<br />~. - - - - - - - This form is aced in connec- _
<br />~,{n~+('~('~~+ [ion with mortf!ages insured
<br />- - -_ - - .1r1O1~-1 FTAVL` _ - -- -- - under the one- to four-family - - -
<br />'- - _ - - - --;'-. -.- - - - ,Provisions. -of-the--K~attorial - - --
<br />,Housing Act.
<br />r X31-- ~,(.~~6~J~
<br />- - _ THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this --- .4th' :day of - September - ;A.D.
<br />19g1--. by and between Mark D. Adams-and-Annefte-D. Adatns,.Husband-and Wife -- -
<br />- - of-the-County of .Hall ~ -- -, andStatetif Nebraska. party of the nrst part: hereinafter called - - _ - -- -
<br />- the Mortgagor. and . --. Superior-Mortgage, :Inc.- - __ - -
<br />- - a corporation organized and existing under thz laws of Nebraska - ~ - _ - - - -
<br />party df the second part. hereinafter called-the Mortgagee. ~ - - - - - - -
<br />: W ITN ESS£TH: That the said Morgagor. for and,in consideration of the sum of Thirty eight thousand and - - - - -_
<br />- - No/100ths>----------- ------------- -=----- - Dollars (S 3'B , 000.00 L Paid by the Mort- -
<br />gdg8e: the receipt of :which rs -hereby -acknowledged h,is Grnnced and-'Sbld - and by-these presents doer Grant, - bar- -. _ - -
<br />gain. Szll: Convey and. Cun¢rm' unti, theNor[gagee.itssuccessors-and assigns, fareJer; the-following-described
<br />- - - 're:d zstate: situated-ia the Ctiuntyuf' -Ha L1 - - - -~-- - - .and Siate -- -
<br />- - - of--Nehrdka.~ttrwir. -' - -._- -:.:- _,': - --
<br />Lot Four (4), Kallos Subdivision; in the City of Grand Island, Hall Cotuity, Nebraska.
<br />-i>f-.€he:Sixth-PrineipalMeiidian;~i:rintaimnein alt--- :xcr-ee:+ccordin*toGovern- - _.
<br />- meat survey: -:..- - _ - - -
<br />-- 'T'O HAS""£-:AND TO HOLD nc~ prcnn-e+rhr+ce de+crihed,-with-alI lhr :Ippurtenuneeo Ihcrcu nh, hrlonpwg ^rd including - -
<br />--- _ all heetting, plufnh~i(Ig undLighting li,wre, and ryuipmrn[-nr,+~-ar hereaflrF al tuehud to nr u,ed in cunncaion with ,aiJ real estate
<br />unta[hc MurtgtSgtC.-and toih ,uccr„on and .+„ran,, L,rr,cr fhc Miirtgagur reprt,cnr m :md co. rnann with, the ~1 or[n;r
<br />- .get. Ih:u the Al origdgur hrn goo~.i righi to ,ell kind :on+e5 ,;yid prom ix',: that they arc free [ruin rncumhnmce; ,uui that the
<br />Mort&~6+,r will-warrant and defrnd thr ,nme again,[ thr Inwful dwm, ~d all pzrnun, ,vhom,oever, unu the ,aid ~tongagor here-
<br />--hv 7elln4in,he-s all right~rd home-cte;iJ, and nll mnrlinl right,, eirhrr in I;i,a nr in cyuily', antl all of her conlittgent tnleresh n[ the -
<br />A1+ntg$gw in and to toe abo, e-Jescnhrd premi,e,, the intention hems w Honey iicrehy un ahx,lute tittr- rrt Lec simple, induct-
<br />--- in afro hl+n[ hoiue+tead, an
<br />__ g _ b ~ - d-athCi ugh[, .:ud mlC+rzl .n .,Lurrswd. -
