<br />
<br />
<br />- This from i~ uer:•d in ronr>rr-
<br />[ion with rnortKaKC.: insured
<br /> MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family
<br /> - - previsions of the tiationa:
<br />- - - HousinK
<br />dct.
<br /> QQ 'q
<br />g
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. made and executed this 3rd day of September •~~D•
<br />19 gl . bi+and between James D. Roth and Donna F. Roth, Husband and S4ife
<br />n[ the County of Hall _ and State of Nebraska. party of the first part. hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor. anJ Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />corporation ureanized and existing under [he laws of Nebraska ,
<br />party of the second p:vL hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />N'tTNF.SS ETH: That the ,aid A1orcgagur. fur and inconsideration of the ntm n( Fifty eight thousand seven
<br />htutdred fifty and No/100ths--------------- Dollars 1$g, 750.00 t. paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. the receipt of which is herchy acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Gram: Bar-
<br />gain, Szll, Com~ey and Confirm unto the Mongagee. itc successors -and assigns. forever. [he fallowing-describe)
<br />real estate, situated in the Counq~ of - -Hall .and State
<br />of Nebraska- to wit - - -
<br />Lot Three (3),. Double R Second Subdivisi.one=in the City of-Grand Island,
<br />Hall- Cotmty, t4ebraska - - - - - - - -
<br />of the Sixth Principal bleriJian, contusing in:dl_ - - - _ _ .tors uccocding to Gox'ern. _ - _ _ _ -
<br />-meat sun rs:
<br />- - -7"O HAVE A.'VD TO HQLD lhr prcmities erhose Jcsi rihed. with a(I the appurtrnar.ccs thereunto belonging nnJ including - -
<br />- - - - all heating, plumbing and lighting tisanes and equipntentnow ur herrdter suached to ur ueeJ in connection with sail real estate - -
<br />- ante the \hrtlgagrr, and lu it, successor anJ assigns, btrc vet. 'the Mungagor represent; to, and covenants with, the Mortga-_ - _
<br />-_ - - - _ _ gee. that the 4lurtgagur,h;n guu~ right to sell `;tnS- t m.ey said premise.; th-at thzt are trey Crum-encumbrance; :md that the -----
<br />- - - ilarrgagur wilt warntnt :mddefcnd the s tin=;rg;rinsr the !;naful-' Iaim3 of dll }irrsons whonrorLcrC anJlhr said titortg'agorhere-
<br />by relinquishes all rights of humesteaJ: ,rnJ all martial right., either in Intr ar in rquily.:md all cxhrr arntingent mierestc of the
<br />_ Aturt~agor in sad hi ehr ahuvr Jesciihrd premise ~ti the iutrniiun hetng err convey herchy :irz ahsulutr title, in (er simple, igdud- - _ - - - -
<br />- -. ing all righ tsuC homestead,-and-other-rightssrnii interet>:u aturr.md. ----- - - ----- - --- ------- '---- ---_- ---. -.. -``----
<br />PROVID6:D:11..WAYS. and these presents ore executed anJ Jelivercd upon the following renditions, wwit -
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay w the blurtgager, or order, the prinripul sum of Fifty eight thousand seven htmdred
<br />fifty and No/100ths----•----------------- t}°'larst" 58 750.00 1•
<br />e
<br />- with interest (rum dam m the rate u( -Sixteen and One-half Per ceutunt ( 16.50 ' ~•} prruuwm on
<br />the. unpaid h;danrr until paid. `(he saiJprincip:tl and interest chap he payable:i! the otlice of Superior Mortgagee Inc.
<br />in Grand Island, Nebraska - , or:n such other place as the holder of _
<br />- - ', the nuts ncn• draignate in-wnnng. in monthly installments of Eight hundred thirteen and 77/100ths---=- -
<br />Dullara 15 - 813 77 i, rouunrncing on the First day u[
<br />November , 19 81. ;mJ on tfie first day o(each month ihea;tftrr until the principal anJ in- _ -
<br />serest. are fatly paid, except thnr the final payment ofprincipal nnJ iniercat, if nut sooner paid, shall be due nnJ
<br />payable on the lust Jag of Dhetober 2h011. - ; :dl according to the tenna of a cenuin promis-.
<br />-- - sue}-mtrafrvrndatrhercwu executedh}tesatd'v1ongugor, - - - -
<br />_ _ - 1'hc Mungagur in urJrr mute fully W protect the secueit}~ u(this Mortgage. agrees - - - - _ - - -.
<br />_:. -- -.. - I. 'That hr will pay the tndebleJness, us hercinhefare pruvtJeJ. Privilrgr i+ reietsul m pa}' the Jeht in w!utl r, rir in an - -. -
<br />- - ;tmount oqual to use tie more-monthly p:r}atznta on-chi pnnripal iAai Sire ne.ei Jur un the nine, un the first day n( any month--
<br />- prior to mabuity:. PnrvideJ, huwrr'er', that written nuti~e of an intention to exercise such privilege is given :d (east Thirty (tell - - -
<br />- - - dac. prior to prepayment. -: - - - - - --.. - - - - - _ - - - _ _- -
<br />L 1 hat. together with, and m aJdihun tp, the numlhly payments oC p~~~!pal and interest puyaMt under the terms of the
<br />-- _ - -- natr<,ceareJ ttrreh}the-MartgJgurwi0.pry to tfir.'-.4lortgegee_on the-first da}oT eai~Fnwnthumllhr,nit[nukti fi!II}~paid, the-- ----
<br />fulluwmgwms: - -
<br />I~rl Auuruni sufliricnr W pnrvulc-tltc holder here 51 with lauds to-gag the ^cx.t mavgagc insurance-prennuin it this -
<br />nruumrnt aril tha awe-mrurrd herc4y are insured. ur a rnuntltly charge Nr! lie°u rJ'n ,nrrrtgege in_.t7rraecr pnr_
<br />- -. - mimu)t! .hey am held by-the tier tr iaty of lioush:g ;unl-Urban Ikvrlepntcnt, as t<rltuws - -- -
<br />- --- - - -ti l- ti=:mr1 Sri 1 erg a 's:itS rote ut` i=van date and ihrs'-"rutruan4nt art
<br />lnsurtd ui art Pc!nair7eS under the }'n+-
<br />visions rte lhr Naitnnnl-iluusing Act, an umantt sufllurnt 4a arcumulatr iu the handsu( the holder r~nr - --
<br />' ~a,a.st€*S- - `,'1' 1TF: (Ib' \p;ki[t,1ti(~1 -
<br />ct_,t xei F Fr-.4-~ A 3 F :v. C-: ++m, .x..a,e...1 [ 1 ,.~i?tom. is+ - - - _
<br />