-. - MORTC,AGE - -
<br />_ _ -. _ - --.~ ._ T- MORTC,AGE tAAN NO. , L 23.991
<br />IQdOW ALL METI BY TtiESE PRESENTS: 7Tat Ir1S F. Nelson, an URrelilarrl.ed Wii3OW,
<br />_ - Mortgagor, whether uric or more, iri curisideration of the sum of "
<br />i v- ; txh~ '134 ILSand and _riO[100---`-----------------_-----_---------_-------- uOLLARS
<br />_ loaned to said mortgagor by Tfir Equitable-Building and reran Association of (:rand Island, Nebraska, Mor[gpgee, upon - 3$0 shares oC stork of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, CertrficateNn. L 23, 991 ; drt hereby grant, convey and mirrtgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the EoBowing
<br />descn'red real estate, situ~ted'in Hall County, Nebraska: - -- - - - - - - - -
<br />- Lot Three (3) "Ross and Ashton Park", Located on
<br />and`being a Subdivision of a-part. of Lots 14 and 18
<br />of County Subdivision of-West Half of Southwest
<br />quarter.(W'~SWa) and a part of East Half of .Southwest
<br />.Quarter (E'iSW;) of Section 15, in Township 11,
<br />` North, Range 9 rifest of the Sixth P;M_
<br />_ together with ell [he Tenements; hereduaments and appurienan es thrreuoto -belonging, including attached 17rxrr croverings, all widow-screens,
<br />- -window shades, blinds,-storm windows, awnings; hearing, air condrtaming-.end plumbing and water eywpinenfand acccssodes-thereto,pumpss[oves, --
<br />- _ refrigerators, and other fixtwes andequipment now or hereafter attached [o ur used in cunnrctiun with said real estate. _ -
<br />_ -And whereas the seed murtgagcir has agieed-and dues hereby agree`thae the --inurtgagor shall and will pay aB taxes and-assessment;-levied-or -
<br />-- _ assessed upunsaid premises and upon [his: mortgage and the bondaecwrd::iherehv-brliue the same shall-became delinyuenfj to furnish approved -
<br />-,-- msuranm-oprm.-ihe buildings oa sod premisessituatrd imthe sum of S-3$-,000.00 payable -3u -said-t1SSf)ClAT10N and to deli6ar to card-'. --.-
<br />ASSOCIATION the poheirs for said insurance and-colt rocommrL,ur permit any waste un or-about said premises;
<br />" In rase of default in the performance of any ul the teens and cnndrfions of this mortgage ~„ ttte hond.sacwed hereby, the mortgagee Shall,
<br />- - - on demand,-be entitled [n"immediate-possession-.nf"the mortgaged premises,: aiut-the mortgagor hrroby assigns.-translers-and sets--ovgi-Tu ihe -~-
<br />..mortgagee ail the. rents, reyrnues andinwme W br derived (rout the rmtttgageJ premises.during such Gme-as the mortgage-indebtedness shall ren,am
<br />unpwd,=aitd_ the moagagee shall have-the power to app:ririt any agent ur agents it may desire fu, the purpose uC reparnng said_ pcamisrs artd rearing
<br />the ante-and rwlkermgihe rents;-ievenurs anil.incume;-anJ it-rnay Tray riot` ,t -laid --income -all rxt+oses of repairing said-pramises:.aud-nccevacy -
<br />_ --commissions-and. ezpenses mcwred;in renting and-rnanaFinK ihe _, rind ~d i~oliecting .rentals there!tom;."-the--balance:xemautirtg~if-aay, to-he
<br />appplied ~tnwwd the d'tschmge-dfsaid_mortgage indit tedn mss. these r,ghts F Ibe mortgagee nuay hre_exenased at any time durigg the exts[ence of'such
<br />default,Jrcespectrve of any temporary camper of the", n,<
<br />... ~ These Presents. huwevzc, are-upon [he Cu.nittton, 1 hat it t~ a >,id M.,~ tgagur sttall_rzpay sardloan on'ot:before the"trutunty of raidshares:hy~ -
<br />-- payrnent__pay rttcmthi_v'to card 15S(N'IhTir)~u of tl e ~u n ,tw•. t,eJ m ihe lir,nd sacurgd fiereby as__interGSt ,utd=prinapal onsatd loan, urttir before `-
<br />-~- the Twzn[iatirday-uE each end rvery'm~mth.cnid w 1.u,i n lufly pa,d. pay alltatirs andassesstrterttglrvird ag;irnst"sold ptenlisaasandr?n (his #fortgagr
<br />"andlhcBund secured ttierehy, baEorrdetinyuency".rmn,sh;tpi,roved mautance u(r,n the-hnildmgs.thetaot ,nthe sum oft3$, 000.00 payat•Ie
<br />to said `ASSiX'tATI{)N; repay to sold ASSOCtA7tUN up.,n Jcmand of#ri~ianry by it (laid h.r su~htaxi>, rise>utiants and insuraptcr with inkiest at
<br />- _the-maximum legaF rataihrrec.mfryrrl-Bate-.i+fpa}utent etl„i wht~l, 7.frntfagin.Lc, e{.ry .,g~. ~>r.,pay;.p~rrtiit-n.~r,+>te„n sarci-piemi>s-keep and ~inPly==-:=-
<br />with a1111ic agreements and cynSiiions of the Bund lor3 38, Q00.00 `this day given by the said-Murtgagur to std ASSOCIATION, and uimply.
