<br />- - -- - - : - - Thi,a farm is uKed i,n crnncr- - .
<br />- 7~~{ r~+~-+ - /~, tioo •xith rru,rtKaKes insured
<br />81 -~- - - ti'i~R l VANE - _ - underthe ,one- io four-family -
<br />1t ~} } k r _~-~-~ (~ ti's _ - - _ provision of i~he !tiatic;nal -
<br />- - - Housing Act. - - -
<br />- -THIS MORTGAGE. made lmd rsecuted;his 2nd - daybf -September - - .A.D. -
<br />19 Bl : by and between Floyd E: Lonowski and Lenore Lotiowski, Husband and Wife-
<br />- bf the Coimty cif - -Hall- -. - - -- - - - - . •and State of'Net+raska, party of the-first-part, hereinafter called -. - - - _
<br />[he Mortgagor. and - --Superior-Mortgage, -Inc. - - - - _.
<br />- ~ - - -p- ~ ` ~ied and-e~iaing under the lawe;,f -'- Nebraska - - - - ~ - _-.
<br />_ a cot uratton orgam' _ -- - -
<br />- party of the ce,cond port--hereinafter e:dled thr D}ortga~ee. - - _ - - -
<br />WITH RSSEi"f H: That. the said Mortgagor. (or and in ionaideratinn of dte sum of Thirty _,eight~ thousand and - - _,
<br />No/lORths - -- ----- ---- ------- ----- fh>Ilars f5 38, 000.00 1. paid by the Mort
<br />gagee,-t e rexipt nf. a•htch ishereby-acknovt9edeeJ,-. ha+:,Granted and tiold and by these presents does-Grant. Bar---
<br />- go-tin. SetC Cnm•ey''and 'Ci•^~nfirm unto-the S1 o,-teaeee. its -succeuon aiid-:assigns. flirecrr, -the-_following-described-- - -
<br />- reatestate:-vtuatrdiri-Ihe('iumy<~(_,-Hall - -- ~ - -- - - ..and~Si:rEe. -_,.
<br />-. bf;vehr.,eka, to w.ic-:- - c - -
<br />' - -"Lot Three (3)-;`.Kallos Subdivision, in the City-of-Grand-Island, Hall-- - --
<br />.; County', Nebraska
<br />- - - nP the ~i cth l'nneij,.a ~1ericjlan. cantainink-in :dl _ _ .~~~rc,-~~rcrdmc!o Got rrn-
<br />- mentwne,. -. - - -
<br />ltt H VA'h. 4NU 1 ~ i HuI.U it i prr~ ,t~,,, ~~ ~.~„i t ~ "¢h II the .~ppw ~ .,n, , ihu c.nuo bclongmg and inrhidirn
<br />- all heatine. plumhinE .+nri liuhung fn~m r, .w,i .ywpmeui a^~a ,m hrrr.,(ir~ ~d~echcd ~n ^~r u,eJ in ,.,awrUiun Guth eaid rr ,J cvmte
<br />unto the Vlmirg,~ere. .m,i o. il, , ~ .mJ :..ten,. Ina vii. f he AI oiFpap:~r repr~,rnt, h .md co, enanP •., IQ~. she P9ong:r
<br />e. the ~ [hc A4.n tgat;nr ha, 4o,~d ngh~ ;n ,ell end c. .+c} ,ai,; prrmi•~r,. Thai rhr, ., r (rrc En,m rn~um hrmir, and rhst the
<br />khn tgagot-rvtlP,,,iri-aul auJ .lrfei~~i ihr ;.~ in„ ,hc ..,iu ~,i,1i .l i,2r,on; ~., h,m , :mJ tic ,aid ~tnrtgeei~i here-
<br />by rr,linqui+he+ yll rigAt~ ~~( hnmc,te.id. anJ .dl wau~.d n;;ht,. euher in L~r, .,r m cyuity. any aII other. unungent into rr,t, o[ thr
<br />11,Ikgtg,u,n.tRU{,u ihc,;U.1~r-Je,. nc~d Dtenux'•.'uc m~ei^Unn P.cin_g!. ,hi h, an ,;n u4't~4ie,iufee,un[r!r.mCiud-
<br />-ing ^iflfrigkt of home>i~~ad. .~nJ ,~[h i iglu...~..r :ntrr~.:, .,, c,nii:. - - - - - -
<br />~pR(yVIDFDAl.u:41'S,anJthe+e-prrsrm,.,reeirdo[eJandJrlivrrcd},pun¢Irrfolhrwingu,ndi[iori+, town:-- - -
<br />-- The .Mungagoragrer+ to f;ay io thr MnrtFrgrr, or order. the principal wm of ,Thirty Eight --thousand-- and - --
<br />No/100tks°--_r~-r Collar. tD 38 } 000,.00 1.
