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$1-'su~332 <br />4. Ceriwaatisw. The proceeds of any award or claim for d:ntages, direct or conaegventiat, in contttxtion with any <br />cossion or other taking of the lsroperiy, or put thereof, of for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, art hereby aasignod <br />atrsd alntH be paid to linden. <br />tr tree svtatt ~ a total takirsg of the Propcr#y, the proceeds shag be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Tntst, <br />with cite a=ms, if any, paid to &€rrower. to the event of a partial taking of the Property, unips Botrowtr and Lemfer <br />oHsatriae rgnee in wr}t~g, there shall be applied to the s€atu secured by this Decd of Ttust such proportion of tlx proceeds <br />as is t€taai to tket pnoportton which efx amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trttai immediately prior to the dart of <br />tatting`bean b the fair rturket value of the Property immediattty prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />pail! to Burrower. <br />Il'the Penperty }s abartdorted by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Harrower that the condemnor offers to m:ke <br />nit award of settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 34 days after the date such notice is <br />, Lender g author}zad to collect and apply the proceeds, ai Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of tht <br />PropErty or to the scams aeratrt~ try thin Deed of Trtst. <br />Uttttxs Leader and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principat shall not extend <br />or~f~orre the due date of the monthly installments reftrred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such im~lteteats. <br />!i. hesesrcr Nat Reeeaai. Extension of the time far payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed a( Trost granitxl by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the originat Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not he required [o commence <br />proce~inp agaitnt such stsccsssot or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />sactwsd by [Iris Deed of TrtaR by mason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower s successors }n interest. <br />!!. Reriearawce by Leader Not a Wainer. Any rorbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise. aAottted bq appikable law_ shall not he a waiver of or precltrdc the exorcist of any such right or remedy. <br />T'be prcrcutretrxat of irtattrance or the payment o[ taxes or other liens or charge by Lender shall not be a waiver of [.ender's <br />right to atxelerale the maturity of the indebtedness s•.cured h}' this Deed of Trust. <br />!i Reeks CrrtttwiMf-e. All remedies provided in this Decd of Trust are disanct and cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may rte exercised concurrently, independently or <br />11. aM Asaigat Btsawd; DtMar sad Several t.iabiNty; Ctaptbm. The covenants and agreements herein <br />cantairted shall bind, sad the rights hereunder sha8 inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />t to the provisiatn of pangnph ! 7 herrnf All covenants and agrcemmts of Borrower ,hall he joint and several. <br />The rsptiota and headings of the paraggraphs of this Decd of 't'eas[ are for convenience only and are not to he used ro <br />iMEfpret ~ de8tse the provision ttereof. <br />l4. ;ttMiee. Except for any notice requucd untMr applrcabte law t0 tx given m another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Decd of Trust shall be grven by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />[he Property Address or at such other addttsss as Harrower may desrgnare by notice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />fbi any notice to Leader shag be given by ccrtifted mail. return receipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein