Farm 8f38 A
<br />$~.--UU431 r '~iaRTGAGE
<br />a~so~-1-18
<br />TFIiS MORTGAGE is made this.........21t~)? ............. .
<br />.day of.AUB.~t .....
<br />I4.~~-., betttreen the ,u[urtgagur,. G~ep. L._ Sy~~~yr~n, ar}d,Knren, D., ,Sulligan~_ husband. and wife, -jointly
<br />nerd-each -i.a •tl~tr. Asn-.rig)tt.......... (hereto "Borrower"i, and the Mortgagee,. F~.s.T .k'8A8RAL .... .
<br />...SAVINiGS ~iD.I.O3A1+i .9SS4CIAT.TAN .QF. LINGQT.N ................. a corporation organized and existing
<br />under tbe taws of..gtie. Stat;~ .Q~ . Nebraska .................whose address is. 13th .fit .H . StF~€.t.~ .... .
<br />...~oeoJ.n,..~Jebraa3ca ...b8508 ........................................therein '`Lender").
<br />WHEREAS, Borrower is indebted io Lender in the principal sum of .. Fit ty. 5ix Thousand Saven Hundred and
<br />................
<br />OQl.~~10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,f~##ars.whichindebtednrssisevidencedbvBorrower'snote
<br />dated.... August .2v,..~...~Sl....... (herein "Nate" ), providing for monthly irstaltments of pprincipal and interest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not srxmer paid, due and payable on. ~eptember_ 1, ,20.11... , , .. , , ,
<br />To SECURE to Lender (a) the repayment of the. 6ndebtcdness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of ail other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect t#te security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the co~tnants ancf agrecmems of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of any future advances, with inters t thereon. made ur Born3wer by i_rnder pursuant to paragraph 2t hereof (herein
<br />"Furore Advances"), Borrower da's hereby mortgage. grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />located in the County of..:.......Hall, .., State of Nebrasla:
<br />.......................
<br />Lot i'hirteen ;1;), 4Jestern ?ieights :'econd Subdivision,
<br />Ha1Z County, ivebrasxs.
<br />4216 LMriat CQµrt Grand .Island
<br />whir:h has the address of ..... . .................... . . .. ...... .. . . . .... ............. ,
<br />tsrnwu tatyt
<br />~~~fta ........dal... {hrsrein "Pr£3pcrty Address`"):
<br />SSYtAC aa£i a.r+ccikf
<br />1't£HSTtiax with aft the ittapravemetris nay. nr hen:aftEr ererte£1 sin the prof~rty, and all easements, rights,
<br />appurtenaru;~, rcrt6+, roya#tie~, miutrai, oil and gun rights and profits, water, water righ*.s, and water stcxk, and aR
<br />fixturv~c ncrsv-or hereafter ntzardt€d to tf3e prrtPrrty. alt ref which. irtcltuiing rcplas:cnr£:nts and additif`ars ttreretu,- shal# he
<br />deessed to be and remain s port ref the property covered b} this Mottgagi; a3uf a#f c,f the #urcgr3ing, togrihcr with said
<br />projazrtyr ! or i~ feaseheafd estate if this Mortgi£gc is r?n a Icuscho#d) are hercirr refereed to as the "Propettp".
<br />Ber37vwcr crtzvv>w.trat3t,t that Borrvvrer is tawfuily ~tctud of the estate hezaby cc,rrtr}rd and has the r-igtrt tc5 mortgage.
<br />}`rant dtx! i~rsetvcg the Prrzpsttr, that the Prc3pcrr} is uns;ncssnrhezrd, and char 3orrraHer will svarraut and deirnd
<br />i-,~-ra:i3i #tr~ riat~ #rt €:~ ~`r.:#t~, ugs£rkf +:il Cfa£rrts ar~tf drtr~airt~. Sub~£ r=r afiy declarai3trrts, ;-r3rnts err [~srf3et3tns
<br />9li,tvsi ire a xiacdatti 3st erteef3tiotrs ir3 ::rsn°vzagt; in any Tt##: f3ta:3ran.~ pie##c~° irr.wt3ring # cncic:r ~ interest in the fn3perty.
<br />~• ~ ~c a ra,~,;, 5 r*~.-.rrM,yt,rfillAt tNftt #MR-ttYlA~Mi
<br />