,~~~i t.~aF ~ ~i
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made -ihis_ _ 4th__ ___.__ __- day of-__~;..$2P1-2fnb21', _ ,_ 19 - ~.~., by end between
<br />BILL. L: BAMESBERGER AND RAE JEANNE_BAMESBERGER, husband and wlf~, each in hls and
<br />her own right and as spouse of the-other ~__ _ _ __ ~_
<br />of pia l 1 -County, Nebraska; as mortgagor ___5-._~.., and Home Federal Savings and Loan Assucfatioh of Grand Island, acorporation - -
<br />organiued and existing under [he laws of the United States of America with its princjpal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagee; - - - - .
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor :_S _~..____„ for and in consideratipn of :he sum pl'_:.... _
<br />EIGHTSHOUSAND SEVEN HUNQRED TWENTY AND NO(100__,----,-_,__-;~jt~~;. 3;720:00.
<br />-- -t.
<br />_ -the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do._._._,____. by these presents mogggge and warrant unto said rnor(gagoe, ns sucttssors~andazsigns.
<br />forever, all the following described real estate. situated in the County or ______}{al__~, .. _ - -
<br />andStateofNebrazka.to-wit: - - - - - -- ~- -
<br />Together with nllhentmK..air condtuonmg, lighiing. and plumbing ugmpment and fixtures-, ihialudinK screrns, awnings. -dorm windp~•s siiU -
<br />- doors, and window shades er 6finds. usedpn nr in cpnnection with said proptirty. whether [he soots are dpw locntt•tl un said proper[}' or hurwher
<br />_ TO HAVE ANA TO l1UI,D THE SA1ME-, together with nU and vingutw the t¢nnments, heredrtam,",[s, and aypurterr_nnt es thereunto he
<br />- longing or m anyw•rse appenainmg t ever, nrl wagant th tAo,[u the samr..Sad mtugak S hereba non[ nh- a,d
<br />mortgegne Chat . _ the Y -- 3f, B. -..: of the deliver h t 1, th lawful nwtte d th pram wh nl t a con ryrai and Irseal ed.
<br />and..w._a Ce _. seized of n Ktaul and mdefenstble esta[e~rt{ mhontancc [herein, tree and dear of dl oncumbraneea. and shat the`(` _ roll
<br />_ warrant-and-defend thn title tharnWfareve~agein:t-she rlnnaa anti demuuds of eu"Iirrwnx-wht,.mw4sver: - - '. ~ - ---.
<br />- -I'l1U~' I AEU AI NAYS, and thta "truu~r• t ~ t l l d I ntI sa ttf ~ hn pavment-et i h rt t _ - -. -
<br />EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEFJ r~UN['RK) At v AN(' "N>100 - --Ih;t1„ t ' r '"
<br />with mtnrmt therwn. together w-rU+-uph,luuK nu ad,a <+. ,a}o•due .._.I pa.nbte re ,aid„ ttiu;,+<„i .r i,~~rnn. .,u,i ,~ „i ~„
<br />-- ufthe pmmissnry-note of even tiatn hnrnwfth nt t+a un+l her a. aceutetln ,y~A mnrtKngnt- „ntQ ~m,t ,y;re, ~,u; able .+-.~ap +,.
