F#~rm ~3C3£~ 8
<br />
<br />letttier"s sr#5ttktt agreement or applicable law.. $xtrrowrr shat, pay the antoa!rtt of all rnort,gage insurance premiums in the
<br />erianntr provided under paragraph'? hereof.
<br />Arty amounts dishurud by Lestdtr pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thervon, shall become additional
<br />itr~ftzedness of Burr©wer s~urrd by this Mortgage Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tercets of payment. such
<br />atnouMS shat! be payable upon rrrttice ftom Lender to Borrower reattesting payment thereof. atxl shall bear interest from the
<br />date of dfstxtrsestent at the rate payable from tirtre to time an outstanding principal under the Nate tmlesa payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in whicF. event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permisat'!tk antler applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur arty expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />S. (taspeetlfse. Lender may make or cause to ere made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Ltnder shat] give Borrower Halite prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable sauce therefor related to Lender`s
<br />iriteresE in tltt Property.
<br />9. CoedemegHoa. The proceeds of any award or claim fnr damaees. direct or rnnsequential, in rnnnection with any
<br />condemnation ar other taking of the Property. ar hart thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shelf be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a solar taking of the Property- the proceeds shall be applied r., the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Propern~, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. them shalt he applied to the satm5 secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />at is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums srcured by this Mortgage immediately prier to the date of
<br />taking tzars to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If Ehe Property is abandoned by Burrower, nr if, (ter notice by Lender to Anrrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award ar settle a claim fnr damages, Borrower fails to respcmd t., Lender within i(7 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to rnlket and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either m restoration or repair of the
<br />Proptrcy nr to ttrc sums secured by this Mortgage
<br />Unless Lender and Bnrraw•er ntherwvse agree m ~.,riting. arc such application »f proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the dtu date of the manthh• installments referred u, in paragraphs I and '_ hereof pr change the amount of
<br />stash installments.
<br />10, tliorrorner Not Rekaeed. Estensrnn of the trme for payment ar modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by Phis Mortgage granted by [.ender to any succrsscr in interest c=f Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the fiattiliry of the original Harrower and Hnrrower's successc+rs m !merest. Lender shall not he required to commence
<br />prak.eed;ttgs again such sat--; scar . r refuse to extend time fen } ayment :. ntherxise mcwify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of :env demand made be the original Rormwer and IInrrawer's stccessors in interest.
<br />11. Forbeataoct by leader Not a Waiver. env faritcarancr he }ender in esercising env right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />aihtrwixe =.tffordtd by applicable taw, shalt not he a waiver of r,r preclude the evrrcise of env such right nr remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance or the patmem of taxes or ,Cher Lens ar charges by I ender chat) not he a waiver of i_endar's
<br />right to accelerate the maturirv of the indebtedness sre;ircd by [hie ~larteagc.
<br />l2. Remedies Ctretalatire. A8 remedies proridcd in thin bhxtgagc arc distinct and atmuiativr to any other right or
<br />remedy under this Mprtgagc or atTordeJ he law rr cyuitc ,:rd may he esercased ;;,ateurrenNv. independently ar successively.
<br />13. Secacsaott! atsd A~llps Bonod: ]Dint amt SPVeral t.iabiflty: t'aptiorts. Iltr emenants and agreements herein
<br />captained shall hind, and the rights hereunder shat{ inure tr+. the rasprcus-e .acct+sr,n :rnJ aligns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subjcc! to the provision, nF paragraph 17 herent. All covenants and aerrrntents of Borrower shall etc joipi and several.
<br />The captions anJ headings of the pat agraphs nt' this Mortg:+Kr :ire for .nnvenirnue only anJ are not to he used io
<br />interpret or define the pnyvisiops hereof.
<br />t4. Notice. Except for any Hance rryutrod unJa:r applicable. tau t;, he #ttven in another manner, (a} any notice to
<br />Borrower prov+dcJ for sn this Mortgage .hall rte rtrvrn M marling v_reh nonce by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such .,they .rddrrss &+ro.urr coati Jcs+snatr by notice ro Lender as prnvideJ herein. :.rnJ
<br />th} an} notice to ].ender shall he grvep hs .crtrtitJ enact. retru-r reca•ipt requesteJ, to I ender's address stated herein r,r to
<br />ouch other address as Lender ma} designate F,v nu:i:e t;+ Hurtuucr as provrdcd here]». Any notice prmiJed fot in this
<br />Mortgage chaff fee deemed to have been green to ttarrowrr ur t under uhrn given in the manner designated herein.
<br />(g. UttitrBr~t Mete; (i4rerai~ I~w; $estrtphWty. i ht, (.,; »t ai martgat€ti .ombines urttform covenants fur natianai
<br />Uxe and nan-UnlfatTn 4itYt;nantx with fimiEVil eartatia»5 Eh_l 1 rr~+;t:sit+.tn to c _+patltute a Llnifarm security irlr.Lrlt3rlC[tt Ecrvrfl»g
<br />real pr.tpcrty. "]'his Marct;age shelf f?e ;ta=et:h,d by th< ,:w .~t :he ,nnaJictss+n ir, whcit the= Prespcrcy° is fr+cated. to the
<br />eoe.Ltt that apy provision cv clause of this Monrats• .+r the Nate suuthcts with applcable law, such conflict shall not atTeet
<br />other pravisiaps of this Mortgage ar the Nut •.,~+. ii ..ut he riven ctfcct without the a:anilicti»g provision. and to this
<br />end the pravisians o! the Mitrtgagc a»J the ii ate :~_ ~iciilrcd t=, ]tt sevrrattfe-
<br />li. Borrower"a Cogv. BOrrowrr shall hr fur n+,heJ a oc~nfarnteJ copy u( the Nate :utJ of this Mortgage at the time
<br />of execution ar after recordation hereaf-
<br />17. Trawler of dte Progeny: Aexarxtgtiott. li aft ,.r arc part ut the Prr,prrty or an t»trrest therein is sold or transferral
<br />hY Borrower withauf I.rnder's prior antler ~onsrnr. cvolra<ting :at the ,rratitn nE a lien ur encumbrance sufwrdinate to
<br />this Mortgage, (lt} she error:nn of a purcha~ rtt.,rtry +rsurrts +ntrrrst f=,r ha,eselu,tJ appliatecrs. fc) a transfer sty devise.
