Flirts 808 5 $ ~ _ s~ tl 4 31
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable taw. $nrrawer zha~ti pay the amount of at} mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />mant)er provided under paragraph Z hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender puruant to :his paragraph '. with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Harrower srxured by this Mortgage. fnlns Barrnwcr and Lender agree to other terms of payment. srxh
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice frrm }.ender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest frnm the
<br />date of disbursement ai the rate payah}e from time to time on otnstanding prinrpai under the ?date unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate vvoutd be contrary rs aoplicabk taw. in which even .=.tich amounts zhalT bear interest at the highest rate
<br />pettnissihk under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph ? shall require Lensier to incur any expense ar take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. /arpeclion. Lender may makt or cause to he made reacanahle entries atpon and irtspeciians nF Ehe Property. provided
<br />that Lender shall give Snrrrnver notice prier to any such inspection specifying n•asnnable cause therefor related in T codex's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. CoeMamnatinn. The prtxeedc of am' award or Maim far damages. direct or ;nnsequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnarion ar other taking of the Pmperty.:,r pars thereof. nr for conveyance in Lieu of candemnatinn- arc herchv_ assigned
<br />and shalt t+c paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total takine of the Property.. [he proceeds ehail he applied to the rums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excccs: if any, paid rn Borrower to the event of a partial t:rkine of the Prapem•. unless Hnrmwer and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applicci to the ~um< secured by ihic Mortgage such prnpartinn of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the some sectrreri by =,his anneage immcdiarely prior to the, date of
<br />taking hears m the fay market ra{ue of ti?e f'rnperte immediaiclr prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Harrower.
<br />If the Propcm• is abandoned he Harrower, nr if. after nosier he 1 ender to Borrower that the eandemnar affen Sa make
<br />an award or <ettle a claim fee damages. Harrower fails its re<}xtnd na Lender wirhin 3(} days after the date such notice is
<br />matkd. [xnder is authorized to ecrliect and apph~ the proceeds. at i codex's option, either to restoration nr repair of the
<br />Prapcrrv ,,r to the <ums ,ecured Fv !hr< ~.tnn¢aec
<br />Links Len+ie: and Harrower otherw;<c agree :n ,+ritine, anc <n~h app!icaticn, of proceeds to principal xhall not extend
<br />or postpone the due dare +if the mnnrhly installments referred tom paraeraphs t .rod ~ hereof ar change the amount of
<br /><trrh mstallmcnts.
<br />®. Botrowtr Not Rtkaaed. Extervnn ,'f the r:ruc ter payment s+r modification of ;rmnrtizahnn of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by [.ender r:, any urccessnr :n interest .:t Borrower shall urn operate ur release. in any manner.
<br />the liability of the original Harrower ,rod Hnrrower's succcssnrs :n inrerezt. Lender chat} eras he rcyuircd u, commence
<br />prttecedings against arch succcsu)r ~~r refux t+) cvtend nmr for navmcnr <:r nthrnvise ^icrdifv amortization of the sums
<br /><ecurtd by this Mottgagr by ressan ,~t .urv dcrnan.i made t,v the :~riCmai }}ormwar and Horrowcr's cucceszorc in interest.
<br />I1. P'orbeannee by Lender lot a Waicar. any furheartncc he }ender in esercisin¢ am' right nr remedy hereunder, or
<br />nthetwise :rffnrded by appticahh; taw. ,hail not !>E• .; •.yatcer of :u preclude the exercise of am such right or remedy.
<br />The praeurcment of insurance or the ,+atntrnt ~.,f r.aar< <,r :,nc~r liens nr change< by I ender <hall not he ;. waiver of T enckr•s
<br />right to aceclctatc the maturity ,•-f the ;ndch!cdnes~ •~. .!red he fhi•. 'ylonf;ace.
<br />i2. Re~ditc Cnmuiative. Ali remedies nrm riled :•r tor, :~iartgagc ^re dizrinct and unmdetivc to am• ether nght nr
<br />rrnxtJy antler [his 4iartgage nr afforded by taw ,~r eyu~r, =nit tna.~'.+r caeri~.csi conenrn=ntK, inde{~endendv or succc<sively.
<br />13. Stscaresora ant Auipnb Bound; lointrnd titarral Liability; t'aptiom. the .ovcnantz and agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind. and the rights hereunder <hall tour.. ,:, ''~c r•~<!,r<ttvc -Bocce«ors and as<ikns ,,f !ender and Harrower.
