~~_ t,t;~~~~:. MoRTGACE
<br />ISMORTGAGEismadethis....... 3lst ,,.._._....dayof...... .August .
<br />19-$..,betweenihe Mortgagor. JDHN,J,, CANNELLA AND_ROSc,ANN. CANNELLA,.husband.and wife.
<br />. . . .... . . ...............:........!herein "Borrower' 1, and the Mortgagee, Home Federal
<br />Savings and Loan Association, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of The United States of
<br />America, whose address is 221 South Locust Street, -Grand Island, Nebraska (herein "Lender"1.
<br />- - WHEREAS, BorrnWer IS Indebted to Lender in !h2 prlnClpal sum of ONE- HUNDRED ,THOUSAND AND: NO/10(1--- -_
<br />- ---------------"_------~'------`------.:'Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced h}' Borrower's note
<br />dated...AUgUSL ~~ , ~ 7 981 , . (herein "Note"), providing for monthly mstaliments of principal and interest. -
<br />with the balance-of the indehtedness, if not sc>nner paid, due and payable tin ....... ,September _1 , , 2010; , , ,
<br />- -- -To SECURE to Lender (a) the-repayment of [hc indeb[edness.evidenccd by the No0.t, with interestthere~n, the - - -
<br />payment of all other sums, with intciest thereon, advanced in aecurdang herewith to protect the security of .this
<br />Mortgage, and the. perforntance'of the covenants and agrermcnis of Burrower hcrcin cuntameil, and (b) the iepaymcnt
<br />of any future advances;-with interest ihercon. made nr Bormwcr by Lritilir pursuant ui paragraph ~ l hereof therein
<br />"Future Advances"), Borrower does hNrAcL} mortgage, grant and u>nvey to Lender the following ttesctihcd property
<br />tocated in the County of ...:....................:......... ..... . ...State .+f Nebraska:
<br />-
<br />wiilih has the actsitt~t of ..: , . 2617 CokEornEtlad Raad ., 6raad is 1~_
<br />Nhbt'~~&~ fi€38fl1 i~fstn 'Ptu~ret --tkttes.s r.
<br />,.: ..
<br />-- EStttts+nU F.tr Sw1¢I -. - ------- --- ------- ----- -_ - -.-- -_.:_
<br />- _ TSX+~"ttft:8 wt#h a6l tl~_~0tjrtutictnarta r,.,v ~,: kea ta.eY.ar .rcalta! ,~s+ rht ;n,rla'ret. ,~++.1 rtt .o,,,rpw nt. cue. -
<br />a~~urtettanf~. rrAts. evy:es. _ttel. r,al snu n~ht~ an.t t*eutat,. v,ater. +rant e~{ae,. ,n.l k~t.r ++.+A ,~! a~.t
<br />tizturrrf+mrw to htteafter attashrtl tt+thc prop,. rt}. afl .rf whn h. en.lualerey rcpEa.4 ansnts anal a.lafitr..eta th. a. t,. .Aa~Yt R4 - -
<br />_~-_ -. ~rt4 +--
<br />Jectttrit tea lx andreinata a-part c*f theptclH:ttyaci~c'«asl E.a Ertl, \l.~ltgal. .ucl ,alF.d'€hce ~, r;.:er~; *a.t-ae...,-
<br />- pn,perty (nr the leaselurl~I estat of Fhe: ?Yt«nt~,igc n r~tt s ha+cMdJ, sr. h..a u+ „~t, ett'at o. ~ .,. tAa -W..Helea _ _ -
<br />' Bornnwct ~ovcnants that 8artn,wi't is ls+rkutly aamra! iJ ttn;~ :.tat; tea tebx ,a+ntrtdai att,11~= +~, atfiht :.~ rr~~r~~•`tt• -
<br />.~ - -.-.. - grttstt-a»d ctutvey~Ehe-Rttrty. #IwE ikr,-:!'a.,p:rtF-~b.ut+>wuatharc.l- a3l.t ~h,,t iA!r,~_~+... ~A,t~!sa~t,+'~~ +~~o ~~.~'•~
<br />~fna`rbtll4 [hr Ittlt` t[I the PR.peFEY a~I1nE. aEE a Fula»: Ath1 L~Neall:la. ~ut*t+', ~ •„ s a ,'s 1i .dad L eta •, . r ,. rhu-• '' .. - _ -
<br />_ G4tCom a4a'ttel:ltY~C''ilf~Qxarph,uti. la, ,~•~U~LR m ant E4ttt it„ur ar,aa E>t+tla, ui, ~. qki i .~n.ai ~.,tc ¢. ... ~~ 'h¢ la•Ei l:a ."-
<br />ME9RllS1tA ,o «E,m.,r e n irntt;tutete uEittwttt tffsEtu-Etttt
<br />