' $1-s~Ci430~
<br />(b} To use the loan evidenced ley the Hate solely for purposes anthorixrd by the Government.
<br />` {7} Ta pay when due all taxes, urns, judgments, encumbances. xnd assessments lawfully attuhing to oz assessed
<br />against the property, including all charges and asxssments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock pertaining
<br />to or reasonably rtecesaary to the use of the real progeny described above, and all cases and assessments levied upon this
<br />mtsttgagt or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the note or of amd in-
<br />debtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing such
<br />payments.
<br />{8) To keep the property inwnd as required by and under inatrance policies approved by the Government and, at
<br />its request, to deliver such policies to the Government.
<br />(9} To maintain urt ements in good repair and make repairs required by the Government; operate the prupaty
<br />yr a good and husbandmanl&e manner; compEy with wch fain conservation practices and farm and home management plans
<br />ss the Government from timt to time may prescribe; and not ro abandon chc property, or caux or pam[t waste, lessening or
<br />impairment aF the security covered hereby, or, without the written consent of the Government, cut.:emove, or lease any
<br />timber, gravel, oU, gas, coal, or other minerals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes.
<br />{10} To comply with au laws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />(l 1} To pap or reimburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection of the lien
<br />and priority hereof and to the enforcement of or the compliance with the provisions hereof and of the note and any wpple-
<br />tnonwry agteernent (whether before or after default), including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />the property, costs of recording this and ocher insauments, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of adver-
<br />tising, selling and conveying the property.
<br />{12) Neither the property nor any porti,7n thereof or interest therein shall be leaxd, assigned, sold, transferred, or
<br />encumbered voluntarily or otherrviu, without the written consent of the Government. T'he Government shall have the sole
<br />and exclusive rights as mortgagee hereunder, including but not limited ro the power to grant consents, partial releases, wb-
<br />ordinations, and satisfaction, and no inwred holder shall have any rights, title or interest in or to the hen or any benefits
<br />hereof.
<br />€ (13) At all reawnabk times Lire Govertunent and its agents may inspect the property to ascertain whether the cov-
<br />errants sad agraemenea contained herein ur in any wpplementary agreement are being performed.
<br />i (14) The Government may a) extend <x defer the maturity nf, and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt
<br />g evidence by the note or an}• indebtedness to the Government secured by this instrument, (b} release any eery who is
<br />( liab4 under the nou or far the debt from (ubilin to the Government, ie) release portions of the property and suborr}inate
<br />its l~r., sad 'd) -slue say other of its ;~::ts urda ;his ~:scumrnt. Any and ad this can and will be done wtthout affecting
<br />the lien or €he priority of this instrument nr Borrower's or any .)thee party's liability cu the Uuvernrrunt for payment of the
<br />_ Hate or debt secured {~y this instrument unless the t;uvernmens says otherwise in writing. HOWEVER, any forbeuance by
<br />rho Goy~nment-whether once ur often-in excreisirLg any right rx remedy under this instrument, ar otherwise afforded by
<br />applicable law, shall not 6e a waiver of or preclude the cxercix of any such right or remedy.
<br />(t 5) tf at any time it s}ull appeu to the Government that Borrower may he able to obtain a loan from a production
<br />credit asaoeiation, a Federal land bank, ur other responsible cooperative or priraee credit source, at reasonable rates and teems
<br />for loans for simile purposes and periods of tune, Harrower will, upon the t:uvernntcne's reyuest, apply fur and accept such
<br />ban in wfficient amount to {ray the note anal any indebtedness secure) hereby anJ to pay For any stock trecessaty to be
<br />pun:hasod in a cooperative Ien tteg aKcr€ry in suun<ctiau with auc}t loser.
<br />_ lti) Ueiault herrunciet shaft cunsututc default under any other real estate, ur under any personal property ur other,
<br />security iustrurnrnt held or insure) by the (.:uvrroarent anJ rsrattad ~.r aswnred by Borrower, ar>J default under any such
<br />other stcurity instrument shall constitute drlault hereunder.