<br />iKsaid note, and tb sacttre.the pef[orr[ianrx of all the tnrma m d vmditions coutaineil-[heroin. The-tirrnm uE .5uitt note err heat a 'r ~uquauttai
<br />- herein by, this refarencn. - - - - - - - -
<br />lt is the intention sod egreamsnt of thupartiaa hnrnto shot this mur[gnge,.rhaU 41ao secure nny, fu[uru advances matte. to +aid mortgagpr `i _,
<br />by. said mortgaKae, and any. attd all indabtextnrsa in.nddi[ian w the amoum ahoee stored which said mur[Kapurs, or nny uf.th m, mnv owo U. _
<br />said mortgagee~howover ay,idtpnrnd whether 6y note, twilit acruunt-+v-nth rw sap. Phis nttirtgoge shall re_inaln. in toll fprck-ut_nf r(bv~.t ¢rt6arn -
<br />thepa;tiea-hnrew and those heirs, pnesunnl mpresontntivna uceaaors and ussi}nts, untilall arnountgseeurrd hemundei, includinK-lutpre
<br />ndvancea, arePaid in fuU with inta[nst. - - -
<br />- Tha mortgagor ~__-.. horeby naaign w ve[d murtgagen nli mitts and iaentnn urisinfS si any and all i[mw Eeoni-soul pntpr-rtv and
<br />- hnrebY authorize said moetgagas or it:: ngnpt, ac tta +gi[i6n. upon tiefsult, a reke_chargr_ of suit{ pri,pirty' end cullns•[ aH- n t ,rni -,nc„mr '
<br />therefrom and npply thn aamu. W the pa>vnnnt of interact. pr7naipaf, in.urancr- pramiurns. Yuxvs. sasrasniepts, rypgirs -r t it rpnw-.mwtt+
<br />- necessary to keep said ProF>d!'tY in tarwatalile ii,ntUitpn: ui in other haiges ur puy-mri[4e prucidudfur herein w in the pixie linrnby acr~ured. <fh[. -.
<br />" .rem tlaeignmant shots continuo m fotre until the unpaid hnlancouf said note ii: hiAy Iwid. 9'hr takinK tf fasasnS"+iun. hereunder shah imnu Frt,uuirr
<br />" pruvndt or-returi3 said. mongagan in thn cuUecnou-of said Hums by forei•lwurn nr ntharw isr.. - - -
<br />- - --9'ha Fatlura of ehn mun8akae to asaan any nt tts nghea hrreunAUr nt anY time-xnaU not he ronatru[al as ii, wmew ,~I it+ right en assert--the
<br />- sums at snY (tltaraimn, and-tn insa;t upuit ant! on{uiiz ,tna •,anp4un~,- xteh ai! i6k-[semi soil jsn tsuut.+ bt vpid.m,t+~ „nil u4 tl es uiurtgnx. -
<br />- 1(aaid mortgagor $- ahaU Wean to 6n patd.tu xaid:tnurtgngw 4hc rotas ainuunt due-it hrrmunder, and under [he ivm, ,,,,1 f•ruvr:uu+s -
<br />- of aaid_noW harahy trac4teth including future advnncee, and +ms ••ztenainns +x-.Mpnruls Tketoui iii a2obrdunci~ wah-the terns. ~.t pn,a ~~~um-.
<br />-tharna(-, and if-said-mortgagor -a shelf=eumpty with-all the pnrr,3-ru7w 1 +id o• ~r »a,t „t , i,r, „ u .h.rg4.xhon th re.- pts=w,t. 3i[,,,i i , , . ,t. `
<br />otharwiaa to retAaln in tUU cores and eUeett_ and avid morikagea ahull he antral+~J tc t tin l xati. ,,,n , l uU , t ,std proptrp-. and raw} -ut , - . yr, i~ rr. _- -
<br />tlecleia the whole of sold [rota and all mdeflteMUa"s repfeeetrtad tdnrnpy to be iaynisiiut •f} ,.ue unit pnyabie, sntl na> fut.4 hu• t hi, „ ••tiy;nKt
<br />or.taka any,oWer legal-eetiop.to proteck ite.righf. Apprainument-waivaJ. - - - - - - _ - -
<br />Thfe mortgugo ahuU 6n bindutg upon abd khalt enure [o the bnneht_of the hvirx;.oxrr ukr+.. udmm>ntratur+, u tva..,+, and u.,, fn ,the -
<br />- reapectivo'pitit.iera haruto. ' - - - - - - - - - - - -
<br />--- ---lN-WI'i't3 EStl-~N'FIEUF C-iF, said-k4.iilgagx 5 -._-kts`7e hertvinku set _,--Thn?i t` -- han.F`• _.-th Sn ai+if ., 3, hr,t--iitu~„
<br />writton. -. -
<br />t)~_~.k~ b ] ,W~l.
<br />Bil l f B.frryr=h~f~l ~ :_. .
<br />,~ ~
<br />