Form 8~$ B
<br />Lender's written agreement or app}treble }aw_ Bnrroxer sha}I pay the amoum of ai# mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided r.istder paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Ixnrter pursuant to this paragraph ?. with interest thereon. shat) }xcame aJditiana}
<br />indehttMnas of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. I~nless Borrower and 1-ender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />attxxtnts she}} be payable-upon stotice f€,}tt~ }.ender tc Harrower requeuing payment thereof, and ehatl hear interest from the
<br />date of dHbursement at tt:e rate payah?r from time to tine on outstanding principal under the *late unless payment at
<br />inserts*. at:uch rate wtwld be contras to app#icablc law. in whic}t event such amounts shag hear interest at the highest rate
<br />pmrrissih}e under app}icaltk }aw. ?Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shat require I_entkr to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. Iniipertige:. [.ender may make or goose to be matte reasonable zntries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />fiat under shalt give Borrower rmtice prior to any such inspection specifying r_asonah}e catese therefor rotated to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />4. Coadtatrmtinn. The proceeds of any award ar claim for damages, direct ,~r rnnsequentiai. in connection with any
<br />condemnation ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or fur conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigtted
<br />and shag he paid is Lender.
<br />In the event of a total takin¢ of the Property, the proceeds shatl }ie applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. [n the event of 3 partial taking „f the Praperiq, unless Borrower and Tender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. therz sh:r}i }te applied m the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the cams secured by this ~dortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking braes to fhe fair market value of the Property !mmediatefv prier x? thz date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Barmwer. ar rf. after notice by Lender to Rormwer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award nr settle a c}aim far damngrs, Borrower fails to respond to fender within 3Q days after the date such notice is
<br />rnaikd- Lender is authori2ed to cottect and apply the proceeds. at tenders option. either to r;ioration er repair of the
<br />Propert> ar to the sums secured by thi, Mortgage
<br />Un}ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in ~.v'riting, am each apphcarion of proceeds tx, principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due datz .;f the monthh' installments referred to in paragraphs t and ?hereof or change the amount of
<br />such inxtal[ments.
<br />IB. Burrower Not Rekssed. Fstznsk,n „f the time for pas'ment r,r nx,dificati;+n of amoru7ation of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any urccesvar in intcrc;t of Rormwer ;hall not operate to release. in env manner,
<br />the }lability of the original Borrower and Horrowcrs successors in interest. Lender shall oat he rrauired R, commence
<br />proceedings agarnst such successor .rr refuse to extend time fr+r payment ,~r ;ghenyice modify amorfizuuon of the sums
<br />secured by thd. "satYgage by ~a;r:n + .,tty dcmroai made by thz +:ri¢inal Ra:rrower :...s. Borrower'; wtccessor in imerrst.
<br />il. Forbearance by Ixnder NrH•a Waiter. ~m forbearance he Lender in rsercicme ens' ric_ ht or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afTnrded h)• applicable taw, shall oat hr a waiver n! :~r preciudz ~hc exercise <,f am- ,uch n¢ht ur remedy.
<br />The prtkurement of insurance or the payment of t;axas or other !lens .+r charges by [ender ~hal1 not he a ":over of # ender's
<br />right to acrelcnie the maturity of the ~ndehtcdnccs ;geared ha this tifartgaee
<br />i2. Beard-ass Cumuhtive. AH remedies prc~rled art rhi~ ~lorteagr .+re .irsrin,t .end ,emulative to any other nght or
<br />remedy under this Ainrtgagr or atTorded M' taw ~v cyuit+ .end mac he escrc ~:J :r•nnnrentlc. nx}rprndentlx' or ntccessivrly.
<br />13. Sfeearasurs and Atom Bound; Joint and !ie+rraf t iah}lih': (apricots. }sir ...nenants and ::grrrmcnts herein
<br />contained shall hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure i•+, "ir ~_•+prroar s:r;:rs,.:rs anJ asstatrw ref #rndrr and Aormwer.
<br />zubject to the provisions of paragraph 1'. hereof ~fi cpnenante .rr,I .~. rr!nents ,~# Rnrrower shat: he lomt and severe}.
<br />The captions anJ heaJutgs of the parul;raph. ,,t thi, Slany;a~c .:., '+r ,rnxrnrrusc ~,nh .m,I ,ire not to hr used Ia
<br />interpret or define the pravrsious hereof.
