gi~ }~t~~3f33
<br />TIA 3At+tS[fN, herein called Grantor, in consideration of ~~ t~..s-~_ ~ ~i,e~
<br />receipt of which is hereby ackno~+ledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />CITY OF Gg~7} ISLAFtD, t3EBRaStCA,
<br />a ta~icipal corporation in Hall County, Yebraska, herein called Grantee, a
<br />permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-caay to survey, construct,
<br />inspect, maintain, repair, replace, extend, reumve and operate thereon,
<br />public utilities, incliuting but not limited to electrir. power lines, water
<br />mains,- sanitary sewers, storm sewers, gas mains, telephone lines, pipe lines,
<br />mains, cables, surface markers, and other appurtenances connected therewith,
<br />ia, upon, above, along, across, underneath and through a tract of land
<br />located ia- part of the Holiday Gardens Subdivision, an addition to the
<br />city ofvraad Leland, tfiali County, tiebraska, mare particularly described as
<br />foilowa:
<br />A i6 feet wide permanent utilities easement in part of Lot 2,
<br />Holiday Gardens Subdivision, a~n Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, *tetarusica, the centerline of which is more
<br />particularly described as follows: C:ommenein$ at the Southeast
<br />corner of said Lvt 3; thence N 2$°59'l5" W for 67.50 :set along
<br />the iiesteriy rlgitt.-of-way fine of Wheeler Avenue to the true
<br />point of treginning; ttsence S Z2°20'51'" W fer 25.9$ feet to a
<br />paint on the Southerly [ins :if mid t.ot 2, tiolidxy i:ardena.
<br />Alm a pe]r~ciitept utiiiti~ eaaa~nt in part of Lot 2, said
<br />tic~lidsy Gardens Subdivision, treing rec~re pareieularlp described
<br />as follcrxs: tiegiuuing aC the Southwest corn.?r of said Lot ?,
<br />t3oliday :lardena Subdi•~ision, the~.;.e H 4£T°fiQ'f}fl" g for t=~.22
<br />ftnzt: thence N $$'32'0?" W for 34,$~ feet to a _Tint ,3n the
<br />tiastarly line of aai~i .ot 2, thence 5 223°59'l>" g for 17.52 feet
<br />t0 the palest DI lt@ginning.
<br />together with the following rilyhte:
<br />Unrestricted ingress sad egress to ttte above-described tract of land for
<br />insCallatioa, maint8nance, operation, and removal of such public utilities
<br />and appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of ingress and egress shall include all rights necessary for
<br />the. full and complete use, occupation, and en,~oyment of the easement herein
<br />granted, including the right tc> excavate and refill ditches and trenches, to
<br />ratmave, clear, end ker~p clear trees, bushes, hvdt~es, u:xdergrawCh, and at21eY
<br />phaExuekioue interfering wiCh the surveying, construction, inspection,
<br />gta~latanance, repair, replacement, extension, removal, or operation of such
<br />atiiitlee. l~to structures, bvildiaga, fences, or other obatructiona of an}•
<br />kind wh3ztsoever, sttal3 be allowed ia, upon, above, along. across, underneath,
<br />gr through the ease:nt hez•ein granted.
<br />e l
<br />