<br />PROVIDED-:\I.WAYS; endthe+eprr,cni,aree,eeutedanddelivered-upontlitifiillowrogi+!nrlition4,to_wir - -
<br />- - The Mortgagor agree s in pd} to the Mr rtt,dgze;, or order, the principal Burn of Thirty eight -thousand and - - -
<br />No/100ths°_-__-' 3$.;OQQ.OQ
<br />:with ihterest from date a(tUc ~atc of - Sixteen- and Qhe-half - pzr centuui (- I6 , 50 - - 't~ )-per-unnttmun - - the unpaid hxlanee,-uptil paicG The +aid-principal aoJnitere+t +h:Sllhe payable ai the u(tice <it Superior Mortgage , Tne,
<br />- in Grand' T&1dAdr Nebraska - :or.a,uaholhe~plncra,thehylr{e[of -
<br />ihe rioie ma} drigna[e in wriiing, in monthly inutdlment+ of Five htixtdred twenty s{x and 36 10pth ^
<br />Dullur+tS S2gg. ~~g l: ~unuupnc~gun fhc ~irst sfaY of
<br />NovartJ~gqr , t9 ~~ , anrt do the fire day of each mpnth there a Rer tmtii the priiictpul and ia~
<br />retest are fully -patQ, r.tcePt that the--final pa}n>_eAl of p7inapnl and tht~rc,t, i( Itui ,caner p,ud, ,hal,f~hc due :end -
<br />- payable un thzhrsl duo of _QC'tCber; - u(Ill- -- - . ad,uciixrJin6 lu the terms of a ccrtaiu prom.i.+- - -
<br />_ - Bury' note of evetrdate hareivith execuied by the +di~pvtortµ;tKor: - -
<br />: - :'fhc Murtgtig4t in order Inure-fglFt-la protecrfhe secririt}af tl^+Morlgagc. ugi cr,. -- - - -
<br />- I- Ihht he -w 111 pay the utdchtmdnr,~, a, hercinbdnn• pn„ued I'riv de Er i, u~,rned n, p;n ~hc debt in whole, nr in nn
<br />---: ah7Ttitnt cy4ki~l5 erne at mvr~inunth7y-guy mrnh on the pi ineiguf tll;u ;ue Heal due uu the Hole, un the [inl dap uf~rnig ipuukh -- -
<br />- -prior to mnlunly°-PtuvideJ.-dawn; var._1"hat wnurn Hotter u(:at intentiprc hi Hoer[ i,e suds pnvitcgr „given ;n leusi il~ty ftt)1 -
<br />_,...- dayspriottoprcpa}ntenk.----- --- _ _ _ -
<br />- ' ?. That, Wgeihzr with`, and in addition h,; thenuinthh payrnents of pritictpal and interest payable under {he [eons oflhe -
<br />L natcsecured tetchy, the Mortgagor>y ittpayta the Martpagez_ ~nthc first daY of eaef~ month tuttik Ihcaaitl nat~ istntix paid.-the
<br />tollowmg +ums: -
<br />- _ , (a) - Annnmt sulFictr_nt to pn+vittr-the hulderherexd' with lunds.tn ppy the next-utartguge-irtrntmtcr inenuwn ii this - _
<br />iityttument and the Horn sbiuted hereby are insured, or auuuntldy-charfie (iu 1(atr ~r/'n unstrKgeeEnseetunec !'r<`
<br />_ , -'.__ _:::_ trilFfud~ d dteY a1C held }i)-tiw-Sp, dry iy[Floy,Slr~-;lLd E'rhJrl.l~7eA 7 rpitir pit- u+ ti+)IirH> -.
<br />c~ ~ - -.., __ _
<br />- - - !H = -- tl atid•sti-tang u~ ,niJ ~ nr +rf`~evzn date -attJ=2ltia trr~ttwntut~xrc wvgrd-oi arc ~e+nseieed +u~er tlr2-trrrr,= - - -_
<br />- - s+o-wins.+.-rt thr ~3dtiounl Ilouung Act, an asitiutnt sUi fcdieUt ru:aca~n~ulale u'. the hatni, of thc.lr-rASu , u„ - -- - -~.. ~ - ,,.+,, ,•..i - .. tit'.\'f b: 111 •I•. ttli.\jh_1
<br />riet~let as K"NA UAart wt ch mdy i, .9+e ..n .,~i ,
<br />- :.
<br />