~ _ 8~.~ t}~t~t~5~)
<br />.MORTGAGE ,
<br />r - _. - ~-- ~^^ MnRTGAf.F, t.OAN NO L - 2~~$~.,_~,_ .:: -
<br />tO•rowALL MF.x By THPSE t'Rf•'SEN'is: that Marion E. Murphy and Shirley M. Murphy, -each in his and
<br />i her 0481 right and - a5 SpOUSe Of .each other, - Mortgagor, whether orre ur more, in wnsidetatioo of the stun of
<br />- - - - - -
<br />Sixteen Thotasand and-no 100-=- _----- -- -_----------- -_-------wof.[.ARs
<br />loaned to said rortgagor by The 1•:qui[able $uilding and Luan AssocratlOn of Grand [eland, Nebraska, Mortgagee; upon 160 shales of stocit of - -
<br />r ,. _ _ _ _
<br />t - - - - -said ASSOCIATION, Crrtificate No. C 23988 -- - . do--hereby grant, .ronvey and mortgage unto the-said ASSOCIATION She foltowtng _ -
<br />- describedreal estate; situated-in hall County, Nebraska:-" - - - - - _ - - - _
<br />I,ot (hie Htmdred Thirt~One-(131) in Belmont, Art
<br />:. Addition to"the City of Grand Island; Hall.Cotan'y,
<br />Nebraska. _.
<br />i lugether wdh all the--tenements, heredttamentt and appurtenances thereunw betunRmg, including attached nr verings, all window screens,
<br />window s{tades, blinds: storm winiluws, awmngs, heating, air i;ondmoningond plumbing and water:equipmein coif a~~c, woes -therr[o,pumps,;[oyes,
<br />4cGigermorscand o[herJraqures anU egmpaient now or hereafter at[acbbd to ur used in connection with slid seal es[anr. -
<br />And whereas the~~satd mortgagor has agreed and-does-hereby agree that the rn~rtgagor s{ia1V acrd wul tray ll r r s and assessments levied or
<br />- "assessed upon said preimses and upon this mortgage and (hr bond secured [hereby hrlore the -same shag become. d'lutyuent; to furmsh approved- -
<br />uisiuani-e upon the buitdmgs on-said premises situated-in the-sum ~ '516-, QQO, f3Q,..- payable-to said ASSOCIATION and [o deliver Co said _ -
<br />ASSOCIATION [tie puhcies Cor saidmsurance: and not-to cirmmrt ur permit any wxsteun ur abuut.sud prermsss; - -
<br />f , - -Gt rase of default m the peiformance elf any of-the terms and conditions ni -this mortgage ui the bond"secured hereby, EEte mortgagee shaih
<br />on.demand,_bcentitled-[o imrnedFete possession of; thrmortgaged premises and the- mortgagor--hereby-: assigns; transftrs-.and sets over to -the -
<br />-~ - rriiirtgagee ail the rents,. rrveaues and income id be--iterived from the niurtgagrd ptexuisrs dining such tune as the mortgage indebtedness straB rernaui - -_-
<br />unpaid; aqd the moagegce shalt have the poweito appomtaay agent ur.agents tt may desue fur tkie purpose of repairing said premises and renting.
<br />the same-and coBee:tiag[he rents; ievenua 3ud-tartrate, and.it may pay_ifut ismd-niume.-all e~clienses of 'repairing said_premtses-arid-necessary
<br />comtipssibns and eiptnsea mturted-mrenting and statnaginglh ~.une "and ~d coflectinR nrilc th~rotryru: the balance cglnetmnR if-any. to be
<br />applied toward the,dischargr of said mm~gage indebtedness; these nghts,yi the mur16aRcx nay be cxrrpsed at euy trmo during the ensterice of such
<br />- Jrfautt, irresptcuvrnE any lemlwrary waiver uf.thr salter. - _
<br />These Pre>-.:nls: fiuwevei, ere uµui Lte CondiBoc, Phatrf the smd Nungagor cha. repay >srd loan o r r hetore [ire mot u(rty <rf uid shares by
<br />paynwnt;-pay niunthly a said ASSYX IATtOR of nc~ -Him zlx-edicd in the IkniJ u-rr red 1 ciehy us mtaeot and pnnapal mr wed loan, on ur bel'orc
<br />ihr l'wentrctbdny ut: eaeit and eve ~- month, mod :.aid loco ;fully paid; pay tll brxas and usu-seumnts Iewcd sgainst 'yid prcmrses andon this Mortgage
<br />i
<br />and the Bund v.~un:,? thereby. before dc]inyvei~y. lunush atlprovad insurau cc-uiwnyhe hmldmgs therqun iiteht von of 5 16, 6QQ.0O payable
<br />I ur uid aS1t7Ct:'il'ION, repay to yid ASSOE lAT1tfN ulnfn dc;uuntl :dl moo ry -hy R=paid Ion such t xrs, ~SSCSSrnrn[s and insurance wuh interest ut
<br />ihr nmxm otn togul iatethereuu limn dair'oEpay-mrn[ art of which Munpy,tit ire~eby-ag'ices to puy:kwrmiEhu waste un-s9id ptemt9rs. beep unrf cv«lpty
<br />~~ with atl the agreements and exxi,ddeaus of the Bunu for S 16', 000.00 this day given by the suid.Murtgagut.3o said ASSLHan I70N,~mtd wmpfy - -
<br />with aB the reyuurments of the-Consutu4urfaitd By. Laws.ofsatd ASSOC;kATION; then these-presents spell became rtidl-azid void, uthetwcw (hey.