<br />subject to rhr provisions nl paragraph '' hercoi \ik cuven.urt< : n.f ,,2rcrmrau :d &xrower shat( hr joust and several.
<br />T7te :options and headtnga of the paragraph. .,r rhi< 4Lutgi};< .tic '„r :a•reremenre only sod arc not h) ix used to
<br />interpret ar define the pn: vrsiertY rrerevf.
<br />14. Notke. Bx Ypt for :tn1° nonce :eNUired ,toiler .,pplic.:iue t,;s r„ he raven tit another manner. (at any nulice to
<br />Ilorrauer provided for nt this ~tnrtgaftr chaii i,z ,;nca !., m.uiun• - o,h n,+r:cc ~s urufled mad .:ddre<srd h, Borrower at
<br />the Property Addre~< or .tt <u.h :rt her .:ddre" .:, [i,an„<r~ , ..+, ,:«,en,uy by ...,ttcr ns 1 ender ac pnsvidcd hcreitt, anJ
<br />fh} any nu[tee tc. Lcndcr shalS fie >tscn t?s .rrirtirct ;°.., . rs..r r, ,. <rr:flr rty tiers°u. *+ i cnJei, .rd+5rc<c stared herein nr fa
<br />such :+thrr address- as i_cnder root -tr igt+are ~ .-at.rrj , N+.r..-- ,-..i.' -,e 4r:t .-i°-c- }~rnvided for ;n this
<br />Mortgage shall tkt dexmed to have bleu ttieu .:+ lio:t,.we-r .:r t rr,dr; -hen g.,rn in the r;)annnrr designared herein.
<br />i3. Uniform Mort}taat; Gorertring Law: ±ftvera6ilita. Ihr~ ! nr +~t rnorigagr <„tnhinrs unrfurm r.!vrnant< for national
<br />use and nur)~tmitorm koxrnatirs •,+: irh iimire:i '•,rr-..t:..t.. rv .,.._.. t.: c,.:rrittutc a .,+t:l urns set unt<- incinrniznt coy~ring
<br />rxal Propert\. Tl1iY \IarLpuge s11alt },e n,?t ~+t t • .:.r- + t.,l::+ ,p, ~ =~t;y t. .F:~ }rra}~rrt` :. (:kited- }:t t}st'
<br />event that arry }:fa~asxrutt or saausr : { t'uz \turt ., . ~ , „ ... ., ,. +n.. ----•utt -:}+piiwh!c taw. ,u<h :onilici <itaii no[ :itfrct
<br />oti:t{ pr.+st~ortt -t{ :Ili, ~I •€tgt.F~c -.., F`°:r `~,- -__, .- _.. -,,. _- -..,.- r-, :~.e ~:--uiesting pri*vt<xxt. :and ts. this
<br />crest il?x ^tri?<iricnz .•t ?ho: '~Sc.rsga~ ~.~i .hz- '~, .z .. _ .,. .. _z... ,~.r.~
<br />li. lbrrower's Copy. Botrowei ~hc+h hr, inrm<ne.f .: .: nr•ynFCJ .,•i,a s„t the \utc „n,! rt !hs. 41ortgngc at ihn note
<br />:>t eXCt: trtli4l nr after tei.a!"daiHHi itCtec,t
<br />17. 'Trwrfet of the Preperty::lswsnption. it ail ,v .c:~< i'„r , t !hr Pnrptnt ,~r an meerr<t thrrcm i< u,ld or transferred
<br />by Borrower without Lender's poor wnuen ,oa.c nt. c<Judm-r ..,, !hr .n;aut>n s:! a hru ur cn<un)brancc auk>t)ntinatr in
<br />this Marigagt, (hi the .nation of a punhaa; niunry ,«u:a< :nicrest !,a h„u<ehufd appimnrrs r.l a tramtrr by devise.
