8 ~-'1 a 1 i ~~ ~ ~ t3
<br />9: Condemnation. The proceeds of an}• award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in conrsection with any -
<br />condemnation or outer taking of the Property,-or part thereof, Pr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid [o Lender - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<br />In the event of a to[aL[aking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Decd of Trust
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of zhe Property, unless Borrower and l..ender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion ui the proceeds
<br />- - as is equal [o [hat proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the ilate of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower
<br />If the-Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make -
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to fender within 30 days after the date such roticc is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lenders option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Properiy'or to-the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. - - -
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend--
<br />- - or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof-or change the-amount of - - -
<br />- - such installments. - - - - - - - - -
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums-secured '
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to am•_successor in interest of Borrower shall oat operate to release.-in any manner, _
<br />- the liability-of the original Borrower and Borrower'; successors- in interest. Lender shall -obi be required to commence
<br />proceedings against suchsuccessor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise rnadi(y amortization of the sum;
<br />-secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the anginal Borrewenmd Borrower's successors in.interest.
<br />I1. -Forbearance by Lender Not a Vfaiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder or
<br />- otherwise afforded h}' applicable taw,.shall not he-a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. -
<br />- The-procurement of insurance or the payment of lases ur other liens or charges-by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />_ - _ - - _ right to accelerate the maturity uC the indebtedness seciued h}' this Deed of Trust. _ _ - _ -_
<br />- - 12. -Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in thrsDeed of "final-are distinct and cumulative-io any of her right
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or aEorded by law ar equity, andmay he exercised concurrenEly, independently ar
<br />- - successively. - - - - - - -- - - - - -
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bmmd; Joint and Several f_iahitih; Captions. The 'nvenants :md agreements herein
<br />- - contained shall bind, and-the rights hereunder shall inure to.-the respective. successors and assi¢ns of Lender and Harrower- --
<br />- .subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 -hereof. All covenants :md agreements of Borrower -shall he joint and several.
<br />-.. - - --The.captians and headings-of the. paragraphs of.this Deed of.TrusC. are for. cnnt'enience only %md are. not to -bc. used ro
<br />- - interpret or define the -provisions hereof. - _ -- - - - - - '- - - - -
<br />14. Nodee. Except for arty notice required under applicable law tq be given in another manner (a) artynotice to _ _
<br />- _ Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />- the Property Address or at such -other address as Borrower may designate hp notice to Lender as Provided herein, and --
<br />_ 46) any notice fo Lender shall lie given by certified mail, rzturn receipt`reyuested: Yo Lcndert eddress-sfAted hcr8in or to- - - -- - ---
<br />- - - such other address as Lender may designate hy_notice to Borrower as provided -herein. -,4ny notice provided far in this - - -
