b2%p--.4ECOND REAL E8TATE MORTGAGE-With Tax Clauu Nuffman and Felton 8 Wolf, Walton, ne. 68461 -
<br />THATlar WE, KEN C. THOMPSON and KATHRYN L. THOMPSON, Husband and lJife
<br />of Hall County and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the su+n of
<br />FIVE THOUSAND FIV); HUNDRED AND NO/100THS----------(;C5,500.00~--- DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />STANLEY H. GARRIS, JR, and MARY M. GARRIS, Husband and Wife (mortgagee),
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska ,the following described premises
<br />situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-utit;
<br />Lot One (1~, ir'est~aood Park Subdivision,
<br />FIall County, Nobraska.
<br />*This second mortgage is subject to a first mortgage to
<br />The Federal Land Hank of Omaha, dated September 9, ty81,
<br />in the amount of ,50,900.00,
<br />The intentima being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple indudiag all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLD the premises above described, zeKth all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto
<br />tke said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and these pres-
<br />ents are upon the express condition that if the said mortgagor or »wrtgagors, his, her or their hers, executors, admin-
<br />istrators or assigns shall pay or catue to be paid to the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, Jter or their heirs, ex-
<br />ecutors, adminisriators or assigns, the su+n of -------------------($5,500,00--------------
<br />Five Thousand Five Hundred and No/100ths-----------Dottars, payable as follows, to-wit;
<br />Annual installment payments of $1,100.00 plus accrued
<br />interest due each September 11th through-1986, Interest
<br />is calculated at 139 of the outstanding balance. First
<br />payment duo September 11, 1982.
<br />urifj~tt+~t8d'~'yl~'ff'eon at 13 per cent per annum, payable nrorually, according to the tenor and uffece of
<br />the promissory note with interest coupons attached of said Mortgagors, bearing even date ze#th these pres-
<br />ents, and shall pay all lases and any interest on, or nroturing installments of principal, due on any prior +noregage and
<br />assessments levied upon said real Estate and alt other tuxes, levies and assess»rants levied neon this mortgage or Ura
<br />Hula which this mortgage is given to secure, before the smut becomes delinquent mrd keep the buildings on said
<br />premises insured for the sum $ 5 5 r 000., loss if any, payable to such Jirst nwrtyayees ur this mortgagee, ur bulb,
<br />than these presents be void, atherwisa to be and remain in fuU forte.
<br />1T I5 FURTHER AGREED (r) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such texas and such interrst on,
<br />or maturing instaltrnents of principal, duo on any prior mortgage and procure suds insurance, then this mortgagee +xay
<br />pay suct+ foxes and such interest o», or maturing +nstallments of principal, due on such p>ior mortgage and procure
<br />such insurance; and the sum so advanced with interest at nine par cart shall be paid by said murtgayor•, and this ntort-
<br />gag! shall stand as slcnrity far the same. (zj That a faitura to pay any of said +nuna}y aithcr principal or interest an
<br />thu ur any prior mortgage, when the saas¢ becomes due or a failure fa cmnply teritlr asF}. of the foregoing agreanrertts,
<br />shall cause the zohole sum of money herein secured to become due mrd rollectable ut once at the option of the mort-
<br />gagee.
<br />IT 15 FURTHER AGREED That said mortgage!, pending fore<lasure of this mortgage mrd attar decree and
<br />pending stay thereon or appeal therefrom and pending sale of pranrises mortgaged, muy pay such tares cad maturing
<br />iaterast ar maturing-ixstaltmentr of prinFipal, on prior mortgages,. procure sack insurance anti such sums shall be
<br />added to t/t! amount due on decree and upon conjrrrnaNon of mlF by the rourt ardared taken out of proceeds of sale;
<br />or if redeemed during stay, appeal or sate, suck amounts shalt be collet ed the same as tlwugh it ecerr v pant of such
<br />deaeF.
<br />Signed this 11th day of S'optember / r 81 ..A
<br />In Prrsenca of 1. ~~ /'
<br />omp~~~ .
<br />~n om~~sazti`
<br />i
<br />