<br />with all.thc regtrirentents of the Conitimliun-and By-tawsgf suid.ASS(x:EATEON; then .these, peasantsshall become null "arid void; otherwise they'-- -. -
<br />- shall remain in (ulf force-and may 6e foreclosed at the ~pejun of the-said ASSt)C:IA`I!f)N after fadute:.fur three murrths. W make any of said . -
<br />payments or6c thiecmonths in auews m,making seed nianehly payments,ln to keep_,and. u,inpty `with the agreemehts artii.cunditiuns of said Banat
<br />"_ - and Mortgagor agrees [u have n receiver appointed furthwitH in such.Coreelirsme proceedings. ' - - - - -
<br />If there is any etwnge iir dwnership of the real estate itwitgaged heccin, by sale: ire uthaiwise, then the rutfie renuirtting indebtedness hereby
<br />- srcuicd shall, at the pptitin i~f'Che Esjwtahle Building and Lnati Association u(Grand Island; Nebraska,ixrxrme immediately_dua and payable: without.-- _
<br />" -further nylice; and ihe a,nount remaining due- uridet -said hand,,-aria any artier -Iwnd-for any additional advances made thereunder; shag,-from the -- -
<br />date cif exercise s,f said (ipfiun, hear interesE a[_Ihe ntaxtmumaegal race; and this mortgage' may .then 6e Yarectused to sattsfyalie amount due ua said -
<br />- - buhd.andyny nthar blind fur aiiditioital adrani:es, together with all sums paid by said Tha f•r;ititnble Buiitiirig Arid t.uan~Association of (:rand 4sland,-: -
<br />Nebraska for insurance,taies and assesvncnfs, ;end abstracting rxtrgsiun.charges, wifh--interest thereon, Gum"date uC-payment at tAe: rtiazitnum-
<br />- - -legal rate: - _.- _ -- - - , .." .. --r
<br />As provided in rhr Bund secured hereby, while this mwtgaye remains in effect"the uwrtgagre tnay hereafter advartrx additional suttts to the -
<br />makers i~B d 6ond,the t tsstgn or suet ours in interest which sums sfiafl he within, the srcwtty-6F this mortgage the same as the funds nriginalty. " '
<br />ser.uredrthc~y,-the total room ei-mutupat debt t of ro exceed at any lilac the uilginai anwwtttit-this nrwtgage,
<br />17atra t~ 1 ta~.1 September A.O., fv 81
<br />\,,
<br />- _ Iris F. Nelson
<br />STAili 01=NEBRASKA, ~. Uri th i+ 4til - Jay '.,f t,ept_t~rlxaY - rv.-8-l ,betorc nrc, _
<br />- _ - - - - tl • undervgnrJ, a tirrtary I t I n and t r std l'..u ty, pernmyliY rants
<br />__
<br />_- Iris F: Nelson, an tutrrattarried widow,..-
<br />, Chu l5 "_ - Pcrsrrnaliy known to
<br />me to Fx rhr Identical pets whose name 18' -- af{ixad to rhr eb+wc u,a ,,,r sx mmt~u, card 3)lf'
<br />n.. -. -- _
<br />ackmrwkdgnt rh.> va.a cr strumcnt to tw )ter vrlmcr,arv sit and deed. ~~ - -- -
<br />. -Y11;F~l~~r v~hatxiE anJ !Y~.o,,t~~3~~~5eal tf ~d~tra{ure~sfrvd~ _- _.- - ~ ,_.__ :. ._-_..
<br />ur it .wvbx ex / ` ~T .- r
<br />r,•, rm. ~ ~ ~._
<br />wnr~~.r ~, tlltlt~at gta,tiv-sta. rr tt.r.w __ v ,tnr~: rnnnr
<br />a IlOl11M
<br />- - w ot.w. t,u trK 11, ttw _
<br />