<br />' ..shall iemain in-full force and nmy"be forectosed: at the option ofihe smd-ASSt7C1ATION -after faituce fur~thme-months to [Hake any of said" -
<br />paynwnfs or be three inunths in-arrears m-making said monthly payments, or io-keep and wiapty withafia ugreerttegls and wndiriads rSf-smd Bond; - -
<br />- - .and-Mortgagor, agreeslo have:a receiver apppinted forthwith In such foretdostue proceedings - - - -
<br />-if there is any change ut ownershtp of ttir.real estate. iiiorlgagedhi:ioin, by sale--or utherwise~"then the anEre 'ieuuuuog mdtlttedncss hereby--- -
<br />secured shall, at the ~Ption of The Equitable Building and Load Assgciation of Grand island; Netiiaska,beeorne immedretciy due and payable wtttmut. "-
<br />--further-notice and the amuum'reniaimug due-undersaid-bond--,and.any arbor bond fat any. additiouat adven~,asrrlade thewiindcr.shaLL, f+vm thp_-_ -
<br />- date uC ezcrcisr of ssid option bear mtercs[-at the maximum legal rate, and ties mortgage may'Weo.-be faregi~ad-to satisfy"theimuunt duo un satd~ -
<br />_' _ bond,and any other bond for additional advances, tugttbrr-with :dl sums paid by said The EquiYatitr Btutding end Lnari-Association of (;rand island,
<br />j Nebraska tot insuranez, taxes and assessments; and abstracting estrnsinn ~hargrs, wtth interts[ iheremr, from dote of paynwVn at the nuxunwn
<br />' legal rate. -.,.. _ .,- : - _ -.
<br />As'pruvided iu the Bund uewed hereby .wtrdr-ibis mungagi reruains in eilcet rhr mortgagee may he¢atter advana• addwwml sums to the
<br />-tngk_ers of said Bund,.fhtit a>,igns or sueutissarsin intrrest, cal i su my slydl he within the ururir} .,f this mortgage [he canto as the Yunds originall)•
<br />i - seemed tittraby, the total nnUUnn t punnpal debt Hui cc. escced ut any roue it a uugin,u a Honor of this urortguge.
<br />baled thrs ;tst - riay ..I SeptetrJ~er a n , Iv81
<br />r
<br />I ion ~. Murp~iy
<br />' Sfiir1 ~ ~.~ ~ _
<br />ey d. Plurphy
<br />start. of Nu.arzwxn. ~ ~ Uiitli~~ da r Iy
<br />couNw of ant t 1st y ~, Septen>x><r t31 txforo mt,
<br />t -1 the undersigned tiotarv Punlic m and tar v~d (ouuty, pcrvoalt ~ rvnw --
<br />It- Marion-E-~ Murphy and Shirley M. Mur~:hy, each in his and her ~.m right ~~~, as souse ol~
<br />each. other, wn° arc pcrxnmtly known ro
<br />'t
<br />affi to tu-fhe idcrtir:aV Ix~ru~i g whu>< nano S aTC II _ d to th:. above wst~wncm xs m ~ngegu+ S and they' wwrally
<br />uukrmwMdgeeJ+be uid neu m-.rm ~o be their a•mmuy ut and decd
<br />___ -_ - . Wi f~W ES1 myhnn.t and Noimisl real the date d.msa3d -.
<br />( ~~ ~ _ .G~- LG.i;;
<br />i ".votary Pubhv
<br />t uIN ~OM ki -
<br />