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<br /> ' Oortowsr mny curo ouch a dofuult nnd relnuteto, nn provld�d in pamflruph 1i1, by causlnp tho actlon or procaeding to be _-
<br /> � dlsmisaed wl4h n rulinp thnt,In Lender'o pooA telth dcrtarm!netlon,procludas tarteiture of thv Bortower'o Intcrest in tha Property or �'"
<br /> other m�t�riN Imp�irment o1 tho Iicn creatr,d by thli Socuriry In�truma�t or Londer'fl scan�ity Iniflrast. Bonower nhnll ntso bo In
<br /> default 11 F�orrowar, durin{� tho lottn appllcnt!on proccao, p�v o m n l a�l a i P�I n l fl a o r I n n ccurnto !nform�lian or�tatcmente tn Lcndcr(or
<br /> � � Ielied to provido Londer wlth nny mAte�la! Iniortnation) In connoctlon �vfth tiin IaAn ovldQnced by tha Note, Includinfl, bul not
<br /> , �;1 �� lii,;{ied lu, �cpr�raent�+tten: cnncemM� f�onower'e occupanny o1 the Pr�party na a princlpal rosldonco. It thls 3ecuriry t�_,
<br /> Inetrumont Is on n laacchafd, Botrorlcr �hnll comAly with ell the provlslonA ot th� ltaaae. If Borrower ucquires ina titla to tho `„_
<br /> `�-x �� Properly, the loaeehold end thc+t�a tlpo ohnll nnt merpa unloso lendar ngrooa tc� thn rnr.rpar In wrltlnp. �i�
<br /> � ' '�' 7. Proteetion o} L�end�r's F11�ht� In th� Prop�rty. II Borr�wor Inita to perf�rm the covenants and sgreemente = -
<br /> cantnineri In this Securlty In�tnimant, or tharo Is n lopai procoadln{� thnl may sI{�niticantly attect Lender's �lghto In tha Progerty
<br />:��,� (such as e proceedin4 In 6ankruptoy, probatA, tar condemnatlon or tartalturn or ta e�ilurco lawa or rsgulaQons), then Lendcr m�y ��
<br />"���y do end pay for whatovor is neceseary to protaat the valua o1 thn Pr�pttrtrty and Lo��der'e rlghte In the Property. LendePa ectlons -�_
<br /> �.�.��� mey Include paylnp eny sums oecured by a Ilnn whlah hnn ptic�rity ovor thl� fincudty Inotrum�nl, Appearin{� in couri, paylnfl �rn,,;;
<br /> .,.:�r� renaonable attomeys'teos and entt►rinp on the Propr,rty ta mnke mpalro. Nihoupt� Lendor may take sctlon under thla peragreph �W`�
<br /> uaa-:
<br /> . • y 7, Lendar does not have to do so. o`�
<br /> Any emountes disbursed by Lendc+r under pnrn4reph 7 ahnll bc�aame additl�nal debt o} Bortower secured by thlu Security ___
<br /> �� '��`� Instrument. Unlese Borrower and I.end�x epree ta other tartna of pnymcmt, thana emounts ehall btar Interest frpm the date o1 -_�
<br />_ ..���
<br /> =r3" disbu�sement at the kota mto and shnll be pnyeblEi,wlili Intorent, upan naUca(mm Lond^.r to Bortawer requesting paymcnt ��„
<br />;,.tiwa�� 9. Mortgags �►�svrea�e. It Londor r�qulrr,d martpnga Inaurnnaa ua a condition ot mnking the loan socured by thls
<br />==�t±:±_ � Secudqr Instrument, Borrowor ehnll pny thA promiuma roqulrnd t4 melnta{n tha rrtartgage Insurance in etlect. If,tor any reason,the
<br /> "`N°;`�� moft4ec�o Inaumnce covernp� r�qulred by Lender lay�tses or cencos to bo In viiact. Borcower shall pay the premluma requlred tn
<br /> --_-- obtaVn coverage subst3ntlsly equlvnlant to tho martyige �nsumnaa Wrrrvlousq+ in eftect, nt a cost substantlelly equNalant to the
<br /> -- cost to BoROwer ot thv mart�ape inaurnnae pmvivusly In ettnct. from un a�t�xnnte mortgage insurer t+ppraved by Londer. If
<br />-�,��, aubstantially equit�lent mortgn�e Inaurance covera�s i.�not avallaEla, Borrowur ahnll paY to Lender each month a eum equal to
<br /> e:.�� one�twelfth of thv}�nrR:morigRpe Insurenca Pro:nRsm i�{ng pnld by BorrAwer whon the Insursnce covernge lapsed or cctisod to
<br /> f be In si(ect. Lender V7111 ACCO(11, use snd re9atr� ��asv paymente as a loss reserve in Ileu ot mortgage Inauranco. Loae raserve
<br /> ,.rr{� paymesits mey no t�ngar be requlre.,at tho o�tion of Lendur, If mortgage Insurence covet'age(In the amaunt and(or the period
<br />='''�r';��j ihAt Lender requtrrsa}�rovided by ru� Insurer approved by lender sr�Aln bocomes available and Is obtalned. BoROwaf ehafl pay
<br /> —... the premiuma req�?rvc! Yo rnafnteln mortgage Inau�nnca In etteot, or to provide a ioss roserve, unttl tNo requlrement tor mortgago
<br />-���g Inaurnnae enda In ar�rdanae wilh any wdtten ugrt.�.ment betweee► Bortower and lender or eppllcable law.