<br />daseettt car try operation of law upon the .bath ,*[ a t,~rnt ren:,nt r•r i.ir the grant of arc leasehold interest of three years or less
<br />rat containing an optiop to pun:haxc. I.enairr mat.:rt 1 ender-, ,~ptr„r+. declare all the sums scoured by rhea A{ortgage to hc:
<br />Immediately due and payable. (ender shalt have u•ncrJ soli, .:prior t„ ac.rlcrate rf. prior to ttte sale or transfer. fender
<br />and ttte person to whom the Propetts is t.. hr :olci ,~t Iran+tertrJ rca4h agrccmcnt rn writing that the orcJit of suoh l,rrson
<br />is salixfactacy to l,enJer a:s:i that tttr itue;e;t f=asahfr ,-n tftr ;....., ,:rrJ by :hi: 4lartEage aha!; he at such rate as ! ctrdcr
<br />shall rtquest It I.ettder hex warvrJ the ,~lvi,,n t,..eooclrr.rtr prussilril .n thn paragraph I?. anJ if Harrower'. sucvrssur in
<br />iptcrext has eaa:uted a wnUOn araumpuaan agrcrmr»t a.ceptrd rn .. rtung by 1 rnJer. 1-ender shall release Horruwcr from all
<br />ctbiiggtiottx under tots Murtgalpe ate the ~iaue-
<br />It I.ettdet esercixex retch .*ptr<ars t., a~aaier:us°. f z!t.,er ,!<ail roast ftorn+xrr noErcv of ac.etcration in aacurdantie with
<br />paragraph 1J hereof Such noun shall pravedr :+ prrra,J azf txt: iesa than Iii Jays from the date the nosier is mailed within
<br />which Borrower may pay the sertn> deatareJ Jta: (f Be,rruw.r ;•uf. re, pat .n.fr s+unx pour to the rspiratian of :uch period.
<br />Lcrnler prat-. w'ttttaat futttttt n>_?ttca at .icntartd rut t#trr4lr+cr, ~.n-..tkc ant rcntrJr~s prrmotrJ by paratttaph 1!i hereof.
<br />]Vr-+sr-U?:33-9~+~! t.°t3vtwi>£xa. Hoifam~>;r stet ] rp+.lrt t:et titer _ -,»a==t aatd axtrn` as 2~.tlewa:
<br />!{, Ate;. Retetedie.,L F:acepl >a prosided io par:tttrayh 17 hereut, ague Borrutscr's breach of art} raxetWpl or
<br />w bf harrower fro slit Miwtt=af<e, imittslitsa the rosrtxants to pal xviep doe any sattts secured by tttk !1lortyage.
<br />[rea/er gar u aeaxisrrtiar stet snuff aatire to Aorrowcr ss pen+ided iw ptvaRrtsph fi hereof spccit7iag: tl} the bretuh:
<br />t3! t#e tet7ltEe .cegtdred to sere retch ftrreerht 13l a dart, oar lexe than 3U dasx trwa the dwe the twtire iv rnelled to 8urrowcr.
<br />wldgM xrttei IMtiari ttwext k eaKQ; aed #•l} thet tttOtsre to rare arch breach ua ar ietare ItM[ ANe xgerificd in Ilr+t pollee
<br />tttrrp rtps~M i• secslaraHaa of tic sates secured b> tlsLt liortygte, tarecbwrc by jadic•del graceedipg amt sale at the Pwpehy,
<br />T11te eetleettitrig Mier teforot betrnsser of the riRhl to reio-Gtte trf/tr accc~raliaa sod !tw remit kn sexert ire flu forecloarre
<br />gtnraeetdirB fir wps•etisOnscr trt a ddtwtit w sad pffter titteme nt Svrrower to wcelerWion wed iw•erhwturt. li the lfresrh
<br />k ttgit etatrttl as or ]reface tic drrtEe sgtcflied in the police. L.eadrr w I.cpder s option aiay des leer stU .d the rams avared by
<br />fY1a m ire iteearr~etelY dwe art$ gayatak withrtnt farther demstxd wd relay fareriwe by judicial prvreediuk. lartdes
<br />t~ Ire ta~OtA W ra~ect ie sari ptarttditrg nB exltttpses crf iraerlosetre, imlwtigt. bW pW titaied frt. rusts at docameptary
<br />wii~r-e, elt~rar:te etr9 Male reports.
<br />If, ^rrrrowc~a ~ to itafdeNrde. '`:a~twttltxtxpd,uX f r+tetre s +. ,:r:eras:.~» ,:? +t:e ,":nts +cureJ by !!;ts Ma+ngagr.
<br />fiarrtasrcr slatii Its*-e the %taltt frs have ;s»y pre~reditegs "r+rgutr i,v i s:~~t t+ a ar'~r ..- yt.,rrg:.gas:sis:a~nt:ru!cei st an? trnr'=
<br />