_ _ _
<br />81 ~-1fi~~
<br />--*j f.
<br />-. {1 j month prior to its due pate .the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder --
<br />- - - with funds m_pa}'sur6-premium to [heSecretaryof Housing and-[:roan Development pitisuant t6 the -- - -
<br />_ _' - -. Naiianal Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder, ur - - - - _ - - - -
<br />- QI) - ff and-so-long as saidno[e bf even date-and-this instru rnenr are tie~ld b} itie Secretary of Housing and
<br />_ - - Urbam Development, a monthly charge /in lieu _nf a arortgage insurmnre preminrnf which shall he in an - -
<br />amount equal to one-twelfth 11(I?j of one-half (I/2)-per cennmr of the nrerage outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed witlio'ut taking into acxount delinquencies ar prepagrnents[
<br />_ - (b) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the prcmiuTns dtauvill next become due and-payable tin - -
<br />-policies of fire and other hazarrl insurance covering thernorrgaeed property, plus-taxes snit assessntenis next due -- - - - -
<br />- _ _ on-the mortgaged property (all-os ¢ttim6rerl he rkc• ,Noriga4ec't-;ess all sung ;dreads-paid-therefor divided by the - - -
<br />- _ _ number of months to elapse before. one month piigi-to the date when such _ground'rents.-premiums; taxes and - - -- -
<br />assessments-gill became delinquent. such sums-to be held by Mortgagee in-.ttnst to pa}' said-ground yen [s, lire- - _ - -
<br />- - - - - ntiums, taxes and special assessments: and-.: - - - _ - - - -
<br />-- ~ (c) ~ All paymen[sntentioned in-the twr, preceding utbsectiixts of Ehis daragraph anti all payments to-be made under-' --
<br />- `the natesecured hereby shill be added together, and the aggregate amount-thcnei shall be paid b}~ die Mortgagor - - - - -
<br />- - - .each month in -n -single paymrm to br uppliad-b}" the M trttiagce to flee follrnving iterits in nc~ order set R,rth:- _
<br />- - -(1} -, premium charges vmfrr the contraq of insu r:utt-c wdh~theSecarary of Idoustng and t7n;m I;r vrinpment: ' -
<br />ar monthly charge /in Here a/-urCrr+.4agc-iraurwu•e lrnnr6unl.as the ,..lie may br, -_ - _ - - -
<br />_ - - QlJ _ gruwtd rents. t:urs. assrssmc•nts., fire and-~it_het hazarrl insurance prrniiiurs. - -
<br />- - _ (III)- _ interest ou the-torte secured hcrebv:and- ' - - - -
<br />- - ([Vl --mnortiratiyn of the.prin_ cipal of said Hole, -.. - - - - - -.
<br />- - - Anp deficiency in the anumM of an j' Hoch a~rogate;nbntld}' paj'titent shall-, 4ndess made good by the Mixt---
<br />- _ - gagor pear nr tha due date trt {he iwxt such t tr is u! crmsilttttr-mr ent i!f ikfault under lus nGrrtgag~. The _--
<br />_ - - - Mortgagee niay collect a "late eharee°-not lit ~4red firm _enh 1?tl7 roe each dollar lSl Y of a ~r r,aym_ rot ruche= _, _
<br />- _ _ "~dta.itiiiren(Isl.t;~sieurrrarsty.atve.rtheratreexpetueitwoivrdiP huidlinE.delinyurpr-pas'rnems,. - - -
