<br />~- V~` ~f\1 '~x3 `~ti
<br />RE: Part of Lot Ten {i0} of the counr_y Subdivision of the West 3ia1f of the
<br />Sout2neest Quarter (W~,t~} of Section Ten (10), Toatnahip Hleven (il) North,
<br />$attge Nine (9} West of the 6th P,2.1„ more particularly described as follESws:
<br />Commencing at a point 1b6.52.feet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 10;
<br />thence running West along sad upon the North boundary line of said lot far a
<br />distance of 9fi.8 feet; thence running in a southeasterly direction for a
<br />distance of 139.9 feet to the northerly boundary Ifne of Fifth Street in
<br />the City of urand Island, Hali Countp, Nebraska; thence rumxfng in a
<br />northeasterly direction along the northerly botmdary line of said Fifth
<br />Street for a distance of 85 feet; thence rt:nning in a northwesterly
<br />direction for a distance of 92.6 feet to the place of beginning;
<br />--~n~r~L- __ ~ -..
<br />R .b. ur needs
<br />WiIcREAS, ;A certain drecl was ;;i.en dat:tid ,November 20, 1980 __ and recorded as
<br />Document nc?, 80-006$63 itt t!te nf:ticc• r,f the he;;iste. of needs
<br />r
<br />_~_ __.-_ _,. __ __---------- .la l
<br />t'oanty, `Ie~zaska ,r.d :.ai,. .lEed _Ja~ .Seti>ie-ct ,.. t}vo t~nvettanis, conditions and
<br />restric[ions coc7t~ine<1 ..,,•reita, rand
<br />!.*14ERt:AS. Cite :aid dt~e-d t7rovi.;..s ,teat ,:p,:n ro:np3c•tiur: ui the ,onstruetion)
<br />'rehabilitation) of the• in;tra•~-emcttt-., th,• ~ba:r^,:nt'„ itevel~ptnent ,~,rnc~; will
<br />furnish the parcl7aser +,riti: .. erti..~,tte ,i ,:a:;tp;t~li,;n, :and
<br />k'f{EREAS, the purci:aser l;as ~n,unlt>It,<S t'7F cot=struct;'~nl ,,rehaoilitation)
<br />of Che impravecnencs .ailrtl .ar ... .:t i., t.c•CV, :;nd
<br />;•Ftll:€?>:::15, t:he i'u*.*n*t:t~„ .~A~vc•,'[t"tent >~enc`-, ,t _..E :tY' `t .,rand ?sl
<br />and
<br />td€braska has completed a;! o. ..s .,~!i;:att:;r,a <~~nr;tinee~ s,t said dead, as seller,
<br />'SC•'.l 'i'Fii:i2~si%Orr `";c .. - mun , ~ t"tr~tt f,ec7 ;; ' to cit.^. cAt Grand !stand,
<br />;Jehraska, hereh~r :ercitae.: .,taE '^.c s.: ., !t. ..t.t~r .7v c~,tplrt~d cite iconsiruction)
<br />rehabilitatian~ >t ,:r -s.:r<vc.n1•ttc'. .ai t
<br />s .. , ar :~t : ne sa:d :hied. 't'his certi-
<br />i icare coasci;.~ces a _:-.,~. .--, •. r• 'et _,rmtn.u t,•at . _.,. :~at:iac:~,ott auN' tertnina-
<br />tinn wL the covens.^.CS :n=; 3frE•_•tnrtis :Ci saiu __. ~, tract yttC deed W1Clt re St)CCC
<br />co the oi,tiy;ations :u .tut -•utcitaser to t'untpet.e ~,h,- ,~,.us[c„t;.i~,n) t-rehabilieation)
<br />of Che iatPZCtvetnen[.s :sited ,. --, ,,,[;_ „E.c.f„_
<br />IN ., I'ttF':S 3tc .. !7r ttL:c~xttutsil4' Iteve•l,.ttstnen~ ~.1!rft~.• ,ti °'-ae . ,t ;rar.c!
<br />.-i$tld, :(.`t?r~3iE$, ~-!:t~ idl-Ci !tt:} :.E'C't tii~7lE' ~~t'it l- t.'
<br />t•
<br />p ::i.tin t ~ i» t.,tly executed
<br />nn its Ftahait i>v tts ;itretC,•r tits I@th :.:a:` „1 Au$ur}t ;<} l~l
<br />~.~ t ~ ~' l ~1' `.;i4~iri.l 1 J1,e1:dI1 • ~~l'. 13 i{11S2G;
<br />,> ~~~
<br />.:.
<br />;, . ~.
<br />---._ _
<br />t ;11 11i•: i:1'Calr i
<br />`i'iAt'r' uF :Vti5hA5ne~ ,
<br />, :; :; ;
<br />' fait .l7ts l8ttt
<br />~~ ..tY ,,l AuguYt lti 81 ',etttre t:te, a `;[At.try
<br />`~»~`~ ir. ~nt
<br />.~~
<br />~~=r .at -.,.u ._ ~v, t>~• •.t>t,.t t =1€,p,=Nr4~ti Nicha~ai L. a~ict;ord
<br />
<br />cEZ -tom uar;c7tarat > %?ttaasrta -- - - --
<br />>s.,~ '->ei..;, ' :.... dctt ; t:trorrt s ! ..may ,.a[ ,e f : itt, - . «- ,` t;tr
<br />•. ~
<br />a, 117@ hvttt3ttuA i C p ~ieyA,* t ca;xctsaa t i~
<br />-
<br />.~
<br />5 [.tarry taf 'ite t ac. ~ rand ',an~i, e_ a~tia,
<br />~rrrated ana! existit:S `r tl( r ;i. E, Eaw.; ,ai the a `
<br />tt: -aei;tt7.xa
<br />~tttd t}-a s
<br />:,ii:;
<br />='a
<br />t:ti.fica:e way *tivtxa;d ,
<br />.
<br />in h~italf sad ttn ltehalf of sa7d (t,nnntuttit~- -vvilnpsr,E+t,t
<br />i
<br />.},q~'~t~.} 1Ty s'..~~ c3t£{1-t?ris - ".33 Yi'~i ;Ill'lic C~(?C~i si ri Zi [I F' ':.3;1~ l}i rt.'-~:1 t1: c)t'tR'at1W l!'f.l ~-Cii ~,~'
<br />
<br />•-
<br />=t1DC~rV~#4a1 ;t' ,~k '-h~ . .,t t'.,.tdt"~ :t ~`r zl~tti dP. t?u uS 't;e ~, tt id t~;,r; ,
<br />..~ at:t,tr ' v c~ e l ,tFx:uf•u i
<br />t~yj$EtY;;r C)~'e~^~i ;-:r:~ltd :Slat}cJ, ~t:hrar+liA,
<br />~ NpttiW't 5ttit ~! taeExaotA.~
<br />~~t~,.ltit+iE i GR1tl{iitS? .t
<br />Mt t~tsa= Ear. = t'3, 1~3
<br />~.tt.0-t-t-~
<br />- - .._ .. -
<br />
<br />vy...r ':~'i. * ~y ~s _ _ -. b t -. - ~~„~~'..-.-~~~. 111 / ZED-~..
<br />