81- uil<14<'~`'
<br />` 10. That Ihr xYrrtgagr r wilt kdrp the buildingx upon etid prema~r.-i,n h ed rep;rir_ zuui urithrr ronunit our -permit waste - _ -
<br />upnn said land, nor wHrr he tiatd premitir. ro hr u~rd fr r :my unla~e~ful pure -r.
<br />- I 1 That i( the premicrx. or nriv p vt th reuf. hr n<lemred ^niler tht power of eminent dnmoun: or ncyuirrd for apublic -
<br />rnr,lhe damagea rewarded, the procretls h=r the talon{; oL or the natsideratiun lur wch uryuisotiien. to the extent of the full -
<br />amount n[ ind_ehtadne+ up.+n this mortgage sod the note which it is givrro to ,rrurc rernaining unpaid. ;tie hrr~~hc aa4igneJ by the -
<br />A1~rtgagor to the Mortgagee. and .h;al! he r,aod i+vthKrith to~nnoJ 4t,utuageerta hr applied by the latter en nrcoun[ erf the nest _
<br />matunng intallmrnts of aurh mdrhtedn +~- - - - " ` - - - - - - -
<br />- _ IL The Mortgagor Further ogre - [hat shauld thi._ mortgacc and the ncrte se_c tired Perrehr not he •ligihlo fi+i im" - _ +uraner under the National Tlnu,mg grtwothin Sixty Gays- - frymthe date Hereof iwrittrn cCdentelet of am' nlticei _ -
<br />of the nepartmeru of- Hinuing and i'rhan Ik ceir,pn+ent tu -anthbti~ed ogrnt of th Secea4en-r;f liou,ing ;md Urhan- _ - --
<br />- Clevdbpment,dateJ snhseyurm to the Sixty Days'_ - --- time from [he~datr-of thee m+rrt=e e{,e, drehning to inure-saial - - -
<br />_ - - no[a and thifr mprtgagr, txing dermcd LutSthl iFS (~ksoi~f u( cuCli ineligihilile}; LhY ~ltortgt~cre- or_ huldtr of the note - - - _
<br />mny. arih optron, declare all ,umrsrcurrrd hrreht ininSrdigiti•Ix-drn•. ;end na ~-ahlr. - - _ -- - --
<br />- - I?: "Thc,t,f +fsa Mori{, epnr fain to ne,kr am p.x~mrnu i±{-m_ n~ ~~ when the ~amc heeomr due or fails I„ ~c+ntonn to and -
<br />- - cgmplg unth aitg of the condition nr agrtrmrms cum,meytnt th(c hwngage. or the note u;hich it =rcure~_ Ihrn the cotter priori- -
<br />- (MI sttm and accrued intrre+t ~h;eN at once hecame due and p1}nhla ,d the rlc.'{ion-uI the Mnrtµ,~4'+': +trid-this rnnrteagr ma} -- ~ -
<br />_- th_ertupnn he fnreclu.rd tmmrdiatelc for th8 u hof ,( .nrl montr_ mtcr+a, ;nonthly pagmentc. c+,tv,-ground r nos, t:ixc~s-anJ-" - -
<br />thr t:nst of rnendong ohr :>_hxtrau of ritlc from the'. date e+l IbF h=:rn to the rime ~I ~~ ~mmencueg-iueh forct9o.ura xeit.:md, a rear -
<br />.enahtr rumrne~ * for. .e?!`uf whn'h shall he rn:: hrifczf utdir •i~ r , , ~ L+.ietsr.-and"Ihr: ~mtrtct rnthottir.t in-this mrrctg:~~c ~ -- -
<br />- -and the rtnte .eCt1[[d ~hereht_, +half rn :ell rrxpes'Cs h ,<ri,, r+l. ~ te~i .. J ~, t i,l ~i ~i t;; t}+~ I:ix.. ~~( rxfehn~ t- . uhr~c"[tic - -
<br />sarnc.i. made
<br />_ _ fhr 4riccn.~nl+Se rein sonl.unr,*~,h.di hinri. ,u. >'~ r, n~ct. „~a+~ni ~.. ..., .. ~nr i<<p~zh,~hrVr..~ c. tit - admmi,utih+r ..rrcceaarr. ;md ~ uro+>F the. t+anre hr~w ~tl- ~.~. ~ nc, rent. rnh. i•~I~n; I~,Wr the r., ni. the _ -
<br />-plurahhe unegelrtr-,nd the u`t;d .:u~, ~~n,ict 7tnt*`i s ~pp~.~.:,~a ..I rn,ir ~~.-
<br />~f ter G?reget4kcumtill .n+: ;,fl-;+nA;onguGrc fvcutg 7><~r{..tangy r„.v ~tinr r• rte r n,~i~n~i !r~, nr`,v r it i. ,, n+r.~ n.c
<br />+h:+Il{+rvatd;tmi+aid prrmr tx ri ~.~,ed .a the r3{+in cekE iho ll ~ r ~1 .., r <. n.ari rill„~~~,~n~l rilc,i
<br />---- -(.~-i~C`t rv t.~ti icytT l~F r3E.erzr rt >„vstir..r i;.r }te ~ _ .•, tn. wiz - _br d_~c st,+. ~_i in - -_ _ -.
<br />:fiusc wnttc•n - - - -
<br />_ - - - _ - -_. - hf NSF"i'H i1. li:; d, -_ - .~..
<br />~- - - - _ _ _. tA.'7 tstIE;RNLiERGEN `Pi'C,L~_-. _ - - _-. _ -
<br />- - --- -. -;. ~I \t.;
<br />l?k14,
<br />F.t=.
<br />- 1/t~R•a. ~tl U+ - ..,. •t --:a.1µ5[ '. t~ •~tll .Y L.•i •:.~. -', .-r:
<br />- r~nn4•c^ 'i. .oil Zr-i ixc •+u~~e•Y:w•r,;+-, "eii. .~.r=;~.xn~-i .icy-i ivit.,
<br />7.a hs the !ttK,lub, ~ar,n yr h. sr ~..,~.rr _ -ec~ - -.. ,~ in, .-.i tri<
<br />kry,LLQ~tn4frUHiiiry .~n ~f l~dt(i.~F~q'_rMfW, 2„te}' 7111Y4'- - - . hti~~k-IC{{~Y`S}lhY ~.lrJ iri.l ~~„1 tf+i - - -
<br />caex~uUantherc+>tt<!{•r tEtf: l.Y - - - .•rtxgl. + ap.!~lee+i ~i'Y,+t,thc~.erefio,+,it~- •,. .
<br />InIC,,funtn~;+hrrr.,f ~h,+.e{kr.t.ru ;r><4.,f.r ,, ~i'.. , ny .,t f~e'~is<3.fAEaREt; .,+=Lr_-rSka
<br />- ,Rt4M%dak an<`,#:fYy,td.t atw r~s'c' - - - - -
<br />- t steii fz.r r,... _,j tlti~.- z#a~M[ - _ _ - _ - -. ~ 1t ;.f_ -` -.
<br />dr[ ;r .. ..~ - - - -- _ _ =if fir. ,..a: ~ A~~ ,, ,tk {ixa¢s .3qu -
<br />1'KlartiiC+f E}M-{•+^~k - 1 41~ iIY~~F~ ~ ~.
<br />- - f'FA{~i LVf - _ - -
<br />;._._ .x3.3+4. a;, ~~,
<br />