<br />- _ 3.~ `E'harif Iht• total of iht p t.mrint= m:ufr ~lii~ thc• stnrteagm undt•r-- I p.rra;r tph " priia•ding <h'all evr•ec~d ~- -- -
<br />_ - Ific-amount.-nf pa}•mrnt?sr~tu:dh• mxclia bt~ tree Mort-l.aeEt~ for+~mugd retit~: tdsc•~ and a -E:>ment=-ari,n~,urnnrc-pre-- -- - --- ----
<br />- -miums_ 1~thirc•a~e net}- be, such esccss. if die Icon is-current, nt the option of the 1lortgagor.'shalll>e-crcd'ited b.' - - - -
<br />---. =-thP Aihrigaeecs nn =Huh-uqui~ni._pa}'mcnt.--tu be mftitc hr the•-libel •aeur,'ur tefuniCei3'fa_ the Voic~tifiur'-fCho,tr~tr•r -1}ie - -_- _
<br />__[ntinihll' pa}me'n~_ mode br-the lfarig,igor andcr .>i of ~pur.tgnph _'-prrsrdihk shall net he aulficicn[-topac ground- - - - _ _
<br />- rent, taxes and tt~4c:=menis or in=rir:uu•.i~ pmmium> u, the-en=t• mac bo.-:•hen the ,ameh~l~ becumeiiue and pair - _
<br />- -- -a¢le_ tlx:mthe 31ong:tgor shalt pa}'tir.the-\1m~tgagpe an} ampum htr t =-an to mtikt*up tht•--tieFic•ientte: on or beftlrt~- -__-.:
<br />- ~ the daEc tetten p"aymenl of._~uch !mtumlrent~ fleece a -e=~munt- cir an-ur,mre jrri•mtwn- ~hnll bc• due_ 1f nt .rm' - -
<br />_--- - -time the llnrt;;:tbnr =hall Linder to the-,}ii rte t>_a,, i^ accnrtlance xdh'ifir tun i-irin~ aE thr~urolo ~ecuii•d:hrrebt-. - -- -
<br />--- ~_ full payment rtf the enuri•-lode btc•dne~=ropre~cnierl tht•rctic._thc At~ nru_re rhall. in--cotnpaitin;t-t}tc amount u(wch
<br />_ _ -indebtedness, credix ta' $rr-accetirit of-the 0.riortg:ignr ail pacments snide under -ihr pox rsiuns of ..,~ of-peu tgrtiE>Et-:. - - - -
<br />- - - - - hcreol' xhi'ch-the- ylorteagct•. ha, notlrcct nn• nblt;i;ned toga}'=w the ~ccntarr_uf.}loo-ntr..ml" 1~_rban-.Llo+'cfo}rmenr- __
<br />cord qty bafanc-u ri`mainin;;_in tho fwidr accumulaurd under tht.proot=inn rf r'd'nf partkra_ph Y lienruf. (f thtYe
<br />-shall be u dafault underant~af the priiai-pion--af ihr - mnita_r rt•=7iltiur<rn a=pirhlir• ~;daiif,rhi~ prrmt>~= cocereyE :-
<br />ttereb}-: or ii the liu.t~ugac~ hcgm yes"the prnpl•rri ntbr rcii~a nflt~r der f:ud r. ihdtGrr'reut,ec :,hall apply, ni iha rimo of
<br />= t(tee~nmmrnrt~tneniof-ueth.prmrrdhte=,n-at:hr~uinb-[hr,proportt"ir,edn,r..r-, ,:equtred.tht~}tslattce.itic•nrt•myin- -
<br />_ ina_in-_4hr fund~;il:c•umulatcct_umk ~,_ at paroreraph ' prvr~-iliit>- ~~ ~ .n do ucrttr_1 thN ami~nt rd priuai fat tlte•r,-_--
<br />sumaininK upp:tid-voder ~a~d Hate; aryl-`~ttalLpnipert, adpl>t qm p~c=mciu- ,.ln,Jr .ytudlharu been nude-under <:'. _
<br />itC paragraph =',
<br />_-- J `fn t l~i•-Mitrtk rug-4cip ~p di~nlnd 'rnl.. .~ .-.Herr r.. i etc-. .. r rr nr t_!ia ,rr rutlup,r
<br />- - .h.rr ~:~~- Irnr,.,~i Intl, .iri.rn.. !„r ,r lri~h pr.~, r.., r li.• i,.. ".,i `n.r~i .r, cr.l cr, ~ rt_r lr .ICI: r. 1 I,!e.1 I: It ••It; I.ri ...,r
