AFfi~,nt further states that s~ i~a materials ,were ±urnishE°d f,~r,
<br />delivered at and usec', <,n ~ai~l premises. Th:,t th° char7es therefor
<br />_ - - are fait and reasunak~ie; Clwt there is ric~w 1ue ~~~~ sc,id acc~,unt tiie
<br />sum of_ ~'~83.59;-that t'he sa i<fi [iroc7sb i'r Reac,y i~1i:~: has :,n~7 claims
<br />a lien off, said premise's- fur the full amuw,t of said account, to-
<br />wit: ~ the SUm,- ciF $483::59, t~,c7ether w~ th irter~~st thereon _it the
<br />fake ~>f twe2w~: peccent~ (1 "~) per anni_nn from the 5ch day nF ^9t;v,
<br />1981.
<br />Dwyer Grirunit[gr veiny iest ~lu1y sworn, deposes .in~i yaps
<br />ghat hE -S tie atcorney~ f or 3rndskv Re;~~1~~ ~1i r, in Lhe c,i~uvF~ Ind
<br />Foregoing-action; that he Peas read the aP~uve ~,nd C,>req<,iny, 'ruu>wr;
<br />khe CrinCestts there,~i and that t=.~ie C.,cts st.~tr•d therein area rrue aml
<br />- - - .~cor_re'ct. a.; he vF~r.l~: h~l ir.~vF,s; rhar he ,., .-.i~ininr, rhi~: titr<-h,!!~i.~'-,
<br />Lien on h~.hatf ~~( 3rods,!~p'.; !toady Mir, ~n th~~ I~a~ i_, ,,;at hE, _._., tt;,_,
<br />nece,sary paF>ers _inci in<<,~~~n_itiu^ with ,E~ya;<! to this, ,~cti~,~; in Yii:~.
<br />pnsses_ i~,n,
<br />- - ~` ° ~/ t_
<br />SuE~sceit~e-~9 an<~ Sworn tta k~e,fcirf~ me t::~'.is I,,, ,
<br />lC M~tAR1' ~ w a MQr~Y
<br />0(NM+K 1. DUt~tN}Ijp _
<br />w w~. c,~ rw. ie,,~,
<br />'~;.. , ,
<br />