.� �71�*� . �--. "-- --�-�----- ' . . . � I : *- . . . �1°''�_^_..- .-_.
<br /> � �4t°`Mti� w h-y{ �� �M�snr -1 .+�._� . .�y..-�..�- - .. _ .�s�.�?..7
<br /> +..�iL',t ;.r�tn.' -••rn� ...�... � � Va: +4r+� =^• _h. ��,d�� _a�.��� .
<br />. :iM4rirkNt .,Yii;ai,�.a..�vV•s-�=�3:�ra--' - �r.s- - . � •i��S'.'�'��..�y,T�- �.- , -
<br /> . � ._. _�. ..� ..
<br /> � e..
<br /> . - , • r n T. . . ._.��_ . ---
<br />�..___..�.- ..�_-_... . -v-.---�_.._.. .. -
<br /> • �\A.A-:..... ........�TT . .. .. �z:---
<br /> ,�.i
<br /> (q A!I ar pnA o1 tho Properly, cr a hc,�oiwi�.l tntora�t In n truat ownEnp all or p�rt o1 tho Property, ls eold or '�,
<br /> othcnv;so trannfzrrcd(otn�r tirn by d::vi��or dc.s�cnt)bY t►�o Qor�ot�er,nnd
<br /> (11)Th� Propxty 1�not occu�Md by tfu p��roh�tN or prontYt ae hle or her prhCWltl eesldenCe,or the pun;h4e6t or •1=
<br /> �•,,�t•3 a�� so occ��ay the ProA�rtY. but hk or he cndN h�1� not WNn �pprov�d In acaardance wRh the �
<br /> fii4U�w���71tr 0}th0�`fG!`-N• .� _:. -"
<br /> (0) NO W�IVf�. It akoum�tancq oaCUr th�t wouid pormN L�ndw 4o r�qulrs hxnadlato paYrtwnt fn fuu, but Lendor F.:
<br /> d000 not nquir�auoh pnym�nt�,l.�ntNr doM no1 wt1v�k�Aphte wMh ntp�ot to wbaqumt rv►.nt�• � __
<br /> �d) F���j��r.u�ii� �4 :'�U� ��x7GLC7y. In m_nY nkcumat�nco+cs re�wt�tbne btuad bq the Secretery wlll IYnR �n ;,;
<br /> cs
<br /> l,mdw�riphb, In th� ca�a of payrr�t dNau1�, to nyuka Mnm�dwl� P�Y�t h NN and tonobt� H nct p�W. Thts _
<br /> S�curky Instrom�nt doN not outhorix�acc�Mntfon a lonobsun IP no!pKmltt�d by�pu4tbns ot th�Secntuy. w �'M
<br /> (�) MO►tQwe I�Ot IOfU�ld. BOrtowK �phM that �h0uld thM S�CUtNy InftrurtNnt end th� Noto secund theroby � _-
<br /> not b� N1pbN tor Incurana undK th�Natbn�l Hou�bp Act wRhin�` 01 dl1t�(90,�,_., hom lho dat� hp�eof, � ��_
<br /> Lmdor may, �t ks optbn and notwNhatandiny anylhinp in pnrA4MP� S� �� �''��t� p�y�� n wa o4 aU sums =
<br /> aecurod by thb SecurNy Inelniment. A wrktm stal�ner►t o!rinp authOrited apent of the Secrotuy datnd aubsequont _
<br /> to�Q��Y4�� Mpm thn deta heraof, decltrtin0 to in:���m thks SaCUrity Inatnurx+nt and Ihe Noto cxurod _
<br /> t�ar�pk�d by�l,ende�tho unW bNily o1 he���5 4ok�y di�to LanderBhf�i'A�o„�k 4 mortpap� hsuranco
<br /> prankrm to th�Sscntary. -
<br /> 10. Reintt�ternen� eorrowe� h�s a rqnt to b� �heUt�d M L.ender turY roQuWd Immed4to p�ymw►t fn fuY bqCauso of
<br /> gorrow�� tauun to p�y �n amount dw undK th� Nots a thh S�auriqi Innlrum�nt. Thfs ripht �ppfi�s w�n aRK toncbsun
<br /> pra;;rnpo ere lnetMutect. Ta rohstata th� Sacurily Instrum�nt, Borrower thaN Nnder In � IumP dum aN amountn nqutr�d to
<br /> brinp Bortoware acCOUnt cument Includinp, to the ooctsnt th�y ue obNp�tbns o1 8orrawK unddr tt�b 66�aurity 1��.;truYwnt,
<br /> (orocbaun costs �nd naaonahM an� cu�tomary �flom�ye' f�a and ex�naes �ro�ry �ssaoiatod wkh th� toncksure
<br /> procMd�np. Upa� nhstatemsnt by BonowK,thls Securky Instrument and the oblipat6ons thnt k a�cures�haN nmatn in eMwt�s
<br /> M L�nder had not nqutnd Y►►rtNdkt� psyrrMnt h NN. Hownrw, La�dar Is not rvquY�d to psrtnk rahstat�rn�nt ih p)�-eedur hts
<br /> �capted rehat�t�t aRar th� oomrrMnc�rtnnt ot roreob�un procadirtps wlth„ two Y�+ �^�kt�y p��„� th�
<br /> ���r►wnt of a cumnt forscbsun prce�adlnp, (I)rehn4te+rbnt wfil proCiu�ia torx�OSUre on dMferent prounds in the tuNre.