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower ar Lender eyhen given in the manner designated herein.
<br />- 15. Uniform- Decd of Trash, Governing Law; Severahility. 'this form of deed of trust combines uniform covenants ter
<br />-- -- national use-and non-uniform covenants with-limited variations fi}~ jurisdiction-to constitute a-itnifomt securiry' iiutruritenC --- - - -- -
<br />-- covering real propertV_. This Deed of-Trust shall be-governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Propert}' is located - - -
<br />In theevent that any provision or clause of this Decd of. Trust or the Note conflicts-with applicable raw. such rontlic{ shall
<br />nut affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or [he Note w•hic}i tan he given effect without the conflicting provision,
<br />- and to this end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the Note arc declared to he sevzrable. -
<br />- - - - - - 16.- Borrower's Copy..Borrower shall be Furnished a conformed ccipy of the-Nato-and otthis beedof-71~usr :il the time- - -- - - - - -
<br />_ of execution or after.recordation=.hereof. -__ - - - - - - -
<br />17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or arty part of the Property or an interest therein is Bald or transferred -
<br />by Borrower without Lender's. prior written consent, .excluding Ia) the creation of a lien ur encumbrance suhe?rdinate to
<br />_ this Deed of Trust,, (b)-.the creation of a purchase money security interest for.househc?Id appliances, ii'1 a transfer by dev ist,
<br />- descent or by operation of law upon the death af.a:joint tenant or f dy the-grant of any leasehold interest of three-nears or less -
<br />- -- not containing an option to-,purchase: iiender may;: st Lender's optipq, ctedarc ~If thesums secured-by this Deed o1 't'rust to tin - -_ ~ -_ -
<br />_ - immedtately_due and--payable. Lender shall hay seaised such; option to accelerate-iC, poor (y.-the sate or transfer,-Lender
<br />_ - - and the person to what[ thePrnperty is.to be sold or transfcircd reach-agreement in wasting that the credit of sorb j?eFwn
<br />.. _ _ is satisfactory-to Lender :md that..the interest payable oq the sum. scgored h}' This Deed a[-Trust shall be.:,t -each rate as.- - -
<br />- Lender shall reyuesf. -If Lender has wnived. the option to accelerate providedin this paragraph I?, and it Borrower's successo(
<br />-- in interest hasexecuted'a-wnttenassumpndn-agreement- accepted. in_writingby L.ender, t.enderhall reteaseBorrowcrLratn
<br />-- -- - all obtigationsrunder this. Deed of Tru_ stared the Note. ----- - - -. -
<br />- - - -~ ~lE Lender exercises Stich option td accelerate: I_ertder shsil mad Borrower no}i`ce oI av~elemuou Li "a~~ordanre -whir -- - - _ - paragraph-)tt-hereof. Such nottee shxlf preside _;t_penuU of-not lass than _lU days from the dute_the nnuce_is marled within
<br />-- -- - which Horrnwei may pay-the sums declared .toe: -.If Bnrrowar tads tc pay`.,u.h ~ums'priar try tfie speraitoti + f urh-period.
<br />--_- ---Lender-may; without.forther noeiee_er drmaud=?iiBarr ewer-incolae:an} iemediez: permdtyd-b.•.._paragraph._]$ hcrrof:.___'.
<br />- NoN-U:vu=oani CoveNnrtrs: Bivtower and l;etider further covenant and. agree as foUaws: - - - -
<br />- - l8. Acceleration; Remedies. Except-as provided.in paragraph 17'.hercuf, upon Borrower's breach_of :any eovetwui nr
<br />agreement of Borrower in this heed of. Trust, indudtng the.-covenants- to pay alien due any soots secured h} this- Deed
<br />- oETrusq lender prior to acceleration shall -mail notice-la Borrower as provided in parakrapb. l4 hereof specifyiag2.1/) the
<br />- breach; (2)_the. Action -required to cure such breach; (31 n date, not less than 3U Aays frone~the dais the notice is melted to
<br />- - -. - Borrower, by which such .breach -must. be- cured; -.and. (4):.that failure to-cure sorb hreach:.nn -or before. the -dale-,specified
<br />in the notice may resull.in att'eleration of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust-and saleaf the Propert}. -The ,notice
