~ iii ~i-':t ~ ~~~ui~iui iiuii i i ii i ~ i,i ,iii iiii{
<br />' I ,~
<br />'~ 8 ~ I ~~ P ~ ~, ~~~~~
<br />I ~ I~,
<br />I ~ ~ ~,
<br />,
<br />T
<br />Len~iFr~s writ`e,n agreement nr applicably lawl Bomwer shall pay the amc ant of all martg~ ~ -insuranct, rctri'iVi'ms in the
<br />P I
<br />man'in'~er prav~d~ under paragrapfi 2 he~eof. ~ ~~ ~ ~ I~~
<br />~~, - ~ 1~Arlhy amio~rr~ts disbursed by Lenctelr pu~suar~lt r~ this paragraph 7, -with imerest th~rt~:c~n; shall he°om~i~~l~ad~imonal
<br />'. ~ ~ indebtedness of Borrower secured by this ~tortcage. Unles Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice fmm Lender to Borrower requesting pa}'meet thereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of Disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under. the 'Vote unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contras r., applicable law, in which event such amounts shall hear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 'shad require Lender to incur any e.epense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. inspection. Linder may make or cmrsc to ht made rcasonahle entries upon and inspections nt the Property, provided
<br />- that lender shalt give Borrower notice prier to see such inspectic+rr sneeifying reasr~nahlr cease therefor related to Lender c
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. The prc+ceed< ,#f an}' sward or : ain for damages. direct ur a?asequen[iah in connection with ana
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or pan thereof, rv for tom-e:yance in lieu of condemnation. ttrc hcrrby assigned
<br />anti shag 6e paid tr+ l ender.
<br />Lr the event of a total taking r+f the PropenG~, the proceeds shall he applied in the sums ecrurrd by this ptortgage,
<br />- - with the rscess, if and°, paid-to Bi#rrrnrcr - in ±hc event nf' ^ partial takin#, 4, t' [he Properts~. unlesa Borrower and- Lender
<br />nihe,rwise sgrer in writing, there shall hr apphra tr+ the suR+s sec,:red h.' chi: '`fortgagr we.h proportion e+f the proceeds
<br />- as is equal tq that pmpcMion which Ihr ,meant ,+f the' setms ~;~urcd by this :Hortgagr immediatrh• prier to the date pf - -
<br />taking he;lrv to the fair market value of the i#r,sprrtt ;mniedcucly pngr to the clue of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if the Property is ahandonect by Rorr[+urr. ,!r ii <rfter entice t+v 1 ender to Borrnwrr that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award car settle x claim for damages. Burrower faEl> t.-. respond t=~ Lender .+ithk, Ztl davs after the date such notice is
<br />marled, T. ender is authorised to cnilrct and apph~ the na+cerds. at E enders ontinn,"either to restoration or repair of tho'"
<br />Pmpern~ or to the sums secured by this ~Inr[ttagit
<br />Unless Lender and Bnrrawrr otherwrsr-,glee ~#, w n;nrF...rfl} *,,ic.h app t.:rtiatl of pro:eedcto principa} shall not rVEertd
<br />or postpotec shy-due date s=f the monthly itssrallmcnts refstrr^d 1, a t,ragraphs i-noel Z h~r`co1 aTr shtnge char-srnount,rip
<br />sueh insurllmcnts. _ ~ - _ ._
<br />10. BarruwNr NuE Released. E~:xtmsign =.f the !;rtrt f~#r l+,tm'meht ..r yn;>dit}t.xte~+n c+f amcirutat_rin of the. sums sccurrd_ _
