Ar~E - i) t ~ ~ {3 0'r
<br />V-_~ MORTGAGE LOAN Nt?. L23987 _
<br />BtdOM ALL tAEN SY THESE pRF3ENTS~ That Patrick L. Fitzgerald and Rita A. Fitzgerald, each in
<br />his atx3 her own right and as spouse of each other, Mort~tg<x, whether one or tttore, in cotttadentioo of the strm of
<br />F~ thousand Five Ht,tv?rr~c7 and no/10^-- -
<br />-------. ^= ooLLARs
<br />located to taFd rnortpgpr by Tire Egtdtable Wadding and Loan Aaacittion of Grand laiutd, Nebr~ca, )aortgargee, upon 475 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCtAT70N, Certilirate No. L 23987 , alo hereby grant. cotttay and rtttxtga®e tttrto the said ASSOCIA770N qu foBowing
<br />dt~ed real estats, sitmtad in Ffal1 County, Nebradta:
<br />Lot Aline (9) , Block 'Pwa (2) , in Colonial
<br />Estates Subdivision, City of Grand Ssland,
<br />Nebraska
<br />together with ail t}x tenements, herealitamenta and appurtenances thereunto t+ebngirtg, including attar3ud floor wmrrtga, aB vrindoaa ».
<br />tairtdnw shades, Blinds. storm windows, aaaatrtga, heating. air cotditionir~, aed pltrmbitrg and water egrtipment and araat}noaies thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refri®etaton, and other ttxttues and equipment rtow or F~reafter attadxd to or uusi in cunrxctiaa with said teat estate,
<br />Attd whereas the said rrto,ctgagor Fns agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor scull and win pay al! lase ttrd aaata~ea[a levied or
<br />aassaerl apart said perroses sad upon this mxtgsge and the bold scarred thereby be&rre the same shag become delingrreat; to fttrttiah approved
<br />irtatna,ret upon the bttildirtga Op said pramsvos scooted in the sum of S 47, 500. QQ payable to said AS.SOCIATifNI and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOClATItXrI the polities for said imwarxc: arni hat to wmmit ur permia any warts rrn yr about said premises,
<br />In case crf defaai[ in the perfaxttunce a,f aay of alit team and conditirms of the rrtarttgage ur the bond secured hereby, the rrtortgappe ahdl,
<br />am dangtnt, be entitled to iauned'uie prssmosswn of the murtgat':erf premises r,rtd the ;twrtgagur hcrr$Y astipes, trard'm and sets over to the
<br />mortgagee all tiro rents. revenues scot rtuotare tube aknved (rant the ntaxigaged premrxa during srrt3t tune as the murtgtt~e iadebtsdnass stuB remaYt
<br />tagtstd: and [he rrortgagr:c rhaB Rave the power to appoint any agent or agenu it nay dcsoe for the ptupwe of tepttiriog aid ptamian ant) reMie~
<br />the tune and a,liegittg the rests. revenues and insatrre, std it ary PY nut of sad rrrWme aU eapensw of repairing trod premnaa and escasusy
<br />and eapertrea tocurred in renting std mawgirgt the same and of :xrikstirtg re»tals therefrom: the btt4rtee artriaipg, tf any. to 6e
<br />applied towutF the dischsrgc of said mur[g~ iotkhtceinen; tFtese rights of the mt>rtgagrx may be emrr:ised st aay time dosing the saaitanoe of lush
<br />sail, irreslteetive of any tetaporary aratver of the same.
