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<br />P.4It~'?AL ~~p} t ~ <br />rl;KTcl'I('A•1~ lid t:rmPrr"r*.ii;. C~~-~J~i~c3~~ <br />ttE: North lI2 of Lot '17sree {3) and the North lI2 of Lot Pour {4), Block <br />2ht.rty_~lee {33), Lambert°s ~cYdition to the City of Grand Zsland, <br />NIt12 Coantp, Ns6raska <br />WH$AEAS, a certain deed was given dated _ November 20, 1980 and recorded as <br />document no. 80-00720b _ _in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Na11 <br />County, Nebraska and said deed was subject to the covenants, conditions and <br />restrictions contained therein, and <br />WHEREAS, the said deed provides [hat upon completion of the fconstructionl <br />{rehabilitation) of the improvements, the Cumanunit~. Eievetopment Afiencv wilt <br />furnish the purchaser with a certificate of ecxnpletion, and <br />WHEREAS, lire purchaser has completed the ~,constnsction) irehabilitation) <br />of the improvements called for in said deed, and <br />WHEREAS, ehe Cosmnunity Development Agency, of the City of Grand Island <br />Nebraska has completed all. oY i.ts obligations contained in said deed, as seller, <br />NOW THEREFORE, ;Ire !;ommunitg Development Agenr:~ of the City of Grand 'island, <br />Nebraska., hereby certifies tixat the said purchaser has completed the (construction) <br />(rehabilitation} of Clu: improvements called far in the said deed. This certi- <br />ficate constitutes a conclusive deterx:rination of the satisfaction and termina- <br />tion of the covenants and aKreements in said contract and deed with respect <br />to the obligations of the lnrrchaser to ccxnplete the i;<:onstructicn) irehabilitation) <br />of the improvements called for in said deed... <br />IN 4t`ITiiE55 THE35I:O'=, Che Crrmnunity Development t'igency~ of the t'ity of Grand <br />Island, Yebraskm, has caused this ;;ertificate of t;ompletian to be duly executed <br />on its laehalf by its 1>irector this 1$ Tli ciao of. August 19 $1 <br />- ,`.:t)Aiti!li.."v'i"i~; .--~i:~•i'L7;'~1h;Y`i` 'it;E:fit:', tiF 'Ilii: <br />---' .- „t~_ ,,~/~ (_'~`, ;~4' ':1:ri;Vfl 1 `.ii.:'1;~ti?, .'Ilfl!t.ASt(A <br />F* CORE}£RS htEhlO,'.w j~"` '°~"~ <br />r. ._v...`---~ <br />---~~"'-`.'_ -- ReB, d tT¢Eds f~ ~J'f^ /,J~ <br />c P L itr: t"Ct~.t 3 <br />STAT'F. of ^SI':ISRA:iI;:A <br />t:t)f_iY"Y ul•' lt_1Lt~ i . <br />Q[t this ___ 18th _, day of _ ,~u u,8t _ 14 8_1 lxeiora ene, a Notary <br />Public in and for the said County, persusyali~~ appeared Michael L. McCord <br />Co me personally known wiru being first dtti•r warn :lid say that he is the tirector <br />of ttae Cormaunitr C~velopmerxt genc.• ~~,' the t'it of +.:ranc: island, :Ye6raska, <br />created and existing node:- thu tax, :>f the State ut vehrahka, and that said <br />certificate was siz;nad ixs beErazi and un behalf of said i'cxa~nunity fevelopment <br />Agency by the auttroritrr of ies members :xnd rise ~:aiei 'ii rector aeknewledged the <br />i.nstratnent to ba tl.e vuiuntars• set and deed sl for sa§d .:cm~aunity ,»veiop„rexxt. <br />Aganey of the t,it~ of grand Csiand, Vehra,ka. <br />CiEMERAI PiOiAkP auto v ~1r~'at+P° , , <br />JEtttrkNE !. GAi}ROUt I'_ ~ 4~~ ~ Jj~ <br />. l~ Ik+em-lr;p. Sep( 23, }983 ~ ~{u~r~. k ub 2 i c _.... ___. __ ___ .-- <br />'L~ Ccxtxali:tsiun exlai.res S € 23 1483 _____-- <br />