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<br /> <br />I I) month prior to its due date the annual nmrtgage insurance premium ;n order to prov,de such holder <br />with fiords to pay such premium ur the Secretary of Housing and t urban [h'vetacment pursuant to the <br />.V'ational Housing Act_ as amended. and apnlicabie Regulatirtas tikereundrr or <br />QI) If and so long as said note of even dat^ and this mstmment arc held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban peyeloprnent. a uwntidy chorea fin (i~~ of a nrurgage• irrnrrance premiunri which shall be in an <br />amount equal u. one-twelfth f 1 ~ 1^-) of anc-halt 11[_'1 per cenmm at the avrtage uuts[artding balance <br />- due mt the note temputcd without taking into accrnmt delingaen;:!es or prepayments; <br />(bl A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next du„ plus the premiums that will nest become due and payable on <br />policies of fire and ether hazard insu ranee awering the mortgaged pn±perty. plus [axes and vssessments nex[ due <br />on the mortgaged property , a1( as estrnmred br t?rc dLtr(eageei ;es; all sr!mi akcady paid therefor divided 6c the <br />number of months to elapse beti~re one monUk prior ur the date ~.chen such ground rents, premiums. taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums ru he held 6c M1trirt?agee im oust [v pay said around rents. pre- <br />miums. taxes and special assessmentsc and <br />(c) All paymen [; mentioned in dre two procedure su b,LCllims rN dos paragraph and -alt }a~=mtn[s to be made under <br />the note secured hereby sha11 be added together, and the aggro-wtta arnuunt thereof shall he paid he the 31,rr[eagor <br />each nuallh in a single payment to be applied by the SLrrtgagee to the tnllrncing eons in the order w[ forth: <br />- - -(p premium charges under the -Decree i;f insu rsm re ;ri:h the Secretary u; tfousing and lsr iron Deve.iopnn•nt, <br />- - or ;nomthly ehargc t in Lieu nj rrrrrrr,gage insuranc<-;?r~nanrrrz_=, as ti5e eau-;nay 6a: - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />111) ground rants. taxes. assessnlen ts, 8rc and order bare :! insaF ante premums; - <br />- 1lllj unarest un dre note secured herby anJ - - - - - - - <br />IIV) anu+rti.~uion gtthe principal ul_ smd note. _ . <br />Any deficiency ur the amiwm of ;my such u~rcgate mrud!i'+ (''~,lmant obeli. un.css ucrdc grind be dte ~-t u!t- - <br />- - -_ -- - _ gagor prior to the due date of the next such pavme It. _:rr s nu! an avant <~! dc; tub trlus~r th s knr:>_ngc. the - _ - _ <br />Mortgagee may collect a "late enart;e" nut ur es t i i.rn; _ t~.jt (.m t•ach Jai'a ~ f>!) ok ca~ik r.winent rtnrc <br />- than fifteen 11 ? i dsvs in arrears tv cover [hc rxL a axpetxe !n•:5.ived in handhnn delinquat= ,;a}~manss. - - <br />- - ~.