<br />7ltess Prescrtts, ha,vvovor, are uPrrr! the Cundiix~n,-that rfi the ud Ma,rtgagur steal[ repay .aid Gwn vn ar before the trutwity of said sharp by
<br />peyttuni; WY tronthfy to said ASS()('IA7`I()N of the taco specified rn the Bond aesu,af hereby as Fntcrsat and prinape4 on said ban, on of befiae
<br />the Twentieth day of each std every na,nth, until std iwa is (oily paid; pay ali taxes and asaesatueats kried agaigttt said pamiaea std as this Mottgrtge
<br />arq! the f-oasl ar;a:ared theetyr, before afeFipgtteru°y;(urnish appruv~ iaswaaee upaa the buildertsy [herawt itt the calm of S 97, $QQ. QQ payable
<br />to aid AS~iATlt~;: repay to raid A~IAT'lCSN trput; derraad sic rarirrcy by it paid Cot sack tamp, asespaen[s and ituurttnce vri[h bterpl at
<br />the maxitrtura legal race therewt from date au wvntcnt ail of whxh Muttaagor hereby agrrgea to psY; permit ao waste ttn aid preutisea,keep and i`#
<br />with all the agreemitats and .~ead~tieru of the Gana! for S 97, SQQ. QQ the day gi,~rr by the atilt ~ -to-raid A}AFIOPF. a¢tt mtnpEy
<br />atith all the requitsmsatsmr the CotWitwtwt e~ By.i.Jwsof acrd ASSO(:lATIf)fi: ttrew [fuse presents shall beaxrme Hall and void, othawiae they
<br />sftall rertwitt iu fidl fortx sad troy lx faaeebaed at rho opti[m of the said AS'aOCtATI(iN after failwe for three tatsntlu W tsuka aay of aid
<br />paymarts or Be thtcc ttttrtuhs in arrears in roakirtg said rtronthiy paytmnts, rn to keep slut txrmply with elp agreements and aorditiotu of slid Bold;
<br />sad kiarlgttgor agrees to hxvs a receive appointed fruthwith in such CorecJaaure ptoteedirtgt.
<br />!f there u any chatrga is oterteship of lbe tad estate mrutgryad Itaeiu, by rode w +ribawisa, than the entice temaioirtg iudebtedags beaoby
<br />aecuted shag, at the cgttitw nt Ttre Eilttitabk sad Loan Aamriatioa of Grand Island, Nebratdu, beeoeae 6omtediately due and prya6k srithtsut
<br />further taaiec, and the almost retruitrtrg dote r :lid board. and any athtr bond for any additwraal adwoas tttada thruerttdu, sbA11, from flit
<br />date rat cxerrae attaeid ben intoxa:st at the maximum legal rate, and this ttror[gage imy then be faausktaed W aatify the atuawtt due era trod
<br />Goad, sad soy aches &u additii:na4 advaases, together whit aB awns paid by aid The Egvittdrle Btriitting sad loaa Aaaciatiwt d Grand IaMnd,
<br />hkbtaaka far irtpuanue, texas and asaeumenu, a~ abstracting oateasion t~arga, with interest thttreo[t, from date of payment at the maapattm
<br />~ gale.
<br />As ptoritkd iu the lbod secwed txreby. while this tnortgag~e retaains to ef7ect the mwtgagx troy hereafter advaaae additiooa! soap W fire
<br />makers o said Bund, their assigns ur sucrxssurs in inurr:sl, which aliens shall he wuhin the security of this traatgaje the same as flu ftmda o~Y
<br />tecwed theroby, the !olal atinuat of principal debt [tat to enured at any Limo the ortginsl anwunt of this mortgage.
<br />Oatod chit 218 day of August A. D., Iv81
<br />~~~~~~"
<br />- -
<br />R to A. FitzgezEfl
<br />STATt> t1F hSFWiRA5iCA, ~ ~ fin this 21st day of August I q 81 , before me,
<br />i'C)Sfbtl'Y f1t^ llvl.i.
<br />Pat~i~-,$, L. Fitxgetai.d and Rita A. Fitt ~ u°~rsyptHt, a Nobly Public in amt fur said Carunty, petaaully same
<br />geralda each itt his afsd [ter own right and as
<br />of ~ other '~? dX't3 ' penonaBlr k~aowa~ta
<br />eaa to be the Fdcatita! perxsn S wtntat nartse S are afCrtted to flu above uW rtttrterH as trrrxtgag,u S and ~'Y teveratty
<br />adtnawfedgw! flu sod irratrtuaurt ig Be theix votuntuy art and deerd. _°
<br />ti4I7dk~ ie7 Band sad H.Ntriw! :RaaF tFte data stotesaid,
<br />'~a.ry A~^ ... -
<br />tstaay sW
<br />~~~~~{~
<br />