br /> I.ender's request Borrower shall promptly f��s.nish to Lender receipts evi�encing these payments. '
<br /> if Borcower fails to make these payments or the paycr�ents required by par�grap�+2,or fails to perform any other covenants
<br /> �:�G;�,oreemcnts contuinal in this Security Instnimcnt,or tHere is a legal procceding a�at may signfficantly nffec�t l,erxltr'a rights
<br /> in the Propeny(such ns u proceeding i�n bankruptcy, for cundemnution or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do
<br /> and �ay whatever is necessacy to pmtect tfie value of the Property nnd L.ender's rights in tiie �'r�peny, including payment of
<br /> taxts,htuard insurance and other items merrt�io�ted in pnragraph 2.
<br /> Any amounts disbur�.,ec!b�Lender under this pamgraph shall become un additional debt of Borrower and b¢secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument.'I1�ese�mowits shall bear interest from the dnte of disburscment.at the Nate rate,and at the option of
<br /> I.enticr.sha]i�e immediately duc and payable.
<br /> 7. Condemnat[a�. The proceeds of�Any awurd or claim for damuges, dim� or conse.�ueru3al, in conmction with amy
<br /> condernruuion or other t�king of any part of d�e Propeiry,o:r for conveyance in plaCS of condcmnation,urc he��"oy qss3gnod nnd
<br /> ahatl bc paid to Lcndcr to thc cxtent of tha�fubl amount of the i��dcbtedness that remnins unp�id uader the Note and this Sxurity
<br /> Instrun�ent. [..ender shall apply sucl��Srwcc.EC15 to tlte reduction of the indebtedness under the Naae nml this Securiry Instnument,
<br /> first to any delinqucnt amounts appli.�i•n the ordcr provided in parngmph 3, and then to prepayment of prin�ipal. Any .
<br /> aU lica�ion of the procceds to q�o princlpal sl�all not extend or postponc the due data of ahe monthly payments, which are '
<br /> ��4RINE) Pqs 9 ot o
<br /> ;
<br /> i
<br />