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<br /> , TO�ETHER WITH sll tho Irrprovemcnto now or hercatter crectad on tho property, and nIi cnscments, nppurtcnlncc�, and .(
<br /> 9lxturos now on c�reaflcr n pnri o}th� property.All rcpl�ccmrnto nnd ndditlons ohflll atao bo covered by thls Security In�trument. �
<br /> � All oi tho I�rc�Ulnp I� rctcrrc.d to In thla Sccuriry Inetrumcnt ns tho "Pmperty.' $ •
<br /> BOH(�QWER COVENANTS thut Bortowcr Is Inw(ully aoixed ol llio estate hercby convoycd nnd han tho npht to grnnt nnd �
<br /> convey the Property nnd lhAt the Pzanerty Is unencumberod, uxcept for encumbr4nces of rocord. Qorrower worrnnt3 nnd wlll �
<br /> dafond poneraiy the tltlo to tho Properry agelnst ell clalms and demand:+, ewbJact to any encumbrnncas ol reaord. '"
<br /> THI3 SFCURITY INBTAUMHNT combines unitorm covenAnta to► national usn and non•unifonii covenants wi:h Ilmitcd �
<br /> , • , vadntlona by Judodlctfon to conctitute o unitorm seeudty Instrument covering real property. � �•�;';,.
<br /> '` UNIFORM COVENANTS, Bortower and Lender covmaM end agree ae tollows: ��'�'
<br /> '- 1.C'Mys�or�4 �f �'rincl�nl rsnd Inidresl; P►epayment ar+d Late Ctiargea. Borrower shall prompiry pny
<br /> when � ��'`
<br />``•°` ''' i� duo the principal 01 and interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prepayment and late cherges due uncler lhe Note. ..,
<br /> ..F.: , ,,.X.
<br /> :,;,-�;; � 2. Funds tor Teucea and Inauranco. SubJect to spplicebie law or to a written walvet by Lender, Borrower shall pay � �._
<br /> ==�. .rb' to Lendar on the day monthty payments ara due under tha Nnte, until tho No�e Is pald In full, a sum ('Funda') for. (a) yearly 7•'
<br /> .a taxes and nssessmenta whlch may c�ttnln p�ioriry over thls Security Instrument as s Iien on tho Property; (b) yearly leasehold �,'
<br /> payments or ground rents on tho F'roperty,if Any; (c) yearly hcuard or properly insurance premiums: (d)yeady flood insurenco t,��
<br />_ -;° � premlums, it any; �e) yearly mortpacie insurmce premiums, 11 any;snd (�eny sums payable by Borco�vor to lender In accordance f�.�,_
<br /> with thv �rov'�slons ot para9raph 8, in flou of thc� peyment of mortgac�e insurnnce premlums. These itams �re called "Escrow N,_
<br /> �. Items.' lender may, at any tlmo, collact And he�ld Funds In en nmount not to oxcaed the mnximum nmount a lendor for a -
<br /> "'� ''• teder2ly �elntQd mottgage lonn may require 1or Ba�raver'� oscrav �ccount under tho ledoral Real Eatate 8etilemant Procadures �,'
<br />::� ,,, y �h'r'.:
<br /> t...� Act o1197�t fla Amended hom tlme to ilma, 12 U.9.0.§2801 et seq. ('RE8PA`), unless anothor �iw that appllas to the Funda
<br />`=�•�t'��;°'�;%;'� sota a teaser vnount. Ii sa, Lender may, e�t Any time, collect end huld Funda In nn amount not to exceod the lesser amount.
<br /> ,.� �`� +���; Lender may estimate the�mount of �unds due on tho basis o1 current data und reasonable esUmates ot expenditures ot tuturo -_
<br /> ;,-�t�.:�S, ���-
<br /> _`��r � Cscrow Items or othervvise(n uccardance wfth eppliceble law.
<br />���t`�.., The Funds shall ba held in sn Inatitutlon whose doposits are Insurod by a federel agency, Inatrumentaliry, or entiry pncluding
<br /> r�fA?r. ' --
<br /> Lendor, iT l�ender ta such an Institution) or In eny Federal Home Loan Sank. Lender shall apply the Funds ta pny thA ecrow __
<br />'_��'Y''�� Items. I.ender msy not charpe BoROwer tor holding and applyinp tho Funds, annually analyrzing tha o�uovt nccount,or verllyln3 =-
<br /> � the Eecrow Items, unlesa Lmnder pays Bor►ower Inlereat on the Funda and spplica6le law permlte Lender to mako auch a
<br />"�sti��•! ' cherpo. However, Lender may require Borrower to p�y � onatlme ch�rpe tor �n Independent re�l eat�te tax repoAing aervlce
<br />''`=S-�°-`=- used by Lender in conncctlon with thle loan, uNeae �ppHcehle law provldee othenvlse. Unles� en egroement le mndo or
<br />__,-�1. �ppNc�ble I�w requlreo Intereet to b� F�Id, Lend�r �hMH not bs r�qukfd ta p�y Borrower�ny Intaeat or e�minqs on Ihe Funde.