or to <br />earls o#het reddens as Leader may dtsignatt by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided fen in this <br />Decd of Trttat shalt be dtxmai to have heert given to Borrower or !.ender when grven m the manner dgignated herein. <br />l5. UWaeat Dees d firwtt Ce~eraitsR Severabilky. This form of deed of [rust combines uniform covenants for <br />national uea acrd rwn-uniform covenants with iimued vanations by lurisdictron to constitute a uniform security instrument <br />covering rrgi property. This Deed of Trust shall he governed by the law of the junsdiction in which the Property is Irxated. <br />(a the event that any emulsion or clause of this E)eed of Trust or the Note ranflicts meth appbcable taw, such conflict shall <br />rte aHeei a#her provisiont of ibis Deed of Trust ar tht Note which can he grven effect without the conflicting provision, <br />a~ t0 this and the prvrisiom of the Dttd of Trust and the !vntt are declared to he severat:lt. <br />lei. Baaewrser'eCe~y. Herrrowrr shall be furmshed a conformed ropy c,t the Note and o} this Died of Trust at the time <br />of eaa or altos rrpordatiort btaeat. <br />!T. Teaasfer et the paa~srtY; Arwsepeioa. If all oe am part of the Pro}trnv or :+n interest thrrern is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower without Lenders prior wnHen consent, crcludrntr r a 1 the crcanen of a ltcn ex encumbrance subordinate to <br />thri Lleod of Trunt, tb} clan trcation of a purchax money setunty interest for household appltancrs, t c t a trans}rr by devise, <br />da~ceat or by opwation of taw upon the death of a tnrnt reouat yr ! d! the grttnt of any Ieax oW rntcrest of three years ar less <br />not [oataiaiit~ an option to purehaue, f.rntkr may, .rt lender's oprrnn. ~c+:lare all the sums securr~ by this [krJ of Trust to he <br />rmtrtedistcly dlta aMi payable Leader sbaU have waived such €,prrc+n Eo avicelerate rl, prior to the sale or transfer, Linder <br />sad the Pet'sors to whwn the Property rs to tx sold nr transferred reach agrerntem rn writin}} that the credit of such persc,n <br />is satnfattay to Leruf;:r and that the interest patabte nn the sums sa~urrd by this []cod of Truss shad he at such rate as <br />Lmsder shalt rtrptret. !( Lettda tws waived tht option to atteterate provrdrd rn rhea paragraph t 7, and if Borrower's successor <br />rn ia#erp# has uncured a written assumprua agrrrrrtrnt accepted rn wrrtrng i+y Lender, Linder shall release Burrower from <br />act oliiga#a~ tmdv this Dpttd of Trwr and tttt No#e. <br />!f ier#Aar ezaeittea such option to accelerate, tender shat! mad Borrower uouct of as:celeralion in a~cnrdance with <br />patt~rapb t4 Isateot. Seth natict she!! pro+ide a pe-trod o! n:,t Ices share Sri d3}s front t}tt d3tr tM~ twtn-r rs maikrc} within <br />wlrieh 8~ro+rer mry fray the r;€Fms de~tatri di}r. If Harrower tariz to pay such surm error to the t3ptratian of such period, <br />Leader may. without turtlser nWirx or demarxf _ rt Horrawer..:tvakr anp rcnxdres peen€itied by paragraph 18 hetQaf. <br />-U*rt€arai ('rrviryArirYr, HQrrawrr arri €rnlr€ furiAtr covenant and agree as faltaws: <br />li. Accelarttcirr, ctttractliea. Barept rw pteritiet4 is parat<raph 17 hereof. apes florrewer'a !assets of nay roveaaat or <br />agsrasaaat et Harrower is thin Recd nc 7ctsY, irctaditstt tie cevetsrae to Wf wtte• doe any saws secured by this Iktd <br />oeff Ttwt„ !wa€in grior to accdaratia€s rrtsaY asrit tsaiee tv Surrgwrr wr pro+idsd is pruagraplt 14 Mnof spceifyiag: (!) the <br />~a'Mtht l2l the aaliaw regained to eras stscM breach; t3- a date, am# lea than J6 dry- Cress ties data the aotkc k ntaikd to <br />Berrrawsrr b9' wiieh mach Merci wan bs cured; sad 141 tiN ltsilwe to can sorb laercM oa or betare the dqe speciGtd <br />h the atNke sly rettth h attektatioa