<br /> or(fq nh�tatanMt wIM advwsQry a}Nct th�prbrlty of th�liln croahd by thf�SeCUrky insWmM�t.
<br /> ' t 1.Borrower Not Raleseed; Forbsar�nae By I.ender Na3� W�Ive�. ExNnsbn of th� thN ol paymon!or
<br /> modMtc�tbn of�xmartlratbn of th� tums acund by MM S�curltY Inttrump�t �nt�d by Lund�r to any wcc�tsor h hbrost o!
<br /> Bortow�r ah�1 np't flpKab to�Naa Ih�N�bMRY o4 tl»oripfn�l Borrow�r or BoROwws tucc�asor b krt�r�t. L�ndK thtM not b�
<br /> rsquftid to commana P���� ��hst�y succAasa tn 4et�nst or rNust to axEmd tlrM for p�ymmt or oth�sis� modwy
<br />_ a����� 4�..� �;n; a.�.__ hy �� S.curky Inetrum��9 bY �son ot u►Y d«n�nd m�d� by th� oripinal Borrcw�r or
<br /> Baaowwt suCCYason h htaust. Any iobwhnc� by Lando-r in ucorolsky v►y ripfit oP rx�wdy a��q not C� ■waivw ci vr
<br /> pnoludo th��ocerais�01 my rbht a nm�dy.
<br /> 1�. Succ��on end Msiqn� Bound; Jolnt and Se�ersl Llsbllliy; CO�SiQtl��� The cownar►ts u►d
<br /> �gt,eam�nts of lhis S�curity Ins�umw►t ah4M hind�nd b�nsRt the auccesson and astipn9 of Under and BoROwM,cuf�Joot So the
<br /> pQav►sbn� of Par�pnph 8.b. 8onow�s covemnte �nd �pn�nonm sh�ll be �oht �r►d sr►�l MY BorrowK who castpns thts
<br /> Sc+C�irPry Insdvment but do�s not�CUb th� Nota:(�)fa cas�pnNq,thk S�curky Instrum�r►t Only to moRp�po,Onnt�nd�onwy
<br /> tMt$orrowar'� int�ntt In th� Prop�rly undN th� twms ot ihis S�curNy InaWm�+►t; (b) f� nqt P�onaNy obHpat�d to O�y 1hv
<br /> aums socurod by thls S�curity Inswm�nh snd (o) �aN Gut l.�nda' �nd any othar Borrowar rt►aY a0rtw� to �xtend, �nadihr.
<br /> tabMr or m�n any�ceommodatbne wlth rop�rd tu th�t�ms at thk S�curtry Insbummt or th� Not� wllhaut th�t Borrowir'a
<br /> Conlertt.