<br />:�:;il�i;� Borrower �nd Laidw m�y epree In w►IUnp, howuve� Ihwt Intareet oi��ll ba pdd on the Funde. Lend�r ehell p►v� lo HOROW/r,
<br /> -- -- wRhout ahupe, �n annud �ccountlnp o1 th� Funci�,ehowlnp crHfit� rnd debite to lho Funde and the purpoee t�r whlr,h e�oh
<br />--'�'""'±�! dibll b th��unde wrn nu�d�. The Fundn or�pl�dpKl�e tddtllon�i e�audry im�II eume e�cund by the 8acudty Inslrumenl.
<br />_-,,�,1� 11 thn Fund� hMd by l.ondK�xc�ed th� �mount� pamltt�d to b� hNd by�ppllabte law, L�nder eh��l �ccount to 8oirowa
<br /> -' lor the �xa�� Fund� In Mocord�nos wlth the requkxn�nta o1�ppllc�bla lew• U lhe�mount o}the Funde hMd by Le+►der�t�m�
<br /> =_ - e'hnlllpey t nl der�lh� �mount nncesa�ry«to rrwke up the dellclenoy.�Borower ahnll mekeWUp the deticloncy nfno mnr�thnn
<br /> tweNe manthly peymente,at Lender's aotA dlacrellon, � � � y� � ���y,phpii nromotly retund to Borrowar eny Fundn
<br /> Upon payment In tux oT�ii sumo eecurbu uy it�o .,at���.� .:'.r'msr.., .._..__.
<br /> -_ - property L�elir�p'ptyueny Funda�held by lender at Ihe tlmer o}acquf kion orpsa e�e�e credit�agaln t�the suma secu ed"by hla
<br /> Security Inatrument.
<br /> 3. Applic�►tion o! Psymsnte. Unless applleabl�i ha�esddue underithe NoteASOCOnd, to am unts payable under
<br /> ppragn�pha 1 nnd 2 ehnN be applled: flrct, to any prepaym 9
<br /> parapmph 2; thkd,to Interest due;fourth,ta pdncipd due;and last,to any lata cherges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Chatg�i; LIeT1y. Borrower shall pay nll taxes, asaessments, charges, flnes and imposkions ariribuWbiq to the
<br /> - Properry whlch mey attain p�arNy over thla Security Instrument,end leasohold payment�or ground rents, It any. BoROwer shaN
<br /> - - - pay these obligetions in the manner provided In peragraph 2, or fl not pald !n thet manner, Borrowor shali pay tham on time
<br /> _ �nregraFh.tif Bo ower makeaythese pa�yments directi� Bo weri�a/ promptly��tumiah to�Lender treceipt3 ev'Idencnp t lo
<br /> payment3. reea In
<br /> ' Bonowor shall promptly �iseharge any Ilm whlch has priority over this Secudty Insirument unless surrewer: (a) a9
<br /> writing to the �ayment oi the obligatlon securecl by tht+ Ifen in a manner acceptable 4o Lender; (n) conteats in good tekh tNn
<br /> Ilen by, or detend�s e,,^,ainst entorcemesit ot the Ilen In, lepel proceedfngs which En the Lendar's opinton o(ror�2:90 pravent thn
<br /> -__- - entorcoment of tho tlen; or (e) aecures from tho holder ot the Ilen en ngr�ement sstlstattory to Lender subofuYr.alinp the Ilen to ,
<br /> -- this Securky Inatrument. IP tender dotermines that nny part o4 the Property Is subjeci to a Ilen which may ettaln prtorriy over thls
<br /> - Securfty tnstniment, Lender muy ghre Qonower a notice Identlrylnp tha Ilen. Borrower shall satiafy tha Iien or taka one or more ot
<br /> the eattons eet forth ebove w(thln 1G eiays of the glving of notice.