- '(`hat if-the total of-the payment- mule to the-~hrrt ergo! umier ~'~+ rC jeara~sraph .' prece,din+%-hall exceed - - - <br />the amount rif pad°men is ar[ualiy made-bv thr 11urt;~raRoc for ~~ruu_m? rent-_ [ace- ;md a>-c>smrnt= nr in~uranc+~ pre- - <br />- - mium~. u- the cure mac be. Guth cxcc•sti, if [hc lo:m i. currcnt..u r}+r option art die'1lurtgagor, shall be credited by~ - - <br />- - da' ~lortoaoec nn ~uu~cyuunt p:>-5~mr'nf~ !o he made h5 the llortua~~or_ ur reluntled to drr Vlnrt_a_vgr_ If, hu?r ca cr, the - _ -- <br />- ^wnthh pavmrari,- made bo the ,1lurtgagur under_ ~ i•t of paragnpt : 1 rc•ce-dinar shall noa br ~.dfieit~nt ni p.n• ground - - - <br />-- tuna, iaxe~ and a~:escment, ur inrurnner-promium~. a= thu c-rr~a mui_!x- :5hen tfie ~unie-,hail beenme duo and pad-- - <br />able_ than thr Aktrtg.y[or shall pxc m the Alun_ueco ;ut~ nmuunt nocr~-~-.r r~~ lu make up the dei'i ciencv. on nr he Grre <br />the date when pa~mem of -ueh ground mm-. leer-, !~-..-~mrm~ ur in-nrunt a pr!vrrium> -halt 6e duo- It a[ ;mc - - <br />- time the 1Latea_or xh:dl trmirrr u+ [ho Alert ,ogee, do ! ~rnntancc~ tiSidl, dht~ pu,5i-tun- of the nvir• =ecured hcrrby _ <br />full paymunt of the on!i« • indrbtodne<~ rcpr~•-t•nu•d thi~rvb~. Um ~Iun;t:igcohull, ru cumphting the amount of such - <br />indebtedness, credit to the accoum ul t!rc ,Ahxtpagor ..-rli pat-mrnts eurle uadcr the pruc!siuns of-/rl n( paragraph ~ - <br />hen+arl tchich the Nortpagec ha- not become oblip!med to tasty ird rh+- ~ecnaor+ ut Hou~inli .rid I rhan Ik~vclnpnu`u! - - <br />:uul am-±•_n+maining in ihr~ furris acrunmlateti under thr uroai~ion- d -%.~-~rfparai=raph ! ht,u•uf, i(` tL~re - - -- - -- <br />.=hat) be a dFfsult wider low of the prmisiiam> of Ilii= !a-r t_a_'.c rr•-uEuns m :t pull n~ -alt• oI dre p_'emi=es cuti Bred _ - - - <br />- --- hereby, nr if the 11nrt_a~r e ,Iryw n•, th.~ ~n upenr nlht ., 'e!n d !ird_uild, ihr Hurt~.a~t•t"itait apfHS. ,rt Qn• tune ut _ <br />thr rvnnmenccmona of -uch-pruceerhnri . ur ;;} i}!e !mu• tirr fangr r! :- trtht r,+[-e atywt J_-thr b:aLu[a- thou rrnr,+in-- - -_ <br />- - ing in tic fimd~ arcumul aced under rs-~ of pnru:;raph :: precrdzn„.::~ a r•rrvdif ni•:r^=; Ihr :mnwnt of prulc•ip:d dwn - - - <br />- -remainin:!-unpaid-under quid,mule. ;toil =half prnporl. Muni-wrti-I n-m-n[sr5iii ~ -frdt! ~n!-i++-er, n+adt~-umi+'+ -_- - -- - <br />irf parug,rajrh ~-. ... <br />'t, th:il !f!t' ~tf`i!k.:r..t_:-x511. ^ \ _t;ii`nlld-.~[.. -. ,,..:~ --e;}e'i N-.I.t: .l :.-(1 hC. ~~\ m...-.-, -=ka.nttp:. _- _ - <br />- abet FC.c, fort'., l)1' IITIpa I[la n5. Ir!i t\ilch p(a\1~Iah h:rti Itin ! a5r 111mat lu ~lllnc~!