t v l~ f} ~} !~ 5 4~ Second Mortgage
<br />l~l~n sT~s, i~r, ~ for i
<br />.Section-235 Cases
<br />- With Addendum,-for Repayment of Section 235-Assistance 1
<br />-- -_-'
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made-and executed this 2nd day of September A.D.
<br />_ lg,gl ,'by and between , Floyd E.-Lonowski and Lenore Lonowski;..HUSband and Wife --
<br />of the.County of Hall- and State of Nebraska,, party of the first part
<br />hereinafter called the Mortgagor and the SecretAry of the Department of Housing and
<br />" Urban Development
<br />party of the second part; hereinafter called the Mortgagee.:
<br />t•IITNESSETNi That the said !•tortgagor, is justly indebted to .the Mortgagee in the
<br />p r'I rlClpal -sum Of Ninety-seven thousand two hundred and No/100ths-- DO11arS-(~ 9j,200.00--;1)
<br />which principal sum will-not exceed an amount computed under the terms of the-Plots
<br />executed by said Mortgagor on September z, 1981 with interest.,-in
<br />accordance riith said-Note. That-as security for said-Note the tortgagor dogs by these
<br />.presents Grant, bargain,.-Sell-, Convey and-Confirm unto the tortgagee, its `successors and
<br />assigns the following described real estate-situated in the County of xall
<br />---- Std-te-Of Plebrd5 kd,--to wit Lot T]ir_ee (.3),-Rallos Subdivision, in the -Cityof Grand--Island,-
<br />-. Hall--COUnty,.:Nebraska-`_ - ,.--. _. --:-. --_- - -_ -_ - --- -
<br />TO HAVE-AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances.
<br />thereunto belonging-and including all heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and equip- '
<br />meet now or hereafter aftached to or used-io connecti-on with said real estate-unto the '
<br />tortgagee,-and to its successors-and-.assigns, forever. The f7ortgaeor represents to, aril
<br />covenants +•~ith, the tortgagee, that--the Mortgagor=-has good right to-sell and convey said
<br />premises; that they ,are fees: from encumbrance, except far an FHA first mortgage; and that.-
<br />the:-Mortgagpr will warrant and defend the' 'ame against the lawful claims of all persons -
<br />whomsoever ; and the said Mortgagor hereby-.relinquishes all ri-ghts.of homestead; and all
<br />magical right>, eith_er in law or in ecuity,.and all other contingent interests of-the
<br />Iortgagor iri-and to the,above-described premises, the interitioh being to convey hereby an
<br />absolute tide, in fee simple,,includtng all rights of homestead, and.-other rights. and
<br />interests as aforesaid. -
<br />pROVIDED AL4lAYS,=and these presents are executed and delivered--upor. the foliovring -
<br />conditions , to r+i t: _'
<br />The tior•tgagor`'agrees to`pay to- tie Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum ofi -
<br />:v inety seven thousand tvo hundred and`DTO/,100ch~------- QOlidrs (~ 97,2CO.00 ),
<br />with interest ~s provided in he Nate dated ~epiemb~c ~, 1781an~ executed oy Mortgagor
<br />- -- --- -
<br />-The Morltgagor'in order nror•e ful y to protect the security of this Ptortgaee,.agrees: -
<br />1. That he will-pay the indebtedness; as hereintiefore provided. Privilege is
<br />reserved to pay the debt ih whole, or in an amount equal t0 one or more monthly payments
<br />on the' principal that are-next due on -the-eats, on -the.-.first day of-any--month prior to
<br />maturity: Provided,'however „ That writtejr notice of an intehtion to exercise-such privilege
<br />is given at ,least thirty-(30) days-prior to prepayment. -
<br />2. :That the Mortgagor will pay-ground rents, taxes, assessments, water rates; and
<br />other gavernriental 6r municipal charges, fines, or i6ipositiohs, for-which provision has
<br />not been made,hereinbefore,-.and in default thereof the Mortgagee may pay the same; and that .
<br />the Plortgagoc,will-promptly-deliver-".the official.receipts therefor,_fo the Fbrtgagee
<br />3. The.Mortgagor will pay all taxes which may. be levied upon .the Mortgagee's-
<br />interest in said real estate and improvements, and which may-be levied upon-this mortgage
<br />or the debt secured hereby-(but anty_to-the extent `that sucfi is"nof prop-ibited by law ,irid
<br />tartly =to the extent that su~h_wfll_~at inak~ this-loan usurious j, but exClutlrng any rncrn,~e
<br />tax ,_5-Sate Ur--Federal-~ impo5~ec1 onf~lar[ga7ce, nd ~:~ill file the ot`ficiai receipt sfMO~~:in-q
<br />- such°pay~nt prith the ,Mortgagee. Upon violaCion of this undertaking, or if the Mprtgdgar
<br />is prohibited-by any --1'aw now cr ;iereafter existing fxom Staying the r+hule or any tiortton of
<br />the a;faresatd taxes;;or upon:-the renderurg of any court decree prohibiting the payment by
<br />the tortgagor or any_s_uch taxes,. or'_if such:--law or decree provides -that any :amount sa paid by
<br />the P7trrtgagor shall be credi-tea an fhe mortgage debt, the Mortgagee shalt-.have the rignt to
<br />give ninety days' written notice to the owner of the. mortgaged premises, requiring ,the
<br />payment of the morDgage debt. If such nctice be given, the said debt shell becou~e due,
<br />payable and coliectiblr of the expiration ct' said ninety days.
<br />