<br /> b. Hezerd os' Psop��ty G118uranc�. BoROwer shell kecp the Improvemento now exl�tlnp or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property Inaured �yeinsl losa by ti��e, hazarda Induded wlthln the term 'extendad eoverngo' and any ether hezards, {ncluding
<br /> flooda or Aooding,fa which Lendor requires Nsurance. 'ihis Insurance shell�a r.taintalnad In tltn umountn end(er the pwiods _
<br /> that Lender requkes. The Insurance carrier pravldYig the Insurance shall bo chason by Banrowrer suhJnet tn I:endor'a�pprovd
<br /> whlch sh�l not be unreasonabiy withheid. If BoROwer falls to melntaln covarage descvikad ebe+�e, Lendar may, at Lender's
<br /> optlon, obtaln covorage to protect Lendor's rlghts in the Propr.rty In accordunce wlth paragrepli 7.
<br /> All Insurance policles and renewals eholl be accepteblo to Lender and shall Inaiude a stanCard montgndo clauae. Lunder
<br /> shall hnve the rlght to hold the poticles and renov�Al�. H Lender require�, domc�ver shell promptly give to Lendt+r ail recdpt� 01
<br /> ..__.� pald p:emlums and renewrl noticas. In the event oi loae, Bortower shall give pncmpt aoUce to tho Insuranco cr.rtler and Lender. _
<br /> I.ender may mako prool of los�if nol made prompty by Donowor.
<br /> - Unless lender and Borrower othonviso apree In writing, insurance procer�da shall bo applied to restoraUon or rep�ir of tha
<br /> --� Property ddmnged. ft the rostor�tion ar repalr Is economically feaslblo nnd Lender's securily fs i:ot tessened. If the rostoratlon or
<br /> -- ropak Is not economlcolty feasiblo or Lender's aecudty would be lessened, tho Inaumnce proceed� uheil b�applled to the sums
<br /> socuretf by thls Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due, wlth any exans� pald to 9ortower. I} Gonn�ver abandons the _
<br /> - - �-�- Property, or does noi answer withln 30 days A noUce from Lendcr that the Innurunao carrler ha�oitared to aoiUe e clalm, then -
<br /> lendbr may colleot tfie Insurance proceeds. lender muy use the proceeds to repnir or restore tha qruparty or to pay sums
<br /> - aec�red by this Securfty Instrument,whether or not then due. 7he 30�dey period wili begin when tho noUco le piven.
<br /> Unleaa Lender end Borrower otherwlse agree In v�riting, eny eppllcAtlon ot procooda to princlpnl shell not extend or
<br /> - pustpone tho due d�te o1 the monthty pnymmts referred to In p�regrephe 1 and 2 or change the emount of the payment�. II
<br /> ��nder peragraph 21 the Property la ncqulred by Lender, 9orrower'n rlght to sny Insurnnce poilcles and proceed�resuiting from
<br /> damaae to the Properly ptior to the acquisillon ahall pese to lender to the eMent ol the euma by thie Security Instrumenf
<br /> -- Immedlately prfor to the scqulslUon.
<br /> - 6. Occups�cy, Preservatlon, �ialntenanco a�d Protoctlon of the Proporty; 8orrowar'e l.oan -
<br /> � �_---— qpplloation; LoASOholde. Borcower chall occupy, establlsh, nnd uso the Properry ns Bo�vower's p�inclpal reoldenoo withln
<br /> ------- sixty daya atter tho oxecutlon of thlo Secudry Instrument snd nhall conUnue to occupy tho Propertyr ns Borrower'o principal _
<br /> - -- rc�sldenco tor at leust ono yeur after tha date of occupancy, unlusa Lender othorvvlce ngrees In wrlifng, which consent shal! not
<br /> _-�"-"'-•a'a�� bo unreasonnbiy�vithheld,or unless oxtanuuUng clrcumstancos oxist �vhich aro �eyond Bonower's control. Bottowcr ohull not
<br /> __--� --- desVoy,damaflc+ or Impalr the Property, nAow the Propetty to detedorate, or commit weste on the Property. Borrower shall be In
<br /> - °•�':�;�_ �' delault H nny to�telturo actlon or proceQding, whether alvil or criminal, Is bogun thnt In Lend�r's good fulth Judgment cnutd result
<br /> ���"�� In lorteNure oi tho Prope►ty or oth�rwlae mgtodaliy Impalr the Ilen created by this Securfty instrumont or Lander's sucutity interest.
<br /> --- ,,,.
<br /> _-S�+rE�'9�;��t-= d
<br /> - wrt'TM.�C�
<br /> - -�-xe•,v{� F1310.LMG(7/95) Pago 2 of 5
<br /> ��
<br /> :�b�.on�a,
<br />�.`..`�LL'�'�""^""s .
<br /> � • 36017
<br />