<br />-p.. she ~ngc.,nd ih.^ihe ~Luih.~uui ,r ill piohiprl. ,ten.ei the ,ah. i.ii re rtu. roc rci„r Ir•ihe Alorteagee
<br />- hhe Wr~rrpae.n .ull pa. kill r.irr~ .. iuc4 ~.n;~r 'a5 r acrl ,~r+nn ih ~ V„ui::mcr ~ ntur.t r .;rW r ~.ri-e.rsue .cad rutpErn,~- -
<br />__ nee llt ~, .ltid 11.Ill~n :l l;lt h~' il'. lei llp,+Il lhi. Ii. I{~.lgr ~'~-1t1~ .:r•hr .ci rr~'ri h~rl'n, ~hnl ,~n\ Ire lrl e\Il'ltf fn, t ~ll.h 1 pill prrift ll`Ir
<br />_~ - -rd-h}-qtr} ;uiEf nnl, r.~ nc~ r~rs~ni rh.a .u.h .ail rr~r-rr;,kr~ r W, ', r ,i.un, r .i. rate . r.Ir,Jiqu ,rt, ln, me <l.trt.~ rt aJ~i.,l_
<br />~.n ,
<br />--- - intpo+rd an Ylartgagcr. LOd will ilk iEta•.dI~, 1.7 rrcc;ipt haHmg 4tich p,.rent-with the Ator tEagrr LFnn,iolatjon Op thri aiuler- - --- - -~
<br />taknig, nr iY the Mortgagor is-prohibited br- r ~•rw noH=ir h'rcafter rtii~2ting iruuh,.:C ins; the echoic, ~~i ,r~. ye piafti0n elf the aEr~ r- ~ - - -
<br />- s:ucl ta.>e.._ ur upon the rendering qt an}: court Ircnb pUihibinng ttt5-P.rymrnt ~lt}' the Sturtga!?or ar ;tn)~. cocky tAern, or if _ucti htw - -
<br />_ - or dre~ee pnwides that sots crmonnt .u.paid h} ihr h{iritEnF, ~r: shgl6he .'r`ediEedon the iuartgatgr dpht. 'ihr ~STontaged ah;dl-hate - - -
<br />_lhr right to 17ve ninety da} s' written notic$ to the prynet of-the aun~tguged prrmt ~rytiiring ihr payntcnl=~ri ihr rnnflgagr : -
<br />_ -- -drbLlt SUCK ~utir;r br givrn,thc•suW drb,t.cliall L~conie=due, pakahlr.urdl.: Uocuhlu~th.---, prrtttnn trf-+ard nittrtyeiat, -- - - --- -
<br />" (. That shquld hr fail h, pay uny wm err keep;ing~t:r,vrri:uu pole°rdrd fqr in rhii, ~1uugagr, thin the-Mengagrr, ca 'its up- -
<br />- bVn, may pay or prrfann th ,xme, and all exprndrturK> so made ,hull be idd~'d,th the pr uttipal wm gi.~.rng +an Ihr ?I ne.mctc.
<br />- ,hull rir srcured.hrrrby:.md .hall hear inure+E at the-i:rte set ton h:ut ihr sold nr,re. unur t>,ud. ~ - "~_"
<br />_ -_ - .',T'hutheherrh}-uCikns.irattsfrr.,md+atsureg_toths'~~4urlg;'e'n,h~.1,plicJr,~p,tnlihr~tt>-nlevnofttte~n•trrnd4lf- --
<br />- suntx secured-hereby in cusr ai-,t do°hwlt in ihr Dcrfunn nra r;(-uni .,I J c rtrm- ~n~ conJiuon~ tl tht. ~1oriiagc r r lhr.<s;id~ -. _ - -
<br />- - notes alF lhr rent+; rrsennen auti iuuTnc-tr, to drir. ed (timi the: nt(irlhdecd o c •uiY . ,.wringsu..h hole ;cs th mortgic;e uwrhteti- - : •
<br />- - ncsc sh:dl remain unpaid: and ihr Mott6agrc +h:dl h:rvr pate ct to :y,p, r u . r , ~ernt r~r agents it mar° drsrn tog ihr ptirp, sea,f _
<br />- -repairing s.iid prrmur.:nul of noting ihr sanw and co)Ircunti tharrnrs_ rr.r was aud_ntCame, yuta:it mri paj .rut_rd ..odor- -
<br />- -cbrnrs'all rsprn~,r>_pfrrlsatrilig end premise, >Mtd nesr...n y .,mnu.,r, ~. nd ccpr rsr• incutred in-rtiuu . ~n.i n~.r racm. the
<br />,, .
<br />-- ~rimc and of collrcfinb rrn4ds lhrrrfri}m>ttii-halsdnr n~nrninlur;. d , rr. r .,ppla•~ yore ,red the-Jiid ~.,r yr a , rd ~n„u gaga.