<br />14. Natkt. Except for env naucr required :ender rppivr.,hie ;.. ... hr c~+rn rn am;rher manner. ~a! any notice to
<br />Borrower provrJrd for :n this !Mortgage shall hr g:vru ins :nndurr ~ e.h n,>irce ~~+ ,.crtrfied tear! .,JJrrssrJ to Borrower at
<br />lhr Property addtess or a! such oboe udders, as }3++i;,nscr •n.r, hs ~an;r ru #rndrr .rs provided herein, and
<br />fhl env notrer to IxnJrr shag he g:vrn h< <rrt:tirJ nisi. ~rUm; Is.c:pY -equeuea '.~ ! eneiers address stated herein or to
<br />wch other aJdrrnx as Lrndrr run: designate hs •+<,uss° • ~ li:~r, , er:„-r;fe+' '-erCru ins rr„tier pre+yiJeJ for in this
<br />Mangagr shaft he derrnrJ to ha:r xrn grs;e to Lu,rr:,x ,:.t - r.i r. .. rile manner designated herein.
<br />15, tirattr~ MarlBayLr': Ciorta•wing SevetakYft.. 1-"., :~.,: u, :~r m,;rrgatic :-~.,rnhurt°. r;:trform ~,rvcnants Cor natiomtl
<br />t[rx attd nor}-;rnifarm .ovrr_ar:ts with':imiis'J sae.-+u.,n. ;:.t..,.::, - t~. -._ _ ~ rm =.__.,:rtv irrstrumrnt severing
<br />t•ta} property- This 4longaKe shall hr R,,,cr c.r '}rr .s Yh, ._ z_ ... _.. ,. t, _..- prorxrr4 :, #,x:ateJ- !n the
<br />eYCRi .bar an pra?.,s.c„~ +-.r .i3:..~ s rhr- .~}.. , ,rr, c .. , r,.. . . #r „r i ir~,t .K ~3,i• -~ ,.. ,r,ir~i ~riali n,•i .,flC~t
<br />other pruvrsiotas of thts Mtsrtgaac air the Vac ,.r,_h eau h- ~, r+ ~,}zxY !h err! the - ant3ictine n[ovisiun_ and to this
<br />end the pravisians of fhe Mortgage .end the >r r . -a~ ,ti - :eat t,. tY ~a scrahiy
<br />>« Iliurrosctr's Cop). Barea+ssrt ,eta}t he 2._,-ei+2+cd .e ., ni:,rn>a•at :;,ps :•f t~s '>_,rtr .:n:+. r,f th:s S{ortgagc at the time
<br />ai cxeCUlN1n or after rer:ortlation herratf.
<br />IT- Trrrdtrotf-e Ptvptrty; Asermp/ion. }t ail .~t an+ part nt the Pr„prin :•r an mtcrest thrrtm is ,old or transferred
<br />by Borrtswar wrthentt IxnJrr's prror urittru cou,=.-m. rti}nchng :,, r}x .rcati.,n ,- ;loci rr ensumbran..r ;vM+rdmale t,+
<br />they Mortgage, tb} the 7eaUan of a punhasc rn.rrr+ -.c.r;rrt} merest inr iai+xhr1.sJ apple:+n:e*. i4~ a Vansfcr he devise.
<br />tiercent a+r hY i+perauan .+f 3a+ rep,;n rhr .!oath of :: j,+;at t.nar+r ,•: ,:i- rhr r•ra;n ;~S ;en: K,.,rh<s!il uurrr~t ._€ thrt~ }c'an rsr Its.
<br />not costlaining an option a, purchase. # ender ms}, at 1 rndrr'. ,q,ter,n. ,irsLirr .ui rhr +ums sr.urrJ by rhea blattguge to he
<br />,mnrtJiatt{y Jut; aoJ payable. f coder ;hall have s+nivrJ +u. ii ,:#,tron rr..rc.,cirraa: :r peter n, rt+r +:dr rr transfer, i rmler
<br />and rhr peaxi+n tv+ whutn the Property i; to t+r svfd „r trar;.trrrcd reach „t;reentem rr+ -~+rnuig t',sr rhr credo „f sash #~rsan
<br />is satisCa,:tary to lxndcr .+nd th;u the intcrr,i #+ayabir t,n rhr .;;ni, ~rsureJ h+ this ~tortgagc ,hall hr at such rate .r+ Lrndrr
<br />sf+a!! reyrsrst. !f ! rtidti has waivrJ t#te n!-,troll t,..av.r;erarr #x.::,.,cJ r., IFv; p:,raxr.;Lih i' Re:rr.w:er', zuvees>s;r rn
<br />inttrrst has executcJ a written axsutnptum aytreentrnt a~rrptuJ in '.+nung by I ender. I en.'k•r ,h:di release Harr,rwrr from all
<br />obligatrens uttJcr this Mortgage and the ',Nate.