~~1 ' :r rlai ISI Je t.krt.[ !ilalla[ ;he \1artL t„eX Im:r\ - >-- <br />-.- -. {.,5 the a:uira aqd}Fa(_tht \i lrTgagnl udl pi'SiA pdS .felts ~r Ihr ufhti~ii ft. cip(a Uicru or t5-~liii~ ~t n~:ISS`i~ - <br />_. the ,Aiortgagur will p.!i all [nct•s as hi. i, rrta) he leti-la4 upon the i`lur~;at!ccA u[terest in c,ud rr:d estatt`.:nd rlupn~'.c- <br />naenh„ and tr hi:h mad helot fed open this urui!~.~ec or the debt secured hrr ehr Ihut Dote m the ecicnt that >u~h i. oat p!~dtihn- <br />rd b~~ law and only n+ the accent that such ti5 iii mn make chi, hr:ur usunuu..r, ikm e5 lading ;mr inwmlc Cn, titaic ar f~cdrr:d. <br />imposed on;biprgaper,:mti tit i!I ille the ofllcial rrreipl.ha55 ing,ueh p:.}'moot tituhttu ~turtgaeec, C~pou violation nt !hl. under. - <br />liking, ur' it [he~ s-torleagor is pnthihi!ed ht ;rm !ae n5rc: t+r h5rreaflr! t5isting:r,k+n pa} mg !ht 55 hole or dn5 portion of [Lr atiuc~ <br />ctk id tace._ or upon the r--emieri n'}: oi:un t.airt decree f nkhihitiug the p i. nr-rot iw th V-rrtgagrtr of .ray ,tteh tares rkr if -k- t: Irk ti~ - - - - - <br />ordect'er_ pn»ides thu! :urn annum ~o paid M rht• Ah+rtg;rgrv ,Irp; he arcd ucd on the martg.!gc Jcbt. !hc ,Uargagea ,hs!i ii:itr <br />- _ :bc righ! to glee nina:I1 day+' Se r(!tt~n nouee to !ha ,tw nc!'. +,I :hr !rim tg.igc+i pre r,ilst.. rc'4uinng !hi` patmclu of the !n,rrtgegt• - - <br />deht. If wch nuuce he gieen, the said d-vet sh:dl become due. px}el+te and a+i;eetihle a! the evpar:u ion of .aid ninety dap,_ <br />G. "that shaulJ hr fail to puv any +um oe ki`ep pn} ~ oc•rn out pro;idrd fm in chic ~-kxtgnec, !hen the bturtgagce. a! it. op~ - <br />ticm. mat' pay or perform the c;rme. cord all ecpendiunes .o made shall he atideJ to the principal swn owing oa the ubrn a-natc. - - <br />- shall tre .ecwed hereby. and sh:dV he;u mterea at thr rate +rt forth in the s:,id n-ola, unlit pail. - _. - - <br />That he hereb} :!s,igns. a:uislrrt nnU se[c +~t a! 1,+ the Vior!gagce, kr he .grplied trot and thin put!netx of thu ntrtc amt ;dt <br />wui., ,a`w cJ Mich} m ta,t of a ylcl'ault in the pcrlnun:m 3f ;rut of !hc trrm. :,rid t•onddinns ai this yt :rtynge ~ - t-e .aid <br />. - nole,:dl the reiua. re5 enur.. ;uui imeome to be derivrf (rant lire urc,rtgar.t I ptcmise, du[ing such unn• ds Ih - m.utt_;.rgr in IcKted- - <br />- nos--. sh.-JI remauk unpaid `and rho Hurtt,agsc shall ha=c- pz - re r., appr (m ~.n}- are! d r,:::penis rt ma+- dc•vr lur d*.c parposc.rt - - - <br />nip:dring ~-id prcmi5es ,md of ranting the spore .!rid cohecling the rem<. a`tciuie _- nt[ inacmc, :md i1 maa- poi out trf spact ur - - <br />eome, all e~pu4+cs of ! =-pairing said prrmiseK .amt neccss:itc awrnrisdanrc amt esirenses incur[eJ m renuug and nt;rnsag{rig the - - - <br />±anre uud o[ cuheet~inE rehCds [hercfn?m: the t,afan ci` remamrng, it an\, m be it ppllaai loo and the lfischarga ,3f s;uJ murlgagi _ - - - - - <br />_ that he uyll ktap ;hr !mar 5emt~nt,- m 5 rsiti(!n}; ~ hu t.r(t_rr rt. ter. -:n r,u t~r~ ~tya}. _ { ,ttpc•tt to v.. ct a La, ,- ~_ ~ -- _ - <br />- m}hired from time to time hy= th 'ytartMpgct :k.dnsl io'_ by rSr4 .kutf-,ithrs ft.r- r it.. rasa a7pvl .d.!5i 5: ti!nun}HCrza [e , cm~h _ - -- <br />:!hAnun.S •uul fat vrth-} erit+ds-as mgay hr rect±lited 6y thr `tit' rtgagee eyed roil pa: i -u[mp!.iy, ti+hcn due, a!-t 1-r noun;, r,!! ucir - - <br />- - r^s!u.uicc pre tiisiairTai pa-,, mrnr 5rf-tt-hieh Mis hCt itirr, :natie hazvuat.t!otc -Act !ma.:easic sb.!.p 2 e-earned rn>,.n 5 ' -- - - - °- <br />- - _ _ - ptos~u hr- the SfftuYgflgee and Ihr. tioliuts cord ienttii arm l0trt ~1 ,hnh ha-bald ht tht V.u 14nt!C~ and u.rCr ~t[at.-hitf rhttat. }t?4s - - - <br />{ n I+ic cisnise. ur facr+r of and in fr rm ;ntept:!bir fu the \( !it,.+grr, ha rti~ew trf 1 +tiy `Iungnt, ! ii; p.iac a.mtviata mnl,e hti <br />- m:dl Icy the ~So;tgagCr.-lobe m,iti rmt6e pn+a~f 5 f ic+ss if-not made ptrm ptic bT '<i nrti:,tE=ar. dmt -~-cry=ur:unr :r+ukpcrav ,-cur - - --- - - <br />dernei is hrtcht avthun/nt :rod Jlrected to make I±apment for *uch 1r,,, ahreaiA iu the Vigng.3gce Imtcc:tf +a !r• If+e 11.-rgag.~r <br />:dad t}re yi t~rtgagec jainth.:uni tba inw rdna• pr 'cad<. ttr nni pair! thereof. may tx` mppEird hr' the ki orp;.~g .u.u~ rrpt!~m clthc: <br />~!n the i'eduinun of Ittc indebtednrss hea~bi-senu-ed rc! loth -. <~~'IUr;itn-:.r r n. ~a!r c+f the prrgta- t tt.,.cr;rd I- .!_..t F: u,.rr.. - - <br />~ur< of Ihi. mortgage r r alhri unn.(cr c+f-UUc 4+ the +nt i ii;•,tgcd pnrpr! t_ ~n eclingudahvcw! .,i rht d ! tdhicd r SC.uh:r hi t. In <br />aura}hI_in.e vnu mncera of-ihz M1tr ctg.,cne in auu ta,mv untnttn+,r,+tdi.res t~hco-in-=t,•v ii:,H r.:.-.-.,-.Lr{-, !,~i :r..'. _ - .- - -- <br />'~! ftr-ts; addmr~rt.n.3at,!6a5 rtl srrnrii}fm the P~+; Inrn{;d!irr, 'ta uc+~rte,~l.,•rd.rfl sUn:S io `+t'r----due uttGEa~!t, 1. _ <br />- ••r vii Cv+ar. ;n-tYF _ - _ _ - <br />' - ~ ,r-, w,;ge.- fh+ ~i,,.rtgas, ,t hc:drl a*crguW to tht 11 del tknr};rt ,at. ur,~~--. eti ndt s.. , ~,.,!<-, ~igtrn :'r; - is tr - <br />:ilrrt;s.tYnav illttic`i .m4 art .,~i ~. iv .r hit flit fe;!+t"a .t!t .,rid p`i mitit ti, a 1:}] i[ c . •}.t:t [,-r.ii+t't• :rrT ( ,.3xti! t.':.1ic ..t.r~C :-1 a~ '+(+I,z: - <br />r <br />t 1-:'m n+ -,..IJ r k 4ya (r. lh3i`.j ,i-H :~. {! ! Fr=art l : f':t. r[t-f„~Sfr air ~.9t i i .li:ltlt)(v -, Stk., .if ~}.,-i ~:.-. - l.. =[ ~ . .... .. - - <br />f _~!r•. _~+, _.~~ ._-; _3v- ! ..t+.. tF_-ti_.taxd_, 1n .ha'-1._ !~ .,,~ :L-, ,. -- - -... <br />' ,.! t ! <br />