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<br />ORDINANCE NO-. b750 <br />- - An ordinance creating Street Imoroveu.ent,District No. 1012,defi.ning the boundaries __ _ <br />of the district, and providing for the improvement of a street within the-district by - <br />paving, guttering,. and all incidental work iq connection therewith. <br />BE IT ORDAI;r'ED BY THE ;fAYOR AND. COL:: C€L OF. THE CZTY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTIO.r' 1. Street Improvement District No. 1012 in the City. of Grand Island, <br />-- - - - - Nebraska, -is hereby created. - - - - - - -- - - <br />- - - SECTION 2. The boundaries of the distric t--shall follows: ~- - - <br />- - - ~ Beginning a[ the Northwest-cornerof -Lot-1; Former Subdivision,- iri the- - - - - -'- <br />- - City of Grand island, ie breska, said point-being along-the easterly - - - <br />- line of-South Locust Stree,.; thence easterly along the-North-line of -- - - - - <br />- --- Fonnez Subdivision-and Janisch Suhdi.idsion `a distance-of 293 feet; '. - -. <br />- - ---` -.-- -`, - - - -thence -defiect:ng--lest 300-seet`irom ahd paral l-eY to-the -easterly -lino- - -- -.- -. ----- <br />- - -- of South Locust Street fora dis rant e. of 200 feet; thence deflecting. - <br />-- - - _ -- tight a distan -e- ems- 5-feet; thence- deflecting-- left- 300 -feet from-and - - - - - . -- - <br />- - - paia11e1 to-theeas to rly lire-of South Locust--Street for a d istance df _ - - - -- <br />-- -- -- - -- - -- -- ----- - - - - - -280-feet--to--a-- nine alcr g- tne- souther-ly -line -of- Conner--Park--Road; thence--- - - _ <br />- - - _ deflecting left northresterly to-the junction of the westerly--right-of-: -- <br />' way-line of Pine Street and the northerly right-of-way line ofFormer <br />Park Road; thence de:lece_rg left along theNoit h-line of-Former Park Road <br />-- -, --- -" --for a-distance-~f 2o7'feeG; -thence-deflecting-right ~n-a northwesterlc -- --- - <br />- - - - - direction a distanceot-c0.b3-feet-:-thence-deflecting right along 'the - -- <br />- -- - - - - easteriv line o:-Scut h--'Locust-S rest-for-a distance-of 175-: ~Z feet; thence- - - - <br />---- - - -- - - deflecting le*t. -in -a- i:esteriy--direction fora -distance of $0 -feeC to -a-. - -- - - <br />" - _ point-along-the-westerly--line of South-Locust Stiee t7- thence deflectine <br />- - - - -- -left-and runnin - o Sri;- alone "the-westerly line- o€--South- Locust-- Street--i-er -- - - --- -- <br />a-distance of 13.57 see ~;-thence def let right in a southwes ezi•, <br />-- -- -- -direction a dis-lance of lE.&7teet to-the northerly. Line of Fenner Park - - <br />Road ; thence deflect :::g right a1on, the northerly line of Former Park <br />- - Road for a distance of .id feet;-thence deflecting left i29 i eel frog; and - <br />_ para~~e~to the wester l,: line of South Locusts trees -fora distance o€ <br />- - ------ -- - •-420-seee-tb a t!:e--nc ache rly ?ine-of--Lot-2~--La-Beli~do ----- -- °-:- <br />- _ - -5ubdivisi en; c!:ence de_t~ ti^c._ eit..a distance o_t 3 fee_t_ along. ch_e _ ___ <br />~_ _ -- northerly fine of Let 3,-„a-5e i. ndo Scbdiyisidii_; thence deLlec tiny; _-_ _ <br />-. -_- - _ -- Yigh[ 13 °. feet irdm and.parall ei to -the westezl~• line o_f South-Locust _. -- _- _ -- <br />--" -- .Street for-a discancc -;~i 3+:0-feet co a po in r.-along the northerly ' _ - _ - -- - <br />_x^.e <br />-.-. - - --~-. --'- --o€~-Kirkpatrick Subui-~i-sien ;- t`.^,ence-de-€-lei inh-'-i.eit along-.the nor"~nerly -.- _ __ --" <br />line--o€ ni-rkpatric„---S uhdivision and-t_he--caster.` e~pension of-c^i ~- - - <br />. line for a distance"^f 205 -feet to a po itit.along, the-_easteriv "eu+;c of <br />_. ..South Locust-S tree[ ;.thence sieflect_in:e. left a distance of P'ln feet - - <br />- - along the easterly fine of South Z.ocust Stre ct :o the -point , !.e€irn lac„ <br />---------- ---- ----- -all--as-Shawn--0n-_he---ptat•ma.--ke-d-Exhibit-„~+,~::. a.ctached-.-herein--and :ne~rpcra:.t:~ ----- <br />,herein by -referonce. -_-_ <br />- - ,SECTION 3." The following s racer in thedistrict shall,be;improved by"paving, - <br />- - curbing, guttering, and all incidental work in connection therewith• - - <br />- - -- - - - - -South-Locust Street-- rom Former ParK Road--to k'indolph -Avenue:---- - --~-- - -- - _ <br />-- Said-improvements-shall be made in accordance with plans-and specifications prepared bv. <br />- - - the Engineer- for--the City and -approved by the-.Mayor-and -Couneil_ - - - - -. - <br />- - SECTION.-4:-- The"-improvements-shall be--made--at-publircosc;-but:-the-cost-thereof, -- ---- <br />excluding inter ections,shall be, assessed upon-the lots and"lands in the district _. <br />" - - specially baneYitedthezeby,_as provided by law:. - - <br />' ~ -SECTION-,S-. :;his ordinance-shall-6e in force-and-take effect from.and after :.ts -.. <br />passage,appioval, andpublicatsoii,without the-plat, law <br />