<br /> _ 9. Inap�ct�on. Lr.nder or ito agent rnay make reasonnble entries upon end Inspectlona o1 tho Property. Londev shail give —
<br /> -- Borrowor nailoe et the timn o}or p�ior to an fnspectlon speclyinc�rn�sonable cause(or the inspection.
<br /> � 10. COtf6l�mnatlon.The proceede o1 any award or cle',m{+�r damages, direct or conaequenlial, In connecllon wtth any
<br /> candemnntian or othur tnking of any part of thn Property, or tor conveyance in Ueu ot condemnatlon, are hereby assigned eutd
<br />-���� shnll bo pald ta Lendur.
<br /> -� In tha evont of a total taking ot thA Prnpccyj�, the praceeds ehall ho t�pplled to tha aums secured by thla Security
<br /> ---- Instrumflnt, whathnr or nat tlinn duo,Y�ftt�sny t�>:cass paid to Bortower. In tho ovent of o partialpaking��t�nt th��num�eecured
<br />--�,F•,,��
<br /> the fflir mnrkot vaiuo of thn Pr4posty Imm�stuty 7aiore ihe iaking ia .:��a t:, ar Sr�"��s •F�s: •••-n�"--n� -
<br /> --==',':C','-Y� by th�� Sec�uiry Innlrument Immndlart�Py bcrtoro li�e taking, uniaea Borrower and Lender othawlse ngrea in wrlting, the aums _
<br /> -"''iili�[i seaumd by ihly Seoudry Instmmont,shnN ba reduced hy the amAUnt ot the proceeda mul�pNed by the tollowing fraction: (e)the
<br /> totnl e►mount o1 thn ei�rt�s eecured Immedlatnly t��fvra the teking, divlded by (b)lhe talr rneukel velue ut the Proporty Immedkte0y
<br /> befare lhn tc�klnp���*)+�siuice ahell bH paid ta G'arrower.In tha event of a pa�lal taking ot the Property in whioh the t�k rn�rket
<br /> valua ot tha Property immedletely betoro the taking io less thnn the emount at the suma eecured Immadi�tary betore the hking,
<br /> unkisa Barrawe+' �nd Lnnder othmwise agroa In writing or unless appllceble law otherwlae provides, the proceeds eheA be
<br /> ■ppYdd lu thn suma secured by thls Securiry Instrument whnther or not thn sume are then duo.
<br /> It the Froperty Is abandoned by Borrower, or if, aRar notica by La►der to doROwer that tho candemnor oflaro to m�ke en
<br /> � eward ar settla � clefm tor damages, Borcowor falla to respond to Lander wititin 30 days aftar the dato the natice or to�h
<br /> — Lender Is nuthorizod tn coMect and epply tho procaeds, at fta optlon, efther to rcatoretlon or repdir of tha Pioperty
<br /> aumo secured by thla SacurHy Instrument,whether or not then duo.
<br /> - l�nlflas Le�der and Borrower otharwlse agree In wrking, any eppiicatlon of proceed� to pdncipel Hh�ll not nxcend or
<br /> -- �o�tpone the due dete o}the monthy payments retared to In paragrophs 1 and 2 nr cfiango thR nmount oi such peyment�.
