MORTGAGE 81 _..1 i r_i ~ 5 ~ >i3
<br />~ THIS INDENTURE, rnsde this _ ___.. .day of _.._. it[1g(I S,t... t9 ~~, by and betwrrn -
<br />----- K~rLh.~.ZyxtJ. _G!fasmi,~t,_an~fr~nuw~s<~,d_pe~fhon _-- __ --- ----- _ -
<br />of _11aP.P -_._ Coun[y. Nebraska, as mortgagor __ __ ____ and Home Federal Savings and loan Association of Grand Island, acorporation -
<br />organized-and eiisnng udder the laws of the Unimd Sta[cS of America with its principal afl7ce and place ot" business a[ Grand Leland, Nebraska.- as
<br />mortgagee: - - - _ _ _
<br />WITNESSHTH: That said mnngagar__.__-.____.,fur and in consideration of thesum of~_._....__.._.___.__._____~._`-_-_~._____
<br />Fotulteen Thouband T1vre2 Hundtfed Ninety and S6JT00 ----- ----- 14,39.0:56
<br />------ -----._.__.. -'--.-_------. _ _ -. __ . -_ _ _. _-- ---~-- _--Dollars t3_.. ___-.-------._._).
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, de._._-..~ .__ _.._. hptheu presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and a.§signs, -
<br />- .forever, all the following descrilxd real estate, situated to the Coumy of ____~,_.-_f{a~ __,______.___ _ _
<br />- and S[a[e of Nebraska, to-wit: -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<br />Lo,t N.Lneteen (19), [Vee.trunod Pmlk,52on, Na2.2 County, Nebnahha.
<br />..
<br />lag char w th 11 heating t t do K i ght K d l i f g lu ~p t nd fixt 1 fink a g t and s and --
<br />d r ~, and + dow shades ar blends. astd cn o ,. mecn+in w,th eat prole n} .. hrther tht .ante am m x luwtt i un .xrd {ieop~rty o. herrxftrr - -
<br />_ plated the eoo - - - - - - _ .'
<br />- -'p0 H.4VE:~NU TG HOLD "I'H E-tiAMF., together wick x11 and singular the tenements: hereddumrnts anti appu Ernances theirun[n be. - -
<br />tongirig:-or m unywi~e appertam[ng, Grrrcer:-and-. werranr-the .itlc-r.-,=rhr acme--5a+d mtirguKur -.-i,ereU_ -covr•nam -5 w-t[h.--satd - - -
<br />murtgagea that -'~ he 't'6 __ . . ut the delivery ttrrraf, rhe-lawful owner c,,f the [ n.m+aes abo - arrv~y6a1 nd dest6betl. - -.
<br />-~ and _~ sized n(agood and indefoaxiblr~ rstnu> nlinheritan~ therein, tree nntl tiu,r o[ al t umtrnn .~ arul their She _- wiU - - - -
<br />- warrant and defend the. ctde chrrem toreser ugainsf 1hr clauhs and riemanaa ut u[I_ps+rs n hrimuF ~•t r -- --- -- - _ - _ -- ---- -- -_-. ~ --
<br />_.. _- _ F
<br />Ftt2jVlllh:UAL.Vs'A\`ti, and this mx[rilmrnk rs rxrxuiiuf and dr},vkry.t},,veture>thrt ymani,;f iht :u.u ul -
<br />FQra~ntQen T.ffQf~aa~ Ttah~e~i{lcrl~n~d N<i;}l~t de~f~[a cf<lac!_-5f1(iQOi;t,itar. , 14;,319. ~5_-, ;: ,
<br />with interest thereon. together with such charge. nd ndvxoca xs nrav he d .> nd payaF it to end x. 2,<,,;.-. and r ~ ~ id .. „[n+nn-
<br />of the prrnmssory note of even data. htraw¢h ono .,~~urul neret,,/ . xas~.utrti by smd +oortgagor --.-- t • saw ntortgaKre: pacabin ss , xpn seed - - - - -. _--
<br />- m said note: an8 to aecurg the performance o[ all !ire terms and wnd[Curns ceotnined therein. The trn~,~ ~ d said m,nc are hehhy utcarporuted .
<br />herein by this reference.