<br />by thin Mi#rtgage gi;tntea by Lender to am vucsoss,xr ,# '.#Irrest e+C Rorr.~wrr ;hall nc+t ,Tprraic in release. ire any mm~riec,
<br />the liability of the arigtnail Btxreower ;#ncf Bnrrr.wcrs x t~s.;.;s :n snrerest, t,-erraee .hall-;.ot !+e n-quimd ±t~ c~emmencr
<br />- pox eedints against such successor .~r rrfuce "tar evten€t rtxie fx~r parmyrlt #=r- trthti rwrsF -mr~-:life ai)}or('ixapor{ x*€-the sums
<br />~ee;trec! by-chi, Ri-+~;;agr Ft rea>.tt cF .,;rt ~1-~trrrnd<m.rxiv t+s-ah€ r~rr,.d tiorn~.-ct_t` x*x$'B.~€raw4€', -.rr~€s,or.'tn_ interest`-
<br />tl. ~Fcrrlxarance by Ixoder tint n K=,leer. Anti' t ,rh.~ cr,eir,~r-h; Lr°nder !tt ecorctsrn_g ens' right nr remrdy_hrrrtmder, ur_
<br />athcrarisc afforded by applicable Liw ~•hu;l +o'. tie a w l,vcr ,#t ,r nrec'udr nc~ r^xvt_¢r'*e r,f am such rich[ nr remedy,
<br />'1'hc prdcurement of ~ _ -- -` 1_ du_~aa not be ~ w' 'vrct,f
<br />msurane~c!r.th ~ e+avntertt r r +sss r ~thsr-- ~~ n 'u_ k,~r~ti-, #iv-Lsn~ ~ f .€ ,u Lensl~c`s
<br />- +f # _ ,
<br />right to accelerair the maturity esf the ::laic!+s:dot ~c _ t ! ! ; t'e \1.,r*;.,~c;
<br />- - - -I2 Remrdirc Cbmulatire. ~Ft-rcmcdrts T ..*;{niid •+ chi- [l .:re.,~c ,TC .!istinc( ana ~u9lulatiyr u# anp_ uthrr right c7r - -
<br />remedy,tndrr thrs M{+rtgatn irr offs rde+l l,y law i^-r cu+~tttr -,:ni? tom '~~ . •. _. I yTr,S~urrrnti}', ihllrpendenth rxr sncv€csiE'elt.__
<br />t3. Surrrssnrs and ,assigns Baundt Joint and Srarral t.Eahiiih: ('nptiau5. "i'he ciivcrtants ,end 'at;rcantents herein '
<br />cantarne.l shafl_hinc#, ;red the rigE.ts t#rreundrr h x ?`,c , , r rssc*r~ aua a<~.}n~ . f i cn;l~ I .urd Bc,.rrouer,
<br />tiubgret ir~'rhr-prs+>.'ivrtn:+.,i =#zaragiapt; i' :;e„~.~s 4R .is -rrss a:.,. .•:enr~n#..=f*f ~rnu'w~r sirtN t,4, r.:,ret .ihtT ~v~rah-- _-- ~f'he capUCans atiJ headutgs of the su.rg:.rt,ta -t °'vr~ 4t rt~ayt., ate '-~: ~,':aenrencr-o.ill-.tmi',r'r• o,,i r., r+c -,ori of-_
<br />ntcrprrt ,#r detint the pr.xviwom hrrror _
<br />IA, ,Aotire. F`trcpt Fir any nitiicr rr,:{aired- under ,#+, ~~i;.~h;c la'.i';,r ht c,r:~„ ;tx :no~thrr ur,aiu,iri ,~,. nx fire ti+
<br />8c+rl ±wes irras,dcd for it-th#s ~4raru,a};r ,4n t t ~_crr, r t a'. ~'#c s =~ i -- ~ rc ~ -i#a- ~:>rr,het! rerutE .ta,ta~a.~ rt ~_. H,~rtc~surr -a!
<br />~,
<br />- 'the Pr.+pe rt}~ Acidre~; nr ar t. rch +[hr: addrt-s+ ..a Br+r.:'as ~ _: +tt . '~xtr !•, _,~. i,r t• Eeil(i"a`e a, j+tR!+i:l.~d hr•rrin 11 nil
<br />Ib!-_attc u~tresr tc, Lcerder vh.rkl -fn, , },t. _. t t~ri ~_ ~ r
<br />., ,-,t~'.I t , ade~:h_acixh c~.. ,.a`~+~ r„-. rxa. , ~- -.:,.
<br />- __ nr#ah `x acv ;+drltrs. sc t-~ndrE r„ r, ,r. ,,;iq. pk. . - :. , !f,-, .. ~,., , ;'n it i :.~, e:i' Ana ~ #tt, e• r..,.e ,ir.. ',,. _: t1,i(
<br />- ~q„+i t~~ .ne.illk',lCrtrtrd _ '~-MTh, tt,... ,-. I,..I_r ,r._.~ },,~ ~, t- i~r~rrr ~i~si~;iarcd r:c•r#•i!r '_ _ -
<br />- - - - - i5. -(~niiatnt 1lartgagr: (.uxrrnint< 1 ^r: ~rTrr~6B{t#. ~.....~, ..n:r, . nh, , ,.,-~r,.,n, ;.,~ ,,r~, . ~.•r u.ur,a,#r -. ------
<br />r, , r
<br />--- -- _ "n.c _ c .q#= ,ri,,rn~ r r . ~f~ m i -_ ..~~. ~...- i. ~,~. r +`~un .,, .fit i` vt m,n,°n ., +rrinF
<br />__ ~..