<br />- - - intirbtrdtrrs< -. ~. - - ~ - -._ - - _ -'
<br />- - S,-'l hat hr will Mrep 4hr iutpurvrpti trt, tau-c,i,r iuk ,,r hus.,u. _~r~rr,i , r ihr n,,,ir~~pr,t pr„pent. ~n.:a..i r. .,c hr
<br />- - regdfred loon lime to-time- he the ~torrgagrr ug.n n,i lu,. nr tu. ~nri ,obey ii.,r r,~, ~, u,Jrir..rua i us~c r, ni.-Tr - - - --
<br />{rntrnrnte.inri Inc ,uch nrriuu. . r:rv her ancJ hr nc~ 41, nRr,4tt ai .alt ,,,, is ~ny,h.. .. 6e ,rir r , u n• ~ ,i, i. - ___ -
<br />_ fns r r pnn ni,w !.•i p„r nrenl nI rr hr.h h,• roe i,cdu ra,ir hi~<i iuhrl uir. All „u „u.r -h.J'~ i,r „a ur.,nr<. ,
<br />- - rr' -.~d h. Ihr-stonp;rt;cr .rn.l Ihr pulls rc, .wJ re ne ...~h ihur, ..h.r l! '' c Ire IJ i•r ~ rr AI„ri~.,EC: r u . _~,..it.~, her. !hen r„ ..
<br />-pay abbe .latize, in ta..^ „1 ,,nd m loon r. epr:Jdr i,~ the AL riE.i~rc Inc ui ~~i '. ,• A1,~u gnt,r r I c , _rr,h.ac i,4~. ~ , -
<br />n ril Its nc~- Mor rg,r~ rc hr, r rki fi u,~l ,,I h , ~ , l tr!nJCpn,nr pllt hr AIr ne r~ ,rnrl r. J r r. i n: p,rnr „ n __
<br />L crncd is he [cl utt i ~ 1 :~i het r I i,~ ~ s l aFrau r r ~6tclr i lu rir r it V nt, rh „r..,d i i iho vI rr ,q,~~
<br />and ihr .Mc rtyngrr an de sold th msur n e l i , us, or ui paa~ th t n, . h l r I `.. ,.,,.. ,er
<br />,r rh \I n~, f r i „pi - ii
<br />.ialhrt,:dus-tnu, of IhranUehte_a4nt ~.ha_i<hv srsurrt4 Vr-ta tb4tc'trxatxru .rr rrnuu i ih. _ ~ n J w~ i I ~_- __
<br />__ wtclit~Eht m,art};agi ur othei irsnslarat tithe Ea ihr mrirt}, tpuf ncrgn•rn mr>unCr i... ~t 1. .~,er•i„i ,_~.~.r~i•r~.i,. -
<br />i
<br />.all rightrutlr.and tote, ,rof tFir Mortgugor in nd ro 3pv imur.urrc nnhwcs thatin :, c .,^~ r- ~~ U,c .• . , I ,.,, , n , •.,u-, _ - -
<br />_ 9. "l h;u a addhtanal.and ntl4hrr:rl .r-:nor} lot-thr.Pubmatl of tha nut,, des :ritic.l .•r,. .. _ ~.....,~~ .. UFi~
<br />ntrrrtlwge, the Atorlg.tgot her[-b} ;6~~ign• la ihr ~tortKergce dli.protit rc:~.lurrs.t td u. .1 r a !•~ n. ",~,.~ th.
<br />!rlgngcif2l,n undee any and all t,il ". V u... '~c.~.. , ~~d nrrr,usr,, a-its ~hc arghk rs.;,•, n ~~~~ ur. ~ .. =
<br />,_ -r'.,
<br />_ ..__ ._
<br />-_ _ -tiiim 4i yard md`cblddor~+~trs Ncll hrfgi~ _i..~ftr lrt,~uli in thc.iSndih. u. ar rbi~rL,.~ r :.., .. ~h. ~l.rrn..r.c ~r.. ,. .,.
<br />_ I7 7 and r r rt 4'1 Ally. u 1 I IF i¢ r , h. I n ~:rhl<` httl ihtdl Ito f • lilht 1 ~_ r .~~~ i, ~:..-. h° - - -
<br />.end hat. rnu null .nrcJ , urd r pan r .. I iu, ¢. -_ -
<br />