Q ~.wI `l~lt~~`J iJ
<br />3, Grantees shall not discriminate upon the basis of race,
<br />color, religion, se:~, or national origin in the construction, sale,
<br />lease, rental, use or occupancy of any of the dwelling units in the
<br />project.
<br />4. All advertising, including signs on the Premises advert-
<br />ising the said or rental of the Premises shall include the legend,
<br />"An Open Occupancy 3uilding" in type or lettering of easily legible
<br />size and design.
<br />S. Grantees shall not, prior to the completion of the improve-
<br />ments on the Premises, as certified by the Director or the Community
<br />Development Agency, sell, assiKn, contract to sell, or in any
<br />manner convey the Premises or any interest therein without the
<br />~t ,c ati~ n, - t~,e ne. et„
<br />prior n~~~~~aa appr~„a~ ~,~ ~.« v~~4..~v~ .,~ G,.~ `..,,,,,,.u~.~ .~.,~~ ~..~
<br />Agency. Any successor in interest of Grantees shall he bound by
<br />the provisions of this deed.
<br />b, Prior to the completion of the improvements on the Premises
<br />as certified by the Director of the Conttrunit~• ')eveiopmeni: Agency,
<br />neither the Grantees nar any successor in .ntere4t to the Premises
<br />shah engage in any financing or any ether *ransaeticn creating any
<br />:~~tgage or uz~...~ encumbrar€ce ~~r .i€n ms„gin ...£ re:.~~E-, ~tlether by
<br />~3Y ~YO~i Wig,-~nr _}r r}4~+L^aC ?.(}R (=? ~~s~ ~r ~f22'fP!' ~~~-; ??:_i3m}1 r?a?]f: ~' ClY
<br />i.zen t(? }i?c i~.~e t)?2 ~~r E?t(.=i ,. ::~~~ ~~.. tEiE i'?°~T1.~L3~ cYi:e ~st :or tilt
<br />7SS7s~ orgy `.5i %v ~~1Tf i.~71~:
<br />A. rands only to the extant necessary ±°or making
<br />the improvements, or
<br />3. Sueh additianai funds, i.f any, in an amount no r_ to
<br />exceed rile purchase price paid by the Grantees.
<br />L3ntil issuans~ of the certificate of completion, Grantees or their
<br />successors in interest shall notify the Director ~~f the Community
<br />Develapttx:nt Agency, in dcivance, c;i; any t financing secured t}y a
<br />mc~rtpage or L}ther si.rnilar Lien instru~aent which C;ranted progc}ses t_o
<br />enter into with respect ~,, the z ramises, and t3 _£ any encumbrance t,r
<br />lien that. has been createa or attached to r. tie f'reu7ists ily invo-
<br />luntary ac C. of tk~e t~rantces, ~,r ot'rserwise.
<br />
<br />