<br />81-~-UU4~15
<br />This mortga~ made artd entered irrto this ~~st day of August . 1981 ,
<br />19~, by artd between Skate island, Irrc.
<br />{hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial Natiourat Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referretito as
<br />moetga~e), who maintains an office and place of business at 424 west Third street in Grand Island,
<br />Hal! Ctrtmty, Nebraska.
<br />4V~, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />lowing descn'bed property situated and being in the County of ball
<br />State of Nebraska. A tract of land located in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(N1i4NFdrr1 of Section Twelve Q2j, in Township Eleven Ql), North, Range Ten (lOj West of
<br />the 6th P.M., more particnlarly described as folloars: Cotmmencing at a point 428 feet South
<br />of the Northeast corner of said Sectitin 12t thence South on the East line of Said NEttNEts,
<br />a distance of 328 feet; thence westerly and parallel to the North line of said NE§NEts a
<br />distance of 418 feet; thence Northerly and parallel to the East line of said NEtiNE$ a
<br />distance of 328 feet; thence Easterly and parallel to the North line of said NE~NEr:t a
<br />distance of 418 feet to the point of F~eginning and containing 3.14 acres, more or less,
<br />of which 0.25 acre more or less is county road right-of-way,
<br />and
<br />A tract of land located iaa the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEriNE~) of
<br />Section Twelve C12j., in Township Eleven (11 ). North, Range Ten (101 West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point 756 feet South of the
<br />Northeast corner of said Section 12; tttence South on the East line of Said NEYNEti a dis-
<br />tance of 418 feet; thence Northerly and parallel to the East line of said NEra NE§ a
<br />distance of 90 feet; thence Easterly and parallel to the No~i line of said NEri NE3t a
<br />distance of 418 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />together with ail the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonging, art the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />rights, roy~tities, mineral; oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, arrti ittciuding
<br />ap headt~, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, equiprnent and all Ctxtures of every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter attached tltfreto m used in connection with tlx premises herein described and in addition
<br />thercw the fallowing described properties which are and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the seCttrity far the indebtedtitss herein stated. (If none, state "none")
<br />TO-have audio Itokl the-same unto the Martgatgee, as herein provided:
<br />The rtrortgagor is lawfully seized arrd possessed of and has the right to seU and convey said property; that the
<br />same is Free from all encumbrances except as hereinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defen0 the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />This inetrutuent is given to escort the payment of a promissory note ted~_ Auelust _ 1981
<br />in rho principal sum oC S80,QOt],00_ _ , signed by,~.,.~!„__
<br />in behalf of Skate Zsiand, Fnc,
<br />also, as such note or notes may from time to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />lit the svmtt the tltk to said real colors is transferred, or coturacted to br transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />rsttson of by any method whatstrevu, the entire principal sum aad accrued interest shalt at once become due and
<br />p~l-yabk ai lire elaction of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this ppton because of transfer of title as above stated
<br />in ot~ Itutancc shs31 not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />Z, The taort~agor covettatus and agta~s as fol4ows:
<br />a" To promptly pay the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory nett at the tintrs and in the manttee
<br />ttt~eitt provid~l.
<br />b, To pay alf taxes, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or mdtticipak charges, fines, or
<br />itttptlritians, for which ptavision has not been made hereinbefore, and will pramptiy deliver the official rec:rtpts
<br />ttrcrefor to the said moetgagec.
<br />c. 1`o pay such. cxpcs and fees as Wray be incurred in the pratectien end tttaint€nanct ~=f ±:sid ;±roprrt~,
<br />litcittdiio~ the foes of any attorney employed by the mortgages far~ ~t~#he sal)es-tion rrf any or ai! c-f the irtctrbtert!trs
<br />~r$liy ai."t:r€d, ar fat~lasur° by martga~2's flu, G,T Ec"~ttr# 'F•raCCTltr7i~S, :~r Xti afi} r,f her Iiiigltll)n l1* ~r C`Ceti'4i111j;
<br />afferttng said property.
<br />