<br />- --_ : r.€:. • ~v t'£•-- ~Fx, tt,~,~ r i#... .~~..~' -,' .,.~., ~ ,. _~ .. .,, '., ., ....;: , ,:: .. . _ ,~:~: P, •:, sf:~,i L: u,r --- -
<br />- is,;,r t„t ar ~: ,,..~..;.,~, 'a-.:.~. a,r, Ain '..,.. "-.r *....., •~~._.. h „~,;r It~~~., .. !. .r.r~ti ~t -h+lt .~tlr.E
<br />t6. Bnrmaarr`s Cop4, ii.,rrnwe[ <h r,. ~r Y .,..,,,~.t .a ,, [i~ , .,f r-. ~ ft,,, !:,ac .reh,i i!i :r i. ~t„uc.lgc .,i . ,• t~mc
<br />' [xt e4ea6#t14R tTr .dtrF r("L-i~i'da[l, ~lr't`f'XC~'t - -.
<br />17. "1'rnnt;fer uE the PrupeN_v; Aaauntptian. k ai;-try aes) : ., ,~i rr,< Pt,+ix tit a#r :ut uxtcrest xtteee~n is .,,id ,~~ a an,trl rrr,i
<br />h.t F#ar'ti>uer +.idn+ut l.eru3rr'r pri.vr writke'IV ,onSC3rtr ::syt:'kx#ci#n~.. , •h„' r.rtr,~u trf a lrrri-v+t ¢nc_etmhtae,:t . ,=,n.Ln,ur M" - --
<br />" th#s Mnng:age. th'i the r7teatlon <,f r purs`;ru•,. mvnry ~ssrt~'-, -, ,,. , rsrria.~Tiut aPPtutnc:as. _ .; uan.ru '~s a~cvfcr.- --
<br />drsw'vtrl rlr h~ ++fMa at Kan s+f law uiuitr t}tr ricuth ,d .o f,iiu trt#ai~' r~. ~ +,r .:rot ~f ;r.trs lrusenr.ld »Et rr.i ,'~ ~hnr .,.r~, ,a trss
<br />tkat coutammg cur c+pdun tr+ p:Errhasc, I yn.ter mar..}t ( rde€'; ,~{q .ne, Jr~._ , , ' thr• srtte„ .., rd !~x :h:., Al,~rtpe,;a r., be - - -
<br />=mtaeiiiatrl iirK and patabla:- I~]S,eirr'sheil,l 1 t ¢ ~kat:.^d ncxyh tit tlf~[tr,,, ~r #IC 7T. t/t„ r t' let' ..,it rA11~f1r 1 r+rriCl
<br />and thy }i+.rsn to wirt'eu the Prurt~ ,5 ee+ ~ -+i+i .,X t;,rash•rrx;d Tsar ~. + n„rr '~ .~ r,i:~:~ that tip ,:r.t i ~,, h i,: ~.:.rr
<br />:s SattifaG [t)ri tx+t-cede-r .#iKl [D:u this irderr,i paF «tblq -.?n rlrr c?irrs „,'. ~: e,1 r-~ n, ~I.vtuierl +rr:x"! hr ~1 ui,h rylc .," t r~:,aCt-- _ _ _
<br />sh,tll taqui'st if t ender has waivrcl the r~i+tic#u tt, ;rs,'crEc^l,rrr pr.w,ckrai '~~. th n,•.,,.~.tph !',', ana fE Horruwrr's .: E,:e...zt u'r - -
<br />~nlrtral hss rsecutet! t uru[,<n aasuktt{'ur<rrs ,/~re~uletat :rv4r-prcd i.t ';n@rng f+e I r~r,irr f rR,Ere ;hail rc#ra~ (tcrrrt,wrr t „ni ;}{t _ _
<br />?h{t{(at#rins under th~x 4f.rtti{a~e and tht ,'ti,ir--
<br />- if {_e[ia{~r ~tetti rtes 3ityh rTptie3ll tr# ac:cel~cair. Li:erYdE =li;ti# I1r;aiF Br,::~.~~ ~ ~-, f„a =+t ~~3aTtt i,,l .~ri ~ ,,. .:, •t.l.,n„~ :~kEh _ - -
<br />- p~ra~tai+lr l-~-hetrgl 5vch nuf;cg shalt p~rd~ a per,:-t r=t ttt,t=tes=3iharr '~r vl:s, r~.,m the tfatr the ~r„Ir c n .- r„urn wrtf{irs.-- - _