<br />shall further inEonn Borrower of the right to reinstate after utteleration tnd the right to bring' s cueirt adioo hi assert
<br />the nun-ezisteitee ofa default or any' -other defense- tit Borrower Iri arflteratlOn and sale..- If the breach i4 nut cored.,
<br />- -- oh or before the date specifiedin the notice: t,epdcr at Lender's-option may dcdprc.all of the stints secured by -thi' -Deed - -
<br />_ - -of Trust to be hnmediately doe and payable without further detnand and niu} iosokc the pox•er of sale and. atij' other remedies - -
<br />_.. .permitted 6y, applicable law, Lender shall. be. entitled to coBgd all reasutiable cysts and expegscy inrurred in pursuing- the- - _ _
<br />remedies provided In this prragrap6 18, fnctoding; b¢t nut limited la; -reasonable attorney's, tees. - -
<br />- if the power of sale is invoked. Trustee shall record a notice of -default in each-county id which the Property. ar some
<br />partibereof is located and shall mail topics-o[ such-notice in the nuinnerprescribed b}' applicable law to t}orruwer and a, the
<br />-- - - - other persons prescribed. by appticahlis-law.--After-the lapseoP-such tinic-as may-beregalred 6y-'applicuble law,'i`rustrv ,~hatl-.- - --
<br />- - gh•v public-n_utfce of-sale to fhe-persons and-in.-the aiunnur-presrribed.b} applicable law._'I'rusKee, without demand un~ - -
<br />- Borrower.-shall'seB the-.P{upert~ aF puhBc auctiu_ii-au the.hij;fiest hidder_at_f he dine: and place and `under tlic iernts desigti5ted -
<br />- - - - in the notice of sole id one nr more panels and tit such order as Tntstee.ota} detcrininv. --7`nislee may puslpone -sate of alt - -
<br />_ - - or any parcel nf.the Property by ~puhlic annowiecmenl al -.the Gmc. anti place. of any. previously; scheduled `sate. i.cader ar - -
<br />- Lender's designee may purchase the Pmpert} at any_xaie. --- - - -
<br />-- - ': Upon-recefpl o[ payiiicnt of file pike bid. "I'rusiee shaihtl¢Iiscr mthe purchaser['rusteesdeed conveying the Priipert} _ -' -
<br />sold, The rentals in the 'Crustcc's_dcetl abaft be'urinra facfe_e_}-idenc of the truth-uf.ihe slafetncats made therein.-`Truster _
<br />- - -s4aI1 apply thrprocecds nt'the sale in'thc fotlo ing onlcr: )-1o all rauspnable-costs and axpettscs of (hc sale, inatuding,.hut -
<br />not limited lo, Trustee's fees:of not iimre thmt ~ of 1 • ~V'"n. of the gross sate,pricr, rcasonuble.atturne}'sfees and rusts tit - -
<br />title evidence) fb) to aBsuots secured bydhis Ueed of Tntsq -and (c) the-exa•us, if :iity, to the pcrsuii ur persirri legalf}= entitled
<br />- -thereto. -- _
<br />- - --19. Borrowers Right to ReinUale. httw ethsumdmg Lender. acreleruu >n at th•. um anew d f i- this 1 d 1 Trust
<br />L Borfawer shnfl -have the_rigbt to have- nn proceedings begun M} I entkt t of x e thts Deed + t !lei ~ nnocd at
<br />any time prior to the e:uher to occur if (i) the fifth duv helorc th s.d,e rlflhe Pt upeny pursuant to the p. ~ dl i nlaineJ - -
<br />- ~ ' in this Decd afTnest or tip entry of a judgment atforcing Ibis Decd of Tract rf:;at Borrower pay. i_en 1 , .! nm I .. ~ .>trlei
<br />hu lhendue undo- this Decd of Trust, the Nate and notes orating Future ltvances, J any`, had-r - ~aclct:u ~~~ c>kcltn cd. ~ -
<br />-- (h) -Borrower cures-all breuchee of any -other eaven:uax or agratia?cotc of Rn=row ; ceitt_aindd In this Dccci aC "fora: - - - -
<br />(Cl Borrower pxyv all rcasunaMc cxprnses inrurred b}- l.cgilar ant! Truitt `t enl`e+rc rte the eorcn9nts and ut;i cements o
<br />-- - '- Born?wtr"evmained in-this Devil u(-"trust and in uefr?rciriK-Lcnder'n--aeud~ Il+nlyv',---rctq tks .t•..f t..,ciilid -tea-1"rr't al+1:. IL -
<br />hereof, including. bW nut limitul lo, reasm'eablc allot tit v's G•cx; and ldS !{urrower takes, e Jt +rtirn ass Lc odor n ~ c re-urmahl.~ - - -~
<br />-- - ,. _. - - ~ ~ - - - oat,. flwndce+ linty cs€-iu t!w-:Ptapcit}-;roil Rrttauvt'. :~bfrk h..e.. _ ,+,< --.-. ~_-
<br />rr utre-to-ar arc that-the-lien-qY-this fheal-of-'ti
<br />