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of <br />swattttd in <br />, f snortg~ee}, <br />Hill County, and Stott aj diebtislti ,the follotviny desrrihed premises <br />Eyll Cor+nt~~, and State of -3ebTiiki to-sl<';t: <br />trot IMtllv~e (12}r !n Blog6 lv+v (;2) of IGotehler ~;aoer <br />sn t~dition to the City of i><ra~ 2slandr Hall Cenntyr <br />Nehxi~r sgbsect to etae~ees of re~srdr ttlx+esr <br />eaieatterta, sad ail resfriatiuna of reo~sci. <br />Sl~eat to Fist llortq~e not to exceed the aatomt of S4r00®.fl0 <br />T'ht intention briny to ranter hereby wr :rhsalatt tint an /e€ sirujl,• wr+++diny alt t/r€ riyhts al Isarn€stead and dazaer. <br />T`Cl ft<•#l~li t1xVL~ TC) N(71_Il !hr prctnixcs =;,. _,.< r1CC4riFrtl. :: =tlr ..11 t,"ce arpurtenanr,~s th€reunta belrrtryiny nnta <br />the said mortgagee ar rnurtyaytes z:nd z:: 1. is, lzer err their irrsrs .rr+d ,tssiyrsx, frrretcr, prat•idcd alxcxsys, and these Ares- <br />arts are upon th€ €xprtss condition that i/ the said nsartyuyar ar ruurtyayerx, his, her or thsir heirs, executors, adrnin- <br />r istrators ar assiyrss shalt pay ar rarfer to bt raid to rho said nzrrtgatitrr <rr rnortrtayurs and to kis, her or there heirs, tx- <br />`, ten#ars, adeninistsa#ars ar assi_yns, the sure uj - - <br />Six Hlitl~d and Pifiy anti 1~-/1 ?€lltrrs, ;-n,•a;~ as sat!«>Fe~s, to-uit: ~_- -- <br />4t deat~nd <br />on eM~tnd <br />with itsttrtst ihsrtoxi ut~ per rear p.•r unngm, payahtt ~, according to the texar and elftrt aj <br />eke pratnissarv reels with interest rattpans attached aj said _btartyafars, btariug cn~en dote tsdtli these pets- <br />; sets, and shnl! pay alt taxes and any interest an, ur maturing itutatlmsnts uj prirtrip<sl, due vn any prior rnartgage end <br />tftsauftetnts ltuitd upon sairE real estate and aU atltcr roars, leerier and asstrstrstnts Itcatd open this nwrtgagt ar the <br />Holt urhirh this ntartgoye is 1ii=en to xc°rurc, before iht sums beronsc~s delinquent and keep the baildings an sai:! <br />pr'¢neatta ittsared jar the Burn $ ,lost, ij ony, payubte to each first nsortyagc+•s ar thss mortgagee, or bath, <br />tlteM. these prtxents be uaid, athtruase to b€ and r€muin sn jzelt fame. <br />IT` !S FURTHER ,iGRF~L7 ! tJ That ij tlst ;aid mortgagor shad jai! to pay snrh texts and such interest an, <br />or sreptsstantl installments of prin€ipal, due an an? prier mortgage and prarure such insartmts, thin tii%t tuortyagte aeay <br />pay snrh tarts and su€h inttra'st on, ar rnafuriny installments of principal, due an sash prior rnortyagt and p-arstre <br />? siMlt i1#s#rantc; and the sum sa adi~sru•€d oath inr+~rrst at nine per r~-ut slsaR bt paid b} aairl taorfgagar, rtpd this mart. <br />~~ -i~ ' t ~r r: ~'i!y Iar `th€ ss) '_ _t r 7~±_t a j-.i.?c:i' `d 't€ : ~" - <br />t-ta pa4 aa~ aJ =a. rnan~~. e.r €. p>ris ~,1 ar i_~t an <br />~~~ ar .tn , rS:~« ttzta'f5fl(t<', tt'~rn t!r .s3t.n< l=e.ars.s :.tst€ ~r a jatlnrt tv comely .z'ztts c•»~~ erj tl:t far€gaiug ugr€€men,'s, <br />slr razu€ tn€ mbute sum ~J sssonY'}~ tte~r'ir- strured to bttarnt due and rallect.rb#t Ere urzrr at the aptiart aj the rnvrt- <br />9A6te. <br />!T 1S F(,'f73't1f:R '.f~;t;<E~~ 't`hat said- trsv,'t?ttryte, pes#ditur fur€€lasnrt atj this- martyvsgt and after dtrret <br />prndiny .ctu} thcr,cn or apptAl ttserrjrrrnt„and pe•tulinl{ ,aszlc aj prcrnis€s mvrtgaycd, Hwy pay sorb tares aad rrwtasing <br />fetcrrst a} ,n;tturiny itrstalttat.-xtts aj prirt~`tpalr, ors ~rri,,r ritartga~er, prar~srt .rack insuran+`s arrtf siz€h ssrrsts ~hdll ht <br />added to the +,ztzoursr d~+:- an dcrt*'rr and srpan ran~rxitatian ~j Willa b}~ tltt mart ~,rdk-r€d token aat of pv^ocatds at salt: <br />err ij r€;ltemrrl tluri*«r~,siAy ispp~ul ur solo, sorb ansarrrsts shsit!-lit €crllertesl the same as though it u,~trt a pert zrj sorb <br />der r€i~, <br />3'r~tlyd tEtis ~ drry of ~ fyt @~ <br />' In ~•rstwt't s?„~ <br />~~~y:~`~x r~r <br />.-- Y ~~ as't'~~e~'Yr"'~~4.~.-<-~ jai ~.3 )4F.___..' <br /> <br />