<br />uhrch tlcrtrR~wr"r tFtyy lta}' (hr stetris d~~idr~ti tltk I: Br, p,_ucC €.ial4',~ pu4 s::, h ,~:tn, hr , r .,~ !hc ,.pir,t:,.r, , f' .'r,h ~r x+t(~
<br />- - Linder Eaay, krt64sut ftirthcs o~±t#ce ear dpniaitc) o*s fi,~r ~, wv, ,+ui~k 1,-; °ci ,t,l:c, !~cu.T c a ' r ,rr.,,~,#{•h + hr,cot - - -
<br />ticsi R<;Ytccrgat t c>yt+s€`,ta _kr#nr,sa~rausE Ls'~~slf 4uethr r~= cur ,l :::~,i ,.r.t ,, .r €s_ -
<br />EB. •ierriemtiart: [tentrdlrs. FaECrpt ae ptrtaitlrti iu pttraktuptt t7 hrrsr#t, uputt grrttuu~r`a tstrr+ch uE arer} au. ruaut ru
<br />tyre€atrot crt KC•r~€aer Ea fhia llsitt~ar-iuetirdittg the rhkrtt5i#tHr to put rshrrt +tur art} sum .rrwut>irt tt} thi*! afuttµ+ur.
<br />t,endrt• paior ht ayerkrrNhiu rchati uwtil ,otter Est 1larroarer an prttaidrdut pluagrs,pta f.i hrr~ui sprrii-ing: t t) the hrrtk h:
<br />t21 ahr artkru rryutn'd 1u carp aueh, hrrach; i:it a elttfri,-malt Evart ehah „Ni dagn frudr the E1atr tit4 auElrr G ut~iilyd t±t Narr(thcr,
<br />hr°arhieh ouch hrrach ,lust he r°urrd; auti f•37 thrE irHurr Ertrnrr such hrerr6 uti qt lrriure ItEC rGttr rytreihed uA tiir mititt,
<br />curly rrru#t its et•rrlrrrtktn ai ahr xintts srruirit h> thls ~lartFgagr, iurrriusurtr hr ptdiciai ptuareditgt iced lair ui the Praiperet,
<br />,,,,, ! hr autk;r ,bait ttttthrr intunrt Nurtnartr ut the right ttr rrutr~tate aitrt stct;eirtatiun aea<_fhr tight to au+rrt iu the ['areC'lraurx -
<br />prrx•erdiug Ehr atma+x~trace' of a drtault ur tiiar other th!irar of i>;urruasrr to arrrtrtafiuu Gird iurrri€rejara. Et thr hrrw~h
<br />ii aaH etartd ern su hrtute the tlatr spr+:iHrd Eu the rwtirr, E rtrdat at i.rudrr`k ckttiun roar dsvkarr alt ui the wants +~ureai hs
<br />Ettdt ~latigttgr to hr iarmrditrtrty due attd parattie +iithuut turtirrr tkutaad and tttrt~-, tareaitasr b>~ tudiciat pn#.car(iiutr• I-.ettdrt. ' -_ -
<br />+httiihe ealntiret to ratted to such pew es~ttnji xFt alpr ears c.t t`nrrc Mrautr, iatiudieg; but ant liattird tf+, ..xst, ru iic#a ours nt ar'y
<br />eridrns€; at>!-trtia tr aad titir rrpurts.
<br />E*, Murrtraarr't RigiEt fa RrietstaE4. "ti~~twEthsta, , i raltix^r t' t v ,, tzx ,r;.. Rt, ,
<br />F
<br />+C+"
<br />- i~,.r rvFCr wtpit 7>.~. g. tr.e vetch -#~ FTa € ~#s - -;via .. ,. ..I ~~,.,~, r,~} ,± .r5'-(i .sr.. ^,. t. !'i \-. ~... •..i,... .. -
<br />