<br />if [Grads[ exe[cises such aphon to aeCrlcrate. }ruder +halt marl Barr,rwer uuLCC ,.C .iceelrrati:in nt ascorJancr with
<br />paragraph ]d hrrraC. Such rotrs;r shat! pre+vrdc' a per+od r:l nr,i Ira, thou tt# ala+, tr+,m the date rhr na;trac }s mailed within
<br />whrih Boroowe[ slay' pay iht stints JrclareJ due. 11 Borrower tarts !o pa} such .runs pti,!r to rhr rsprratran .~t w: h prncxf.
<br />Ixnder reap, wrtlx'tut further nuucs• nrderttand or. Rurn,wrr, unukt a+ty rznx~Jrrs prrriatted }y p;{ragtaph Ili hereof.
<br />'st}74 ~L{ii Ptiat+t i"+3vEt.ati T~- fern ~wrC ;attJ # rnJrt fnrlltrr c,r+~rftant anJ ab[r.'a ds }r~9 i,+ws.
<br />tel. >'1rra~aratlrp; itt~aift~. t~.trtpt ~ pror:aksi iu psis tgrrnph 17 krrtuf, upur BtxroNrr's breach al any rureraanf ate
<br />agrttmtat tit iurruwtr is tkia ~lrrtgrret, irrfndirg, tkr ru+etwuts ru pay wktn dot an) sums srcure~ h) this 11artRtlgt,
<br />I.tsadsr prise tar raectltrafLur aut}ce to Borrower as prurided in parsr~rtaph IJ kertwf specifyf~: ell the bftarrb;
<br />ifli fist astietr +aptlltd W crse stark kreack: (31 a dente, cwt less than 3U day+, irort the hale the nulice i+ mailed to Burtuwtr.
<br />ftg. altieil ritc- kQac- rASW !t erred; sad (i- !fart IaUrre to cur! suck luetuk nr w btlure the daft aptrified in tke ttatkr
<br />ttnyr r'nrlrh ~ arreltraffarr of the racy: scrarrd b) tk6. ~furtBaXe, fruectr,.r(trt fa) jrtdici~ prrrrrrditgt and salt of ibt Pruptrty=
<br />lire IaaAie>e *ireii hfrller itdonta Burtrotrec ref eke ripkl to r¢imtale after acre}tralktn end Ibe riKkt to assert in rhr furxclwum
<br />prictmadi#ft{ k6ie wrae-rnisMrt tit a ddrr~ ar tr) utktr dtftane of Bwrewrr ru srrrritrattea and f.rcrclusrrr. }f tkt hreark
<br />it setts rest/ ore nr btlure tks drte spacMied fa tfw rwt}cr, I-haler nt Ixttdn`s upriun may declare all c,f the suers wcurtd b)
<br />~a'1` pa bt itrr~:edireetg dre red ptrafak »isbrrar furtker demsnd std tray trtrechrsc b} jntdiriai proctedirg. I.erader
<br />dirirB kia trttt6fAeerl it raaYerri ire seek prureedirg stil espraars ref furexfarrure. fneletdluR, bet cwt fiattired lu, rusts of daeurtrtNary
<br />eridtastt, rdlrtrr.'ss ttrfd fMie reprfL.
<br />lp, inttrusrer"s }f3ii~lt t@ 1~11t#aftE, La*twtthv+amrJuig t rnJcx', _,_~_ i'x atrr•n .,,. !:+e .:: S+re +L-~ti'--.-vf hs' th:s ~Le=rtgzgc.
<br />L3CSrrUaCr sP;sf# }ta+'t its rig}at t,> ha>'r xa} #+tr.sceJut~,s #xguri #,y I e -d;, , , nt.+r.r :?+:~. tilorrgagc ,i; s,, s,irtiueicil .,r .e r:: i,,:ic
<br />