<br />This Mon.gage i, entered into b awr•en _ g_.chard ~,._, Fruehling and Sandra 1 i ruehln3~-
<br />Husband and-Wife _ - ,_ ___ __therem °Mortgagor")and
<br />FI4rE POItiTS nA~~ - _-.-___ _jherein'-Mortgagee"1_
<br />Sior6gagnr is indebted to 4lnrtgagee in the principal sum of 7 ! 5D_,IlDIl..O~._ _ . evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated __$I12L 81....... (herein "Note"} providing Cur payments rrt principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payahir un.,. __.. ?~ $ 82
<br />To secure [he payment of fhr Note, with mterrst as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />advanced by Mortgagee to protect fhr srcuntp of this 4ortgage, end the performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Ytort gagor dots hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />property located in - .. ka11. - County. Nebraska:
<br />Lot Seven (71 in Pieadowlark Estates Subdivision in Hall Count}', ^ebraska
<br />'t'ogether with all bwidings, uniirovrmrn t,, fis[unw, st reels. ulle}n, p:usagewa}=s, ra+enu•n1a, ngh [s, pnvilrges and
<br />appurtenances located thereon ur m anywise prrtainu:g the nq u. and the runts issur+ and pn>lits, rev+•rsions and remainders
<br />thereof; including, but not limltrd to. hratntg and coohnK rgwpment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />improvemenrs so as to consututr a hxturr; ail .d winch, utdudwg rrpian~menls and additmns there t-u, is hereby decixred
<br />to be a part oC fhr real estate m•run•d l» the heu of ttu, Ahxteage and all of fhr flvegomg brutg refern•d Wherein as Lhe
<br />"Nropertv •.
<br />Mortgagor further convrnan is and agn•e+, with >hrrtgag~•r. n.+ fodoxv
<br />I. Payment 'Co pay the indrbtednr+s and the in trrr,t Ihrrt~un ;n proadrd w thn ~krrtgage and the Note.
<br />2. Title. Mongagur lv the owner of fhr Proper? , h:n fhr nght and auto only to nturtgage fhr Property, end
<br />warrants that the hen cn•atcd hen•by is a Ciro xud pour tiro un 1 h~~ i'mp~•r;, , acept a, was of hrrw lsc• be sri forth herein.
<br />_: Thr t'roprrl} is aubfrct to a 4lortgxge-wherrut _. --.- _-
<br />is the Mortgagee, recorded at Buuk . Page of :hr ~7,ntgagr ttr~,~rd, of _ _ County,
<br />NebraaAa, which Mortgage is a Gen pour:.. for tiro rmatr6 herri>v
<br />- - _ _
<br />Other prior belts or encumbrance,: _.... __ - _
<br />3. Taxes, Assessments. Tu pay wh,vl due ail Luc,. >perlaV a,~r++nvnte and :dl other ehargto agwnst lhr PrupertY
<br />and. upon written demand by Murtgagrr, to add to the pa} meat-, n•gwrrd under [hr Rotr +rcumd hrn•b} ,+uch amount as
<br />may be sufficient W rnahie the Vtmtgagee w pa} ,uch tase~, rise:+sntents ur ulhrr chnrgea an the} bt•comt• due.
<br />4. Insurance. lb keep thr~ unprovrmcuts sox ur hrn•:d'h•r loe~ated nn the real rsu+tr drsrnhrd herein msu red
<br />against damage by fire and .wch other hazards ;t, Mur[gager mac require, m amounts and t.-lth rnmp;nur. arcrptablr W the
<br />Mortgageta and with cuss pa}able to the Mortgagor. In cu,e nl' fu+s under ouch puhcu•s th,• Mungagrr is authorised fxt
<br />adjust, rollccl and cumprrnnisr, 'm iln dtxcn•Uon, all clanm Ibrremldrr et it<,otr option, aulhorimdtu rithrr apps} [hr
<br />proceeds W the restoration of the l4upcrip ut upon the indebtedness secured hrn•by, but pa}~nn•uW hereunder abort von
<br />time wail tltr sums securt•d hereby arc psrxl iu tali.
<br />5. ,'.! Escrow For '['axes and Insurance. Notxlthstandmg nay thing contained in paragraph. 3 and t h.•rroF to the
<br />conlrary•, Mortgagor shall pay to the Murtgagvr nt the time of paying the nunrthl} utsixil attar+uf panel pal and uurre~t,
<br />- onrtwelfth of fhr- yaarly taxis, asaessmcnts, hazard msuraucr prrmiutns; arsd ground rents ii( arty i which ma} attaht a
<br />prir,rrity over this Mbrtgagr, all ad n=asnnahie rstimatrd from-time fn Itme n} fhr \Inrtgagre. `(hu aniuanta ~s, paid xhail be
<br />held by the Mortgagee without mu•n•st turd apphrd W the pay m+vrt of fhr item, m rr,prct w tehtch aucft amounts weer
<br />L deposited. "1'tte sums paid to Murtgagre hereunder am pirdged as add: tional a u} tut thu tndebt do a v u d by thts
<br />,Ytortgagr. Mortgagor shall pap lu-Mortgagee fhr ankruut of ant deflrtrncy b+txt eu the attm+t tax,:+, iwa.ti+nu nts, en .urxoce
<br />premiums and ground runts and the deposits hereunder sen~in tll rlny> aflrr demwtif 1', math upon 4lortgagur rcyuestmg
<br />payment thereof.
<br />G Repair, S#alntenanra• and Use, i'u prom pth repair, rr.,lurv or n•Irutid ar,t iruddtug+ yr unprurrmcut, : a
<br />hr crafter un the Property, to kacp the Pruprr{y in good t ondrtlun and n-pau. wrtY:vuf ~x aytr, and frr.• front nn^rhanir~~ ur
<br />other tiros nut eapre,aly ssuhurd.natrd to fhr hen Irrro-ed, nut tr. r+takr, ~ulfrr or }u•nn:l ant ;~u~esurc !n r=s r•t_ n,m 1„ tfun;n
<br />i=.h Gr ttn{rate ;tn• :Sf uc of fhr Nrulsrrtg ht any act nr nmvcna `..~ .~, r~. and rn nrmpi} estik ;ta n-¢7mn•trtrnt:.,t ia;:- x~ta
<br />nsprt°t it, fhr Prop!; tt~
<br />