<br />' ft i9 [he intention and egrenment of the parties hrreio [het [hie martK+rKU shn[I nlxe suture any future ndvanirs mode W said mnrtKUgdr -
<br />- by sa[d +nongager, and any and all iddebtrdness 7n addition to the aoromu nturim stated which xaid ou>rtgn~gor ran. of then ~- r owe tr! --
<br />- _ said-mortgagee. however tGidenced, »he[fier b_r note, lrisrk-aruwnC . ,~ihvrw cs+:: l ties mortr,uKi' shalt remain-,ii full Lace grid , tIr•tt bi.i»ixn - ': ---
<br />- the pttrtias heieW and.their heirs, personal repre ~ntatives, + sure ai+d assigns, until all annwnts secured hereumler, including fuauo,' -
<br />' - -ada•ancas, arc paid in fait-with interest. - - - - - - - - ~ ' - - ' - _- - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _- _
<br />- - - 4'hr mortgaKnr. ...: 'hetxky'asatgn _.d.. to said mnrtgngxr x11 rents end trauma arising ut any.xud all times from said taoperty and -
<br />r
<br />- hereby authorize smd inortgager or its agent.-at its option. hpim drfauk, to txkr,charge of su&1 Iiroper[y-anJ tnltuY all rent nd gamine- -
<br />' tharatmm and--apply the name-t,~ the paymeni of -intrirsr, prtn pu..-in~urxn: c~-I~.rrem s-; taxrs;'assessmcnt.,, -..r ~mproacm.ots - - _
<br />naeessary W keep said property in [enanWble condiuoa, ar to atbrr char6'es or pnymessts pgovidtKf Lu here[ri or in [hr note hrn•hy securrril 'Ghee -
<br />rant nsxignment ahailctmtiaue in larcr uatiC the unpakd 6nLrnca at said hate rs fully paid. 'Ghe taking o[ pussassum hereunder ,hull in no manner -
<br />- - - _ prevent or retard said mortgagee in thk calleetwu of sold sums t [ edusu nr olherw,se. -. - - - tF _ _ - -
<br />- The fedora nt the assert any outs rights hereunder ut an} time shalt hat he construed ns-x waiver of-rts right t r u±serr-,-the 33 - - -
<br />- +:amx at any later tune, and w insist upon and enCarce stnc4. ~ umpliu per with x11 the trrnrs and pro5-isions of sued ogle and of this tuartgage>. -
<br />- - _ -If said mortgagpr ehaR causes tp he paid w veld maltgagra the rnurd xmauni guru hereby 1rr. anr.L under t he tentfe a } ro. ,wom '
<br />- of.avd pieta-hereby secured, including future ad7aner s-, and a-c .rteriswn - n, wnh th r7~„f in nt lance with the n~r~,= nr,d p . ~ „ - -. -
<br />„
<br />therroa[, e~ [i es{d mortgagor v6e11 amply x lln u4 ~ he prav,xwn -d d notF ,.od f ~ lu. n+aitgx!{r, then-[h,~~,~ ~ , ~t tail I~, . ,.1- -
<br />,.
<br />,.,, „v,
<br />ui.heFwteie to remain inlull totrx-apaaffect. and aak~mart6ag.+-shsilitaen27tl,si urf}„-~ti - no[stl o[sntd priepi-t} _ nd„ - a ,~ Ln.-.~
<br />- -_ delve she wtiole'ol btid note and all iadehtadneas rePneepuxi thereby}n ha-inantd nttt } tlyr hall-pxyuide. and i f ~~ ~~~~•~ , h,. ,;:,a<c '- _
<br />ui [#lie any ufArar-legal action-tn-protest 1L right. Ap~treiaemrot waw4xf.. -.- -- -- - - -. -
<br />_ - -- _ 'I'bis mortgage,yhatl tw h-ending upon end ahn1l enure is the benefit of the hsirs, execvcor, .-rtdmmrstrat n, ..,,. .., ~d an,~gxr ~ d U,« -.. _ - '
<br />-. _ _ rc±yactive ixst'ttc hereto.. -...-.._
<br />-» IN N'11'NF YS 4C tfEHk:4F, xaul MartKagc~r -bra -~,. hereuat.~-rt.. {i~ryr. had - !.h-day raJ p, ath>c.-- - '
<br />f
<br />wnttrn
<br />Ka-tita~Nft ~ C•uzfi~lce,f;
<br />