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REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE :oew tie zoo-ee (kev. 1-n) <br />irate September 9. 1981 <br />Kenneth C. Thompson (also known as Ken C. Thompson) and Kathryn L. Thompson, husband <br />and wife <br />Mortgagors, <br />of Hall County, Nebraska In conslderatto^ of - <br />the atlvanbe of the principal sum recited In the note herelnaf ter describetl, rereipc of which !s acknavledged, hereby - <br />mortgage and CDnvey tc ' <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF ONAHA, a Corporation, <br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address <br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, - <br />Mortgagee (subJ ect to oil, gas, and mines rlgncs awned by parc!es other than horcgagors: exist log easements ct _ -- - <br />record; reservations to UniCed States and State pn t.ants; and the rights of the publ!c In all highways ), the follow log- - <br />Hall -County, Nebraska <br />Cesc^ibed real estate in ~ <br />- <br />SEC. TWP. RG. - <br />Lot 1, Westwood Park Subdivision - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 11N 10 W 6th P.M. <br /> rn <br />7 <br /> 0 <br />~~ LYte n ;n /y~ - <br />v] - -1 <br />T. :n <br />' <br />J <br />"C ~ e7 N <br />, <br />.. <br />C <br />!" C G7 ~ O <br />l <br />- <br />,Ij ~~ ~ R <br />a ` --o ~ :~ ~ ~ i ~ <br />~ 3 <br />- r i~ <br />~ r a r„ ~i <br />~ <br />"' j + <br />-- _m - <br />~ <br />cn ~ <br />i t <br />~ i w <br />~ . - <br />.' n ~ Z <br />~' <br />~.., <br />~ ~ <br /> <br /> t` <br />tag tner w+-~n runt, t t an.t SnCer•e;t ;f the Mortgagors In sold proFert3'. lneludlrg all bulldSngs, <br />- _ <br />imp. ..~e_....--, t.x ~>-_ c. l~{,irrenan e now :r hereafter ac qulred, lne iuding all apparatus, equipment, tixttu'es or - <br />- __ _ .. hoar,, gas .sir nnn!t!nn ing, Water, .Sght, power, refrlgeratlan, vent!1at14n> or other serv- . <br />tae, ~~, _:. ~irr ..h.ngs .a~~tomarLa lr ~pprepriately included by lessors to lessees ircluding, Dut :rot 1!mlted to, , <br />_ •:vln down, sc?rm :vlndows and doers, rs.^peting and ocher -*lour coverln¢s, in-a-door beds, awnlag5, <br />• .. <br />-,~.~r;., ,catzr hecr,ers, air conditioners, humidifiers, he±=rth sod .*ireplaob evuipmart, sit of whim - <br />mtures <br />~re`rEt <br />e --- <br />, <br />, <br />, <br />a*-a ...z~„-. r° ._. b> 3 ,a._ ~:. _ne real .-arose, whether attached thereto or out, ant deemed a pcrf!.ed of __.__. -- <br />the Seeurl cy for the kndebtednass here tnatter• descrlbed. - <br />?'his me*tga.;a Is .Siven to secure a ;r~mi ssory nnt,e of even date herewl th, executed by Mort(.;at5ors to Mcrt.gagee, In <br />~ FIFTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ppi LABS <br />^ <br />, <br />rlnc lpal sum o <br />the <br />paya~lo In lasso L'ments 'wi ch Snterest according to the terms of said nbta, the last installment being due and pai- <br />aD1e or. the tlrst day of October, 2006 ?h!s ecr:voyan::e shall be vo!d upon the payment et sold - <br />p.^omissay nc+te, <br />'fhe North igors agree to pay, It requested oy Mortgagee, on zaoh instal lmenc tlate, in addition co the sums required - <br />in the aDOVe-deserihed premissvey note, a sum equal to Cho amount deform Lied by the Mbrtgagaa required to accumulsta, <br />and pay the insurance premiums en FoltM es of n re and other haaerd lnsuranep eovering Lhe mortgaged premises, and - <br />the real estate taxes sod sSSeSSments dite ou the niortgagad pramssas ±;,a days pr!,~r to the due daces thereof, to - <br />Cne a•tant that. the sums accrued tt:e payment. of r -old [~u-entiums, Y-txas, o smarts a*.-a lr!suffle!ent, the <br />• - - <br />suctt additional sums prior t.o the due dote ttteravL. A11 sums received therefor <br />Mortgagors will, upon request, yay <br />shall Da nFplletil ou the print Spat Da'_anoe ant11 ouch time as r,hey are wlt.hdrawn Cy Mortgagee for the payment Df <br />asid praml ems, oozes, cr sse~smen ts, ~ - <br />Thls mortgage SS s:ubJeM'. to the pr'ovls!mis e- THE EARN :;HEQ1T ACT and aii acre amamiatoi•y thereof 2r supplemental <br />thereto. The proceeus of the lout secured hereby will he hsed tar the purposes spactit+?'i in the MortgagerS~ appll° <br />cation for said lvnn .and auchorSzed by said Act. - <br />ftte Mortgagor>, :utd each oC them, hereby warrant Chat they are too owners of the mortgaged real proimrty: tha4 shay - <br />w11L defend the CiGlo agalnsG all clalmsnta whomsoever, and Chao said pruport.y t~ fare from ati ancumDranaes; that - <br />• <br />;,aoc1 rapF:tr and permk t- n-.cis of <br />ehey will keep all tt:a improvements, fixtures, and nppurt:nnanc:aa ncct,[~Sed putt --- - - - <br />wasta; and they W111 rellnqul sh all rlgttts of homes Gead 1n said Dremisas, anal c:,vaeart slid agree tYl Lt the Mur Ggngeu, <br />a3 follbWa: <br />(i} That. they will pay when due all taxes, liens, Judgments, or assessments whl<7h may De lawfully assessed ago last <br />Lhe property horeln mortgaged. - - <br />(2) Tttat. they will insure mid keep lnsureri buildings ur bt.her Improvements now un or wttlrtt m+ty her•oatter bo placed -.,, <br />on said premises to the satlsfaetlon of the Mortgagee, such lnsm•artoe policy shall De endorsed with a mortgage al ease - <br />- <br />- <br />wSth Ghe loss thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. Any sums received ma}• be used to pay tm~ reronstructlou . <br />of Ghe destroyed improvements: or, if noG so applied, may, at the option of the Mbrtgagoe, he nppiled In {?aymant of <br />any Indebtedness, maturetl or wtmaturad, secured by this mortgage. - <br />(3) That In the ovens the Mortgagee is a party to any 11tlgat kut of fectSng the security or the lieu oY 1[s m~rt- <br />gage, Including any salt by the Mortgagee to foreclose tttls mortgage nr' arty Butt !n whlrh the Mortgagee may De named <br />a party datepdant 1n which It is obligated to protect its rights or 11 en, the tudl ng cbndemnaClon and bankruptcy - - <br />proceediltgs, Ghe Mortgagee may lltrur expensos and advance payment ter abstract fees, =tt tnrttey fee:; (pxoept tv the <br />eXtortG prohibited by law}, Cpsts, ezpenses_. and Utdipr charges. <br />