nt tie astsas stewed by Ibis Herd d 1'rwst sad sak td the Propttrty. The notice <br />tdsaY tstrtlter Interco Besretrrer of tie 'iafN ro rorawtate rtter rccskratiea avid the riRitt to btvstt a roar) action to assert <br />rhs aaw.ntiAcaea et a defatsN or nay other decease of Borrower to tttcekration sad oak. If the breach is not eared <br />ow ar iefen the dttAS spetiNrd it cis aopce. Letttttkr at Letsdn's option wry deelerr all ut the sums secured by this 1)ced <br />d Tract to be latwedkt#ely doe sad pay~ce wifhtwt itather deaumd sad via? insaYr the pawn at ark sad say other remedks <br />petnaNisd ii ttpplirrhia law. !.radar sbdl bs entitled to coYect all retteoaabce costs sad ezprarrrs iarurred in pucaulatR the <br />reatadiea ptretNed fa tiffs pisr+slrtr¢it ill. iac-udissg, bet nts iiasitcd to, rratsosrabk tetterrey's teen. <br />if t1r envier ac syle k iateAsd. 7'rrrtet siaY record a ttuNce oc default }n eaci ceuaty in which the Properly or solar <br />pttA thseso[ is Mcalad sad zltntl aaY copies of such r+ut#re is cis maaoer presrrihsd bJ a able law to B~rtuwer tad ro the <br />s[Yer pttrsa4at psacrifad !rD lea, Attar #is loess of such tiros as asst be € by apptkahk law, rrta°tea; sl-all <br />e~#rr ptrtiht sa4les ai vide te~~petaew. read in the moaner prttsrribed by ~ taw. T'rurtx+c. witieat deasewd oa <br />Butwrstt. sAerR tap Iic Pwpsrty ~ public wctfea to the t:igiret bidder rl the tisse and place sad under the lrraut desigarted <br />is the retict ~ ale itr ono ee swartr ppaarrceb sad in noel ordn ab Trsr4ee nary dNrrtaiwe. Trrattr vialJ' padpeae ark of ell <br />ar sy p~arntel etc the hearty iy pt#Mk rtuuuacrweat u tie tiros sad plats of nay prtt}easiy schedsded sak. !.ender or <br />4rnsirr'a ttiuipsc taq rya'rYtses dot Party at any ark. <br />d payttaerN oil the bid, Trssstet shalt deliver to ibe purchaser Trstsire': deed cuatrrleg the Ptvptrtt <br />trdd.~s~!! ttte Trttrtwee's datd aiW is prima tack etideacr ul the trtrtb of #is *ia#sa+aa#s rasadt tiarcia, Trustee <br />ahnNap/t!y clan traetsis of dse ark #a #!at tvllowiat< aF~•I: (ai fU ail rtasoattbir costs tad tzpaosts of the rwk. including, !wt <br />rtes lisriMd ta, rtal#ce's lets nt nut trwre theta~ _ -L~r~ 't of the grans sak pries. rrssoaahk attorae)'s fees: sad eortts oc <br />riYr oriiaattt {lsl bs tell straw zctastErl b' tffis Ueea M Tt'usi; sad 4ei the tzctss, fc nay, In the person or pttaors legaHp entitled <br />tittselr. <br />t!. ~trowtr's ~ flshrtals. Ne,twrthstandrng ianstcr's acctltrart.,ra of she 3ww secured by the, 1?ctd of lr~a~. <br />8agrexwer shat! ts4vs the rRgltt to bout ant pu~etriings begun t'} l,cttdtr e* r.rdaar;:c tfrii Ihe:; .+j 1'nest ,hse~ntmrrtd at <br />~} t~ prior W fhe tarlircr W occur of (i> the fifth da} before the Hale of the 1'rapurty pursuant t<+ the }xrwar of s:dt cnntar~nrd <br />to [lux heed ui Try ~+r fin}entry of a 7tkign~ru tnfarcitrg throe feed of Trust ri tai Harrow t pay, Lrrsdcr nit sutra wttrsh weoid <br />tx thta dos utnk.r that (k:d of 1'r€ru, the Nero :and ru>tss sacur~rr}j Futa+rc -ldsanacs, t any. hue! n:, acsrltratwu an aurred <br />ibi tiiottotvtcr CtrrCt: alS b€ttsi;ltsx oC tins csther cuvcnsurs or agrctttttntt..1 }tosri,uva ~,vttatrresi sn tltra fAed ,+t Trutt. <br />Ce) llbrirwvrr #weyx all ttaunutzit tepenscs rtu.r.rrrd by Lunclrr and 7~rtrsttt, - t •?.fr+ra,nk the .~ a ~nants and a};rcrntentj +,t <br />Hnrr~tw-tws c~tausec,S in t~S l~cd cif Trust ancf is eaf;rtai+xg l.crri}tr's and fi:r cr', :-emsct.zs as pta,crded to para},;rap, in <br />ttrrtr~f, irsr;taad£Rg,. t~.:xx };;;l:t::,l €;, rEaxca€a€<.'c attorn~- - fs~s .and s it 13arrc wzr noires auah oat+,=rF as I.radet may era:..,naF,t, <br />tars tt ass;src that tear ttac ;>f :trio l?ete; e:t ;`ter:#, t €+tvtr"~ rcrt~re,t :,. =$c f r.-t,~r:t anal }iat:r~aet`, ,>tstrgati.,r: t„ i,,,; <br />