<br />'[7` S[?Oltt.[3 !?EFALtL"C <,<sur in the prc(xutarrce or disthuge of any oblation m thisutstrumrnt or secLrrrd by
<br />this instrumeot, or should the )+arttes none) as Etorruwer die nr Ex aieaareJ an incompetent, of should any one of the puties
<br />t>anscd as [isxrs)sau be dcslasrd < E>aLr[trupt..u aa. srt~~Evrnt ~,t mai:r an assrysnnrrnt s:.r the E+rnriit ui errditexs, the t:uretn=
<br />mcnt, at its option, with car wtthuut notice, rnay: q-a clrtlarr the rmue amuwrs unp.iJ uruirt the uutc arrJ any itrdcbtea[ntss
<br />- to the (:overnnxnt hereby rocureJ utunrdiatrly der anJ payable, ,b for the assuune of [S€xruwcr uu:ur and pay reasunabk
<br />txpensns fat repair ur nraintruatrsr ui and rate [wssessLUU ;f. >peratr a,r erne the pruprrtp, • ~ upon appiiration by it and
<br />_ production of thix inatrurtsen€, with..u€ ~,€ha eridcnse anJ with, x rc,tirr r,f #rea€ittg of }aid app[icatian, have a re[eiver
<br />appairstad far the erupt,-ty, with the usual p.v:ers s*f rrzeiv£rs m :ike rases. '.d t~.trs.,usr tris instruntct;t as _~rovidrd herein
<br />Ot 1sY law. anti fe} CntatGY ariY snit 31: :>thrt tqa ctrl 3£ii[ fCtrtE creel ptuvrtted (iree to Ur E)v prC#n€ tf€ €+/€urC caw.
<br />"[8 Tice pra+:etae_ :~>i fore_~ss~re ssst 'su app's:;.d in rite :asl:~a~~ .x-wr t ttt p.y;r a ev.3ta .ru tzp~;,,zs
<br />- irLC>d~nt Ln rnfprr ink s c i`?m>'ly+~ with tl;€ --;its+tts tercet, ; b; asx} p€ I~ss.€~.{at€~d !ry last/ u- a c tsn€ ccws€ €a [><
<br />sa paid, (c) the debt tytdCRCed by ChC nun auJ all mtkbtetlnru w the (rorcrnrrunt seiurod hereby,~inferior liens of
<br />record xrs~uired by law or a competent court to be w paid, .,`r) at the Govrrnnrent's option, any ochre intlebtednru ul Btu
<br />rowtr awtttg to ar insured by the Government, :nd (f) any balance to Burwwcr. At foreclosure ur other sale of al! ar any
<br />part of the properly, the Government and its agents may bid and punltax as,a stranger and may pay the Govcrnrnent's shut
<br />of the pwc ass poet by crediting such amoune are any debts of Borruwa uwin}{ to ur utauerd by cite C;avctnnrent, ur the
<br />order prescribed above,
<br />{[9) tkrrrowrr xgrtes that the Govertutunt will rwt be bound by auv present ur futucc Sartz law, ;a) fuovidisrg tut
<br />vahaaifo», apptaisrl, homestead or rxemptivn of the pr~p~t~y, ibi prahibitutg mainreaaatce of an action Eor a drftc~ru}'
<br />judgment or litniti~ the ytttuunt t}trreuf ar lire rimy wuhLn which such utian roust be brought, (.) preatribing any uthex
<br />statute of linLkatwns, (d} allowitrt{ any righ[ of rrdemptian ur possession fullowie~ any torcclasu:c sale, or (el limiting the
<br />conditions which t}te Governtnrrtt rosy y regulation impose, including the iutrrest rate it rosy charge, as a condittnn of
<br />approving a transfer of the property to a new Aurruwer. tiunuwu expressly waives the benefit .,f any Bush State laws.
<br />
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