not personally liable on the Noteor under this Deed of Trost. and le) agrees that LendeF a'nd any other Borrower
<br />hereunder may agree to extend. modify. forbear..or make any other accommodations with regard. to the terms of this
<br />Deed of Trust or the Note, without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Deed
<br />- -of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property. - - - - - -
<br />12..Notice. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be-given in another manner. lal any notice io - - -
<br />- - Borrower provided the Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by_mailing such notice_by_certified mail - - -
<br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or a[ such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender -
<br />as provided herein, and (b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />-- .such other address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Anv notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of_Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. - - -
<br />-. 13. Governing Law; Severability. The state and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the - -
<br />- jurisdiction in which the Property is krcated. The foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability of federal law to
<br />_ tfiis Deed of Trust. In the event [hat any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conYlicts with applicable - - - -
<br />- law. Stich conflict shall not atl'ect other provisions of this Deed of Trust: or the Nme which can be given effect without the
<br />- conflicting .provision, and to this end [he.prm•isions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable. As
<br />used herein. "costs". "expenses" and "attorne}•s" tees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or -
<br />limited herein. - -
<br />- l4. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note-xnd of this Deed of'frust at the -
<br />time ofexecutionoratterrecordationhereof. - - - - -
<br />- - - - - --IS. -Rehabilitation Loan-Agreement Borrower shall. fulfill alt of Borrower's obligations under any home-refiabilita-- - - -- -
<br />.lion, improvement, repair or other loan agreement }vhich Borrower enters-into wrtb Lender.-Lender, at Lenders option.-
<br />may require Borrower to execute. and deliver to Lender. in a form acceptable to Lender; an assignment of anyrights.
<br />- - claims or defenses which -Borrower may have against parties who-supply labor, materials or sen~icis-in connection with-- - -
<br />- improvements made ta[he Propert}'. - -. - - - - -- -
<br />_ - - 16. Transfer of the Property.. If Borrower sells or[ransfers all or aiiy,part of-the. Property or an interest therein.
<br />excluding (a)che ctea[ion of a lienor encumbrance subordinate to thisDeed of Trust;:ib)a fraiisfer-bydevise, descent, or
<br />- - -- by operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant: or td the grant ofanyleasehold inferest of three tears or less not - - -
<br />- - - containing an option to purchase.-Borrower shall cause to be supmuted--iuforrnation-requited by Linder to-ei~5lua[e the - - - - _ -
<br />_ _-__ transferee as if a new loan were being made to the transferee: Borrower w[II continue t_o be o6ligatedunder ifie Note and -
<br />-. this Deed of Trust unless Lender Ye)eases Borrower in writing. : - - - - - -
<br />- - If Lender, on the basisofanyinformation obtained-.regarding the transferee,-reasonably determines that Lender's- - - -
<br />_ security may be impaired, or that there is an unacceptable likelipood of a hi-each-i~f any covenant or agreement m this _- . - - _ _ -
<br />_ Deed of Trust:or if the requited-information is not-submitted, Lender mac declare all of-the sums secured byahis Deed -
<br />-of-Trust to be immediately due and-payable.- If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower- _ - -
<br />- - - notice of acceleration in accotdance with-paragraph i 2 hereof: Such notice shall provide a period ~f not less than 30 days - -
<br />- from.the date the notice is mailed or delivered sJithin which Bomm•er ma_r' pay the sums declared clue: If.Borrower fails - _ _
<br />to pay such sums the aspiration of such period, Lehder mav, without thrttier notice or demand on Borrower. _ -_
<br />- -- invoke anvremedies permitted by paragraph 17 hereof. - -
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENAN T5.Borrower andL.ender further covenanta[td agree as follows:
<br />- -17. -Acceleration; Remedies: Exeepl as provided-irtparagraph 16-hereof,.upon-Borrower's-breach-bf any-covenant - - - - -
<br />--or agreement of Borrower in-this- Deed-ofTrnst, including=Borrower's failuie to pay; by the end-of IOcalendai:days after' - - - '. `-- - -
<br />- -:they are:duc, any sums secured br this -Deed of Tius[, Lender prior to -acceleration -shad -giy~e-notice-[o:Borrower as- -- _ --- - -