<br /> 11, 9orraw�r Not Rel�as�d; Forb+�sr�nc� By I.�ndor Not p W�Iver.Extenalon of the time for p�ymont or
<br /> modtllcaUon of amorSixation of the suma secured by this Secudry InstNment grented by Lender to eny sur,cesaor In tntErest ot
<br /> Bonow9r sh�ll no1 nporaie to rolease the Iw4Uin� of ihe odginel Borrower or Elorrower's succe�soro In intern3t. Lender shnN nat
<br /> be requked to cammence proceeding� agninst any successor in Interest or retuse to extend tlme tor ps�ymant or otherwlse
<br /> --- madNy amortlzRtion af the�sums secured by tRla 8ecu►1ty Instrumant by r�aon of any danAnd mede by the odgind Borrewa or
<br /> �- 6orrower's sucr.essore In Interest. An� tortTerarance by Lender in exarcisN►g nny right or remedy ahaN not be� walvor of or
<br /> pr�lude the exerdse of any dght or remedy. Cp.y� qt�y. The coven�nte end
<br /> �i2. 5ucceasors �nd A�sxigna �i�ne; Jolnt and S�v�r�i Uab116ty; A
<br /> agreements ot this Security Inatrument eha9�lnd�nnd beneflt the nuccessore and asalgna of Lender and B�rrower,subject to the
<br /> prau►stuna of peragraph 77. Borra►ver'a covenants �nd ngreement�shall ba Jolnt end seversl. My Bortawor who caaigne this
<br /> — Security lnstrument but does not o:cecide ihe Nota: (a) is co•slgning thla Secudty Instrumertt only to mortgage,grent and convey
<br /> that 8ortower's Interest In the Properq/under tfie terms nt this Security Instrume�it (b) fa not pnrsonaNy obllgated to poy the
<br /> sums secured hy 1h1� Socu�iry Instrument; a�nd (o) agrr.es thot Lendcr and any othar Borcower may agree to extend, modtty,
<br /> forboer or maike any�ccommodatlonn wRh regt�rd to the terms ot this Seeurfty Inatrument or the Note wRfiout thnt BoROwer's
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. Lol17 Chlttqss. If tho loan secured by thls Securfry I�aUument Is subject to e law whl�t� sete meximum loan
<br /> ---- chergos, end thet law Is finaNy Intor�reted so thnt the Interest or other losn chargos coMectod or to be coqected in connectlon
<br /> � with the loan exceed tha pormittnd I'r.tif:�,then: (a) any suoh toan chnrga shaH bo reducad by tho amount nxessary to reduce
<br /> — tha charflo to the pormittad UmR: and (h) any sums akaady coNectod trom Borrower which exceedod pormfttod Iknfts w�ll bo
<br /> � retundod to Bomav�or. Londw mny choose to mni<o thla refund by reducing the pdncipal owed undor tle Note or by making a
<br /> diract pnyment to 13cmower. I} e refund ructt�cos pdncipal, the reduation wlll bo Veated as a pnrtial R»eP�yment without any
<br /> ---= prapaymont ehurgo undor tho Nat�.
<br /> -�-- '14. NbtlC�e.Any noUCO Qn Eorrower pravided tor In ttds Securtly Instn�ment shaN be given by delNerfng It or by maNing it
<br /> = by first ciass mafl unless appticanla L�w reQulres uso ot enother mothod. Tho notice shell bo dkected to the P�nperty Address
<br /> --�--- �,r nnv othor addrnas Botto�ver deslgnatos by notice to Lendar. My nottce to Lender shall bv glven by first class mall to
<br /> -_� � � wo
<br /> — Londers addross stntod hareln or eny olher address Lender desfgnntes by notice ta �orrower. i+ny aoiico p�o:��+�+�.� �.
<br /> -�-�,,�„� Security Inatrument shnH bo dc�amed to heve been fl(von to Borrower or Lender when given as providod In this paragreph.
<br /> � 16. 6ov�rniny l.avu; Severabllity. 'fhls Secudty Instrument shall be qovomod by federel law und tho law of tha
<br /> -��e JurisdlcUon In which tho Prapmty (s �ocatud. In the event that any provislon or clause ot thls Security tnsUument nr tho Note
<br /> -- -_�� contllcts wRh epplica6te law, such contfict chall not uttect other provlslona of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> °°°� -- given ettect without the conflictinp provision.To this end tha provislona o}this Sucuriiy Instrument end tho Note cre dectared to
<br /> _____ __ k- be severnbie.
<br />��„_--= 18. Borrowsr'e Copy. Borrower shall be given one co�tormed copy of tho Noto end of thls 5ocurity Instrument.
<br />-. �,•�� � _
<br /> �- - -- _.� Paga J ot 5 � �� _.
<br /> F131G.LMO(7/95)
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