<br />t
<br />~ 81r.)+f~i5~b
<br />- MORTC.Af,E - - - - -
<br />- _ __..__ .__ ___ ~ _~ ._._.._ MORTGAGI: LOAN nip. L 2390 _
<br />tCNOw AtL MEN nr TltFSf pRGSFNTS: That Carol J. Pinger and Joan F, Pinger, each in his and her
<br />OWIl right and a5 SpOUSe OS each Otl"ier, Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />EQLtIL Thnncan~~tj_.pQ~100 _--C --- ------ ----------------------
<br />_____=_~t.LARS
<br />_, .. __._.... __.,.._ ..-------------------
<br />finned to said ilwrtg)gor M' The f-yuitabk ftuiiding and I,cran Association of Ctand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagte, upon 400 shares of Aodc of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certiferam No: [_ 23,990 , do hereby grant, cobvev-and mortgage-unto: the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described rral estate, situated in Ilall County. Nebraska. _ - - - -
<br />tryt Three (3), in Block-Five (5), Brentwood
<br />Subdivision in the C'_ty of Grand Island,
<br />Hall Coilnty, Nebraska-
<br />- - - - _ _ -
<br />- together with air tft< t<nemnrts. Frercditamcnts and appurienaces thercumo Ixlungtng: mciuding attached tlooT amrutgs, all window screens, -
<br />- wurduw shades,-bhnds;-stcxm winthiws: awnings,heating,_au-eanditianing,andplumbing-and wateiequipment and accessories Thereto, pumps, stores, __ -- -
<br />- - - re(ngcrators,-grid-ixher tixiurrs grid ryuipmrnt now of herraiter attached ni-or rruJ m connection with said real estate. - - - -
<br />- And "whereas the. vrd rtxrrigagvi has agrerd.and noes hereby agree-tkui the-inurtgagor shall-and will pay alI taxes and-assesviten[s levied or -- - -- -
<br />assesved upon vM piemises and upon th s awr[gagr d the luind secyred tt,(er,[~eby befnm the same shall become delinyuent; to furnish approved -
<br />tnsuran r upon thr buildrngs vas card pr~arncs silua[rd~ n the sum o(540, ODU. UO payable to said ASS{x'IA ftON- and to delixr [o said
<br />-- - -- - - - ASS(X~IATYONIhe puiieirs for -said-insurancx; aad not to e~ummri dr {+ermit any waste on-or about said preraiws: - - -- - - -
<br />- to-rase, of defaidt m thr peiftirmance of any of the terms and amdilio s rf thrs nwrtgage or the bond secwed heeby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, be nnrtlrti to uurttediate prar~iun ul the nwpgaged piemsts u d the nwrtgagor. hereby assigns, eranslirs and sets over to the
<br />- - rteungaget atI tin- mites, -r<xnucs and inunrt< )o he derixd from the rttongaged premises dwing such-time as the mortgage utdebtetlcess stint remain ~ -
<br />- _ trnpaut: and-[rte rttrnt~gre ztmlt have the p+wer to appoint any agent or.agcats it may desire i`or. Chr pwpuse of repairing said pretntses and renting. "
<br />- _ -tire satnrami rallrciing-The rents, raxrturs arid-uerwnte,-suai it.tmay pay vut of said income-.a8..-expeaues of-repairing-said-prettilsrs ~tttl necessary -- -
<br />- cuminiaterns and rt.pettses mcunedm renting and managing the satire and of eotler-iing rentak- therefrom;. the halanur retnaitting, it"_ any, to he - -
<br />-applirci-tnwarst-tindisrttaegr .t -said nwrtgageindekrtednrf', These r y;hts of ihr nwn7jge~- nwy hr exrrcrsad a[ any tune during [he existence of wrh
<br />- - defauh; wrspertix of any temporary waiver of the same. - - - - -- - - - - -
<br />`I'heae Prrsrats, Iaxwrrer, at.: uppn th (npJit ant, fltai if the satd Myl tt¢tgur slwll icfraY-lard loan uu or before the, maturity of said sham by - - -
<br />paytt[eni;.pay muntttlx it }ant--,1ti1t1Ct:111p1 rrl-the swrt-sprcdeeil--ut-the ihtrui -rueed heeebY-as-itttrresl and.-prinrijtatan said-roan; on arbeiore _.