<br />provided in paragraph 12 hereof specifying: I11 the breacht (2) 4he actiogrequired to cure such preach;-131 a dale; not
<br />- --.lets than 20 days from [hc date the notice is mailed -to Borrower, by which such breach must-be-cured; aad,141 that -,- - _ - -_- -
<br />_.---failure to-core-such-preach on. ur heforre the date spceitied.-in-the notice may°,result in-arceleration i~Fthe sumasegured bv---.-- _ _----'
<br />---this Deed-of Trust soil sale of the Properq~. The notice shad°Furlher inform Borwwer`of the right to reinstate°after
<br />-acceleration and-the light to bring a court action to assert the nonexistence of a default oranv-other defense of Borrower
<br />= to acceler$[ion and sale. L( tpc preach is trot cured un ur beCo[e the date specilicd in the no[ice,_Lender, at=Lender's - -
<br />-'-:option, may deiinre.atl of theaurns-securedChy thfs`lleed of "I'rusl3u be immediately due-and payable without further- - ---- -
<br />_ demand and.may invoke.the power ofsate and any-other remedies permitted py applioable law•'Lender shall be entitled _ - -
<br />- to collect. all reasonable costs and-expenses incurred-in pursuing [he remedies provided iq this paragraph:l7, including. - -
<br />butnot limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees= - _ - - - - --
<br />If the powecof sale is invoked, Trustceshall record s notice of default iiteachcounty,in which-.the Property or some '- -
<br />- -par[ thereof is'loeated-and shalt mail.iopies'ofs~ch notice ifitheinanner'prescribed 6j~ applicable law to-BotTOwer and. _-- -`
<br />- :- -to tbe.other persons prescribed by applicable law. After lye lapse of.such time as may 6e required py applicable law, -
<br />- -Trustee shall give public notice oT sale fo-[he; persons and in the rganner prescribed by applicablc,law. Trustee,~withoui - -- - - -
<br />demand. on Borrower; shall sell the Property at public auction to thehighest bidder'at the timeandplaceandundei the
<br />- -terms designated in the notice of sale Fn one-or mote parcels and in such ordor as Trustee may determine. Trustee may.-_ - _- _ __
<br />- _ postpone saleof.all or any parcel of the Property by-.public announcement a[ the limo and place uC any previously -
<br />scheduled sale. Lender of Lender's desiggce may purchase the Property at any-sale. -- - - -
<br />- - - -[]yon receipt of:pa?ment:oC the price. bid, Trustee shall. deliver to-the-:purchaser`frustce's `deedctinpcying-the---- - -
<br />- .Property sold, The`reeitals in`ahe Trustee'sldeed shall be prima facie evidence ofthe truth of-tfie statements made---`- - -
<br />- therein. Trustee shall-apply the, proceedsof the sate in the fallowing order: fa! ao sit reasonable costs-and expenses of the - - -
<br />sale, Including, but nut Rmited lo, Trusjee's fees actually incurred of not more than 1(2 Of 1 . °o of the gross gate
<br />...
<br />- pricC, rcasonahlra[torneys'-fees and costs of title-evidence-; bbl to all sums secured byy-this Decd of Trasi;~anJ (c)-lpc-vs ~ - _ - -
<br />-` ccss~ if an+• to the person nr persons legally entitled tpcreto, - -. - - `- -
<br />-_- 18. t3urrower's Right to Reinstate. tivrtnithatanding Lcuder's acceleration of for stuns )ccurc,l b, ihn Y)eud ,a `'
<br />:Trust. due to Borrower's breach; Borrowershall have the right ro parr any_prriccedittg. hcgurt be Leh+tcr t.. c•nfrrri`:rthi. -
<br />- -= Deed of:Irus[ disepntinued at any ums=-pr+r,r to the-earlier to ~rccur +rl tit ih~ litth-d'.+y bclore the soh-,x) ihr--Pfoix•rty -
<br />- - pursuant to the pawar~ofsale contained in this Deedgf:Trust or t=ii) enln of a )udgmcm entorein~)his U,rd uf-7 ru.~ ifs -- -
<br />_.-_-(uL$urroaer_pays-Lender: alt-alms ~vhitp-would-be-Cheri-dun-under this-Uccd-of'I'ruai artti-tlx-.'~Itue-h,rtF-tug-aeerler3t i<ur--- ---.._-.-..---
<br />- ckcurrid; (b) Borrower cures all preaches of any Vthcr'un manta or agreements rd BorroF rr contaiirni ut this Ike 1 yet
<br />--Trust; IC) Borrower pays, ail Yeasona6lc expensasl-incurred by: i:ender and Truifce in rnt~rri~inR ahi <_< ~ +.+^t.".toll
<br />- -.[grecntenfs of Nortpwer aintainrtl in this Decni ofl'rust and'nzeuli:rcing:l.entter's.ind lrustae'<rrnrcdn c a~ t~r~~~ 1..! nr,- , - - -
<br />paragraph l7 4erruf. incl,u<Gng, but ndt IimittYi tti4, rcas~n~bli• itt rn ~r.'f,Y'e,and-Rl)~ti r <~w°rruit '~s ~+..'~ ~. ~„ az -
<br />-- - i.ender ni~ty rcai6naph' rctjuirc,io asuife that the lien „I Ibis-Decd ,~i trust, I_rndrr'_. interru in iii. f'i,.l„. ,+ +,+~t ..-- :-
<br />-__ Fi,rtncwet'subhgttumlup ~ Urc+.,,l I'ruu-r .,. _
<br />_ - ay_ lhcs~reascnu¢•c} bs thre ~ ,~! 1 :, +~„+un~ urttmp.~ r I "I~; ~+r '~ f - . ~, , i ,n.f -
<br />cure 6v Bornrwt•t.-thn Dee.~t .<i(-l ruxt_rrnii ipr:b{iguuom ,+, ur ,~ 1 r. l:, .h;l rem ., o. ,,; t„+ +;t-• ~. __ - - - -
<br />~, '~ ~m
<br />- - -: j«eletntlor 1te~i .•r+,:,lri, ~' - _: - _ _.
<br />