<br /> 73. Notice.My notic�to 9ortow�r provkk�d for In thls SeouritY�nsbvm�rtt atuM b�piv�by do�Nwb�p k or by mnil4y k
<br /> by Ifret olasa maN unlsss appNc�bM kw nquirra ucf.of anothMr m�thod.Th�notic�sh�N M dfnoted to th�Propwty AdtlrWe a►
<br /> a�iy other arldrsas BonowK d�s�On�tos bY natico to Londet.AnY nqtic�to LentNr 6heM b9 pN�n by tkst cka!m�N to L�nd��
<br /> Qddrsss suhd herein a �u�Y i�s ��^� ��^at�a by notica ta BarowK. MY notico providad tor in thU S�curky
<br /> tneUument sh��!»dMrtNd t01���bMn 9Nw�to BoirowK or Lond�►wMn qhron��provW�d In this p�ny��Ph•
<br /> 1�� �OVOY111D� L.�MYi �BVAr�blllty. ThM Security InfWmw�t thal b� povemW bY FtdKal kw u�d lh� I�w o1 th�
<br /> �urkdlatbn (n whbA th� PropMty k bcat�d• �n th� sv�nt th�t�ny provbbn or cYue�o} !hk SYOUrky Instrum�nt a tho Nots
<br /> qNen oMoat without tM�ontNctin��provMton.To thb M tt provittons of hfa S�curNy"I�nnWrt�t end th Note n d�awndto .
<br /> bG tever�l�.
<br /> 16. BOrI'OW�f'i COpg.8orcowK sh�Y be pMM�one cootombd oopy of th(s Securlty InaWm�nt.
<br /> 18, AsNpnmint Ot R�Bnti. BamwK unoondkbnaNy aNOns�nd transien to I.�ndir�II tt►�n+�t� �nd�w�nuas of ths
<br /> pcop+�R�t,Bortowet�uthorlt�L�nd�r or I.�dofi apOnt�t0 Co1MCt tlt�ronts �nd rw�t�ws�nE h�nbY dhlets Moh tsnu►t ol the
<br /> Prcpsrty to p�y thr ronte to LindM or L�ndePs �pa►b•Howawr, Prinr l0 6.mde�'e not�a to 8orto�ver o!Bortow�a bn�ch o}
<br /> eny cov�n�nt or �yraertNnt In the S�curity (nanumenA Borcow�r shaN coMat�nd recelw aA ront�end rovonues of the Property
<br /> ea trustM la th�banNit ot Londer and Oo�row�r. Thb as�qnmont ot ronts eomtkutss e+n �bsoluto eesipnma+t ane not an
<br /> asripnmK►t ta addAbn�l e�curriy ony.
<br /> �}��v pye� notke of bnach to Durroevtx: (a) aA rents recsM�d by Hartower shaN be hekt by B�oROwor es truatM for
<br /> benefN o}L�ndar ony, to bs�Wd to the sumn Oicutod by th�Sacurity tnatrurntnh, (b) Lende�shaA be�entR�Od to cuN�ct and
<br /> � trc�kre�N ot tA� nnts of th� Prop�►ty; Rnd (o) Moh tM6nt of th� Proporty chaY psy An��ntc duo And unpald to lentkr or
<br /> Wndore epant an L�nde+'�wrhtan dwn�nd to the tena�t. ,
<br /> - BorcowK ha!not executod u►y prta w�slpnrt�t of thp rants and hts not end wlll not poAorm any act that would yrovent
<br /> l.qiq�r kom ex�btny ft6 ripht�unckr this PqreprRph 18.
<br /> Lend�w ahc�ll noi bs ro0ulnd to ontor upon,Mk�canVOl 01 or mahuin tM Propaty bafor� or eMor qNing notlCe ot brwCh to
<br /> � ��r.. .... L•AL�t�W ernn�ntael roealwt mav do EO lt t(1Y tYTM thOfe IS l b�A901�. My�pp�lcatan of ronts
<br /> _ tlORON�t. rtuiiovw�..v...... ... �j.�.�� -rr--•--- _._- .
<br /> shaH not cure or walvo anY dot�uk or hvaNdtta u►y othK riyht or rrrnecfy of L�nd�r•Thh assipnment of ronts oi the Property
<br /> sh�li txminat�whan th�dab!encurod by tho&ecurky_In�WmK►t b paid h tuN.
<br /> 17. Fareclosure Pracedure. It Lender requlres Immadtete peyment In full under WarQ�b�phl�w
<br /> Lender m�y� Imroke the power of als and �ny othe� �emediea permlttGd by epp
<br /> - Lende� shdl bo e�ntitlad to collaat all e.xpAn�e� Incurrad !n pdrsutnp the remedles provided in
<br /> thls paregra�h 17� Includinp� be4 not Ilm(tod to, reawne�lA attorneys' tees and costs of titto =
<br /> � evidence.
<br /> F6et�.LMO(6li6) PaO�0 0l 4
<br />:�i� .
<br />::,� seo
<br />__
<br /> •;� - _ _
<br />