<br />elcxent or by operation nt taw u~ut ihr .loth o} ., .,not tenant .n ,.;• !hr grout i,i :u,s leasehold interest of throe scsr< or les<
<br />+wt rontsimng :m option n, t+un base. I s;o.4r :=.ras. ~.a 1 ender', ,~}a;siu. de~iare all !hc ,tuns ae~utrd by thss ~A>rtgagr to 6e
<br />:nut)ed:atriy due nr:d Papabk. Lender ;boil hu,c ,s ancJ +.,,h , pion ~„ a:xlecuc if. prtnr n. rhr talc ur transfer. t ender
<br />and rhr }xrx,n tU wbuu) 'he Property i. ;., t+v ,o;.a ,~r tiar,<;<•r.e,t r:•.,.h atttrrnxnt :n writing chat rhr credit of <uch }wrwn
<br />!s sytisfaifot) w LrnJer and [hut the interest pa<ahic .,p uu -an;~ ve.tucd ha th!< \Lrrtkugc ;hall he at such racy` u< I_rndrt
<br />xhafi rxyurst If I ender has waiycJ the ,•paun !, s...ckrs~c pi u,~ded tit !hi, paragrupit !7 .uul it Born+wrt'< suvcrssu[ nt
<br />+ntttcai ha<exrculed a wnttrn arsuinpuan agrccrarnt ar.eptcd m •.,nuug by 1 codes. I Coder shall tetra<r Hon.,wct froth rill
<br />sd+ltgrtr<ats undo this +r+lartgayr attd Fhr :y;.ric.
<br />Ef Le•sder c~ar;cses sukh ophau to 3CCrktstc. t Cn.;rr .colt root} Harrower uuh<e of ; ccclrrauim tit stccs,rdance with
<br />{,;uayraph ;i ixr~t ti~h rtotier :hat} pruvtde a penc,d of rnir Ica than =Q day< from sire dote {he notice i< ruailed withw
<br />which Baattowrt ntay poi rhr stimx do tared due (i Rurri:wee f.aly :, h..) <,s<h ,,:ors pout n, six repiruuou of such }?ertod,
<br />t.ruder map, wdhcut Yurlhcr notice or drmanaJ s.n t}euaacr. ,~..c,ke an} :=uxdie. petunur.l by t,,r..tgruph !,v itercuL
<br />'ti ~-L:.+rt-tsa+! (`ovb~.« ts. Hzsrr.aKCr ar+,i I r,e.i~r ; t -ha-.[ „= 4 `:it .,;w . ar-c .s. ;:+ii,,w-.
<br />t8. AcYr;ltfafitrn; kamedNrs. 1:Jreepf as prnsititd in paragraph 1 t hereof, opus BUrrnN Nt'f brraci) of aai cuvrnanl nt
<br />r~i#tAtM Cif Nwrvwtr in ttrbr Wort~r. iactgditgt rhr coo eaanis tun poi ++htu due out .eau steurtd 6t fhi- ~Itxtyla@t.
<br /> pa}at to accsktatbn shstl snail twticx to ltarrovvrr as ptuaidxd in laara~ra@h 1~ harxot sprcifyitrg; #t) site breach:
<br />tYl N!e tertian rr{whtd to cart Bach lutmcht a dale, nut Irsa than 30 dais truth tM drte the nu#ist i+ nwiled to &)rrowrr.
<br />S3 rdsit:ia rsKb+ hasxla enact hst t ute$ and #1} that tai{urt to ivrt such breach nn ur haloes tht datr .paciiitd ht fhi trotH r
<br />tW~ - is xeekstetloa of 1Re surest uxurrd si fhi.: ~lurtgatte, trxtchlsutr bi jtnticiai pnx~rtding and Xale of the Propestq.
<br />iDt agtitt aM6 fnttitet iafsum Botruwtx u{ thx right to rcinstalt alter ascetrratbn and Its right to rt+strt in Ihr tmrclttaurr
<br />Nreratdirq tit nua-taclttiturr u{ r tialaul# w ant ufhtr dtfenar of Borruw,rr to a.-.~rtttalion acu! trsrrctraure. tt the hrrych
<br />6 Wit etsted uo ter btforr tht tiWt speailitd in ihr notice, i attdrr at Lts)dtr's opth.n ntai dtslarr all of ttw zusrts steruxsl by
<br />tiib N to tit Iwmrdkttit dot and pavabk without turtitrr rtanusnd and sort fsursk)st ht judiriai prtterrdirgi. ! codes
<br />6€ atet~rd W iniitsi in snrL pcnrteding ~ tsptears o!l fsarrriers-ure, indttrling. hsr Waal titrttttd t.., e.~ <;f dueuwratttri
<br />E '.#iiii4~a wlrriti:~ct~a araa~ stets rEgc)itie.
<br />~''~ ~fr~YtF9 ~4~~ to 1~t>~att. 'tip!~rt}r<t„r,,3,;)g uncle;-: .eicr aF;r<; - ~.,tm. ~:. nerd t, i`<s, At,y 4gsrrc_
<br />