<br />-.--_thr Twrntiethday ;d rah a :;. ~ ., ~ nr..ntl r»ui,satd Ivan is fully pard,_pap afl rams and assxsfstrnts teased agatitst.-satd ptemtsesand on.tlu Mortgage
<br />- and the &.nd sr wrd the ctrv r,cio~r dehnyurny, iwaersh apps > -d ensuranre upm the hu id gs ri ertwt w thrwm of 5 4Q, 000.00 _ -payable
<br />-.-._-tv said ,L~51)E lA'(`tt)k~ c€p-aye s'syrt. 4S5{)CIATIt)k upon lehwnd alt nuiney by n paid ~ u..h :aus, assessEaciris and iaswxm:e w-tth interest ar _
<br />--the rttaxtmom kga9 rate Iher m.fiaii~ dart vf-payrrx t ll of which Mottgagsx hei 6v_a~re+ ~+ay-;perm trw.vesie_on said preinise;s keep.and uuuply -- -.
<br />---wash all ftir-agrrerexnis and r ndrlions t the fti,nu I r S 40, 000.00 this day gtxn by the said Atottgagut W said ASS{X'tAT10N, and comply -
<br />- wash all tree erywtrrMnts of the Comtit orlon and 13y Irws of said ASSU{'tA'f1UN; then These pmsents shall become null and void, otleerN'ise they - -
<br />shaA remain in full fmc~e amt nuy hr Fore ivad at the optidn'uf the said ASS(X'IA"CION after failwe flu three months to make any oC said
<br />_ - payneunls yr 1x.tMrr neun[Iu.m ariears m nwking said nwnthly payeternts, or w keep and wmply with the ageeetttents and wndiFions of said ftoad', -
<br />and Mmtgugue agrees Io bare a rrs~ixr aplwinted furthwi[h in-such fotrdusure piutx;edings, -
<br />- if there is any cltnngr in ownerstup of the rest estateinungagedhereio, by sale or otherwise, then -the eniite retttaining itidebtrdness hereby
<br />scewel shalt, at the aptiur, ul 7'he fyuttatile ftuilding and La+an Asvxiation of {:rand island, Nebraska,hemrtx imtrndiatety due andpayabte without - -
<br />fwther natirx, and rite criminal retttairting due under said bond, and any other hood fur any additional advances made theicunder, shall,from the -
<br />- date of exercise of said option, bear uttercst at the ntaitunum legal eaie, and this marigage ntay then he foreclosed to satisfy-etie attwunt doe on said - - - -_
<br />txind, and any MMer Mind fYr additional advances, hrgcther with all sums paid 6y said'11te Equita6leBeritding aril l..oan AixKlatiun-uf {:rated Islaeed, _
<br />Nebraski ti i inswanrc, taxis and aisesvncnts, and ahsttactrng extension dtarges, wills interest. thereon.- From dart of paytreewaG the tttaximum
<br />- Ingal talc. - - - -
<br />- - - As-pwvidail m the iumd sc<un~d hereby, wh0c this mortgage temxnn ut rfleat the rmxtgagee r[my hereafter advamx. additwnaisumx u+ ihr - -
<br />' makers of sctiil tkmJ, tttru assrgrs>+rr su.:<essurs in mtcrcst, which swrrs shalt he within the srrurity of this. murtgagr the saax as ihr i'unds uiiginatly
<br />scr;ured therebv, the neat anurruit .!F ptu~cipal tk?n nut to rxw:ed a! any.titttr ihr urtgittal amowt[ of this mctrtgage_ - - -
<br />thted ttna 2nd ~ _ ray r,t Septt~teber A. tt., tv 81
<br />~ , 1
<br />C r '~J PerY "~
<br />.~-~ ~ _%
<br />_ - -
<br />J Pinger
<br />- \fA`fi pf-Nh bRASKA,~ ~ -On thu --
<br />['f~{iN`tt {it- illTt.l. 2nd -. clay of --_ Septr~daer _ t ~ 81 , before mr, -
<br />L the undeisigrtcd, a Notary 1'ubtic m and fur said County pcraimally tame
<br />Carol J_. Pirtyer and_Jc>r~,n F. Finger, each in his and her own right_aru9 3s spouse o£c.>,ch
<br />_. __Ol'-hL'[;. - -_ _ _ - _ _ - _.. - - __ _ -.. _ _... wbt>-. g~.±- - pc[xntaity ~tnawn to - _ _
<br />- rttc Io has the iieotinl prrsrtn5 wtu>sc names arE affued !o the alwx utsuwrtent as mort'gagm $ and t:,})ey srxrally~ ~ -
<br />-. - ari.mrwkdged the raid t:+.se ntn[eni tr. he - fl1E'lY -votuntaiy alt and'decd. - - _ _
<br />wfTNhbs my harm acrd hvtm rat $cai tFtr.datF ai„r said. ~ ~. -
<br />- My [-onum+Ki+?u r;Pees a„-
<br />;., ,
<br />wu.n rsr,at - -
<br />