<br />- with intrrast !coin-date at tttr ,ate „I - Six'keen-- and One-half per. ch,wui { 16- SO - `,~>-) per annum un -.- - - ,
<br />-- the unpaid halarice until pail-'the sail principal anJ inlertst .hall be.payableat the otiice crf -Superlor.'•MOrtgage , Inc: --
<br />in Grand. Island, Nebraska of at w.h other piace.~+ the hu4drr.rf
<br />- - ----a}ctr+ignaiemwritin~,.inmonthtyinH.ilfm<niuf Five-hundred twenty -sxx and-36/100ths---- ---- --- -
<br />tht~notern^-^--~-~Y-- _ Dollar+l5 ~??6.336 - t <<„unre[tctttg}inIhrlintJavb€
<br />- NovetNaex . I+3 81 -, anS on the hr+t dag ui each mant,h thr~c,dirr until thr fnndpil vrrl in-
<br />- - trrr+t arc; fully poly!, ,r, t,t t1Yat the -final payment-ot principal and inrcre+t. if nisi ,~~ net I,. ~~} hat' (+r due ,nd
<br />- pu)af,lrnn thrkust J5i) u( Qctober; 2011-_ _ - : a_II a.+^nJing to thr Irrnu o_t a ctrt;iin pn,nu,-
<br /><bre mite- vF a-ven date hrrerr-ith rzec^utcd hp_thr +aiJ Marl~ugne - - - - - -- -- - - -
<br />-- _;fhe Mungagor hrutder more tutls iT, protect the-set urin r.f ihn yl r^rtE,t,c. agi er, - -
<br />I Ihal hC rti Ql_l~,n the uklehteJ ne+, .i~ hrn•mbcl,^r~ Yr r~~'cd I'n,ile ec i, ul io ,.n IhC Jrhl m ,eh~~l,~. ~~ man
<br />- .~moun6eyttul l~-one or more ntonlhly p,+y mcnh nn thr ptiniipul that are nest due +~n the ~ t Ir. ,m tltr Ilr>t dn', of r~o-y m„n[h
<br />- - poor to mafurSlS--f-'Y„ideJ.ho,:crcr,lh,u,tinucn nau~c,~(en intention lu r+crei,r,u~h pit, ilcgcnhirrn .il le,isl thirty 11111
<br />- dnl,Prior=ttprrp.i>meat
<br />- ~fhat, together with: anti ur aJJition to, the monitily pay mecn of principal and thtrrest p.~yahlr under ihr Iz[tns .d the --
<br />--- - - tr~E~ +c,t}i'ed he€eFry the Ftnrt};a[aFU-iA ~.~, kithe-lGlr+Tty:eg€~. nn the ~*i day •,! c.K^bEt4i~r;t~unTt~thr ,:riq n, is ~. fiittr I~.NJ,=thi =-. -.
<br />_ :fallowing+ums: - - - -
<br />- (al Ant~udt sutfirrwr iGpn^~tdr the huldr~ -hereat with=funds to paq the nrCt_ mm[page inSU7au, r premiuur d this--_ -
<br />-ursuumrni anJ drr nett ,scared-hvrrfry ace utsuird•T~r a nti~ut}dY cl,argr t'irr lieu r>I u nrr+rtgigr-inucran a^-,r>r<^-
<br />-- - - rnrnrre}iFN,rr~ere-held iv ~ u~,.Sn^t-u rat y-^~Gll<„+.hrp ai,d 1!rl,at~ lleer)cdk'nu-nt :is=EarFiuw. - _ -_.- -. --
<br />- tll~` It v id .~, lln,F ~..aiJ nrrte ut erer 3aic .rod tlssis msnuu~e'a~ gyn. rosin rJ nor u;ne,2,tundri sire-pr;,. - -
<br />r~anrtrc ~^I thr ti`,i n,mal Ile ucmy, A,!. a am~n,ni cut $iient in i. cunmluie ui thr h.uuh ,^I the hol,iei , m
<br />- - -- - - S"I'.1TE UF~ ~Fatit:ytih.1
<br />